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Old 1st February 2013, 16:21
x360zone's Avatar
x360zone x360zone is offline
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United Kingdom
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roght what happens with a free host they stop you from using the prcesses in your case you probably did something wrong or the resources where over used on your case free hosting is setup with about 8-16mb ram where as paid hosting is say 64mb upwards
on free hosting once you do this ur usually fluffed with them,
last thing what ever you did just replace the original files
so if you edited the default theme replace if if you altered the database you should have backed up first lol
reload the site again

7.5 tsse
future tracker source & hosting, vps
trackers installs + Themes testing zone
offshore vps & cpanel hosting & Shoutcast & VPN
STOP cyberbullying
any setups tracker installs vps hosting vps setups themes mods hit me up
over the last three months ive become a snake breeder,pythons,hogs,boa,corn,rat,king,carpet and what joy it is

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Old 1st February 2013, 19:08
antibiotic1 antibiotic1 is offline
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Join Date: Dec 2012
Posts: 40
how to add utorrent 3.2.3 build 38705 to Allowed Clients. I know it is on annuonce settings but will it be -UT323- or something else?

edit: i found the answer, so can anyone post his list of allowed clients?
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Old 21st February 2013, 15:35
eckeO5 eckeO5 is offline
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Posts: 117
Default need help

hi i have noticed these days following:

on root runnning TSSE v 5.6 decoded, this version here i mean,

are always entries in the file user.log like this one f.e.:

Feb 20 18:09:00 rootname suhosin[14874]: ALERT - script tried to disable memory_limit by setting it to a negative value -1 bytes which is not allowed (attacker 'ip adress', file '/var/www/rootfolder/include/functions_filelist.php', line 102)
Feb 21 14:16:44 rootname suhosin[6869]: ALERT - script tried to disable memory_limit by setting it to a negative value -503316480 bytes which is not allowed (attacker 'ip adress', file '/var/www/rootfolder/takeedit.php', line 276)
The most entrys are like this two ones:
Feb 21 14:17:18 rootname suhosin[6870]: ALERT - ASCII-NUL chars not allowed within request variables - dropped variable 'peer_id' (attacker '', file '/var/www/rootfolder/announce.php')
or this
Feb 21 14:18:30 rootname suhosin[6876]: ALERT - ASCII-NUL chars not allowed within request variables - dropped variable '?info_hash' (attacker '', file '/var/www/rootfolder/scrape.php')
which causes the more and more data is written to the file user.log

may be some1 does know why this happen or can help how to stop it???

by the way this are just 4 examples, there are thousands of new entrys in some hours!!!!!

greetz to all

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Old 10th March 2013, 12:11
melwyn's Avatar
melwyn melwyn is offline
Join Date: Feb 2013
Posts: 2
Smile Tracker sending invalid data <NULL>
When I try to seed or download torrents I get the following message

Tracker sending invalid data: <NULL>
The announce.php is as follows:
/*=========[TS Special Edition v.5.6]==========*/
/*=============[Special Thanks To]=============*/
/*        DrNet - wWw.SpecialCoders.CoM        */
/*          Vinson - wWw.Decode4u.CoM          */
/*    MrDecoder - wWw.Fearless-Releases.CoM    */
/*           Fynnon - wWw.BvList.CoM           */

  function checkconnect ($host, $port)
    global $checkconnectable;
    if ((!$checkconnectable OR $checkconnectable == 'no'))
      return 'yes';

    if ($fp = @fsockopen ($host, $port, $errno, $errstr, 5))
      fclose ($fp);
      return 'yes';

    return 'no';

  function stop ($msg)
    global $db;
    if ($db)
      mysql_close ($db);

    header ('Content-Type: text/plain');
    header ('Pragma: no-cache');
    exit ('d14:failure reason' . strlen ($msg) . ':' . $msg . 'e');

  function sqlesc ($value)
    if (get_magic_quotes_gpc ())
      $value = stripslashes ($value);

    if (!is_numeric ($value))
      $value = '\'' . mysql_real_escape_string ($value) . '\'';

    return $value;

  function send_action ($actionmessage, $resetpasskey = false)
    global $announce_actions;
    global $Tid;
    global $Result;
    global $ip;
    global $passkey;
    if ($announce_actions != 'yes')
      return null;

