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Old 10th April 2020, 20:21
fullcrumcake fullcrumcake is offline
Join Date: Jul 2014
Posts: 6
Default clean IPV6 mod for Xbt Tracker?
I saw that there's Radiance that supports IPv4 and IPv6, which I am testing but I don't know if I can get the backend to work as simple as Xbt does. I think more signals need to be sent or something to register new torrent and users with the tracker.

Also there's some older heavily modified code: xbttracker6

And I tried using a compare program to see the differences in the code, but I feel like I'll miss something and mess everything up because i'm not a C plus plus coder. I mean when you recompile it gives error messages if you did something wrong, but I don't know to what extent.

In the end i'm just looking for a modified Xbt Tracker with freeleech and IPv6 support. Thanks in advance.



Bump: I only needed IPV6 support because I use Cloudflare with my tracker and Cloudflare automatically turns on IPV6 support. This problem has been fixed now.

I was able to communicate with the original creator of the XBT Tracker and the latest version is able to tracker IPV6 users. This is able to happen because it converts IPV6 ip addresses to and then just tracks the users purely by user id and passkey.

It doesn't just depend on ip address anymore. Down side is that you'll have to upgrade to GCC 7 or higher to use the newest version of XBT Tracker. Upside of this all is that i'm able to edit C++ code now and I was able to port over all the XBT Tracker mods that were added in my old XBT Tracker version.

I decided to pay the original XBT Tracker creator and he helped me, it wasn't a bad price 35 EURO. Now everything is working smoothly and if I need future, support I can send an email.
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