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Old 9th October 2008, 02:25
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Subzero Subzero is offline
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Wink Subzeros PreModded Source
install like any tbsource code, edit bittorrent.php and secrets.php with server details.

Screen Shots Included
Attached Files
File Type: rar Tbdev Pre Modded.rar (2.52 MB, 1348 views)

Last edited by Subzero; 20th March 2009 at 13:35.
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The Following 6 Users Say Thank You to Subzero For This Useful Post:
BEST (4th October 2010), HUnter83 (5th June 2012), Matroska (7th December 2008), RikT (9th October 2008), sammygo (9th October 2008), z3ro (30th June 2013)
Old 9th October 2008, 14:54
RikT RikT is offline
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Thumbs up
Installs real quick and easy up and running in less than 5 min evrything seems to work fine added a staff panel just needs a few more mods which i expect will go easy Respect Dude!!! :hi::hi:
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Old 9th October 2008, 15:43
D3SI D3SI is offline
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Thumbs up
any details what's installed and fixed and improved etc?

I install Site Source for $
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Old 10th October 2008, 03:36
3v0 3v0 is offline
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Well I'm guessing here by some of the last modified times of these files (2005-2006) that this has some old coding and not any newer mods from at least 2007 onwards
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Old 12th October 2008, 11:37
wMan wMan is offline
Join Date: Feb 2008
Posts: 1,433
* Staff panel for the TBDEV source code                          *
* -------------------------------------------------------------- *
* An easy to config staff panel for different staff classes,     *
* with different options for each class, like add, edit, delete  *
* the pages and to log the actions.                              *
* -------------------------------------------------------------- *
* @author: Alex2005 for TBDEV.NET                                *
* @copyright: Alex2005                                           *
* @package: Staff Panel                                          *
* @category: Staff Tools                                         *
* @version: v1.10 04/07/2008                                     *
* @license: GNU General Public License                           *

noaccess("staffpanel.php", UC_MODERATOR);
maxsysop ();

* Staff classes config
* UC_XYZ  : integer -> the name of the defined class
* Options for a selected class
** add    : boolean -> enable/disable page adding
** edit   : boolean -> enable/disable page editing
** delete : boolean -> enable/disable page deletion
** log    : boolean -> enable/disable the loging of the actions
* @result $staff_classes array();
$staff_classes = array(
UC_MODERATOR 		=> array('add' => false, 	'edit' => false, 	'delete' => false,   	'log' => true),
UC_ADMINISTRATOR 	=> array('add' => false, 	'edit' => false, 	'delete' => false,   	'log' => true),
UC_SYSOP 			=> array('add' => true, 	'edit' => true, 	'delete' => true,		'log' => false)

if (!isset($staff_classes[$CURUSER['class']]))
stderr('Error', 'Access Denied!');

$action = (isset($_GET['action']) ? $_GET['action'] : (isset($_POST['action']) ? $_POST['action'] : NULL));
$id = (isset($_GET['id']) ? (int)$_GET['id'] : (isset($_POST['id']) ? (int)$_POST['id'] : NULL));
$class_color = (function_exists('get_user_class_color') ? true : false);

if ($action == 'delete' && is_valid_id($id) && $staff_classes[$CURUSER['class']]['delete'])
$sure = ((isset($_GET['sure']) ? $_GET['sure'] : '') == 'yes');

$res = mysql_query('SELECT av_class'.(!$sure || $staff_classes[$CURUSER['class']]['log'] ? ', page_name' : '').' FROM staffpanel WHERE id = '.sqlesc($id)) or sqlerr(__FILE__, __LINE__);
$arr = mysql_fetch_assoc($res);

if ($CURUSER['class'] < $arr['av_class'])
stderr('Error', 'You are not allowed to delete this page.');

if (!$sure)
stderr('Sanity check', 'Are you sure you want to delete this page: "'.htmlspecialchars($arr['page_name']).'"? Click <a href="'.$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'?action='.$action.'&id='.$id.'&sure=yes">here</a> to delete it or <a href="'.$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'">here</a> to go back.');