    @mysql_query ('INSERT DELAYED INTO announce_actions (torrentid, userid, ip, passkey, actionmessage, actiontime) VALUES (' . @implode (',', @array_map ('sqlesc', array ($Tid, $Result['userid'], $ip, $passkey, $actionmessage, $_SERVER['REQUEST_TIME']))) . ')');
    if ($resetpasskey)
      @mysql_query ('UPDATE users SET passkey = \'\' WHERE id = ' . @sqlesc ($Uid) . ' AND passkey = ' . @sqlesc ($passkey));


  error_reporting (E_ALL & ~E_NOTICE);
  set_magic_quotes_runtime (0);
  ini_set ('magic_quotes_sybase', 0);
  define ('IN_ANNOUNCE', true);
  define ('TSDIR', dirname (__FILE__));
  require TSDIR . '/include/config_announce.php';
  require TSDIR . '/include/languages/' . $defaultlanguage . '/announce.lang.php';
  $compact = (isset ($_GET['compact']) ? 0 + $_GET['compact'] : 0);
  $peer_id = (isset ($_GET['peer_id']) ? $_GET['peer_id'] : '');
  $port = (isset ($_GET['port']) ? 0 + $_GET['port'] : '');
  $event = (isset ($_GET['event']) ? $_GET['event'] : '');
  $downloaded = (isset ($_GET['downloaded']) ? 0 + $_GET['downloaded'] : '');
  $uploaded = (isset ($_GET['uploaded']) ? 0 + $_GET['uploaded'] : '');
  $left = (isset ($_GET['left']) ? 0 + $_GET['left'] : '');
  $numwant = min ((isset ($_GET['numwant']) ? 0 + $_GET['numwant'] : (isset ($_GET['num_want']) ? 0 + $_GET['num_want'] : (isset ($_GET['num want']) ? 0 + $_GET['num want'] : 50))), 50);
  $update_user = $update_torrent = $update_snatched = array ();
  if (strpos ($_GET['passkey'], '?'))
    $chop = $_GET['passkey'];
    $delim = '?';
    $half = strtok ($chop, $delim);
    $onehalf = array ();
    while (is_string ($half))
      if ($half)
        $onehalf[] = $half;

      $half = strtok ($delim);

    unset ($chop);
    unset ($delim);
    unset ($half);
    $_GET['passkey'] = $onehalf[0];
    $delim2 = '=';
    $hash = strtok ($onehalf[1], $delim2);
    $onehash = array ();
    while (is_string ($hash))
      if ($hash)
        $onehash[] = $hash;

      $hash = strtok ($delim2);

    $_GET['info_hash'] = $onehash[1];
    unset ($onehalf);
    unset ($delim2);
    unset ($hash);
    unset ($onehash);

  $passkey = (isset ($_GET['passkey']) ? $_GET['passkey'] : '');
  $info_hash = (isset ($_GET['info_hash']) ? $_GET['info_hash'] : '');
  if (get_magic_quotes_gpc ())
    $info_hash = stripslashes ($info_hash);
    $peer_id = stripslashes ($peer_id);

  if (((((strlen ($passkey) === 32 AND strlen ($info_hash) === 20) AND strlen ($peer_id) === 20) AND 0 < $port) AND $port < 65535))
    if (($passkey AND $passkey == 'tssespecialtorrentv1byxamsep2007'))
      stop ($l['registerfirst'] . $BASEURL . '/signup.php');
    stop ($l['error']);

  $ip = htmlspecialchars ($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']);
  $agent = htmlspecialchars ($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']);
  $seeder = ($left == 0 ? 'yes' : 'no');
  if (($db = @mysql_connect ($mysql_host, $mysql_user, $mysql_pass) AND $select = @mysql_select_db ($mysql_db, $db)))
    stop ($l['cerror']);

