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Old 18th June 2009, 10:43
mmisu120000's Avatar
mmisu120000 mmisu120000 is offline
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Join Date: Jun 2009
Posts: 202
Default [TSSE 5.x] Genre MOD
I'm working now at a Genre MOD for TSSE (my version id 5.4.1, but I think it can be adapted quickly in other 5.x versions).

I can't promise anything, I have very little time, but I;ll give it a try.
The minute it's ready, i'll post it for reviews and comments

Genre Mod v0.1 is ready!
I was inspired by RAW Genre Mod for TBDEV, but in TSSE 5.4.1 is really tricky, so i had to do it from scratch...

here are the files modified (see attachment)
inside archive are: browse.php, upload.php, edit.php, details.php, takeedit.php, takeupload.php and the lang. files necesary

Now, let's get to installation:

First, make one table in the database:



Remember to backup db and files first!

ALTER TABLE `torrents` ADD `genre` VARCHAR( 40 ) NOT NULL ;
After that, extract the files from archive, and overwite the existing ones with them (the lang files are in /include/languages/english)

That should be it!

I will to make a step by step installation tutorial for those who are familiar to php, but right now, i'm tired, I worked on that all day ... so I've putted my modified files.

Ok, i think i finished the tutorial ... It's gonna be a HUUUUGE post...

Now, let's get to installation:
First, make one table in the database:
ALTER TABLE `torrents` ADD `genre` VARCHAR( 40 ) NOT NULL ;
File modifications:


  function validfilename ($name)
      return preg_match ('/^[^\\0-\\x1f:\\\\\\/?*\\xff#<>|]+$/si', $name);

