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Old 7th May 2010, 06:10
thebrass thebrass is offline
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Originally Posted by pdq View Post
hehe must be nice to be in his good graces :) he has insulted me and demeans me and called me many names in the shoutbox over there.

It's ok thebrass, don't worry about me :) I feel a great weight lifted off my shoulders now, Im done with bringing up this topic of him and this is hopefully my last post on this specific matter, I have no wishes to ever return to unless it became a fun place to be again and I hope it does. :)

you know me I'm all about the fun, I don't hate, I can't believe I got banned even, so much for free speech. (It's not like I said that at or here)

I can still contact all my friends and peers from in other manners and that is the most important part, I feel sad it had to end like this but I can only be insulted or see other people insulted so much before I speak up.

PS. who is threatening with dos? :shock: not me, i just reporting that i got banned :)
LOL - I would not say I am in his good graces -

I do worry about ya gal - and you will be missed - and I feel responsible for your banning.

tbh - I never saw him bash you - but I have my own problems and am only there intermittently so I might of missed it - but I will strive to get back and help it to become a fun place -

I'm happy to hear that you can still touch those that you touched - Yes I agree it is sad that it ended this way -

TBH - we all need to grow up and act our age ----- myself included - but I had to speak out - and I know posting here solves nothing and makes me look infantile.

It was the way you spoke out - instead of confronting him directly, you chose a different path and that was wrong - why didn't you say anything to me so I could bring it to him ? thats what I am there for....amongst other things that I am failing to do... because of personal reasons.

the dos -n- ddos threats against tbdev came from this forum -not from you, the ones that made the threats know who they are -

Over the years I have become a bit bitter myself - I have seen a lot of things come and and go, I have watched many people get swelled heads -n- think that they are gods gift and have seen many of them fall...

I have been around a very long time - I used a different name back then -
we all originated from the same place -

I believe that it is time to stop this nonsense and work together.

Originally Posted by pdq View Post
we wanna put tbdev on the same level as these sources that give no credits or worse sell them?
See you clearly state that your heart is into tbdev - let's at least try to get along - and make tbdev a fun place to be - if you ever wish to talk im still in msn

Originally Posted by pdq View Post
sorry can't do that, as you are well aware CF bans anyone who questions his actions/insults.
As noted in his banning of me for stating facts in a private matter on a site with 40 members who most feel like I do but only a few willing to risk their tbdev accounts to speak up about it:
that is not true, as I have confronted him many, many times - I did so over you (one example) - and I must say he doesn't always respond but he doesn't ban me - but I do it to him directly -

Last edited by thebrass; 7th May 2010 at 06:32. Reason: missed a point ie the last quote-
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Old 7th May 2010, 06:14
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@thebrass you are the only one here to say anything about dos and ddos
and this is where I well step in!


Threats well not be tolerated By any one here

threatening him with a dos and then a ddos- What kinda crap is that - if I were to be mean I could be.. actually I am a whole lot smarter then I let
Not finding this so LOL and trust Me I find humor in herasing allot of people just to get a reaction!
Do not ask me to help you work on your site that is not phpMyBitTorrent
Do not ask me to make a mod for any other source
Do not Ask me to setup your site.
I will no longer help you setup your site, there is a setup script if you have trouble with it post in the forum here or in BT.Manager™ forum
My Current Demo is here
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Old 7th May 2010, 06:40
thebrass thebrass is offline
The Brass
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Originally Posted by joeroberts View Post
@thebrass you are the only one here to say anything about dos and ddos
and this is where I well step in!


Threats well not be tolerated By any one here

Not finding this so LOL and trust Me I find humor in herasing allot of people just to get a reaction!

I find no humor in what I posted and I have not threatened anyone in anyway - and I an not harassing anyone in any way - I'm just stating facts -

I don't intend to get into it with you - that's not why I am here.......

those threats were made from here against tbdev -

Imfamous quote from bvlisp - Wolfman - [12-02-10 16:23] wolfman: i can put up a synflood with 200 000 conections and see hove it handles if u like
that about sums it up wouldn't you say ?

it was not today or yest it was a while ago -

btw : this does look like a threat to me - it's from your own shout box -
[06-05-10 21:24]
Fynnon: dont worry i`ll take care of him [06-05-10 21:20]
pdq: moral of the story is that ColdFusion can't take what he dishes out and why respect someone who shows NOONE any respect =]
-n- btw don't I know you from the soup?