  ($Query = mysql_query ('
					SELECT as tid,, t.category, t.size, t.added, t.visible, t.banned,, t.silver, t.doubleupload,
           as userid, u.enabled, u.uploaded, u.downloaded, u.usergroup, u.birthday, u.ip,
					g.isbanned, g.candownload, g.canviewviptorrents, g.isvipgroup, g.canfreeleech, g.waitlimit, g.slotlimit, as isviptorrent
 					FROM torrents t
					INNER JOIN users u ON (u.passkey = ' . sqlesc ($passkey) . ')
					INNER JOIN usergroups g ON (u.usergroup = g.gid)
					LEFT JOIN categories c ON (
					WHERE (t.info_hash = ' . sqlesc ($info_hash) . ' OR t.info_hash = ' . sqlesc (preg_replace ('' . '/ *$/s', '', $info_hash)) . ')
					LIMIT 1') OR stop ($l['sqlerror'] . ' TU1'));
  if ((((!$Result = mysql_fetch_assoc ($Query) OR !$Tid = $Result['tid']) OR $Result['enabled'] != 'yes') OR !$Result['userid']))
    stop ($l['tuerror']);

  if (($checkip == 'yes' AND $Result['ip'] != $ip))
    stop ($l['invalidip']);

  if (($detectbrowsercheats == 'yes' AND ((isset ($_SERVER['HTTP_COOKIE']) AND isset ($_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE'])) AND isset ($_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT_CHARSET']))))
    send_action ('This user tried to cheat with a browser!', true);
    stop ($l['invalidagent']);

  if ($bannedclientdetect == 'yes')
    $Stop = false;
    if (((isset ($_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT']) AND 'text/html, */*' == $_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT']) OR ((isset ($_SERVER['HTTP_CONNECTION']) AND 'Close' == $_SERVER['HTTP_CONNECTION']) AND 'gzip, deflate' != $_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT_ENCODING'])))
      $Stop = true;
      if (((isset ($_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT']) AND $_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT'] == 'text/html, */*') AND $_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT_ENCODING'] == 'identity'))
        $Stop = true;
        $userclient = substr ($peer_id, 0, 8);
        $allowed_clients = explode (',', $allowed_clients);
        if (!in_array ($userclient, $allowed_clients))
          $Stop = true;

    if ($Stop === true)
      stop ($l['bannedclient']);

  $fields = 'peer_id, ip, port, uploaded, downloaded, seeder, last_action, (UNIX_TIMESTAMP() - UNIX_TIMESTAMP(last_action)) AS announcetime, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(prev_action) AS prevts, connectable, userid';
  unset ($self);
  $gp_eq = ($nc == 'yes' ? ' AND connectable = \'yes\'' : '');
  $wantseeds = ($seeder == 'yes' ? ' AND seeder = \'no\'' : '');
  if ($compact != 1)
    $resp = 'd8:intervali' . $announce_interval . ($privatetrackerpatch == 'yes' ? 'e7:privatei1' : '') . 'e5:peersl';
    $resp = 'd8:intervali' . $announce_interval . 'e5:peers';

  $peer = array ();
  $peer_num = 0;
  $query_peers = mysql_query ('SELECT ' . $fields . ' FROM peers WHERE torrent = ' . $Tid . $gp_eq . $wantseeds . ' ORDER BY last_action DESC LIMIT ' . $numwant);
  if ($compact != 1)
    while ($result_peers = mysql_fetch_assoc ($query_peers))
      if ($result_peers['userid'] === $Result['userid'])
        $self = $result_peers;

      $resp .= 'd2:ip' . strlen ($result_peers['ip']) . ':' . $result_peers['ip'] . '4:porti' . $result_peers['port'] . 'ee';