  function bark ($msg, $redirect = false)
      global $lang;
      global $where;
      if ($redirect)
        $where .= '&msg=' . base64_encode ($msg);
        header ('' . 'Location: ' . $where);
        exit ();
$res = sql_query ('SELECT owner, filename, t_image, t_link, added FROM torrents WHERE id = ' . sqlesc ($id));
And modify:
$res = sql_query ('SELECT owner, filename, genre, t_image, t_link, added FROM torrents WHERE id = ' . sqlesc ($id));
        $updateset[] = 'allowcomments = \'no\'';
And add after that:
$genre = $_POST["genre"];
  $genre1 = $_POST["genre1"];    
     if (empty($genre1))
         $genre1 = " ";
                     $genre1 = " / " . $genre1 ; 
  $genre2 = $_POST["genre2"];    
     if (empty($genre2))
         $genre2 = " ";
                     $genre2 = " / " . $genre2 ;
  $genre .= $genre1 . $genre2;
  $updateset[] = 'genre = ' . sqlesc ($genre);
In takeupload.php:
 $upload->url = $t_link;
        $upload->valid_link = array ('');
        $upload->file_type = 'imdb';
        $upload->check_url ();
        if (strstr ($t_link, 'imdb'))
          include_once INC_PATH . '/ts_imdb.php';
And add after that:
$genre = $_POST["genre"];
  $genre1 = $_POST["genre1"];    
     if (empty($genre1))
         $genre1 = " ";
                     $genre1 = " / " . $genre1 ; 
  $genre2 = $_POST["genre2"];    
     if (empty($genre2))
         $genre2 = " ";
                     $genre2 = " / " . $genre2 ;
  $genre .= $genre1 . $genre2;
$ret = sql_query ('INSERT INTO torrents (t_image, t_link, filename, owner, visible, anonymous, free, silver, sticky, offensive, info_hash, name, size, numfiles, descr, category, added, last_action, ' . $q1 . 'nfo' . $sql1 . ') VALUES (' . implode (',', array_map ('sqlesc', array ((!empty ($t_image) ? $t_image : (!empty ($cover_photo_name) ? $BASEURL . '/' . $cover_photo_name : '')), (!empty ($t_link) ? $t_link : ''), $fname, $CURUSER['id'], $visible, $anonymous, $free, $silver, $sticky, $offensive, $infohash, $torrent, $totallen, count ($filelist), $descr, 0 + $_POST['type']))) . ', \'' . get_date_time () . '\', \'' . get_date_time () . '\', ' . $q2 . $nfo . $sql2 . ')');
And replace with:
 $ret = sql_query ('INSERT INTO torrents (t_image, t_link, filename, genre, owner, visible, anonymous, free, silver, sticky, offensive, info_hash, name, size, numfiles, descr, category, added, last_action, ' . $q1 . 'nfo' . $sql1 . ') VALUES (' . implode (',', array_map ('sqlesc', array ((!empty ($t_image) ? $t_image : (!empty ($cover_photo_name) ? $BASEURL . '/' . $cover_photo_name : '')), (!empty ($t_link) ? $t_link : ''), $fname, $genre, $CURUSER['id'], $visible, $anonymous, $free, $silver, $sticky, $offensive, $infohash, $torrent, $totallen, count ($filelist), $descr, 0 + $_POST['type']))) . ', \'' . get_date_time () . '\', \'' . get_date_time () . '\', ' . $q2 . $nfo . $sql2 . ')');
<td align="left">'.$showwait.'<a name="#showtorrent'.$torrents['id'].'"></a>&nbsp;'.$name_torrent.'<br />'.'"genre'.$isScene.'</td>
And replace with:
<td align="left">'.$showwait.'<a name="#showtorrent'.$torrents['id'].'"></a>&nbsp;'.$name_torrent.'<br />'.'&nbsp; <font color="red"> Genre: </b>'.$genre.'</font>'.$isScene.'</td>
$torrents['name'] = htmlspecialchars_uni($torrents['name']);
And add after that:
$torrents['genre'] = htmlspecialchars_uni($torrents['genre']);
  $genre = $torrents['genre'];
$torrent_download_link = (!$is_bookmark_page ? '<a href="'.$seolink3.'" title="'.$downloadinfo.'" alt="'.$downloadinfo.'" /><img src="'.$BASEURL.'/'.$pic_base_url.'dl.gif"></a>' : '<a href="'.$BASEURL.'/bookmarks.php?torrentid='.$torrents['id'].'&amp;action=delete" title="" alt="" /><img src="'.$BASEURL.'/'.$pic_base_url.'delete.gif"></a>');
And add after that:
$genre = $torrents['genre'];
$query = sql_query("SELECT ".($torrentspeed == 'yes' ? '(t.size * t.times_completed + SUM(p.downloaded)) / (UNIX_TIMESTAMP(NOW()) - UNIX_TIMESTAMP(t.added)) AS totalspeed,' : '')." t.*, as categoryid, c.image, as categoryname, u.username, g.namestyle {$from} LEFT JOIN categories c ON ( LEFT JOIN users u ON ( LEFT JOIN usergroups g ON (u.usergroup=g.gid) ".($torrentspeed == 'yes' ? 'LEFT JOIN peers p ON (' : '')." WHERE ".($showvisible ? "t.visible = 'yes' AND " : "")."t.banned = 'no'".(isset($extraqueries) ? $extraqueries : '')." {$groupby}{$orderbyvalue} $limit") or sqlerr(__FILE__,__LINE__);
And replace with:
$query = sql_query("SELECT ".($torrentspeed == 'yes' ? '(t.genre, t.size * t.times_completed + SUM(p.downloaded)) / (UNIX_TIMESTAMP(NOW()) - UNIX_TIMESTAMP(t.added)) AS totalspeed,' : '')." t.*, as categoryid, c.image, as categoryname, u.username, g.namestyle {$from} LEFT JOIN categories c ON ( LEFT JOIN users u ON ( LEFT JOIN usergroups g ON (u.usergroup=g.gid) ".($torrentspeed == 'yes' ? 'LEFT JOIN peers p ON (' : '')." WHERE ".($showvisible ? "t.visible = 'yes' AND " : "")."t.banned = 'no'".(isset($extraqueries) ? $extraqueries : '')." {$groupby}{$orderbyvalue} $limit") or sqlerr(__FILE__,__LINE__);
In upload.php:
$postoptions = array(
                                  '1'                            =>'<input type="text" name="trackerurl" id="specialboxg" size="70" value="'.($_GET['trackerurl'] ? htmlspecialchars_uni(base64_decode($_GET['trackerurl'])) : $alink).'"'.$enabledisable.'>'.$info.'',
                                  '2'                            =>           '<input type="file" name="file" id="specialboxn" size="70">',
                                  '3'                            =>           '<input type="file" name="nfo" id="specialboxn" size="70"><br />'.$lang->upload['field5'],
                                  '4'                            =>'
                                  <div id="upurl">
                                                  <input type="text" name="t_image_url" size="70" id="specialboxg" value="'.($_GET['t_image_url'] ? htmlspecialchars_uni(base64_decode($_GET['t_image_url'])) : $lang->upload['field23']).'" onfocus="focusfield(this)">
                                  <div id="upfile" style="display: none">
                                                  <input type="file" name="t_image_file" size="70" id="specialboxg"'.($_GET['t_image_url'] ? htmlspecialchars_uni(base64_decode($_GET['t_image_url'])) : '').'><br />
                                  '5'                            =>'<input type="text" name="t_link" id="specialboxg" size="70" value="'.($_GET['t_link'] ? htmlspecialchars_uni(base64_decode($_GET['t_link'])) : '').'">',
                                  '6'                            =>           $showcategories,
                                  '7'                            =>           '<input type="checkbox" name="nforip" value="yes" onClick="check_click2()"'.($_GET['nforip'] == 'yes' ? ' checked="checked"' : '').'> '.$lang->upload['field20'],
                                  '8'                            =>           $offer,
                                  '9'                            =>           '<input type="checkbox" name="uplver" value="yes"'.($_GET['uplver'] == 'yes' ? ' checked="checked"' : (preg_match('#I3#is', $CURUSER['options']) || preg_match('#I4#is', $CURUSER['options']) ? ' checked="checked"' : '')).'> '.$lang->upload['field12'],
                                  '10'                         =>           $fb,
                                  '11'         =>$rb,
                                  '12'         =>           $sb,
                                  '13'         =>           '<input type="checkbox" name="offensive" value="yes"'.($_GET['offensive'] == 'yes' ? ' checked="checked"' : '').'> '.$lang->upload['field16'],
                                  '14'         =>           '<input type="checkbox" name="scene" value="yes"'.($_GET['scene'] == 'yes' ? ' checked="checked"' : '').'> '.$lang->upload['scene2']
And replace with:
$postoptions = array(
                                  '1'                            =>'<input type="text" name="trackerurl" id="specialboxg" size="70" value="'.($_GET['trackerurl'] ? htmlspecialchars_uni(base64_decode($_GET['trackerurl'])) : $alink).'"'.$enabledisable.'>'.$info.'',
                                  '2'                            =>           '<input type="file" name="file" id="specialboxn" size="70">',
                                  '3'                            =>           '<input type="file" name="nfo" id="specialboxn" size="70"><br />'.$lang->upload['field5'],
                                  '4'                            =>'
                                  <div id="upurl">
                                                  <input type="text" name="t_image_url" size="70" id="specialboxg" value="'.($_GET['t_image_url'] ? htmlspecialchars_uni(base64_decode($_GET['t_image_url'])) : $lang->upload['field23']).'" onfocus="focusfield(this)">
                                  <div id="upfile" style="display: none">
                                                  <input type="file" name="t_image_file" size="70" id="specialboxg"'.($_GET['t_image_url'] ? htmlspecialchars_uni(base64_decode($_GET['t_image_url'])) : '').'><br />
                                  '5'                            =>'<input type="text" name="t_link" id="specialboxg" size="70" value="'.($_GET['t_link'] ? htmlspecialchars_uni(base64_decode($_GET['t_link'])) : '').'">',
                                  '6'                            =>           $showcategories,
                                  '7'                            =>           $genre,