mysql_query('DELETE FROM staffpanel WHERE id = '.sqlesc($id)) or sqlerr(__FILE__, __LINE__);

if (mysql_affected_rows())
if ($staff_classes[$CURUSER['class']]['log'])
write_log('Page "'.$arr['page_name'].'"('.($class_color ? '<font color="#'.get_user_class_color($arr['av_class']).'">' : '').get_user_class_name($arr['av_class']).($class_color ? '</font>' : '').') was deleted from the staff panel by <a href="/userdetails.php?id='.$CURUSER['id'].'">'.$CURUSER['username'].'</a>('.($class_color ? '<font color="#'.get_user_class_color($CURUSER['class']).'">' : '').get_user_class_name($CURUSER['class']).($class_color ? '</font>' : '').')');

header('Location: '.$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']);
stderr('Error', 'There was a database error, please retry.');
else if (($action == 'add' && $staff_classes[$CURUSER['class']]['add']) || ($action == 'edit' && is_valid_id($id) && $staff_classes[$CURUSER['class']]['edit']))
$names = array('page_name', 'file_name', 'description', 'av_class');

if ($action == 'edit')
$res = mysql_query('SELECT '.implode(', ', $names).' FROM staffpanel WHERE id = '.sqlesc($id)) or sqlerr(__FILE__, __LINE__);
$arr = mysql_fetch_assoc($res);

foreach ($names as $name)
$$name = htmlspecialchars((isset($_POST[$name]) ? $_POST[$name] : ($action == 'edit' ? $arr[$name] : '')));

if ($action == 'edit' && $CURUSER['class'] < $av_class)
stderr('Error', 'You are not allowed to edit this page.');

$errors = array();

if (empty($page_name))
$errors[] = 'The page name cannot be empty.';

if (empty($file_name))
$errors[] = 'The filename cannot be empty.';

if (empty($description))
$errors[] = 'The description cannot be empty.';

if (!isset($staff_classes[$av_class]))
$errors[] = 'The selected class is not a valid staff class.';

if (preg_match('/.php/', $file_name))
$errors[] = 'Please remove the ".php" extension from the filename.';

if (!is_file($file_name.'.php') && !empty($file_name) && !preg_match('/.php/', $file_name))
$errors[] = 'Inexistent php file.';

if (strlen($page_name) < 4 && !empty($page_name))
$errors[] = 'The page name is too short (min 4 chars).';

if (strlen($page_name) > 30)
$errors[] = 'The page name is too long (max 30 chars).';

if (strlen($file_name) > 30)
$errors[] = 'The filename is too long (max 30 chars).';

if (strlen($description) > 100)
$errors[] = 'The description is too long (max 100 chars).';

if (empty($errors))
if ($action == 'add')
$res = mysql_query("INSERT INTO staffpanel (page_name, file_name, description, av_class, added_by, added) ".
"VALUES (".implode(", ", array_map("sqlesc", array($page_name, $file_name, $description, (int)$av_class, (int)$CURUSER['id'], gmtime()))).")");

if (!$res)
if (mysql_errno() == 1062)
$errors[] = "This filename is already submited.";
$errors[] = "There was a database error, please retry.";
$res = mysql_query("UPDATE staffpanel SET page_name = ".sqlesc($page_name).", file_name = ".sqlesc($file_name).", description = ".sqlesc($description).", av_class = ".sqlesc((int)$av_class)." WHERE id = ".sqlesc($id)) or sqlerr(__FILE__, __LINE__);

if (!$res)
$errors[] = "There was a database error, please retry.";

if (empty($errors))
if ($staff_classes[$CURUSER['class']]['log'])
write_log('Page "'.$page_name.'"('.($class_color ? '<font color="#'.get_user_class_color($av_class).'">' : '').get_user_class_name($av_class).($class_color ? '</font>' : '').') in the staff panel was '.($action == 'add' ? 'added' : 'edited').' by <a href="/userdetails.php?id='.$CURUSER['id'].'">'.$CURUSER['username'].'</a>('.($class_color ? '<font color="#'.get_user_class_color($CURUSER['class']).'">' : '').get_user_class_name($CURUSER['class']).($class_color ? '</font>' : '').')');

