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Old 28th October 2009, 13:14
raefor's Avatar
raefor raefor is offline
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Default my old site that worked
just putting it out there for you all hope it my help someone
Attached Files
File Type: rar MY HT site Folder.rar (9.36 MB, 258 views)
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The Following 2 Users Say Thank You to raefor For This Useful Post:
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Old 28th October 2009, 22:11
underx underx is offline
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After adding a theme is says:
"'The following themes were added:

then you are not redirected!
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Old 29th October 2009, 15:01
raefor's Avatar
raefor raefor is offline
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Originally Posted by underx View Post
After adding a theme is says:
"'The following themes were added:

then you are not redirected!

just go back to themes it will load
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Old 11th January 2010, 14:42
DooM's Avatar
DooM DooM is offline
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How can I remove the ads from the banner ?
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Old 19th January 2010, 09:13
moondust5 moondust5 is offline
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Exclamation H-Tracker v2
I dled H-Tracker v2 couple days ago i got it installed an everything seems to be running fine except for torrent downloads.

Some of the torrent download links works an others i this msg
(Your Site has been attacked. Details about last attack: "random ip"  - Mozilla/5.0 ( Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv: Gecko/20091221 Firefox/3.5.7 ).
Can anyone give pointers?
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Old 20th January 2010, 20:21
PerformerXTR PerformerXTR is offline
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Posts: 5
how can i set another default theme? not the "fisubice" theme!
When a new user comes to the site to see a theme that i want.:unknown:

I tryied to delete the fisubice theme from theme management but then the index page was blank!

later edit:
!! i made it!

I modified in the database value of the fisubice! I put 1 to my theme and 6 to the fisubice theme! Newbie work! :P

Last edited by PerformerXTR; 20th January 2010 at 20:36. Reason: later
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Old 21st January 2010, 02:12
oopss oopss is offline
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Posts: 4
Default edit comment
Hi, sorry, im dont speak english :sorry:

Pleaz torrents details and news ,dont work EDIT Comments..
This deleet all text, about edit..whay problem?

* Add Comment *
Click the image to open in full size.

* Edit Comment *
Click the image to open in full size.
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Old 13th February 2010, 15:26
moondust5 moondust5 is offline
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Default H-Tracker 2
Has anyone been having problems with h-tracker 2 being able to track torrents,i think its a header error, whenever i upload a torrent then download it with a client i error msg in client saying "http error 406", i have downloaded other announce.php but i get same error, looked into the problem an cant seem to figure it out help plzzzz
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Old 23rd February 2010, 20:26
raefor's Avatar
raefor raefor is offline
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Originally Posted by moondust5 View Post
Has anyone been having problems with h-tracker 2 being able to track torrents,i think its a header error, whenever i upload a torrent then download it with a client i error msg in client saying "http error 406", i have downloaded other announce.php but i get same error, looked into the problem an cant seem to figure it out help plzzzz
This error occurs very infrequently in Web browsers, because most browsers will accept any data returned from the Web server.
If the client is not a Web browser, then anyone can only investigate the problem by looking at the Accept headers generated by the client system and the data stream returned by the Web server.

Originally Posted by oopss View Post
Hi, sorry, im dont speak english :sorry:
Pleaz torrents details and news ,dont work EDIT Comments..
This deleet all text, about edit..whay problem?
you can try this one

// H-Tracker v0.2
// Based on TorrentTrader (
require_once("backend/BDecode.php") ;
require_once("backend/parse.php") ;//replace with parse later

$torrent_dir = $site_config["torrent_dir"];
$nfo_dir = $site_config["nfo_dir"];

//check permissions
if ($site_config["MEMBERSONLY"]){

show_error_msg("Error","You do not have permission to view torrents",1);

//************ DO SOME "GET" STUFF BEFORE PAGE LAYOUT ***************

$id = (int) $_GET["id"];
$scrape = (int)$_GET["scrape"];
if (!is_valid_id($id))
show_error_msg("ERROR","Thats not a valid ID",1);