                                  '8'                            =>           '<input type="checkbox" name="nforip" value="yes" onClick="check_click2()"'.($_GET['nforip'] == 'yes' ? ' checked="checked"' : '').'> '.$lang->upload['field20'],
                                  '9'                            =>           $offer,
                                  '10'                         =>           '<input type="checkbox" name="uplver" value="yes"'.($_GET['uplver'] == 'yes' ? ' checked="checked"' : (preg_match('#I3#is', $CURUSER['options']) || preg_match('#I4#is', $CURUSER['options']) ? ' checked="checked"' : '')).'> '.$lang->upload['field12'],
                                  '11'                         =>           $fb,
                                  '12'         =>$rb,
                                  '13'         =>           $sb,
                                  '14'         =>           '<input type="checkbox" name="offensive" value="yes"'.($_GET['offensive'] == 'yes' ? ' checked="checked"' : '').'> '.$lang->upload['field16'],
                                  '15'         =>           '<input type="checkbox" name="scene" value="yes"'.($_GET['scene'] == 'yes' ? ' checked="checked"' : '').'> '.$lang->upload['scene2']
                  $showcategories = ts_category_list('type',intval($_GET['type']));
And add after that:
$genre = '<select name=genre> . <option value=0>Select genre</option>\n .
   "<option value=Action>Action</option>\n" .
   "<option value=Adventure>Adventure</option>\n" .
   "<option value=Anime>Anime</option>\n" .
   "<option value=Comedy>Comedy</option>\n" .
   "<option value=Fantasy>Fantasy</option>\n" .
   "<option value=Thriller>Thriller</option>\n" .
   "<option value=Horror>Horror</option>\n" .
   "<option value=Crime>Crime</option>\n" .
   "<option value=SciFi>SciFi</option>\n" .
   "<option value=War>War</option>\n" .
   "<option value=Romance>Romance</option>\n" .
   "<option value=Musical>Musical</option>\n" .
   "<option value=Sports>Sports</option>\n" .
   "<option value=Drama>Drama</option>\n" .
   "<option value=Reality-TV>Reality-TV</option>\n" .
   "<option value=Documentary>Documentary</option>\n" .
   "<option value=XXX>XXX</option>\n" .
   "<option value=....>....</option>\n" .
   "<option value=Strategy>Strategy</option>\n" .
   "<option value=Shooter>Shooter</option>\n" .
   "<option value=RPG>RPG</option>\n" .
   "<option value=Sports>Sports</option>\n" .
   "<option value=Cars>Cars</option>\n" .
   "<option value=Simulator>Simulator</option>\n" .
   "<option value=Oldies but Goldies>Oldies but Goldies</option>\n" .
   "<option value=PS2>PS2</option>\n" .
   "<option value=PSP>PSP</option>\n" .
   "<option value=Nintendo>Nintendo</option>\n" .
   "<option value=....>....</option>\n" .
   "<option value=Rock>Rock</option>\n" .
   "<option value=Metal>Metal</option>\n" .
   "<option value=Disco>Disco</option>\n" .
   "<option value=Dance>Dance</option>\n" .
   "<option value=Pop>Pop</option>\n" .
   "<option value=Electro>Electro</option>\n" .
   "<option value=House>House</option>\n" .
   "<option value=Rap>Rap</option>\n" .
   "<option value=Tehno>Tehno</option>\n" .
    "<option value=Trance>Trance</option>\n" .
   "<option value=Lo-Fi>Lo-Fi</option>\n" .
   "<option value=Blues>Blues</option>\n" .
   "<option value=Ambient>Ambient</option>\n" .
   "<option value=Reggae>Reggae</option>\n" .
   "<option value=Accoustic>Accoustic</option>\n" .
   "<option value=Jazz>Jazz</option>\n" .
   "<option value=Ethno>Ethno</option>\n" .
   "<option value=Classic>Classic</option>\n" .
   "<option value=Misc.>Misc.</option>\n" .
   "<option value=....>....</option>\n" .
   "<option value=Document>Document</option>\n" .
   "<option value=Software>Software</option>\n" .
   "<option value=AntiVirus>Antivirus</option>\n" .
   "<option value=Tools>Tools</option>\n" .
   "<option value=CD-DVD Burning>CD-DVD Burning</option>\n" .
   "<option value=Graphics>Graphics</option>\n" .
   "<option value=Windows>Windows</option>\n" . 
   "<option value=Linux>Linux</option>\n" .
    </select>   <= REQUIRED!    
   <select name=genre1> . <option value=0>Select genre 1</option>\n .
   "<option value=Action>Action</option>\n" .
   "<option value=Adventure>Adventure</option>\n" .
   "<option value=Anime>Anime</option>\n" .
   "<option value=Comedy>Comedy</option>\n" .
   "<option value=Fantasy>Fantasy</option>\n" .
   "<option value=Thriller>Thriller</option>\n" .
   "<option value=Horror>Horror</option>\n" .
   "<option value=Crime>Crime</option>\n" .
   "<option value=SciFi>SciFi</option>\n" .
   "<option value=War>War</option>\n" .
   "<option value=Romance>Romance</option>\n" .
   "<option value=Musical>Musical</option>\n" .
   "<option value=Sports>Sports</option>\n" .
   "<option value=Drama>Drama</option>\n" .
   "<option value=Reality-TV>Reality-TV</option>\n" .
   "<option value=Documentary>Documentary</option>\n" .
   "<option value=XXX>XXX</option>\n" .
   "<option value=....>....</option>\n" .
   "<option value=Strategy>Strategy</option>\n" .
   "<option value=Shooter>Shooter</option>\n" .
   "<option value=RPG>RPG</option>\n" .
   "<option value=Sports>Sports</option>\n" .
   "<option value=Cars>Cars</option>\n" .
   "<option value=Simulator>Simulator</option>\n" .
   "<option value=Oldies but Goldies>Oldies but Goldies</option>\n" .
   "<option value=PS2>PS2</option>\n" .
   "<option value=PSP>PSP</option>\n" .
   "<option value=Nintendo>Nintendo</option>\n" .
   "<option value=....>....</option>\n" .
   "<option value=Rock>Rock</option>\n" .
   "<option value=Metal>Metal</option>\n" .
   "<option value=Disco>Disco</option>\n" .
   "<option value=Dance>Dance</option>\n" .
   "<option value=Pop>Pop</option>\n" .
   "<option value=Electro>Electro</option>\n" .
   "<option value=House>House</option>\n" .
   "<option value=Rap>Rap</option>\n" .
   "<option value=Tehno>Tehno</option>\n" .
    "<option value=Trance>Trance</option>\n" .
   "<option value=Lo-Fi>Lo-Fi</option>\n" .
   "<option value=Blues>Blues</option>\n" .
   "<option value=Ambient>Ambient</option>\n" .
   "<option value=Reggae>Reggae</option>\n" .
   "<option value=Accoustic>Accoustic</option>\n" .
   "<option value=Jazz>Jazz</option>\n" .
   "<option value=Ethno>Ethno</option>\n" .
   "<option value=Classic>Classic</option>\n" .
   "<option value=Misc.>Misc.</option>\n" .
   "<option value=....>....</option>\n" .
   "<option value=Document>Document</option>\n" .
   "<option value=Software>Software</option>\n" .
   "<option value=AntiVirus>Antivirus</option>\n" .
   "<option value=Tools>Tools</option>\n" .
   "<option value=CD-DVD Burning>CD-DVD Burning</option>\n" .
   "<option value=Graphics>Graphics</option>\n" .
   "<option value=Windows>Windows</option>\n" . 
   "<option value=Linux>Linux</option>\n" .
    "</select> /
   <select name=genre2>\n <option value=0>Select genre 2</option>\n .
   "<option value=Action>Action</option>\n" .
   "<option value=Adventure>Adventure</option>\n" .
   "<option value=Anime>Anime</option>\n" .
   "<option value=Comedy>Comedy</option>\n" .
   "<option value=Fantasy>Fantasy</option>\n" .
   "<option value=Thriller>Thriller</option>\n" .
   "<option value=Horror>Horror</option>\n" .
   "<option value=Crime>Crime</option>\n" .
   "<option value=SciFi>SciFi</option>\n" .
   "<option value=War>War</option>\n" .
   "<option value=Romance>Romance</option>\n" .
   "<option value=Musical>Musical</option>\n" .
   "<option value=Sports>Sports</option>\n" .
   "<option value=Drama>Drama</option>\n" .
   "<option value=Reality-TV>Reality-TV</option>\n" .
   "<option value=Documentary>Documentary</option>\n" .
   "<option value=XXX>XXX</option>\n" .
   "<option value=....>....</option>\n" .
   "<option value=Strategy>Strategy</option>\n" .
   "<option value=Shooter>Shooter</option>\n" .
   "<option value=RPG>RPG</option>\n" .
   "<option value=Sports>Sports</option>\n" .
   "<option value=Cars>Cars</option>\n" .
   "<option value=Simulator>Simulator</option>\n" .
   "<option value=Oldies but Goldies>Oldies but Goldies</option>\n" .
   "<option value=PS2>PS2</option>\n" .
   "<option value=PSP>PSP</option>\n" .
   "<option value=Nintendo>Nintendo</option>\n" .
   "<option value=....>....</option>\n" .
   "<option value=Rock>Rock</option>\n" .
   "<option value=Metal>Metal</option>\n" .
   "<option value=Disco>Disco</option>\n" .
   "<option value=Dance>Dance</option>\n" .
   "<option value=Pop>Pop</option>\n" .
   "<option value=Electro>Electro</option>\n" .
   "<option value=House>House</option>\n" .
   "<option value=Rap>Rap</option>\n" .
   "<option value=Tehno>Tehno</option>\n" .
    "<option value=Trance>Trance</option>\n" .
   "<option value=Lo-Fi>Lo-Fi</option>\n" .
   "<option value=Blues>Blues</option>\n" .
   "<option value=Ambient>Ambient</option>\n" .
   "<option value=Reggae>Reggae</option>\n" .
   "<option value=Accoustic>Accoustic</option>\n" .
   "<option value=Jazz>Jazz</option>\n" .
   "<option value=Ethno>Ethno</option>\n" .
   "<option value=Classic>Classic</option>\n" .
   "<option value=Misc.>Misc.</option>\n" .
   "<option value=....>....</option>\n" .
   "<option value=Document>Document</option>\n" .
   "<option value=Software>Software</option>\n" .
   "<option value=AntiVirus>Antivirus</option>\n" .
   "<option value=Tools>Tools</option>\n" .
   "<option value=CD-DVD Burning>CD-DVD Burning</option>\n" .
   "<option value=Graphics>Graphics</option>\n" .
   "<option value=Windows>Windows</option>\n" .
   "<option value=Linux>Linux</option>\n" .
     "</select> <=   (optional)';
(you can edit those line according your needs…)