    $resp .= 'ee';
    while ($result_peers = mysql_fetch_assoc ($query_peers))
      $peer_ip = explode ('.', $result_peers['ip']);
      $peer_ip = pack ('C*', $peer_ip[0], $peer_ip[1], $peer_ip[2], $peer_ip[3]);
      $peer_port = pack ('n*', (int)$result_peers['port']);
      $time = intval (time () % 7680 / 60);
      if ($left == 0)
        $time += 128;

      $time = pack ('C', $time);
      $peer[] = $time . $peer_ip . $peer_port;

    $o = '';
    $i = 0;
    while ($i < $peer_num)
      $o .= substr ($peer[$i], 1, 6);

    $resp .= strlen ($o) . ':' . $o . 'e';
    unset ($peer);

  $selfwhere = 'torrent = ' . $Tid . ' AND userid = ' . $Result['userid'];
  if (!isset ($self))
    $Query = mysql_query ('SELECT ' . $fields . ' FROM peers WHERE ' . $selfwhere . ' LIMIT 1');
    if (mysql_num_rows ($Query))
      $self = mysql_fetch_assoc ($Query);

  if (((isset ($self) AND 0 < $announce_wait) AND $_SERVER['REQUEST_TIME'] - $announce_wait < $self['prevts']))
    stop ($l['antispam'] . $announce_wait);

  if (!isset ($self))
    if (($Result['canviewviptorrents'] != 'yes' AND $Result['isviptorrent'] == 'yes'))
      send_action ('This user tried to download a VIP torrent!', true);
      stop ($l['dlerror']);
      if ($Result['candownload'] != 'yes')
        stop ($l['dlerror']);

    if (($Result['isvipgroup'] != 'yes' AND ($waitsystem == 'yes' OR $maxdlsystem == 'yes')))
      $gigs = $Result['uploaded'] / (1024 * 1024 * 1024);
      $ratio = (0 < $Result['downloaded'] ? $Result['uploaded'] / $Result['downloaded'] : 0);
      if ($waitsystem == 'yes')
        $elapsed = floor (($_SERVER['REQUEST_TIME'] - strtotime ($Result['added'])) / 3600);
        if ($waitsystemtype == 1)
          if (($ratio < $ratio1 OR $gigs < $upload1))
            $wait = $delay1;
            if (($ratio < $ratio2 OR $gigs < $upload2))
              $wait = $delay2;
              if (($ratio < $ratio3 OR $gigs < $upload3))
                $wait = $delay3;
                if (($ratio < $ratio4 OR $gigs < $upload4))
                  $wait = $delay4;
                  $wait = 0;
          $wait = $Result['waitlimit'];

        if (($elapsed < $wait AND 0 < $wait))
          stop ($l['werror'] . ' (' . ($wait - $elapsed) . $l['hour'] . ')');

      if ($maxdlsystem == 'yes')
        if ($waitsystemtype == 1)
          if (($ratio < $ratio5 OR $gigs < $upload5))
            $max = $slot1;
            if (($ratio < $ratio6 OR $gigs < $upload6))
              $max = $slot2;
              if (($ratio < $ratio7 OR $gigs < $upload7))
                $max = $slot3;
                if (($ratio < $ratio8 OR $gigs < $upload8))
                  $max = $slot4;
                  $max = 0;
          $max = $Result['slotlimit'];

        if (0 < $max)
          ($res = @mysql_query ('SELECT userid FROM peers WHERE userid = \'' . $Result['userid'] . '\' AND seeder = \'no\' LIMIT 1') OR stop ($l['sqlerror'] . ' P1'));
          if ($max < mysql_num_rows ($res))
            stop ($l['merror'] . $max);
    require_once TSDIR . '/' . $cache . '/freeleech.php';
    $TIMENOW = date ('Y-m-d H:i:s');
    if (($__F_START < $TIMENOW AND $TIMENOW < $__F_END))
      switch ($__FLSTYPE)
        case 'freeleech':
          $Result['free'] = 'yes';
          $Result['canfreeleech'] = 'yes';