$res = mysql_query("SELECT torrents.anon, torrents.seeders,, torrents.thanks, torrents.banned, torrents.nuked,, torrents.leechers, torrents.info_hash, torrents.filename, torrents.nfo, torrents.last_action, torrents.numratings,, torrents.owner, torrents.save_as, torrents.descr, torrents.visible, torrents.size, torrents.added, torrents.views, torrents.hits, torrents.times_completed,, torrents.type, torrents.external, torrents.image1, torrents.image2, torrents.announce, torrents.numfiles, torrents.freeleech, IF(torrents.numratings < 2, NULL, ROUND(torrents.ratingsum / torrents.numratings, 1)) AS rating, torrents.numratings, AS cat_name, AS lang_name, torrentlang.image AS lang_image, AS age_name, torrentage.image AS age_image, categories.parent_cat as cat_parent, users.username, users.privacy FROM torrents LEFT JOIN categories ON torrents.category = LEFT JOIN torrentlang ON torrents.torrentlang = LEFT JOIN torrentage ON torrents.torrentage = LEFT JOIN users ON torrents.owner = WHERE = $id") or die(mysql_error());

$row = mysql_fetch_array($res);

$vip = $row["vip"];
$vips = $row["vip"];

if ($vip == "y") {
$vip = "<b>Yes</b>";
} else {
$vip = "<b>No</b>";
if (!$row || ($row["banned"] == "yes" && !$moderator))
show_error_msg("Error","" . TORRENT_NOT_FOUND . "",1);

//torrent is availiable so do some stuff

if ($_GET["hit"]) {
mysql_query("UPDATE torrents SET views = views + 1 WHERE id = $id");
header("Location: torrents-details.php?id=$id");

stdhead("Details for torrent \"" . $row["name"] . "\"");

if ($CURUSER["id"] == $row["owner"])
$owned = 1;
$owned = 0;

if ($CURUSER["edit_torrents"]=="yes")
$owned = 1;

//take rating
if ($_GET["takerating"] == 'yes'){
$rating = (int)$_POST['rating'];

if ($rating <= 0 || $rating > 5)
show_error_msg("Rating Error", "Invalid rating",1);

$res = mysql_query("INSERT INTO ratings (torrent, user, rating, added) VALUES ($id, " . $CURUSER["id"] . ", $rating, '".get_date_time()."')");

if (!$res) {
if (mysql_errno() == 1062)
show_error_msg("Rating Error", "You have already rated this torrent.",1);
show_error_msg("Rating Error", "A Unknown Error, contact staff",1);

mysql_query("UPDATE torrents SET numratings = numratings + 1, ratingsum = ratingsum + $rating WHERE id = $id");
autolink("torrents-details.php?id=$id", "Thank you for rating this torrent...");

//take comment add
if ($_GET["takecomment"] == 'yes'){
if (!($CURUSER['comment_count'] < $CURUSER['comment_max']))
show_error_msg("Notice","You have reached your Comment limit. Please wait 10 minutes before retrying.");
$commentbody = $_POST['body'];

if (!$commentbody)
show_error_msg("Error","You did not enter anything!",1);

mysql_query("UPDATE torrents SET comments = comments + 1 WHERE id = $id") or die(mysql_error());
mysql_query("UPDATE users SET comment_count = comment_count + 1 WHERE id = $id") or die(mysql_error());

mysql_query("INSERT INTO comments (user, torrent, added, text) VALUES (".$CURUSER["id"].", ".$id.", '" .get_date_time(). "', " . sqlesc($body).")") or die(mysql_error());

if (mysql_affected_rows() == 1)
autolink("torrents-details.php?id=$id", "Your Comment was added successfully");
show_error_msg("Error","Unable to add comment",0);
}//end insert comment

$char1 = 55; //cut length
$shortname = CutName(htmlspecialchars($row["name"]), $char1);

begin_frame("" . TORRENT_DETAILS_FOR . " \"" . $shortname . "\"");
if ($owned)
$edittorrent = "<a href=torrents-edit.php?id=$row[id]><img src=\"".$site_config["SITEURL"]."/images/torrents/edit.gif\" border=\"0\" alt=\"Edit Torrent\"></a>";