$postoptionstitle = array(
                                  '1'                            => $lang->upload['field0'],
                                  '2'                            =>           $lang->upload['field1'],
                                  '3'                            =>           $lang->upload['field4'],
                                  '4'                            =>           $lang->upload['field21'],
                                  '5'                            =>           $lang->upload['field22'],
                                  '6'                            =>           $lang->upload['field8'],
                                  '7'                            =>           $lang->upload['field19'],
                                  '8'                            =>           $o,
                                  '9'                            =>           $lang->upload['anonymous'],
                                  '10'         =>           $fa,
                                  '11'         =>$ra,
                                  '12'         =>           $sa,
                                  '13'         =>           $lang->upload['field15'],
                                  '14'         => $lang->upload['scene'],
And modify to:
$postoptionstitle = array(
                                  '1'                            =>  $lang->upload['field0'],
                                  '2'                            =>           $lang->upload['field1'],
                                  '3'                            =>           $lang->upload['field4'],
                                  '4'                            =>           $lang->upload['field21'],
                                  '5'                            =>           $lang->upload['field22'],
                                  '6'                            =>           $lang->upload['field8'],
                                  '7'                            =>  $lang->upload['genre'],
                                  '8'                            =>           $lang->upload['field19'],
                                  '9'                            =>           $o,
                                  '10'         =>           $lang->upload['anonymous'],
                                  '11'         =>           $fa,
                                  '12'         =>  $ra,
                                  '13'         =>           $sa,
                                  '14'         =>           $lang->upload['field15'],
                                  '15'         =>  $lang->upload['scene'],
$postoptions = array(
                                  '1'                            =>'<input type="text" name="trackerurl" id="specialboxg" size="70" value="'.($_GET['trackerurl'] ? htmlspecialchars_uni(base64_decode($_GET['trackerurl'])) : $alink).'"'.$enabledisable.'>'.$info.'',
                                  '2'                            =>           '<input type="file" name="file" id="specialboxn" size="70">',
                                  '3'                            =>           '<input type="file" name="nfo" id="specialboxn" size="70"><br />'.$lang->upload['field5'],
                                  '4'                            =>'
                                  <div id="upurl">
                                                  <input type="text" name="t_image_url" size="70" id="specialboxg" value="'.($_GET['t_image_url'] ? htmlspecialchars_uni(base64_decode($_GET['t_image_url'])) : $lang->upload['field23']).'" onfocus="focusfield(this)">
                                  <div id="upfile" style="display: none">
                                                  <input type="file" name="t_image_file" size="70" id="specialboxg"'.($_GET['t_image_url'] ? htmlspecialchars_uni(base64_decode($_GET['t_image_url'])) : '').'><br />
                                  '5'                            =>'<input type="text" name="t_link" id="specialboxg" size="70" value="'.($_GET['t_link'] ? htmlspecialchars_uni(base64_decode($_GET['t_link'])) : '').'">',
                                  '6'                            =>           $showcategories,
                                  '7'                            =>           '<input type="checkbox" name="nforip" value="yes" onClick="check_click2()"'.($_GET['nforip'] == 'yes' ? ' checked="checked"' : '').'> '.$lang->upload['field20'],
                                  '8'                            =>           $offer,
                                  '9'                            =>           '<input type="checkbox" name="uplver" value="yes"'.($_GET['uplver'] == 'yes' ? ' checked="checked"' : (preg_match('#I3#is', $CURUSER['options']) || preg_match('#I4#is', $CURUSER['options']) ? ' checked="checked"' : '')).'> '.$lang->upload['field12'],
                                  '10'                         =>           $fb,
                                  '11'         =>$rb,
                                  '12'         =>           $sb,
                                  '13'         =>           '<input type="checkbox" name="offensive" value="yes"'.($_GET['offensive'] == 'yes' ? ' checked="checked"' : '').'> '.$lang->upload['field16'],
                                  '14'         =>           '<input type="checkbox" name="scene" value="yes"'.($_GET['scene'] == 'yes' ? ' checked="checked"' : '').'> '.$lang->upload['scene2']
And replace to:
$postoptions = array(
                                  '1'                            =>'<input type="text" name="trackerurl" id="specialboxg" size="70" value="'.($_GET['trackerurl'] ? htmlspecialchars_uni(base64_decode($_GET['trackerurl'])) : $alink).'"'.$enabledisable.'>'.$info.'',
                                  '2'                            =>           '<input type="file" name="file" id="specialboxn" size="70">',
                                  '3'                            =>           '<input type="file" name="nfo" id="specialboxn" size="70"><br />'.$lang->upload['field5'],
                                  '4'                            =>'
                                  <div id="upurl">
                                                  <input type="text" name="t_image_url" size="70" id="specialboxg" value="'.($_GET['t_image_url'] ? htmlspecialchars_uni(base64_decode($_GET['t_image_url'])) : $lang->upload['field23']).'" onfocus="focusfield(this)">
                                  <div id="upfile" style="display: none">
                                                  <input type="file" name="t_image_file" size="70" id="specialboxg"'.($_GET['t_image_url'] ? htmlspecialchars_uni(base64_decode($_GET['t_image_url'])) : '').'><br />
                                  '5'                            =>'<input type="text" name="t_link" id="specialboxg" size="70" value="'.($_GET['t_link'] ? htmlspecialchars_uni(base64_decode($_GET['t_link'])) : '').'">',
                                  '6'                            =>           $showcategories,
                                  '7'                            =>           $genre,
                                  '8'                            =>           '<input type="checkbox" name="nforip" value="yes" onClick="check_click2()"'.($_GET['nforip'] == 'yes' ? ' checked="checked"' : '').'> '.$lang->upload['field20'],
                                  '9'                            =>           $offer,
                                  '10'                         =>           '<input type="checkbox" name="uplver" value="yes"'.($_GET['uplver'] == 'yes' ? ' checked="checked"' : (preg_match('#I3#is', $CURUSER['options']) || preg_match('#I4#is', $CURUSER['options']) ? ' checked="checked"' : '')).'> '.$lang->upload['field12'],
                                  '11'                         =>           $fb,
                                  '12'         =>$rb,
                                  '13'         =>           $sb,
                                  '14'         =>           '<input type="checkbox" name="offensive" value="yes"'.($_GET['offensive'] == 'yes' ? ' checked="checked"' : '').'> '.$lang->upload['field16'],
                                  '15'         =>           '<input type="checkbox" name="scene" value="yes"'.($_GET['scene'] == 'yes' ? ' checked="checked"' : '').'> '.$lang->upload['scene2']
In edit.php:

$postoptionstitle = array ('1' => $lang->edit['torrentname'], '2' => $lang->edit['nfofile'], '3' => $lang->upload['field21'], '4' => $lang->upload['field22'], '5' => $lang->edit['type'], '6' => $lang->edit['visible'], '7' => $lang->edit['au'], '8' => $fa, '9' => $ra, '10' => $ba, '11' => $sa, '12' => $lang->edit['offensive'], '13' => $na, '14' => $za, '15' => $da, '16' => $ca, '17' => $lang->upload['scene'], '18' => $lang->upload['finfo']);
And modify to:
$postoptionstitle = array ('1' => $lang->edit['torrentname'], '2' => $lang->edit['nfofile'], '3' => $lang->upload['field21'], '4' => $lang->upload['field22'], '5' => $lang->edit['type'], '6' => $lang->edit['genre'], '7' => $lang->edit['visible'], '8' => $lang->edit['au'], '9' => $fa, '10' => $ra, '11' => $ba, '12' => $sa, '13' => $lang->edit['offensive'], '14' => $na, '15' => $za, '16' => $da, '17' => $ca, '18' => $lang->upload['scene'], '18' => $lang->upload['finfo']);
<b>Allowed file types: Jpg, Gif, Png</b>', '4' => '<input type="text" name="t_link" id="specialboxg" size="70" value="' . htmlspecialchars_uni ($row['t_link']) . '"> ' . (!empty ($row['t_link']) ? '[<b><a href="' . $BASEURL . '/takeedit.php?id=' . $id . '&remove_link=true">X</a></b>]' : '') . '', '5' => $s, '6' => '<input type="checkbox" name="visible"' . ($row['visible'] == 'yes' ? ' checked="checked"' : '') . ' value="1"> ' . $lang->edit['visible2'], '7' => '<input type="checkbox" name="anonymous"' . ($row['anonymous'] == 'yes' ? ' checked="checked"' : '') . ' value="1">  ' . $lang->edit['au2'], '8' => $fb, '9' => $rb, '10' => $bb, '11' => $sb, '12' => '<input type="checkbox" name="offensive"' . ($row['offensive'] == 'yes' ? ' checked="checked"' : '') . ' value="yes"> ' . $lang->edit['offensive2'], '13' => $nb, '14' => $zb, '15' => $db, '16' => $cb, '17' => '<input type="checkbox" name="scene"' . (0 < $row['isScene'] ? ' checked="checked"' : '') . ' value="yes"> ' . $lang->upload['scene2'], '18' => '<table width="85%" border="0" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="2">
And modify to:
<b>Allowed file types: Jpg, Gif, Png</b>', '4' => '<input type="text" name="t_link" id="specialboxg" size="70" value="' . htmlspecialchars_uni ($row['t_link']) . '"> ' . (!empty ($row['t_link']) ? '[<b><a href="' . $BASEURL . '/takeedit.php?id=' . $id . '&remove_link=true">X</a></b>]' : '') . '', '5' => $s, '6' => $genre, '7' => '<input type="checkbox" name="visible"' . ($row['visible'] == 'yes' ? ' checked="checked"' : '') . ' value="1"> ' . $lang->edit['visible2'], '8' => '<input type="checkbox" name="anonymous"' . ($row['anonymous'] == 'yes' ? ' checked="checked"' : '') . ' value="1">  ' . $lang->edit['au2'], '9' => $fb, '10' => $rb, '11' => $bb, '12' => $sb, '13' => '<input type="checkbox" name="offensive"' . ($row['offensive'] == 'yes' ? ' checked="checked"' : '') . ' value="yes"> ' . $lang->edit['offensive2'], '14' => $nb, '15' => $zb, '16' => $db, '17' => $cb, '18' => '<input type="checkbox" name="scene"' . (0 < $row['isScene'] ? ' checked="checked"' : '') . ' value="yes"> ' . $lang->upload['scene2'], '19' => '<table width="85%" border="0" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="2">
$postoptions = array ('1' => '
                                                  <input type="text" size="60" name="filename" value="' . htmlspecialchars ($row['filename']) . '"' . (!$is_mod ? ' disabled="disabled"' : '') . '>
                                                  ', '2' => '
                                                  <input type="radio" name="nfoaction" value="keep" checked="checked">' . $lang->edit['keepcurrent'] . '<br />
                                                  <input type="radio" name="nfoaction" value="update">' . $lang->edit['update'] . '<br />
                                                  <input type="file" name="nfo" size="60">', '3' => '
                                                  <div id="upurl">
                                                  <input type="text" name="t_image_url" size="70" id="specialboxg" value="' . (!empty ($row['t_image']) ? unhtmlspecialchars ($row['t_image']) : $lang->upload['field23']) . '" onfocus="focusfield(this)"> ' . (!empty ($row['t_image']) ? '[<b><a href="' . $BASEURL . '/takeedit.php?id=' . $id . '&remove_image=true">X</a></b>]' : '') . '
                                                  <div id="upfile" style="display: none">
                                                  <input type="file" name="t_image_file" size="70" id="specialboxg"><br />
                                                  <b>Allowed file types: Jpg, Gif, Png</b>', '4' => '<input type="text" name="t_link" id="specialboxg" size="70" value="' . htmlspecialchars_uni ($row['t_link']) . '"> ' . (!empty ($row['t_link']) ? '[<b><a href="' . $BASEURL . '/takeedit.php?id=' . $id . '&remove_link=true">X</a></b>]' : '') . '', '5' => $s, '6' => '<input type="checkbox" name="visible"' . ($row['visible'] == 'yes' ? ' checked="checked"' : '') . ' value="1"> ' . $lang->edit['visible2'], '7' => '<input type="checkbox" name="anonymous"' . ($row['anonymous'] == 'yes' ? ' checked="checked"' : '') . ' value="1">  ' . $lang->edit['au2'], '8' => $fb, '9' => $rb, '10' => $bb, '11' => $sb, '12' => '<input type="checkbox" name="offensive"' . ($row['offensive'] == 'yes' ? ' checked="checked"' : '') . ' value="yes"> ' . $lang->edit['offensive2'], '13' => $nb, '14' => $zb, '15' => $db, '16' => $cb, '17' => '<input type="checkbox" name="scene"' . (0 < $row['isScene'] ? ' checked="checked"' : '') . ' value="yes"> ' . $lang->upload['scene2'], '18' => '<table width="85%" border="0" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="2">
And modify to:
$postoptionstitle = array ('1' => $lang->edit['torrentname'], '2' => $lang->edit['nfofile'], '3' => $lang->upload['field21'], '4' => $lang->upload['field22'], '5' => $lang->edit['type'], '6' => $lang->edit['genre'], '7' => $lang->edit['visible'], '8' => $lang->edit['au'], '9' => $fa, '10' => $ra, '11' => $ba, '12' => $sa, '13' => $lang->edit['offensive'], '14' => $na, '15' => $za, '16' => $da, '17' => $ca, '18' => $lang->upload['scene'], '18' => $lang->upload['finfo']);
    $query = sql_query ('SELECT video_info, audio_info FROM ts_torrents_details WHERE tid = ' . sqlesc ($id));
    if (0 < mysql_num_rows ($query))
      $Torrent_Details = mysql_fetch_assoc ($query);
      $video_info = @explode ('~', $Torrent_Details['video_info']);
      $audio_info = @explode ('~', $Torrent_Details['audio_info']);
    $postoptions = array ('1' => '
                                                  <input type="text" size="60" name="filename" value="' . htmlspecialchars ($row['filename']) . '"' . (!$is_mod ? ' disabled="disabled"' : '') . '>
                                                  ', '2' => '