        case 'silverleech':
          $Result['silver'] = 'yes';

        case 'doubleupload':
          $Result['doubleupload'] = 'yes';

    unset ($__F_START);
    unset ($__F_END);
    unset ($__FLSTYPE);
    unset ($TIMENOW);
    if ((($bdayreward == 'yes' AND $bdayrewardtype) AND $Result['birthday']))
      $curuserbday = explode ('-', $Result['birthday']);
      if (date ('j-n') === $curuserbday[0] . '-' . $curuserbday[1])
        switch ($bdayrewardtype)
          case 'freeleech':
            $Result['free'] = 'yes';
            $Result['canfreeleech'] = 'yes';

          case 'silverleech':
            $Result['silver'] = 'yes';

          case 'doubleupload':
            $Result['doubleupload'] = 'yes';

    unset ($curuserbday);
    unset ($bdayreward);
    unset ($bdayrewardtype);
    $realupload = max (0, $uploaded - $self['uploaded']);
    $upthis = ($Result['doubleupload'] == 'yes' ? $realupload * 2 : $realupload);
    $downthis = max (0, $downloaded - $self['downloaded']);
    $upspeed = (0 < $realupload ? $realupload / $self['announcetime'] : 0);
    $downspeed = (0 < $downthis ? $downthis / $self['announcetime'] : 0);
    $announcetime = ($self['seeder'] == 'yes' ? 'seedtime = seedtime + \'' . $self['announcetime'] . '\'' : 'leechtime = leechtime + \'' . $self['announcetime'] . '\'');
    if ((0 < $upthis OR 0 < $downthis))
      if ((536870912 < $realupload AND $aggressivecheat == 'yes'))
        send_action ('There was no Leecher on this torrent however this user uploaded ' . $realupload . ' bytes, which might be a cheat attempt with a cheat software such as Ratio Maker, Ratio Faker etc..');

      $dled = ($Result['silver'] == 'yes' ? $downthis / 2 : $downthis);
      if (0 < $upthis)
        $update_user[] = 'uploaded = uploaded + \'' . $upthis . '\'';

      if (((0 < $dled AND $Result['free'] != 'yes') AND $Result['canfreeleech'] != 'yes'))
        $update_user[] = 'downloaded = downloaded + \'' . $dled . '\'';

    if ($max_rate < $upspeed)
      (mysql_query ('INSERT DELAYED INTO cheat_attempts (added, uid, agent, transfer_rate, beforeup, upthis, timediff, ip, torrentid) VALUES(NOW(), ' . $Result['userid'] . ', ' . sqlesc ($agent) . ', ' . sqlesc ($upspeed) . ', ' . sqlesc ($Result['uploaded']) . ', ' . sqlesc ($realupload) . ', ' . sqlesc ($self['announcetime']) . ', ' . sqlesc ($ip) . ', ' . sqlesc ($Tid) . ')') OR stop ($l['sqlerror'] . ' C1'));

  if ($event == 'stopped')
    if (isset ($self))
      if ($snatchmod == 'yes')
        mysql_query ('UPDATE snatched seeder = \'no\' WHERE torrentid = \'' . $Tid . '\' AND userid = \'' . $Result['userid'] . '\'');

      mysql_query ('DELETE FROM peers WHERE ' . $selfwhere);
      if (mysql_affected_rows ())
        $update_torrent[] = ($self['seeder'] == 'yes' ? 'seeders = IF(seeders > 0, seeders - 1, 0)' : 'leechers = IF(leechers > 0, leechers - 1, 0)');
    if ($event == 'completed')
      if ($snatchmod == 'yes')
        $update_snatched[] = 'finished = \'yes\'';
        $update_snatched[] = 'completedat = NOW()';