// Calculate local torrent speed test
if ($row["leechers"] >= 1 && $row["seeders"] >= 1 && $row["external"]!='yes'){
$speedQ = mysql_query("SELECT (SUM(p.downloaded)) / (UNIX_TIMESTAMP('".get_date_time()."') - UNIX_TIMESTAMP(added)) AS totalspeed FROM torrents AS t LEFT JOIN peers AS p ON = p.torrent WHERE p.seeder = 'no' AND p.torrent = '$id' GROUP BY ORDER BY added ASC LIMIT 15") or die(mysql_error());
$a = mysql_fetch_assoc($speedQ);
$totalspeed = mksize($a["totalspeed"]) . "/s";
$totalspeed = "---";
echo "<CENTER>";
if ($row["banned"] == "yes"){
print ("<CENTER><B>" . DOWNLOAD . ": </B>BANNED!</CENTER>");
if ($vip == '<b>Yes</b>' && get_user_class($CURSER) < 3) {
print("<tr><td align=right><b><u><font class=leechers>VIP torrent!</b></font></td></tr>");
if ($site_config["AGEON"] && $CURUSER["class"] <=3){
if ($CURUSER["age"] < $row["age_name"]){
$torrentage = "<a href=\"" . $site_config['SITEURL'] . "/images/torrents/novideo.jpg\" rel=\"ibox\"><img border=\"0\"src=\"" . $site_config['SITEURL'] . "/images/torrents/age/" . $row["age_image"] . "\" alt=\"Age Required&nbsp;:" . $row["age_name"] . " + \" /></a>";
$torrentage = "<a href=\"download.php?id=$id&name=" . rawurlencode($row["filename"]) . "\"><img border=\"0\"src=\"" . $site_config['SITEURL'] . "/images/torrents/age/" . $row["age_image"] . "\" alt=\"Age Required&nbsp;:" . $row["age_name"] . " + \" /></a>";
$torrentage = "<a href=\"download.php?id=$id&name=" . rawurlencode($row["filename"]) . "\"><img border=\"0\"src=\"" . $site_config['SITEURL'] . "/images/torrents/age/" . $row["age_image"] . "\" alt=\"Age Required&nbsp;:" . $row["age_name"] . " + \" /></a>";
print("<table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 width=98%>");
print("<tr><td class=rowTabHead><b>" . HEALTH . ":</b></td>
<td class=rowTabHead><img src=".$site_config['SITEURL']."/images/torrents/seeders.png border=\"0\" alt=\"" . SEEDS . "\"></td>
<td class=rowTabHead><img src=".$site_config['SITEURL']."/images/torrents/leechers.png border=\"0\" alt=\"" . LEECH . "\"></td>");
if ($row["external"]!='yes'){
print("<td class=rowTabHead><b>Speed:</b></td>");
print("<td class=rowTabHead><img src=".$site_config['SITEURL']."/images/torrents/completed.png border=\"0\" alt=\"" . COMPLETED . "\"></td></td>");
if ($row["external"]!='yes' && $row["seeders"] <= 1 && $row["times_completed"] > 0){ //if local and completed
print("<td class=rowTabHead><b>Who's Completed?</b></td>");
if ($row["external"]!='yes' && $row["freeleech"]=='1'){
print("<td class=rowTabHead><b>Free Leech:</b></td>");
if ($row["external"]!='yes' && $vips == "y") {
print("<td class=rowTabHead><b>VIP torrent: </b></td>");
print("<td class=rowTabHead><b>Last Checked:</b></td>");
if ($row["external"]=='yes'){
if ($scrape =='1'){
if ($seeders1 != -1){
print("<td class=rowTabHead><b>Tracked:</b></td>");
print("<td class=rowTabHead><b>Live StaTus:</b></td>");
print("<td class=rowTabHead><b>Live StaTus:</b></td>");
print("<td class=rowTabHead><b>Tracked:</b></td>");