                                                  <input type="radio" name="nfoaction" value="keep" checked="checked">' . $lang->edit['keepcurrent'] . '<br />
                                                  <input type="radio" name="nfoaction" value="update">' . $lang->edit['update'] . '<br />
                                                  <input type="file" name="nfo" size="60">', '3' => '
                                                  <div id="upurl">
                                                  <input type="text" name="t_image_url" size="70" id="specialboxg" value="' . (!empty ($row['t_image']) ? unhtmlspecialchars ($row['t_image']) : $lang->upload['field23']) . '" onfocus="focusfield(this)"> ' . (!empty ($row['t_image']) ? '[<b><a href="' . $BASEURL . '/takeedit.php?id=' . $id . '&remove_image=true">X</a></b>]' : '') . '
                                                  <div id="upfile" style="display: none">
                                                  <input type="file" name="t_image_file" size="70" id="specialboxg"><br />
                                                  <b>Allowed file types: Jpg, Gif, Png</b>', '4' => '<input type="text" name="t_link" id="specialboxg" size="70" value="' . htmlspecialchars_uni ($row['t_link']) . '"> ' . (!empty ($row['t_link']) ? '[<b><a href="' . $BASEURL . '/takeedit.php?id=' . $id . '&remove_link=true">X</a></b>]' : '') . '', '5' => $s, '6' => $genre, '7' => '<input type="checkbox" name="visible"' . ($row['visible'] == 'yes' ? ' checked="checked"' : '') . ' value="1"> ' . $lang->edit['visible2'], '8' => '<input type="checkbox" name="anonymous"' . ($row['anonymous'] == 'yes' ? ' checked="checked"' : '') . ' value="1">  ' . $lang->edit['au2'], '9' => $fb, '10' => $rb, '11' => $bb, '12' => $sb, '13' => '<input type="checkbox" name="offensive"' . ($row['offensive'] == 'yes' ? ' checked="checked"' : '') . ' value="yes"> ' . $lang->edit['offensive2'], '14' => $nb, '15' => $zb, '16' => $db, '17' => $cb, '18' => '<input type="checkbox" name="scene"' . (0 < $row['isScene'] ? ' checked="checked"' : '') . ' value="yes"> ' . $lang->upload['scene2'], '19' => '<table width="85%" border="0" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="2">
$res = sql_query ('SELECT filename,owner,name,descr,category,visible,anonymous,free,silver,banned,sticky,offensive,t_image,t_link,isnuked,isrequest,doubleupload,allowcomments,isScene FROM torrents WHERE id = ' . sqlesc ($id));
And modify to:
$res = sql_query ('SELECT filename,owner,name,descr,category,genre,visible,anonymous,free,silver,banned,sticky,offensive,t_image,t_link,isnuked,isrequest,doubleupload,allowcomments,isScene FROM torrents WHERE id = ' . sqlesc ($id));
$cb = '<input type="checkbox" name="allowcomments"' . ($row['allowcomments'] == 'yes' ? ' checked="checked"' : '') . ' value="yes"> ' . $lang->edit['cb'];
And add after that:
$genre = '<select name=genre> . <option value=0>Select genre</option>\n .
   "<option value=Action>Action</option>\n" .
   "<option value=Adventure>Adventure</option>\n" .
   "<option value=Anime>Anime</option>\n" .
   "<option value=Comedy>Comedy</option>\n" .
   "<option value=Fantasy>Fantasy</option>\n" .
   "<option value=Thriller>Thriller</option>\n" .
   "<option value=Horror>Horror</option>\n" .
   "<option value=Crime>Crime</option>\n" .
   "<option value=SciFi>SciFi</option>\n" .
   "<option value=War>War</option>\n" .
   "<option value=Romance>Romance</option>\n" .
   "<option value=Musical>Musical</option>\n" .
   "<option value=Sports>Sports</option>\n" .
   "<option value=Drama>Drama</option>\n" .
   "<option value=Reality-TV>Reality-TV</option>\n" .
   "<option value=Documentary>Documentary</option>\n" .
   "<option value=XXX>XXX</option>\n" .
   "<option value=....>....</option>\n" .
   "<option value=Strategy>Strategy</option>\n" .
   "<option value=Shooter>Shooter</option>\n" .
   "<option value=RPG>RPG</option>\n" .
   "<option value=Sports>Sports</option>\n" .
   "<option value=Cars>Cars</option>\n" .
   "<option value=Simulator>Simulator</option>\n" .
   "<option value=Oldies but Goldies>Oldies but Goldies</option>\n" .
   "<option value=PS2>PS2</option>\n" .
   "<option value=PSP>PSP</option>\n" .
   "<option value=Nintendo>Nintendo</option>\n" .
   "<option value=....>....</option>\n" .
   "<option value=Rock>Rock</option>\n" .
   "<option value=Metal>Metal</option>\n" .
   "<option value=Disco>Disco</option>\n" .
   "<option value=Dance>Dance</option>\n" .
   "<option value=Pop>Pop</option>\n" .
   "<option value=Electro>Electro</option>\n" .
   "<option value=House>House</option>\n" .
   "<option value=Rap>Rap</option>\n" .
   "<option value=Tehno>Tehno</option>\n" .
    "<option value=Trance>Trance</option>\n" .
   "<option value=Lo-Fi>Lo-Fi</option>\n" .
   "<option value=Blues>Blues</option>\n" .
   "<option value=Ambient>Ambient</option>\n" .
   "<option value=Reggae>Reggae</option>\n" .
   "<option value=Accoustic>Accoustic</option>\n" .
   "<option value=Jazz>Jazz</option>\n" .
   "<option value=Ethno>Ethno</option>\n" .
   "<option value=Classic>Classic</option>\n" .
   "<option value=Misc.>Misc.</option>\n" .
   "<option value=....>....</option>\n" .
   "<option value=Document>Document</option>\n" .
   "<option value=Software>Software</option>\n" .
   "<option value=AntiVirus>Antivirus</option>\n" .
   "<option value=Tools>Tools</option>\n" .
   "<option value=CD-DVD Burning>CD-DVD Burning</option>\n" .
   "<option value=Graphics>Graphics</option>\n" .
   "<option value=Windows>Windows</option>\n" . 
   "<option value=Linux>Linux</option>\n" .
    </select>   <= REQUIRED!    
   <select name=genre1> . <option value=0>Select genre 1</option>\n .
   "<option value=Action>Action</option>\n" .
   "<option value=Adventure>Adventure</option>\n" .
   "<option value=Anime>Anime</option>\n" .
   "<option value=Comedy>Comedy</option>\n" .
   "<option value=Fantasy>Fantasy</option>\n" .
   "<option value=Thriller>Thriller</option>\n" .
   "<option value=Horror>Horror</option>\n" .
   "<option value=Crime>Crime</option>\n" .
   "<option value=SciFi>SciFi</option>\n" .
   "<option value=War>War</option>\n" .
   "<option value=Romance>Romance</option>\n" .
   "<option value=Musical>Musical</option>\n" .
   "<option value=Sports>Sports</option>\n" .
   "<option value=Drama>Drama</option>\n" .
   "<option value=Reality-TV>Reality-TV</option>\n" .
   "<option value=Documentary>Documentary</option>\n" .
   "<option value=XXX>XXX</option>\n" .
   "<option value=....>....</option>\n" .
   "<option value=Strategy>Strategy</option>\n" .
   "<option value=Shooter>Shooter</option>\n" .
   "<option value=RPG>RPG</option>\n" .
   "<option value=Sports>Sports</option>\n" .
   "<option value=Cars>Cars</option>\n" .
   "<option value=Simulator>Simulator</option>\n" .
   "<option value=Oldies but Goldies>Oldies but Goldies</option>\n" .