header('Location: '.$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']);

stdhead('Staff Panel :: '.($action == 'edit' ? 'Edit "'.$page_name.'"' : 'Add a new').' page'); begin_main_frame();

if (!empty($errors))
stdmsg('There '.(count($errors)>1?'are':'is').' '.count($errors).' error'.(count($errors)>1?'s':'').' in the form.', '<b>'.implode('<br />', $errors).'</b>');
?><br /><?php

<form method='post' action='<?php echo $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']; ?>'>
<input type="hidden" name="action" value="<?php echo $action; ?>" />
if ($action == 'edit')
?><input type="hidden" name="id" value="<?php echo $id; ?>" /><?php

<table cellpadding="5" width="100%" align="center">
<tr class="colhead">
<td colspan="2"><?php echo ($action == 'edit' ? 'Edit "'.$page_name.'"' : 'Add a new').' page'; ?></td>
<td class="rowhead" width="1%">Page name</td><td align='left'><input type='text' size=50 name='page_name' value="<?php echo $page_name; ?>"></td>
<td class="rowhead">Filename</td><td align='left'><input type='text' size=50 name='file_name' value="<?php echo $file_name; ?>"><b>.php</b></td>
<td class="rowhead">Description</td><td align='left'><input type='text' size=50 name='description' value="<?php echo $description; ?>"></td>
<td class="rowhead"><nobr>Available for</nobr></td>
<td align='left'>
<select name='av_class'><?php
foreach ($staff_classes as $class => $value)
if ($CURUSER['class'] < $class)

echo '<option'.($class_color? ' style="background-color:#'.get_user_class_color($class).';"' : '').' value="'.$class.'"'.($class == $av_class ? ' selected="selected"' : '').'>'.get_user_class_name($class).'</option>';
<td align="center" colspan="2">
<table class="main">
<td style="border:none;">
<input type='Submit' value="Submit"></form>
<td style="border:none;">
<form method='post' action='<?php echo $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']; ?>'><input type='Submit' value="Cancel"></form>

end_main_frame(); stdfoot();
stdhead('Staff Panel'); begin_main_frame();

?><h1 align="center">Welcome <?php echo $CURUSER['username']; ?> to the Staff Panel!</h1><br /><?php

if ($staff_classes[$CURUSER['class']]['add'])
stdmsg('Options', '<a href="'.$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'?action=add" title="Add a new page">Add a new page</a>');
?><br /><?php

$res = mysql_query('SELECT staffpanel.*, users.username '.
'FROM staffpanel '.
'LEFT JOIN users ON = staffpanel.added_by '.
'WHERE av_class <= '.sqlesc($CURUSER['class']).' '.
'ORDER BY av_class DESC, page_name ASC') or sqlerr(__FILE__, __LINE__);
if (mysql_num_rows($res) > 0)
$db_classes = $unique_classes = $mysql_data = array();

while ($arr = mysql_fetch_assoc($res))
$mysql_data[] = $arr;

foreach ($mysql_data as $key => $value)
$db_classes[$value['av_class']][] = $value['av_class'];

foreach ($mysql_data as $key => $arr)
$end_table = (count($db_classes[$arr['av_class']]) == $i ? true : false);

if (!in_array($arr['av_class'], $unique_classes))
$unique_classes[] = $arr['av_class'];

<table cellpadding="5" width="100%" align="center"<?php echo (!isset($staff_classes[$arr['av_class']]) ? 'style="background-color:#000000;"' : ''); ?>>
<td colspan="4" align="center">
<h2><?php echo ($class_color ? '<font color="#'.get_user_class_color($arr['av_class']).'">' : '').get_user_class_name($arr['av_class']).' Panel'.($class_color ? '</font>' : ''); ?></h2>
<tr align="center">
<td class="colhead" align="left" width="100%">Page name</td>
<td class="colhead"><nobr>Added by</nobr></td>
<td class="colhead"><nobr>Date added</nobr></td>
if ($staff_classes[$CURUSER['class']]['edit'] || $staff_classes[$CURUSER['class']]['delete'])
?><td class="colhead">Links</td><?php