print("<tr><td class=status width=80 height=35><div class=progressBar>".health($row["leechers"], $row["seeders"])."</div></td>");
print("<td class=status><font class=seeders>" . $row["seeders"] . "</font></td>");
print("<td class=status><font class=leechers>" . $row["leechers"] . "</font></td>");
if ($row["external"]!='yes'){
print("<td class=status>" . $totalspeed . "</td>");
print("<td class=status>" . $row["times_completed"] . "</td>");
if ($row["external"]!='yes' && $row["seeders"] <= 1 && $row["times_completed"] > 0){ //if local and completed
print("<td class=status><a href=torrents-completed.php?id=$id>View</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href=torrents-reseed.php?id=$id>Request A Re-Seed</a></td>");
if ($row["external"]!='yes' && $row["freeleech"]=='1'){
print("<td class=status><font class=error>This torrent is freeleech so only upload counts!</font></font></td>");
if ($row["external"]!='yes' && $vips == "y") {
print("<td class=status><font class=error>This torrent is for VIP members only!</font></td>");
print("<td class=status>" . date("d-m-Y H:i:s", utc_to_tz_time($row["last_action"])) . "</td>");

if ($row["external"]=='yes'){
if ($scrape =='1'){
print("<td class=status>EXTERNAL</td>\n");
$stats = torrent_scrape_url($tracker, $row["info_hash"]);
$seeders1 = strip_tags($stats['seeds']);
$leechers1 = strip_tags($stats['peers']);
$downloaded1 = strip_tags($stats['downloaded']);

if ($seeders1 != -1){ //only update stats if data is received
print("<td class=status>");
print ("Seeders: ".$seeders1."<BR>");
print ("Leechers: ".$leechers1."<BR>");
print ("Completed: ".$downloaded1."<BR>\n");
print ("<form action=torrents-details.php?id=$id&scrape=1 method=post><input type=\"submit\" name=\"submit\" value=\"Update Stats\"></td></form></tr>");

mysql_query("UPDATE torrents SET leechers='".$leechers1."', seeders='".$seeders1."',times_completed='".$downlo aded1."',last_action= '".get_date_time()."',visible='yes' WHERE id='".$row['id']."'");
print ("<font class=error>Tracker Timeout<BR>Please retry later</font><BR><form action=torrents-details.php?id=$id&scrape=1 method=post><input type=\"submit\" name=\"submit\" value=\"Update Stats\"></td></form></tr>");
print("<td class=status><div align=left>EXTERNAL&nbsp;<form action=torrents-details.php?id=$id&scrape=1 method=post><input type=\"submit\" name=\"submit\" value=\"Update Stats\"></td></form></tr>\n");
print ("<tr><td colspan=4 class=status align=center>Tracker:<br><font class=seeders> ".$row['announce']."</font>");
//read torrent info
$TorrentInfo = array();
$TorrentInfo = ParseTorrent("$torrent_dir/$id.torrent");
$annlist = $TorrentInfo[6];
$filelist = $TorrentInfo[8];

if (count($annlist)){
echo "</td><td colspan=4 class=status align=center>Backup trackers:";
foreach ($annlist as $alist) {
echo "<br>";
echo "<font class=leechers>".$alist[0]."</font>";
print ("<tr><td colspan=8 class=rowEnd></td></tr>");
echo "</div></td></tr></table></CENTER></FIELDSET><BR>";
//end download box
$ads = ads();
if ($ads){
echo "<FIELDSET><LEGEND>Advertising</LEGEND>";
echo"<div class=tablebg style=\"padding:10px;\">".$ads."</div>";
echo "</FIELDSET>";
echo "<BR><FIELDSET><LEGEND>Details</LEGEND>";
echo "<table cellpadding=3 border=0 width=95%>";
print("<table border=1 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=6 width=100%>");
print("<tr><td width=90 class=table_col2><b>" . NAME . ":</b></td><td class=table_col1>" . $shortname . "</td></tr>\n");
print("<tr><td class=table_col2 >Actions:</b></td><td class=table_col1>$torrentage&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href=report.php?torrent=$id><img src=\"".$site_config["SITEURL"]."/images/torrents/report.gif\" border=\"0\" alt=\"Report this torrent\"></a>&nbsp;".$edittorrent."</td></tr>\n");
print("<tr><td class=table_col2><b>Description:</b></td><td class=table_col1><div class=\"description\"><table>" . format_comment($row['descr']) . "</table></div></td></tr>\n");
print("<tr><td class=table_col2><b>" . TTYPE . ":</b></td><td class=table_col1>" . $row["cat_parent"] . " > " . $row["cat_name"] . "</td></tr>\n");
if (empty($row["lang_name"])) $row["lang_name"] = "Unknown/NA";
print("<tr><td align=left class=table_col2><b>Language:</b></td><td class=table_col1>" . $row["lang_name"] . "\n");

