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Old 18th September 2011, 11:59
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DAKz DAKz is offline
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Cool What is your ideal hosting plan?
As members of the p2p world we all have the same basic needs when it comes to hosting, but I want to ask, what is your best idea for a hosting plan. Free isn't an option!
How much drive space, bandwidth, databases, ftp accounts, etc. And be realistic. I am thinking about getting into it, simply because p2p has such a bad reputation with hosting companies with the little ddos attacks, and such. SO here is my questions

1) What is your idea site plan, We all want a 1tb server with a 1gb pipe, and.... 20 seedoxes setup ready to flood the site as soon as we close the installer, but no one wants to pay for all that, so here it is design what is your best package.

2) This is a code site, so I am thinking a smaller package for coders to hang their work to test, and work on. Nothing drastic just enough to make
it functional. SO how much drive space, bandwidth, etc. Also ftp acccounts. For some reason hosting companies seem to think you need 15 ftp accounts. Are you really going to have 15 people ftping to you Also the site.....really? Also seedbox and be realist ,its you moneu ,

Also include a price that seems reasonable to you for what you want. I am looking at what the market is right now, the bad part is when you get to the part where they want $1.50 a month they make sure it does nto handle p2 by design. Also thinking about maybe an ala carte system, pick the drive, the bandwidth the ftps, the domains, the number of db's and pay for only what you need, Sorry but I am sitting here with 15 ftp accounts and can not think of 15 people I want messing up my stuff, so if your not going to use it why pay for it.
please help me help you and be honest and truthful about what your needs are, and if they are met then why and if they are not then we might have something coming to help you out, I like the ala carte system I just have for figure a price for it all and make it what trackers need and what coders want,

Thanks every body you answers will help me design a real plan based on your answers here so I can put together the right plan for everyone, i have located the servers they are in a safe country :nosepick:so help me out please.
Yiu need room for irc, site, depemding on the code, irc, and a separate area for the coders the get nasty if you try to make then interact with peeps,

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Old 18th September 2011, 13:30
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Default hosting
i get and do
1:100gig hd, 1 gig burst - 2gig 100mb line 4tb transefers 5-7gbp per month
2:250gigg hd 2 gig ram burst - 4gig unlimited transfers 1gig port 10.-15 gbp per month
free installs reboots ,control panel openv or ve portal

great for trackers from basic and for full live hosted heztner in a private rack
only issue is not perfect for seedbox due to torrent checking and unrar/untar files can cause cpu overload and can risk suspended box for a few hours

if you want cheaper hosting still vps depending on your needs
which i wouldnt recommend doing for one reason poor support and service as you get what you pay for in this world
starting from $1.50 a month

gotto be ovh for cheap deicated issue is the output capped,digicue ofers 1gig port dedis for around 40.00 a month issue shite pipeline and hogged line/speeds regular and dont state 3tb bw before capping
(then you can setup 20 utorrent webui accounts and 20 ftp app easy enough )ISSUE no one care enough lately inthe torrenting world to do his as they cant be arsed uploaders used to be a thing gained and earned same as mod positions now adays sites which start up cant keep up not enough dedication no more, on mine i just keep plodding on after the old staff did one and started there own unsuccessfull tracker of three times each have failed i did new domain now working with a small few
donor nowadays dont trust the sites due to bad coder and bad owners ripping donors of then closing site reopening taking funds same thing closed

be sure it what you can keep up with is it a game is it a hobby is it testing is it yourlife to some differs used to be my life now my hobby

and as for safe server /host theres no such thing they can close you either reseller or main owner for many legal reason same as of shore happened two me a few times torrent tracker reported and ilegal content

hope all goes well in your adventure mate i really do and same goes for anyone starting of in the tracker world

enough of the story lol

7.5 tsse
future tracker source & hosting, vps
trackers installs + Themes testing zone
offshore vps & cpanel hosting & Shoutcast & VPN
STOP cyberbullying
any setups tracker installs vps hosting vps setups themes mods hit me up
over the last three months ive become a snake breeder,pythons,hogs,boa,corn,rat,king,carpet and what joy it is

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Old 18th September 2011, 23:03
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Cool thanks
100gb for a site? You must be planning to run

thanks for your thoughts
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Old 19th September 2011, 13:32
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Originally Posted by DAKz View Post
100gb for a site? You must be planning to run
That's a fact i've noticed at the start of developing Zen. Many hosting services are selling a huge large of webspace that many scripts aren't using efficiently. Because you can use it to improve frontend cache and increase loading speed (which can be a shame when loading from Imageshack ^^).

In fact, ZenTracker uses a lot of space for 2 reasons :
- it needs the framework and some external libs to run : less code, quick development
- it stores everything posted by users (even pictures) : served by my webserver with a long expiration cache, very fast to display torrent details and work with images (like javascript resizing).

In production, I'm using now around 9 GB (!!!) ^^ . Don't worry, you can disable this feature if you're running out of space
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Old 20th September 2011, 20:48
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In production, I'm using now around 9 GB (!!!) ^^ . Don't worry, you can disable this feature if you're running out of space
Your kidding? thats outrageous, way to much for any site.

All I want is simple plans for a tracker host.

I am putting together some packages for places where people can host their trackers, and where coders can have a place to test their code without all the outrageous extras that they don't want or need but are paying for.

Was thinking maybe a 100mb 2 subdomains, 2 ftp accounts for a simply starter package but geezzz 9gb to host a tracker lol
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Old 21st September 2011, 10:20
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x360zone x360zone is offline
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Default lol
100mb gosh bit tight there my sites corrently using
around a 1 gig of hd space so why would 9 gig be too much makes no sense
makes sense to have more than enough than not enough at all

damn even shitty santrex hosting only few $ offer cpanel and unlimited bw and space
and for webhosting think it will be a thing of the past due to all the cheap enough vps node coming out ive seen them running from $1 10gig space and 64-128mb ram its all about what you need and where youu plan to go

either way good luck in your adventure

7.5 tsse
future tracker source & hosting, vps
trackers installs + Themes testing zone
offshore vps & cpanel hosting & Shoutcast & VPN
STOP cyberbullying
any setups tracker installs vps hosting vps setups themes mods hit me up
over the last three months ive become a snake breeder,pythons,hogs,boa,corn,rat,king,carpet and what joy it is

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Old 23rd September 2011, 03:21
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Wink yeah but.....
I looked at a lot of hosting over the past several weeks, and I have noticed a few minor things that they don't bother to tell you all over the ad filled, flash filled front pages, no shell access, no trackers, no shoutcast, no ircd, their list of what you can't host is longer then their so called list of features. And ask them about ddos protection, they will simply tell you that ddos is against the law and report it to....

Anyhow I have done it, I have started a hosting company, servers are ina safe country, allow anything except child porn,

Still configuring, propagating, and putting together the main hosting web site, forgot how much fun it is to make one of these....NOT.

As far as the future of web hosting...well there are always trackers, always irc, always net radio, and the biggie, always game servers.

and if you have a 9gb tracker thats based on any code thats on here, then I got a lot of messed up downloads since most are 5-17mb even all configured and running they are less then 20. I am sure they well get bigger with forums, etc, but 9gb really?? However if you need a good 10gb web server I will hook you right up. :bubble:
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hosting , ideal , plan , qhat

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