<tr align="center">
<td align="left">
<a href="/<?php echo rawurlencode($arr['file_name']); ?>.php" target="_blank" title="<?php echo htmlspecialchars($arr['page_name']); ?>"><?php echo htmlspecialchars($arr['page_name']); ?></a><br /><font class="small"><?php echo htmlspecialchars($arr['description']); ?></font>
<a href="/userdetails.php?id=<?php echo (int)$arr['added_by']; ?>"><?php echo $arr['username']; ?></a>
<nobr><?php echo (function_exists('display_date_time') ? display_date_time(get_date_time($arr['added'])) : get_date_time($arr['added'])); ?><br /><font class="small"><?php echo get_elapsed_time($arr['added']); ?> ago</font></nobr>
if ($staff_classes[$CURUSER['class']]['edit'] || $staff_classes[$CURUSER['class']]['delete'])
if ($staff_classes[$CURUSER['class']]['edit'])
?><b>[</b><a href="<?php echo $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']; ?>?action=edit&id=<?php echo (int)$arr['id']; ?>" title="Edit">E</a><b>]</b><?php

if ($staff_classes[$CURUSER['class']]['delete'])
?><b>[</b><a href="<?php echo $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']; ?>?action=delete&id=<?php echo (int)$arr['id']; ?>" title="Delete">D</a><b>]</b><?php

if ($end_table)
?></table><br /><?php
stdmsg('Sorry', 'Nothing found.');

end_main_frame(); stdfoot();

Last edited by D3SI; 12th October 2008 at 13:10. Reason: Code box added
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Old 12th October 2008, 21:15
underx underx is offline
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Posts: 84
Default some problems !
after adding the sql file with phpmy admin (it's OK), then in the home page (index.php) I got:

Notice: Undefined variable: CURUSER in /www/ on line 32

Notice: Undefined variable: activeusers in /www/ on line 116

Notice: Undefined variable: ss_uri in /www/ on line 439

Notice: Undefined variable: unread in /www/ on line 536

Warning: set_time_limit() has been disabled for security reasons in /www/ on line 8