if (isset($row["lang_image"]) && $row["lang_image"] != "")
print("&nbsp;<img border=\"0\"src=\"" . $site_config['SITEURL'] . "/images/languages/" . $row["lang_image"] . "\" alt=\"" . $row["lang_name"] . "\" />");


print("<tr><td class=table_col2><b>" . TOTAL_SIZE . ":</b></td><td class=table_col1>" . mksize($row["size"]) . " </td></tr>\n");
print("<tr><td class=table_col2><b>" . INFO_HASH . ":</b></td><td class=table_col1>" . $row["info_hash"] . "</td></tr>\n");
$UClass=@mysql_fetch_array(@mysql_query("SELECT * FROM users JOIN groups ON users.class=groups.group_id WHERE'$row[owner]'"));
$user = "<font color=\"$UClass[Color]\">$row[username]</font>";
if ($row["anon"] == "yes" && !$owned)
print("<tr><td class=table_col2><b>" . ADDED_BY . ":</b></td><td class=table_col1>Anonymous</td></tr>");
elseif ($user)
print("<tr><td class=table_col2><b>" . ADDED_BY . ":</b></td><td class=table_col1><a href=account-details.php?id=" . $row["owner"] . ">" . $user . "</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;<a title=\"Respect\" href=\"simpaty.php?action=add&amp;good&amp;targeti d=".$row["owner"]."&amp;type=torrent".$id."\"><img src=\"\" border=\"0\" alt=\"Respect\" title=\"Respect\" /></a>&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href=\"simpaty.php?action=add&amp;bad&amp;targetid =".$row["owner"]."&amp;type=torrent".$id."\" title=\"Anti-Respect\"><img src=\"\" border=\"0\" alt=\"Anti-Respect\" title=\"Anti-Respect\" /></a></td></tr>");
print("<tr><td class=table_col2><b>" . ADDED_BY . ":</b></td><td class=table_col1>Unknown</td></tr>");

print("<tr><td class=table_col2><b>" . DATE_ADDED . ":</b></td><td class=table_col1>" . date("d-m-Y H:i:s", utc_to_tz_time($row["added"])) . "</td></tr>\n");
print("<tr><td class=table_col2><b>" . VIEWS . ":</b></td><td class=table_col1>" . $row["views"] . "</td></tr>\n");
print("<tr><td class=table_col2><b>" . HITS . ":</b></td><td class=table_col1>" . $row["hits"] . "</td></tr>\n");
print("<tr><td class=table_col2><b>" . Nuked . ":</b></td><td class=table_col1>" . $row["nuked"] . "</td></tr>\n");
if ($site_config["AGEON"] && $CURUSER["class"] <=3){
if ($CURUSER["age"] < $row["age_name"]){
$torrentube = "<a href=\"" . $site_config['SITEURL'] . "/images/torrents/novideo.jpg\" rel=\"ibox\">Watch The trailer</a>";
} else{
$torrentube = "<a href=". str_replace("watch?v=", "v/", htmlspecialchars($row["tube"])) ." rel=\"ibox\">Watch The trailer</a>";
$torrentube = "<a href=". str_replace("watch?v=", "v/", htmlspecialchars($row["tube"])) ." rel=\"ibox\">Watch The trailer</a>";
if (!empty($row["tube"]))
print ("<tr><td class=table_col2><b>" . Youtube . ": </b></td><td class=table_col1>$torrentube</td></tr>");
$thanksl = explode(",", $row['thanks']);
if ($CURUSER['username'] == $row['username'] || !$CURUSER) $leftthanks = true;
foreach ($thanksl as $u) {
$thanks .= ($i>0)?", $u":$u;
if ($u == $CURUSER['username']) $leftthanks = true;

if (!$thanks) $thanks = "No one yet.";

print("<tr><td class=table_col2><b>Thanks By:</b></td><td class=table_col1>$thanks\n");
if (!$leftthanks) print("&nbsp;<form action=thanks.php method=POST><input type=hidden name=torrent value=$id><input type=submit value='Thanks!'></form></td></tr>\n");

