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Old 14th June 2018, 17:59
BamBam0077 BamBam0077 is offline
Join Date: Jul 2013
Posts: 410
Default Heath Bar ( Browse )
if your interest I will share this mod just adds a health bar inside your browse uploaded to site. example 0 seeders 0 leechers will seem like:

Click the image to open in full size.
Click the image to open in full size.
if interested as stated earlier I will share with you. DON"T PM Post answer below you might have to do some security checks also I have yet to make it secure as I like it. but if your skilled with php I would assume a small patch wouldn't hurt to secure once I share it idea is taken from TorrentTrader plus it looks need as well.

save as torrenttable_functions.php

function linkcolor($num) {
    if (!$num)
        return "red";
//    if ($num == 1)
//        return "yellow";
    return "green";

function torrenttable($res, $variant = "index") {
    global $TBDEV, $CURUSER, $lang;

    $wait = 0;
    $htmlout = '';
    if ($CURUSER["class"] < UC_VIP)
      $gigs = $CURUSER["uploaded"] / (1024*1024*1024);
      $ratio = (($CURUSER["downloaded"] > 0) ? ($CURUSER["uploaded"] / $CURUSER["downloaded"]) : 0);
      if ($ratio < 0.5 || $gigs < 5) $wait = 48;
      elseif ($ratio < 0.65 || $gigs < 6.5) $wait = 24;
      elseif ($ratio < 0.8 || $gigs < 8) $wait = 12;
      elseif ($ratio < 0.95 || $gigs < 9.5) $wait = 6;
      else $wait = 0;

    $htmlout .= "<div style='margin-left: 0px;'>
                <table border='1' cellspacing='0' cellpadding='5'>
    <td class='colhead' align='center'>{$lang["torrenttable_type"]}</td>
    <td class='colhead' align='left'>{$lang["torrenttable_name"]}</td>";
    if ($variant == "mytorrents")
      $htmlout .= "<td class='colhead' align='center'>{$lang["torrenttable_edit"]}</td>\n";
    $htmlout .= "<td class='colhead' align='center'>{$lang["torrenttable_visible"]}</td>\n";

    $htmlout .= "<td class='colhead' align='right'>{$lang["torrenttable_files"]}</td>
    <td class='colhead' align='center'>{$lang["torrenttable_size"]}</td>
    <td class='colhead' align='center'>{$lang["torrenttable_snatched"]}</td>
    <td class='colhead' align='right'>{$lang["torrenttable_seeders"]}</td>
    <td class='colhead' align='right'>{$lang["torrenttable_leechers"]}</td>";

$htmlout .= "<td class='colhead' align='center'>Health</td>\n";
    if ($variant == 'index')
        $htmlout .= "<td class='colhead' align='center'>{$lang["torrenttable_uppedby"]}</td>\n";

    $htmlout .= "</tr>\n";

    while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($res)) 
        $id = $row["id"];
        $htmlout .= "<tr>\n";

        $htmlout .= "<td align='center' style='padding: 0px'>";
        if (isset($row["cat_name"])) 
            $htmlout .= "<a style='color: #000000;' href='browse.php?cat={$row['category']}'>";
            if (isset($row["cat_pic"]) && $row["cat_pic"] != "")
                $htmlout .= "<img border='0' src='{$TBDEV['pic_base_url']}caticons/{$row['cat_pic']}' alt='{$row['cat_name']}' />";
                $htmlout .= $row["cat_name"];
            $htmlout .= "</a>";
            $htmlout .= "-";
        $htmlout .= "</td>\n";

        $dispname = htmlspecialchars($row["name"]);
        $htmlout .= "<td align='left'><a style='color: #000000;' href='details.php?";
        if ($variant == "mytorrents")
            $htmlout .= "returnto=" . urlencode($_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"]) . "&amp;";
        $htmlout .= "id=$id";
        if ($variant == "index")
            $htmlout .= "&amp;hit=1";
        $htmlout .= "'><b>$dispname</b></a>\n";
        if ($variant == "mytorrents")
            $htmlout .= "</td><td align='center'><a href='edit.php?returnto=" . urlencode($_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"]) . "&amp;id={$row['id']}'>".$lang["torrenttable_edit"]."</a>\n";
        $htmlout .= "</td>\n";
        if ($variant == "mytorrents") 
            $htmlout .= "<td align='right'>";
            if ($row["visible"] == "no")
                $htmlout .= "<b>".$lang["torrenttable_not_visible"]."</b>";
                $htmlout .= "".$lang["torrenttable_visible"]."";
            $htmlout .= "</td>\n";