      $update_torrent[] = 'times_completed = times_completed + 1';

    if (isset ($self))
      $connectable = ($self['connectable'] == 'yes' ? 'yes' : checkconnect ($ip, $port));
      if ($snatchmod == 'yes')
        $update_snatched[] = '' . 'seeder = \'' . $seeder . '\'';
        $update_snatched[] = '' . 'connectable = \'' . $connectable . '\'';
        $update_snatched[] = 'last_action = NOW()';
        $update_snatched[] = '' . 'port = \'' . $port . '\'';
        $update_snatched[] = 'agent = ' . sqlesc ($agent);
        $update_snatched[] = $announcetime;
        if (0 < $upspeed)
          $update_snatched[] = '' . 'upspeed = \'' . $upspeed . '\'';

        if (0 < $downspeed)
          $update_snatched[] = '' . 'downspeed = \'' . $downspeed . '\'';

        $update_snatched[] = 'ip = ' . sqlesc ($ip);
        $update_snatched[] = '' . 'uploaded = uploaded + \'' . $realupload . '\'';
        $update_snatched[] = '' . 'downloaded = downloaded + \'' . $downthis . '\'';
        $update_snatched[] = '' . 'to_go = \'' . $left . '\'';

      mysql_query ('' . 'UPDATE peers SET uploaded = ' . $uploaded . ', downloaded = ' . $downloaded . ', to_go = ' . $left . ', last_action = NOW(), prev_action = \'' . $self['last_action'] . ('' . '\', seeder = \'' . $seeder . '\'') . (($seeder == 'yes' AND $self['seeder'] != $seeder) ? ', finishedat = ' . $_SERVER['REQUEST_TIME'] : '') . ('' . ' WHERE ' . $selfwhere));
      if ((mysql_affected_rows () AND $self['seeder'] != $seeder))
        if ($seeder == 'yes')
          $update_torrent[] = 'seeders = seeders + 1';
          $update_torrent[] = 'leechers = IF(leechers > 0, leechers - 1, 0)';
          $update_torrent[] = 'leechers = leechers + 1';
          $update_torrent[] = 'seeders = IF(seeders > 0, seeders - 1, 0)';
      if (in_array ($port, array (21, 22, 411, 412, 413, 6881, 6882, 6883, 6884, 6885, 6886, 6887, 6889, 1214, 6346, 6347, 4662, 6699, 65535)))
        stop ($l['invalidport']);
        $connectable = checkconnect ($ip, $port);
        if (($connectable == 'no' AND $nc == 'yes'))
          stop ($l['conerror']);

      if ($snatchmod == 'yes')
        $res = @mysql_query ('SELECT 1 FROM snatched WHERE torrentid = \'' . $Tid . '\' AND userid = \'' . $Result['userid'] . '\'');
        if (@mysql_num_rows ($res) == 0)
          mysql_query ('' . 'INSERT DELAYED INTO snatched (torrentid, userid, port, startdat, last_action, agent, ip) VALUES (' . $Tid . ', ' . $Result['userid'] . ('' . ', ' . $port . ', NOW(), NOW(), ') . sqlesc ($agent) . ', ' . sqlesc ($ip) . ')');

      $ret = mysql_query ('' . 'INSERT DELAYED INTO peers (connectable, torrent, peer_id, ip, port, uploaded, downloaded, to_go, started, last_action, seeder, userid, agent, uploadoffset, downloadoffset, passkey) VALUES (\'' . $connectable . '\', ' . $Tid . ', ' . sqlesc ($peer_id) . ', ' . sqlesc ($ip) . ('' . ', ' . $port . ', ' . $uploaded . ', ' . $downloaded . ', ' . $left . ', NOW(), NOW(), \'' . $seeder . '\', ') . $Result['userid'] . ', ' . sqlesc ($agent) . ('' . ', ' . $uploaded . ', ' . $downloaded . ', ') . sqlesc ($passkey) . ')');
      if ($ret)
        $update_torrent[] = ($seeder == 'yes' ? 'seeders = seeders + 1' : 'leechers = leechers + 1');

  if ((((0 < $kpsseed AND $seeder == 'yes') AND $announce_interval - 10 < $self['announcetime']) AND ($bonus == 'enable' OR $bonus == 'disablesave')))
    $update_user[] = 'seedbonus = seedbonus + \'' . $kpsseed . '\'';

  if ($seeder == 'yes')
    if (($Result['banned'] != 'yes' AND $Result['visible'] == 'no'))
      $update_torrent[] = 'visible = \'yes\'';