$srating = "";
$srating .= "<tr><td class=\"table_col2\">Rating:</td><td class=table_col1>";
if (!isset($row["rating"])) {
$srating .= "Not Yet Rated";
$rpic = ratingpic($row["rating"]);
if (!isset($rpic))
$srating .= "invalid?";
$srating .= "$rpic (" . $row["rating"] . " out of 5) " . $row["numratings"] . " users have rated this torrent";
$srating .= "\n";
if (!isset($CURUSER))
$srating .= "(<a href=\"account-login.php?returnto=" . urlencode($_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"]) . "&amp;nowarn=1\">Log in</a> to rate it)";
else {
$ratings = array(
5 => "Cool!",
4 => "Pretty good",
3 => "Decent",
2 => "Pretty bad",
1 => "Sucks!",
//if (!$owned || $moderator) {
$xres = mysql_query("SELECT rating, added FROM ratings WHERE torrent = $id AND user = " . $CURUSER["id"]);
$xrow = mysql_fetch_array($xres);
if ($xrow)
$srating .= "<BR><i>(You rated this torrent as \"" . $xrow["rating"] . " - " . $ratings[$xrow["rating"]] . "\")</i>";
else {
$srating .= "<form style=display:inline; method=\"post\" action=\"torrents-details.php?id=$id&takerating=yes\"><input type=\"hidden\" name=\"id\" value=\"$id\" />\n";
$srating .= "<select name=\"rating\">\n";
$srating .= "<option value=\"0\">(Add Rating)</option>\n";
foreach ($ratings as $k => $v) {
$srating .= "<option value=\"$k\">$k - $v</option>\n";
$srating .= "</select>\n";
$srating .= "<input type=\"submit\" value=\"Vote!\" />";
$srating .= "</form>\n";
$srating .= "</NOBR></td></tr>";

print("<CENTER>". $srating . "</CENTER>");// rating

echo "</table></FIELDSET>";
echo "<BR>";

if ($row["image1"] != "" OR $row["image2"] != "") {
if ($row["image1"] != "")
$img1 = "<a href='".$site_config["SITEURL"]."/uploads/images/$row[image1]' rel='ibox'><IMG src=".$site_config["SITEURL"]."/uploads/images/$row[image1] width=\"150\" height=\"150\" border=0 alt=\"Click to enlarge\"></a>";
if ($row["image2"] != "")
$img2 = "<a href='".$site_config["SITEURL"]."/uploads/images/$row[image2]' rel='ibox'><IMG src=".$site_config["SITEURL"]."/uploads/images/$row[image2] width=\"150\" height=\"150\" border=0 alt=\"Click to enlarge\"></a>";
print("<CENTER>". $img1 . "&nbsp&nbsp" . $img2."</CENTER><BR>");

echo "<FIELDSET><LEGEND>File List:&nbsp;<img src='images/plus.gif' id='pic1' onclick='klappe_torrent(1)'><div id='k1' style='display: none;'></LEGEND><table align=center cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 class=table_table width=95%><TR><TD class=table_head align=left>&nbsp;File</TD><TD width=50 class=table_head>&nbsp;Size</td></tr>";
if ($row["numfiles"] > 1){
foreach ($filelist as $file) {
$dir = '';
$size = $file["length"];
$count = count($file["path"]);
for ($i=0; $i<$count;$i++) {
if (($i+1) == $count)
$fname = $dir.$file["path"][$i];
$dir .= $file["path"][$i]."/";
$char1 = 65; //cut name length
$smallname = CutName(htmlspecialchars($fname), $char1);
echo "<TR><td class=table_col2>$smallname</td><TD class=table_col2>".mksize($size)."</td></tr>";
echo "<TR><td class=table_col2>".$row["name"]."</td><TD class=table_col1>".mksize($row["size"])."</td></tr>";
echo "<TR><td class=table_end colspan=2></td></tr>";
echo "</table></div></FIELDSET>";