        if ($row["type"] == "single")
            $htmlout .= "<td align='right'>{$row["numfiles"]}</td>\n";
            if ($variant == "index")
                $htmlout .= "<td align='right'><b><a href='filelist.php?id=$id'>" . $row["numfiles"] . "</a></b></td>\n";
                $htmlout .= "<td align='right'><b><a href='filelist.php?id=$id'>" . $row["numfiles"] . "</a></b></td>\n";

    $htmlout .= "<td align='center'>" . str_replace(" ", "<br />", mksize($row["size"])) . "</td>\n";

        if ($row["times_completed"] != 1)
          $_s = "".$lang["torrenttable_time_plural"]."";
          $_s = "".$lang["torrenttable_time_singular"]."";
        $htmlout .= "<td align='center'>" . number_format($row["times_completed"]) . "<br />$_s</td>\n";

        if ($row["seeders"]) 
            if ($variant == "index")
               if ($row["leechers"]) $ratio = $row["seeders"] / $row["leechers"]; else $ratio = 1;
                $htmlout .= "<td align='right'><b><a href='peerlist.php?id=$id#seeders'>
                <font color='" .get_slr_color($ratio) . "'>{$row["seeders"]}</font></a></b></td>\n";
                $htmlout .= "<td align='right'><b><a class='" . linkcolor($row["seeders"]) . "' href='peerlist.php?id=$id#seeders'>{$row["seeders"]}</a></b></td>\n";
            $htmlout .= "<td align='right'><span class='" . linkcolor($row["seeders"]) . "'>" . $row["seeders"] . "</span></td>\n";

        if ($row["leechers"]) 
            if ($variant == "index")
                $htmlout .= "<td align='right'><b><a style='color: #000000;' href='peerlist.php?id=$id#leechers'>" .
                   number_format($row["leechers"]) . "</a></b></td>\n";
                $htmlout .= "<td align='right'><b><a class='" . linkcolor($row["leechers"]) . "' href='peerlist.php?id=$id#leechers'>{$row["leechers"]}</a></b></td>\n";
            $htmlout .= "<td align='right'>0</td>\n";
        $htmlout .= "<td align='center'><img src='images/health/health_".health($row["leechers"], $row["seeders"]).".gif' alt='' /></td>";

        if ($variant == "index")
            $htmlout .= "<td align='center'>" . (isset($row["username"]) ? ("<a style='color: #000000;' href='userdetails.php?id=" . $row["owner"] . "'><b>" . htmlspecialchars($row["username"]) . "</b></a>") : "<i>(".$lang["torrenttable_unknown_uploader"].")</i>") . "</td>\n";
       $htmlout .= "</tr>\n";

    $htmlout .= "</table></div>";

    return $htmlout;

function commenttable($rows)
    global $CURUSER, $TBDEV;
    $lang = load_language( 'torrenttable_functions' );
    $htmlout = '';
    $count = 0;
    $htmlout .= begin_main_frame();
    $htmlout .= begin_frame();
    foreach ($rows as $row)
        $htmlout .= "<p style='color: #ffffff;' class='sub'>#{$row["id"]} {$lang["commenttable_by"]} ";
    if (isset($row["username"]))
            $title = $row["title"];
            if ($title == "")
                $title = get_user_class_name($row["class"]);
                $title = htmlspecialchars($title);
        $htmlout .= "<a name='comm{$row["id"]}' href='userdetails.php?id={$row["user"]}'><b>" .
            htmlspecialchars($row["username"]) . "</b></a>" . ($row["donor"] == "yes" ? "<img src='{$TBDEV['pic_base_url']}star.gif' alt='".$lang["commenttable_donor_alt"]."' />" : "") . ($row["warned"] == "yes" ? "<img src=".
                "'{$TBDEV['pic_base_url']}warned.gif' alt='".$lang["commenttable_warned_alt"]."' />" : "") . " ($title)\n";
           $htmlout .= "<a name='comm{$row["id"]}'><i>(".$lang["commenttable_orphaned"].")</i></a>\n";