   "<option value=PS2>PS2</option>\n" .
   "<option value=PSP>PSP</option>\n" .
   "<option value=Nintendo>Nintendo</option>\n" .
   "<option value=....>....</option>\n" .
   "<option value=Rock>Rock</option>\n" .
   "<option value=Metal>Metal</option>\n" .
   "<option value=Disco>Disco</option>\n" .
   "<option value=Dance>Dance</option>\n" .
   "<option value=Pop>Pop</option>\n" .
   "<option value=Electro>Electro</option>\n" .
   "<option value=House>House</option>\n" .
   "<option value=Rap>Rap</option>\n" .
   "<option value=Tehno>Tehno</option>\n" .
    "<option value=Trance>Trance</option>\n" .
   "<option value=Lo-Fi>Lo-Fi</option>\n" .
   "<option value=Blues>Blues</option>\n" .
   "<option value=Ambient>Ambient</option>\n" .
   "<option value=Reggae>Reggae</option>\n" .
   "<option value=Accoustic>Accoustic</option>\n" .
   "<option value=Jazz>Jazz</option>\n" .
   "<option value=Ethno>Ethno</option>\n" .
   "<option value=Classic>Classic</option>\n" .
   "<option value=Misc.>Misc.</option>\n" .
   "<option value=....>....</option>\n" .
   "<option value=Document>Document</option>\n" .
   "<option value=Software>Software</option>\n" .
   "<option value=AntiVirus>Antivirus</option>\n" .
   "<option value=Tools>Tools</option>\n" .
   "<option value=CD-DVD Burning>CD-DVD Burning</option>\n" .
   "<option value=Graphics>Graphics</option>\n" .
   "<option value=Windows>Windows</option>\n" . 
   "<option value=Linux>Linux</option>\n" .
    "</select> /
   <select name=genre2>\n <option value=0>Select genre 2</option>\n .
   "<option value=Action>Action</option>\n" .
   "<option value=Adventure>Adventure</option>\n" .
   "<option value=Anime>Anime</option>\n" .
   "<option value=Comedy>Comedy</option>\n" .
   "<option value=Fantasy>Fantasy</option>\n" .
   "<option value=Thriller>Thriller</option>\n" .
   "<option value=Horror>Horror</option>\n" .
   "<option value=Crime>Crime</option>\n" .
   "<option value=SciFi>SciFi</option>\n" .
   "<option value=War>War</option>\n" .
   "<option value=Romance>Romance</option>\n" .
   "<option value=Musical>Musical</option>\n" .
   "<option value=Sports>Sports</option>\n" .
   "<option value=Drama>Drama</option>\n" .
   "<option value=Reality-TV>Reality-TV</option>\n" .
   "<option value=Documentary>Documentary</option>\n" .
   "<option value=XXX>XXX</option>\n" .
   "<option value=....>....</option>\n" .
   "<option value=Strategy>Strategy</option>\n" .
   "<option value=Shooter>Shooter</option>\n" .
   "<option value=RPG>RPG</option>\n" .
   "<option value=Sports>Sports</option>\n" .
   "<option value=Cars>Cars</option>\n" .
   "<option value=Simulator>Simulator</option>\n" .
   "<option value=Oldies but Goldies>Oldies but Goldies</option>\n" .
   "<option value=PS2>PS2</option>\n" .
   "<option value=PSP>PSP</option>\n" .
   "<option value=Nintendo>Nintendo</option>\n" .
   "<option value=....>....</option>\n" .
   "<option value=Rock>Rock</option>\n" .
   "<option value=Metal>Metal</option>\n" .
   "<option value=Disco>Disco</option>\n" .
   "<option value=Dance>Dance</option>\n" .
   "<option value=Pop>Pop</option>\n" .
   "<option value=Electro>Electro</option>\n" .
   "<option value=House>House</option>\n" .
   "<option value=Rap>Rap</option>\n" .
   "<option value=Tehno>Tehno</option>\n" .
    "<option value=Trance>Trance</option>\n" .
   "<option value=Lo-Fi>Lo-Fi</option>\n" .
   "<option value=Blues>Blues</option>\n" .
   "<option value=Ambient>Ambient</option>\n" .
   "<option value=Reggae>Reggae</option>\n" .
   "<option value=Accoustic>Accoustic</option>\n" .
   "<option value=Jazz>Jazz</option>\n" .
   "<option value=Ethno>Ethno</option>\n" .
   "<option value=Classic>Classic</option>\n" .
   "<option value=Misc.>Misc.</option>\n" .
   "<option value=....>....</option>\n" .
   "<option value=Document>Document</option>\n" .
   "<option value=Software>Software</option>\n" .
   "<option value=AntiVirus>Antivirus</option>\n" .
   "<option value=Tools>Tools</option>\n" .
   "<option value=CD-DVD Burning>CD-DVD Burning</option>\n" .
   "<option value=Graphics>Graphics</option>\n" .
   "<option value=Windows>Windows</option>\n" .
   "<option value=Linux>Linux</option>\n" .
     "</select> <=   (optional)';
In details.php:
                                  <td style="padding-left: 5px;" class="subheader" valign="top" width="147">'.$lang->details['type'].'</td>
                                  <td valign="top" style="padding-left: 5px;">'.$torrent['categoryname'].'</td>
And add after that:
                  <td style="padding-left: 5px;" class="subheader" valign="top" width="147">'.$lang->details['genre'].'</td>
                  <td valign="top" style="padding-left: 5px;">'.$torrent['genre'].'</td>
$query = sql_query('SELECT, t.allowcomments, t.banned, t.descr, t.category, t.size, t.numfiles, LENGTH(t.nfo) AS nfosz, t.anonymous, t.added, t.comments, t.hits, t.times_completed, t.leechers, t.seeders, t.owner,, t.sticky, t.offensive, t.silver, t.t_image, t.t_link, t.isnuked, t.WhyNuked, t.isrequest, t.ts_external, t.doubleupload, t.isScene, as categoryname,,, c.type, as categoryid, d.video_info, d.audio_info, u.username, u.donor, u.warned, u.leechwarn, g.namestyle FROM torrents t LEFT JOIN categories c ON ( LEFT JOIN ts_torrents_details d ON ( LEFT JOIN users u ON ( LEFT JOIN usergroups g ON (u.usergroup=g.gid) WHERE = '.sqlesc($id)) or sqlerr(__FILE__,__LINE__);
And modify to:
$query = sql_query('SELECT, t.genre, t.allowcomments, t.banned, t.descr, t.category, t.size, t.numfiles, LENGTH(t.nfo) AS nfosz, t.anonymous, t.added, t.comments, t.hits, t.times_completed, t.leechers, t.seeders, t.owner,, t.sticky, t.offensive, t.silver, t.t_image, t.t_link, t.isnuked, t.WhyNuked, t.isrequest, t.ts_external, t.doubleupload, t.isScene, as categoryname,,, c.type, as categoryid, d.video_info, d.audio_info, u.username, u.donor, u.warned, u.leechwarn, g.namestyle FROM torrents t LEFT JOIN categories c ON ( LEFT JOIN ts_torrents_details d ON ( LEFT JOIN users u ON ( LEFT JOIN usergroups g ON (u.usergroup=g.gid) WHERE = '.sqlesc($id)) or sqlerr(__FILE__,__LINE__);
Now, the lang files:
In /include/languages/english/upload.lang.php:
Add this line:
'dicterror8'                                          =>'You must enter at least a genre!',
In /include/languages/english/edit.lang.php:
Add this line:
'dicterror8'                                          =>'You must enter at least a genre!',
In /include/languages/english/details.lang.php:
Add this line:
'genre'                                                                                  =>'Genre',
And that should be it!
If I forgot something, just tell me and I’ll try to compare the original files with mine, and I’ll post the correction.
Good luck!
Attached Files
File Type: rar genre_mod.rar (43.8 KB, 195 views)

