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Old 30th October 2014, 09:25
firefly007's Avatar
firefly007 firefly007 is offline
Join Date: Jun 2010
Posts: 720
Default Torrent auto upload bot
  1. #!/usr/bin/perl ############################ Semi auto upload bot bot by firefly ############################# # Please note! You do not need to follow steps 3,4,5 if you are using Janis's script. # You need rutorrent installed # Create a new file called and save it in /home/user/ and chown and chmod it #1 You will need CPAN module LWP::Simple and WWW::Mechanize #2 You also need Mktorrent apt-get install mktorent #3 You will also need to uncommand this line in your rtorrent.rc #4 schedule = watch_directory,5,5,load_start=./watch/*.torrent #5 Then create a new folder in your rutorrent home folder where rutorrent is installed and chown and chmod. #6 Then edit the paths and login details make sure you leave out or add paths where needed # This is built for TBDEV but is very easy to mod you will need to check the Login section and Upload section. # USAGE: ./ [name] [10] [PATH/TO/RELEASE/FOLDER] Remember to point to folder not file inside other wise it will not seed. use strict; use warnings; use WWW::Mechanize; ## my $username = "admin"; #Your tracker username my $password = "******"; #Your tracker password my $site_url = ""; #Tracker URL NO ending slash my $announce = ""; #Announce URl NO ending slash my $watch = "/home/bot/watch/"; #Watch folder MUST add ending slash my $num_args = $#ARGV + 1; if ($num_args != 3) { print "\nCommand!: {RELEASE.NAME} {CAT_ID} {/home/user/downloads/RELEASE.NAME or FOLDER.NAME} \n"; print "\nUsage: ./ Ancient.Black.Ops.S01E03.HDTV.XviD-AFG 50 /home/user/downloads/Ancient.Black.Ops.S01E03.HDTV.XviD-AFG.avi \n"; exit; } my $name=$ARGV[0]; my $cat=$ARGV[1]; my $tor=$ARGV[2]; system ("mktorrent -p -a $announce -o $watch$name.torrent $tor"); # LOGIN my $mech = WWW::Mechanize->new( autocheck => 1 ); #Initializes WWW::Mechanize $mech->get("$site_url/login.php"); #Retrieves The Login Page print "Logging Into site, Please Wait.\n"; #Alerts The User $mech->submit_form( #Logs Us In form_number => 0, fields => { username => "$username", password => "$password", } ); # Upload my $content = "$watch$name.torrent"; $mech->get("$site_url/upload.php"); #Loads Upload Page Into Mech $mech->field('file', $content); $mech->field('name', $name); $mech->field('descr', "Will be added later"); $mech->field('type', $cat); $mech->click();
Bump: So I needed to make some modifications for order to get around "This torrent isn't registered with the tracker".

Please note! If your tracker download path looks like this download/12/some.torrent.torrent then you will need to modify regex around line 78, If you need help just shout!

############################ Semi auto upload bot, bot by firefly #############################
# Please note! You do not need to follow steps 3,4,5 if you are using Janis's script.
# Create a new file called and save it in /home/user/ and chown and chmod it
#1 You will need CPAN module LWP::Simple and WWW::Mechanize
#2 You also need Mktorrent apt-get install mktorent
#3 You will also need to uncommand this line in your rtorrent.rc
#4 schedule = watch_directory,5,5,load_start=./watch/*.torrent
#5 Then create a new folder in your home folder where rutorrent is installed and chown and chmod.
#6 Then edit the paths and login details make sure you leave out or add paths where needed
# This is built for TBDEV but is very easy to mod you will need to check the Login section and Upload section.
# USAGE: ./ [name] [10] [PATH/TO/RELEASE/FOLDER] Remember to point to folder not file inside other wise it will not seed.
use strict;
use warnings;
use WWW::Mechanize;
my $username = "firefly";   #Your tracker username
my $password = "5821374"; #Your tracker password
my $site_url = ""; #Tracker URL NO ending slash
my $announce = ""; #Announce URl NO ending slash
my $tempwatch = "/home/bot2/tempwatch/"; #Watch folder MUST add ending slash
my $watch = "/home/bot/watch/"; #Watch folder MUST add ending slash
my $download = "/home/bot2/Downloads";
my $num_args = $#ARGV + 1;
if ($num_args != 3) {
    print "\nCommand!: {RELEASE.NAME} {CAT_ID} {/home/user/downloads/RELEASE.NAME or FOLDER.NAME}
    print "\nUsage: ./ Ancient.Black.Ops.S01E03.HDTV.XviD-AFG 50 /home/user/downloads/Ancient.Black.Ops.S01E03.HDTV.XviD-AFG
my $name=$ARGV[0];
my $cat=$ARGV[1];
my $tor=$ARGV[2];
 my $namepre = "[FLN].$name";
 system ("mktorrent -p -a $announce -o $tempwatch$name.torrent $tor");
 #system (" ./ $download < $tempwatch$namepre.torrent > $watch$namepre.torrent");

my $mech = WWW::Mechanize->new();
print "Logging Into site, Please Wait.\n"; #Alerts The User
$mech->field('username', $username);
$mech->field('password', $password);

# Upload
my $content = "$tempwatch$name.torrent";
print "Uploading..., Please Wait.\n"; #Alerts The User 
$mech->get("$site_url/upload.php"); #Loads Upload Page Into Mech
$mech->field('file', $content);
$mech->field('name', $name);
$mech->field('descr', "Will be added later");
$mech->field('type', $cat);

my $txt = $mech->content;

my $re1='(download.php\?id\=[1-9][0-9]*)';    #Get download and id

my $re=$re1;
if ($txt =~ m/$re/is)
    my $int1=$1;
    my $rexout = "$int1 \n";
    print $rexout;
   my $url = "$site_url/$rexout&hit=1";
   my $local_file_name = "$watch$name.torrent";
   $mech->get($url, ":content_file" => $local_file_name );

 print $mech->content;

Please Support Majority Report

You can contact me on Skype live:phesadent.elect but please let me know first.

If you are ever need me desperately then please email me at and I will contact u within a week.

Due to free time I'm able to help interested member's with their tracker.

Please Note!
Depending on your requests I will charge you for my assistance for Tracker installs and mods.
All my mods are custom and prices will very depending on the request.
I'm able to install any tracker and mods including themes.

Please PM me

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auto , bot , torrent , upload

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