Last edited by thebrass; 7th May 2010 at 07:01.
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Old 7th May 2010, 12:02
trustme trustme is offline
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I agree at 100% with pdq
They are some points that members need know about who is the really CF and what he did before and what he did now.
My idea is that this "CF" have a doble personalite. Yeah! A guy with "double personalite" is a sick guy in my country.

Sometimes he make a small shit but others times make a big shit. In the fact i think that CF is in second stat of spirit. A big shit is what he are doing now in tbdev.

He will destoi tbdev. What is he doing in last days? Banning people? Demote people? I can be more far away! I think that he is spamming the tbdev right now for show activity!

When he know that only activity is making by few new guys with a "lols" Problems that CF try help. (Yes, try help cause i think that somethimes he know less then new guys that post problems).

And is like pdq say:
"also credits are a non-issue to me they only became an issue because he has put his name alone in headers on codes that are not made by him"

This is a poor men!
Is the credits that incrase your e-penis CF? Is "only you" that make and upgrade the sources?
All the mods that people really apreciates was made my Sir, putyn, pdq, retro and others coders.

Also the source is supported by that coders to.
And you? What you post? What you help? What you do?

All your posts are trying show your superiority eg: Do not do this, read rules, my mommy coder better with no heads, and more!

And you get the credits? Camon... Be a men just for one time.

Tell to all members that donate to you, for a source that was not made by you only!
I dont have the skills coding that you have, but im sure that im more men then you. Let me take my coffee of the day.
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Old 7th May 2010, 13:26
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Mr brass what reason did you have to come here other than try and claim i spammed your site years ago ?

Go back to tbdev and waste yet more time doing staff work for lazy arse coldfusion which tbh untill he released the latest tbdev source hasnt done nothing for the past how many years? and then finally comes out of his hole and demands all this crap over this place lol

What is more childish me spamming your site years ago (which tbh cant really say ive spammed a site) or coldfusion using his tbdev svn to leave messages about this place and then banning people for VERY childish reasons and to finish off with he even went as low as claiming a members theme was rubbish because the KID called tbdev lol

Tbdev is a great place but it will only stay a great place if coldfusion stops banning the only people that have given there time to help others and then even more time by supplying tbdev with new mods .

I think the biggest problem on tbdev now is with the problem of people not being able to make a post that is simply asking coldfusion a question yet somehow gets deleted because YOU didnt agree with how it followed on after coldfusions pet poodle asked you to remove my post because he couldnt take the shit that was thrown back at him after he thought he was being smart turned into him acting like a hardman behind a monitor lol (yes i seen it for myself when he asked you in the shoutbox)

He wouldn't do something like that - and you are a buffoon for using a nulled anything for a public forum ! Did you ever stop to think you did it to yourself and it wasn't nulled correctly and it called home ?

I can code something that would be seemingly harmless but once invoked it would call up other seemingly harmless bits and once completed it would do anything I desired it to do...and you or anyone else would never know about it...

but again you demonstrate just how low you really are..using a hacked form like that, then accusing someone for turning you in, when in fact you are using a hacked forum.......LOL - just who is the fool there ?
straight from coldfusion
Just would like to remind Tony, nicky and the other users of TorrentShite (yes I know who you all are from your digital sigs) that TBDev modifications are copyrighted and you are infringing upon the rights of the author by using them, just like you did by using a pirated copy of Invision Power Bulletin Board. *wink wink*
Well it didnt take me long to see how the infomation got out in the first place hey mr brass or is posting such a thing on tbdev not opening annoncing about it ?

You talk about how people shouldnt backstab yet coldfusion seems to be using his forum as a openly place for claiming other sources are crap but only after they get banned lol

As for his comment about the mods being copyrighted lol we dont all walk in the same footsteps as him and add a single name to the credits but hey like i said he's come out of his hole now after so many years and it should be quite interesting to see how tbdev changes .