        $htmlout .= get_date( $row['added'],'');
        $htmlout .= ($row["user"] == $CURUSER["id"] || get_user_class() >= UC_MODERATOR ? "- [<a href='comment.php?action=edit&amp;cid={$row['id']}'>".$lang["commenttable_edit"]."</a>]" : "") .
            (get_user_class() >= UC_MODERATOR ? "- [<a href='comment.php?action=delete&amp;cid={$row['id']}'>".$lang["commenttable_delete"]."</a>]" : "") .
            ($row["editedby"] && get_user_class() >= UC_MODERATOR ? "- [<a href='comment.php?action=vieworiginal&amp;cid={$row['id']}'>".$lang["commenttable_view_original"]."</a>]" : "") . "</p>\n";
        $avatar = ($CURUSER["avatars"] == "yes" ? htmlspecialchars($row["avatar"]) : "");
        if (!$avatar)
            $avatar = "{$TBDEV['pic_base_url']}default_avatar.gif";
        $text = format_comment($row["text"]);
    if ($row["editedby"])
        $text .= "<p><font size='1' class='small'>".$lang["commenttable_last_edited_by"]." <a href='userdetails.php?id={$row['editedby']}'><b>{$row['username']}</b></a> ".$lang["commenttable_last_edited_at"]." ".get_date($row['editedat'],'DATE')."</font></p>\n";
        $htmlout .= begin_table2(true);
        $htmlout .= "<tr valign='top'>\n";
        $htmlout .= "<td align='center' width='100' style='padding: 0px'><img width='{$row['av_w']}' height='{$row['av_h']}' src='{$avatar}' alt='' /></td>\n";
        $htmlout .= "<td style='color: #ffffff;' class='text'>$text</td>\n";
        $htmlout .= "</tr>\n";
     $htmlout .= end_table();
    $htmlout .= end_frame();
    $htmlout .= end_main_frame();
    return $htmlout;


save then move to bittorrent.php:
function health($leechers, $seeders) {
    if (($leechers == 0 && $seeders == 0) || ($leechers > 0 && $seeders == 0))
        return 0;
    elseif ($seeders > $leechers)
        return 10;

    $ratio = $seeders / $leechers * 100;
    if ($ratio > 0 && $ratio < 15)
        return 1;
    elseif ($ratio >= 15 && $ratio < 25)
        return 2;
    elseif ($ratio >= 25 && $ratio < 35)
        return 3;
    elseif ($ratio >= 35 && $ratio < 45)
        return 4;
    elseif ($ratio >= 45 && $ratio < 55)
        return 5;
    elseif ($ratio >= 55 && $ratio < 65)
        return 6;
    elseif ($ratio >= 65 && $ratio < 75)
        return 7;
    elseif ($ratio >= 75 && $ratio < 85)
        return 8;
    elseif ($ratio >= 85 && $ratio < 95)
        return 9;
        return 10;
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Old 14th June 2018, 18:05
fatjohn fatjohn is offline
Join Date: May 2018
Posts: 1
Wow lol so easy to do any want to be coder can add
Pop over to u232 full mod there
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Old 23rd August 2022, 13:23
BamBam0077 BamBam0077 is offline
Join Date: Jul 2013
Posts: 410
nice advice though soz to disappoint you, the information suggested above is the full hack/mod for healthbar!

rootDIR: /var/www/html/include/
modifyFile: replace torrenttable_functions.php file with the one posted originally by us.
modifyFile: now edit bittorrent.php and add health function posted by us above.

!NOTICE! no health status bar, not added just yet....
Click the image to open in full size.

New Output:

0 seeders 0 leechers
Click the image to open in full size.

2 seeders 3 leechers
Click the image to open in full size.

+ now as you can see it works 100% without any issues if there are it will be most likely PHP version or possibly sql_ext for queries.

Bump: * create folders: images/health
* unrar files
* upload to dir_file:/var/www/html/images
* now should show like example below when images uploaded / extracted from .rar
Click the image to open in full size.
Attached Files
File Type: rar images.rar (9.3 KB, 2 views)
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bar , browse , heath

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