if ($row["external"]!='yes'){
echo "<br><FIELDSET><LEGEND>Peers List:&nbsp;<img src='images/plus.gif' id='pic2' onclick='klappe_torrent(2)'><div id='k2' style='display: none;'></LEGEND>";
$query = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM peers WHERE torrent = $id ORDER BY seeder DESC");

$result = mysql_num_rows($query);
if($result == 0) {
echo "No Active Peers\n";
<table align=center cellpadding="3" cellspacing="0" class="table_table" width="98%">
<td class="table_head">Port</td>
print("<td class=\"table_head\"><div align=center><img src=\"/images/torrents/uploaded.png\" border=\"0\" alt=\"Uploaded\"></div></td>");
print("<td class=\"table_head\"><div align=center><img src=\"/images/torrents/downloaded.png\" border=\"0\" alt=\"Downloaded\"></div></td>");?>
<td class="table_head">Ratio</td>
<td class="table_head">Left</td>
<td class="table_head">% Comp</td>
<td class="table_head">Seeder</td>
<td class="table_head">Connect</td>
<td class="table_head">client</td>
<td class="table_head">User</td>

while($row1 = MYSQL_FETCH_ARRAY($query)) {
if ($row1["downloaded"] > 0)
$ratio = number_format($row1["uploaded"] / $row1["downloaded"], 2);
if (($row1["uploaded"] / $row1["downloaded"]) > 10)
$ratio = "10+";
if ($row1["uploaded"] > 0)
$ratio = "Inf.";
$ratio = "----";
$percentcomp = sprintf("%.2f", 100 * (1 - ($row1["to_go"] / $row["size"])));

if ($site_config["MEMBERSONLY"]) {
$res = mysql_query("SELECT id, username, privacy FROM users WHERE id=".$row1["userid"]."");
$arr = MYSQL_FETCH_ARRAY($res);
if ($arr["privacy"] != "strong" || ($CURUSER["control_panel"] == "yes")) {
print("<tr><td class=table_col2>".$row1["port"]."</td><td class=table_col1>".mksize($row1["uploaded"])."</td><td class=table_col2>".mksize($row1["downloaded"])."</td><td class=table_col1>".$ratio."</td><td class=table_col2>".mksize($row1["to_go"])."</td><td class=table_col1>".$percentcomp."%</td><td class=table_col2>$row1[seeder]</td><td class=table_col1>$row1[connectable]</td><td class=table_col2>$row1[client]</td><td class=table_col1><a href=account-details.php?id=$arr[id]>$arr[username]</a></td></tr>");
print("<tr><td class=table_col2>".$row1["port"]."</td><td class=table_col1>".mksize($row1["uploaded"])."</td><td class=table_col2>".mksize($row1["downloaded"])."</td><td class=table_col1>".$ratio."</td><td class=table_col2>".mksize($row1["to_go"])."</td><td class=table_col1>".$percentcomp."%</td><td class=table_col2>$row1[seeder]</td><td class=table_col1>$row1[connectable]</td><td class=table_col2>$row1[client]</td><td class=table_col1>Private</td></tr>");

echo "<tr><td class=\"table_end\" colspan=12></td></tr>";
echo "</table></div></FIELDSET>";

echo "<BR><BR>";

function my_nfo_translate($nfo){
$trans = array(
"\x80" => "
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Old 24th February 2010, 01:23
melcu66 melcu66 is offline
Join Date: Apr 2009
Posts: 5
Default how can I delete the columns marked on the picture from the website?
How can I delete the columns marked on the picture from the website?
& to add pictures from direct link without resizing when i upload torrents, (screens from movies etc.)
Pls help if you know ;)
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