Last edited by mmisu120000; 18th June 2009 at 22:27.
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The Following 7 Users Say Thank You to mmisu120000 For This Useful Post:
diskotrisko (20th June 2009), DrNet (21st June 2009), Fynnon (6th August 2011), Marco (21st August 2013), mdxpro (6th June 2012), systemilc (30th May 2011), wellqfk (20th December 2011)
Old 20th June 2009, 12:17
Muikku Muikku is offline
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Is that packed all ready to fix? or must i do that all change in that php file? or can i upload that packed files my tracker and owerwrite old php files and put that sql in my database and then all works whit genre mod?

Thanx nice mod anyway :)
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Old 21st June 2009, 00:19
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mmisu120000 mmisu120000 is offline
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the modified files are in the pack ... the step by step tutorial is for those who want to make more modifications
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Old 21st June 2009, 02:01
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Ashur Ashur is offline
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cool so is this genre mod global to all categories or can you specify which category to have it?

i.e. for anime, films, series --> have similar genre
but for music & music videos --> different type of genre
and for application --> no need

looking great so far :D
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Old 21st June 2009, 10:08
Muikku Muikku is offline
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Originally Posted by mmisu120000 View Post
the modified files are in the pack ... the step by step tutorial is for those who want to make more modifications
ok nice

but now i have one proplem i think that sql table is not working
can yoy make workking database sql table and post it here?
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Old 21st June 2009, 10:44
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mmisu120000 mmisu120000 is offline
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Originally Posted by Ashur View Post
cool so is this genre mod global to all categories or can you specify which category to have it?

i.e. for anime, films, series --> have similar genre
but for music & music videos --> different type of genre
and for application --> no need

looking great so far :D
it's global, but you can edit the genres in those 2 files ...
there is 1 minimum genre mandatory, the other 2 are optional ... This way you don't add more load to your tracker.
There is an other way, mysql based, i'll make an other version, in wich you can edit your genres in admin panel ... but that's more difficult and tricky ... I'll see what I can do ...
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Old 21st June 2009, 16:37
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Ashur Ashur is offline
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files are better :)
they're just options so there is no real need to be stored in sql so less pull on sql
i think if we switch many useless options of TS to file system we might able to save tons of CPU load on servers
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Old 30th December 2009, 21:03
Muikku Muikku is offline
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can someone fix this genremod becouse only staff can edit torrent and put genre back user canīt but genre if they edit own torrentīs

Last edited by Muikku; 16th October 2010 at 18:46.
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Old 20th January 2011, 10:05
turktiger turktiger is offline
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what is genre mod , u re only writing smtg and no information ??

images re dead :S
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Old 9th February 2011, 17:29
Marco Marco is offline
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it's something like torrentleech even if the torrent is in the category (divx) they also have a genre (comedy,drama,horror, romance ....) with this mod will shown on your tracker what kind of category is the movie

very nice mod :)
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5x , genre , mod , tsse

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