    $update_torrent[] = 'last_action = NOW()';

  if (count ($update_torrent))
    mysql_query ('UPDATE torrents SET ' . implode (',', $update_torrent) . ' WHERE id = \'' . $Tid . '\'');
    unset ($update_torrent);

  if (count ($update_user))
    mysql_query ('UPDATE users SET ' . implode (',', $update_user) . ' WHERE id = \'' . $Result['userid'] . '\'');
    unset ($update_user);

  if (count ($update_snatched))
    mysql_query ('UPDATE snatched SET ' . implode (',', $update_snatched) . ' WHERE torrentid = \'' . $Tid . '\' AND userid = \'' . $Result['userid'] . '\'');
    unset ($update_snatched);

  header ('Expires: Sat, 1 Jan 2000 01:00:00 GMT');
  header ('Last-Modified: ' . gmdate ('D, d M Y H:i:s') . 'GMT');
  header ('Cache-Control: no-cache, must-revalidate');
  header ('Pragma: no-cache');
  header ('Content-type: text/html; charset=' . $charset);
  if (((($compact != 1 AND isset ($_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT_ENCODING'])) AND $_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT_ENCODING'] == 'gzip') AND $gzipcompress == 'yes'))
    header ('Content-Encoding: gzip');
    echo gzencode ($resp, 9, FORCE_GZIP);
    if ($compact)
      header ('Content-Type: text/plain');
      echo $resp;
      echo $resp;

  mysql_close ($db);
  exit ();
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Old 19th March 2013, 22:09
vandammages vandammages is offline
Join Date: Mar 2013
Posts: 2
Default load ('index'); require_once INC_PATH . '/plugins/ts_plugin
Hi I just installed Xampp v3.10 on windows server 2008 to test this out.

I was able to install in root directory xampp/htdocs. run the installer from /install all when well..

but now if I type http://localhost/index.php

I get this error

load ('index'); require_once INC_PATH . '/plugins/ts_plugin_config.php'; $defaulttemplate = ts_template (); $is_mod = is_mod ($usergroups); stdhead (sprintf ($lang->index['welcome'], $SITENAME), TRUE, 'collapse', ''); $_header = ' '; $_footer = '
'; $_div = '
{1} ' . $_title_bracket . ' {2}

any ideas?

Thank for the support.
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Old 20th March 2013, 00:30
Nightcrawler's Avatar
Nightcrawler Nightcrawler is offline
Senior Member
Join Date: Oct 2009
Posts: 97
Its way old wouldn't use it unless you know how to secure and update the whole source.
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The Following User Says Thank You to Nightcrawler For This Useful Post:
daffy (20th March 2013)
Old 20th March 2013, 00:47
Krypto Krypto is offline
Retired from BVList
Join Date: Jan 2008
Posts: 510
Can you give examples of what's insecure?

Then at least members will be aware of it.
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Old 20th March 2013, 00:55
vandammages vandammages is offline
Join Date: Mar 2013
Posts: 2
Originally Posted by Nightcrawler View Post
Its way old wouldn't use it unless you know how to secure and update the whole source.

So what would you recommend to setup a very small private torrent tracker for like 20-30 buddies?
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Old 23rd March 2013, 09:56
MaVerick88 MaVerick88 is offline
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Default bb code
please help me i have fixed all the errors i was getting exept this one when i use bb code for bold on text and i save it i get this error

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Old 26th April 2013, 18:36
popoff popoff is offline
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Default Help
hi bvlist im having a problem when i upload a torrent using an image from pc it works fine but when i put an image link in its seys

An error has occured! Retrieval of remote file failed!

can someone please help
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