Notice: Undefined index: 33 in /www/ on line 103
and what's the admin pass?
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Old 12th October 2008, 21:19
wMan wMan is offline
Join Date: Feb 2008
Posts: 1,433
INSERT INTO `staffpanel` VALUES (1, 'Polls', 'makepoll', 'Make a Poll', 5, 1, 1221495944);
INSERT INTO `staffpanel` VALUES (2, 'Unconfirmed Users', 'pusers', 'Manage unconfirmed users', 5, 1, 1221496037);
INSERT INTO `staffpanel` VALUES (3, 'Look for a user', 'usersearch', 'Advanced search user', 5, 1, 1221496239);
INSERT INTO `staffpanel` VALUES (4, 'Maybe Cheaters', 'maybecheaters', 'A list of users with a ratio above 100. (VIP class and under)', 5, 1, 1221496333);
INSERT INTO `staffpanel` VALUES (5, 'Reports', 'reports', 'Show Reports (forum,comment,torrent,request)', 5, 1, 1221496380);
INSERT INTO `staffpanel` VALUES (6, 'Duplicate IP Check', 'ipcheck', 'Check for Duplicate IP Users', 5, 1, 1221496423);
INSERT INTO `staffpanel` VALUES (7, 'Warned users', 'warninfo', 'See all warned users on tracker', 5, 1, 1221496484);
INSERT INTO `staffpanel` VALUES (8, 'Add User', 'adduser', 'Create new user account', 5, 1, 1221496534);
INSERT INTO `staffpanel` VALUES (9, 'Newest users', 'newsuser', '100 newest user accounts', 5, 1, 1221496579);
INSERT INTO `staffpanel` VALUES (10, 'Uploaders info panel', 'statsuploaders', 'Addon to monitor uploades activity', 5, 1, 1221496648);
INSERT INTO `staffpanel` VALUES (11, 'Logs', 'log', 'Show Logs', 5, 1, 1221496713);
INSERT INTO `staffpanel` VALUES (12, 'Leechers', 'leechers', 'Show users with ratio under 0.50', 5, 1, 1221496773);
INSERT INTO `staffpanel` VALUES (13, 'Delete Account', 'delacctadmin', 'Delete User Account', 6, 1, 1221496822);
INSERT INTO `staffpanel` VALUES (14, 'Poll overview', 'polloverview', 'View poll votes', 6, 1, 1221496907);
INSERT INTO `staffpanel` VALUES (15, 'Mass PM', 'staffmess', 'Send PM to all users', 6, 1, 1221496946);
INSERT INTO `staffpanel` VALUES (16, 'Ban System', 'bans', 'Ban / Unban IP', 6, 1, 1221496995);
INSERT INTO `staffpanel` VALUES (17, 'What is changing', 'modlog', 'Activity of the staff', 7, 1, 1221497300);
INSERT INTO `staffpanel` VALUES (18, 'Site Statistics', 'statistics', 'Registration, Rating, Post, PM, Torrents, Ban, Comment', 7, 1, 1221497506);
INSERT INTO `staffpanel` VALUES (19, 'Cleanup', 'docleanup', 'Perform a cleanup', 7, 1, 1221497544);
INSERT INTO `staffpanel` VALUES (20, 'Mass mailer', 'massmail', 'Send e-mail to all users on the tracker', 7, 1, 1221497596);
INSERT INTO `staffpanel` VALUES (21, 'MySQL Stats', 'status', 'See MySql stats', 7, 1, 1221497649);
INSERT INTO `staffpanel` VALUES (22, 'Spam', 'showmsg', 'Check Spam Pms', 7, 1, 1221497828);
INSERT INTO `staffpanel` VALUES (23, 'Mass Invite', 'massinvite', 'Give all users X invites', 7, 1, 1221497940);
INSERT INTO `staffpanel` VALUES (24, 'Abnormal Upload Speed Detector', 'cheaters', 'See cheaters', 5, 1, 1221498248);
INSERT INTO `staffpanel` VALUES (25, 'News page', 'news', 'Add, edit and remove news items from the homepage', 7, 1, 1221498396);
INSERT INTO `staffpanel` VALUES (26, 'Request to be Uploader', 'uploadapp', 'Uploader Requests', 5, 1, 1221498662);
INSERT INTO `staffpanel` VALUES (27, 'Failed Logins', 'maxlogin', 'Show Failed Login Attempts', 6, 1, 1221501051);
INSERT INTO `staffpanel` VALUES (28, 'Manage Tracker Categories', 'category', 'Edit/Delete tracker categories', 7, 1, 1221823909);
CREATE TABLE `staffpanel` (
  `id` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,
  `page_name` varchar(30) NOT NULL default '',
  `file_name` varchar(30) NOT NULL default '',
  `description` varchar(100) NOT NULL default '',
  `av_class` tinyint(3) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
  `added_by` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
  `added` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
  PRIMARY KEY  (`id`),
  UNIQUE KEY `file_name` (`file_name`),
  KEY `av_class` (`av_class`)
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Old 12th October 2008, 21:27
underx underx is offline
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Join Date: Sep 2008
Posts: 84
it's an answer dor my problems clocktower ???
if it is I didn't understand you :p
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Old 12th October 2008, 22:31
wMan wMan is offline
Join Date: Feb 2008
Posts: 1,433
add the sql code in your sites database jesssssssssssssss
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Old 13th October 2008, 06:57
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Dragan3591 Dragan3591 is offline
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Why don't you make a step by step instructions?

"Always do sober what you said you'd do drunk. That will teach you to keep your mouth shut."
Ernest Hemingway.

"A positive attitude will not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort."
Herm Albright.
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darkseeder , premodded , source

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