Last edited by Tony; 7th May 2010 at 15:48.
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Old 8th May 2010, 07:50
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joeroberts joeroberts is offline
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Imfamous quote from bvlisp - Wolfman - [12-02-10 16:23] wolfman: i can put up a synflood with 200 000 conections and see hove it handles if u like
Originally Posted by thebrass View Post
that about sums it up wouldn't you say ?
you forgot to post all the times that me and all the other admins said not to do a damm thing this well all pass!!! Just where did those Quotes go???
OH just another case of posting what you want so people are forced to make ell informed decisions...
NOT to mention he is only a member not part of the staff!!!!!!!!
and as for flaming how about this one?
Originally Posted by CoLdFuSiOn
// DB setup
$TBDEV['mysql_host'] = "localhost";
$TBDEV['mysql_user'] = "root";
$TBDEV['mysql_pass'] = "blank";
and that is In ever single down load of tbdev Not just in one shout box on one single forum!!!!
[06-05-10 21:24] Fynnon: dont worry i`ll take care of him
[06-05-10 21:20] pdq: moral of the story is that ColdFusion can't take what he dishes out and why respect someone who shows NOONE any respect =]
Originally Posted by thebrass View Post
btw : this does look like a threat to me - it's from your own shout box -
-n- btw don't I know you from the soup?
sounds and looks like a guy codling someone to me!
Originally Posted by thebrass View Post
-n- btw don't I know you from the soup?
could be!

all in all as I have said many many time's I have respect for TBDev as a code and have never dissed it do no one!
I have tried to help with some of the ill codes With NO respect or thanks from any of the lead staff at TBDev In fact I Get what OH yea BANNED!!!!!
PFT don't expect me to show no sympathy for what is going on as I well not.
In fact I wish
snuggles and the best in there future endeavor(more then I got from WHO?)
HEHEHE and On a liter Note I need coder help if any of you would like to help me
Do not ask me to help you work on your site that is not phpMyBitTorrent
Do not ask me to make a mod for any other source
Do not Ask me to setup your site.
I will no longer help you setup your site, there is a setup script if you have trouble with it post in the forum here or in BT.Manager™ forum
My Current Demo is here
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Old 8th May 2010, 17:59
thebrass thebrass is offline
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@joeroberts - I can only change and correct things that I know about -
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Old 8th May 2010, 21:13
pdq pdq is offline
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i would hope that a staff here can change thebrass's title to something he would like to have or leave it blank as that is uncalled for, should save that kinda stuff for if xam becomes a member.

*note thanks whoever changed it :)


Last edited by pdq; 8th May 2010 at 21:58.
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Old 9th May 2010, 02:15
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Sir_SnuggleBunny Sir_SnuggleBunny is offline
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hey TheBrass, AND Tony AND pdq, I'll remove all of my post, ftw lol
not for any other reason then I like and respect you all!

I do NOT want to be part of any fight between anybody, or any site (I hope you remove what you said about me as well TheBrass)

all I will say is CF was a dick, I was a dick back, and as to who had the best dick? well I don't want to get into a post about sword fighting, so I'll end it there. (but there is footage on


PS. I'm still coding and sharing and caring, feel free to find me, I'm easy to spot, I'm a rabbit and I have a pancake n my head... I'll be happy to share whatever I come up with :)

Last edited by Sir_SnuggleBunny; 11th May 2010 at 07:47.
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Old 9th May 2010, 06:44
thebrass thebrass is offline
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Default Respect !
Sir_SnuggleBunny and pdq I just want to thank you for both standing up for me -
and I want you to know this -

We need not look and / or dwell on the past - tis the future that matters -

Also I want you both to know that I only have respect for the both of you ! -

I kin only change what I kin change as I tire of this

Mistakes have been made in the past, all we can do is move on - I just want the bashing of CoLdFuSiOn and TBDev to stop -
You have to understand this CoLdFuSiOn is my friend and TBDev is my home and I wont stand by and let them be trashed -
CF has earned my respect also, way back, so that is a no brainier there-
and if I am to be bashed and made sport of, that's cool because ya know what it's not about me or you, its about us the community and its time to end all of this -

Somewhere along the lines we have seemed to have lost that "Community Spirit", well it's time to get it back -

Also joeroberts you in a way are starting to earn my respect for changing that extra text and for what was in that pm you sent to me -much regards for all of that - nice coding on your project phpMyBitTorrent - keep up the great work on that -

Snuggles please edit / remove parts or your post - no one needs to know all of that -

Last edited by thebrass; 9th May 2010 at 14:06. Reason: added more thoughts
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banned , tbdevnet

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