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Old 23rd November 2018, 17:23
Tankcsapda Tankcsapda is offline
Join Date: Nov 2011
Posts: 10
TS 5.6 ..
You do not have to be api key, downloaded as http, original php transcripts slightly

$ regex = '#http: // (. *) / # U';
To rewrite all other http-> https, small pictures, etc ...rewrite path ...

Originally Posted by Napon View Post
this not working no more, more files need edits upload takeupload takeedit so on

must be set to https
this is my file to https below
function cleanstring( $imputString )
    $whatToCleanArray = array(
        chr( 13 ),
        chr( 10 ),
        chr( 13 ).chr( 10 ),
        chr( 10 ).chr( 13 ),
        "  ",
        "   ",
        "    ",
        "<br />"
    $cleanWithArray = array( "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "" );
    $cleaned = str_replace( $whatToCleanArray, $cleanWithArray, $imputString );
    $cleaned = trim( $cleaned );
    return $cleaned;

function fetch_data( $url, $cleantext = true )
    @ini_set( "user_agent", "TS_SE via cURL/PHP" );
    $data = false;
    $timeout = 10;
    if ( function_exists( "curl_init" ) && ( $ch = curl_init( ) ) )
        $CURLUSED = true;
        curl_setopt( $ch, CURLOPT_URL, $url );
        curl_setopt( $ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1 );
        curl_setopt( $ch, CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT, $timeout );
        $data = curl_exec( $ch );
        curl_close( $ch );
    if ( !isset( $CURLUSED ) && !$data && ini_get( "allow_url_fopen" ) )
        $old = ini_set( "default_socket_timeout", $timeout );
        $contents = "";
        if ( $handle = @fopen( $url, "rb" ) )
            ini_set( "default_socket_timeout", $old );
            stream_set_timeout( $handle, $timeout );
            stream_set_blocking( $handle, 0 );
            while ( !feof( $handle ) )
                $contents .= fread( $handle, 8192 );
            fclose( $handle );
            $data = $contents;
            unset( $contents );
    return $data ? $cleantext == true ? cleanstring( $data ) : $data : false;

function match_all($regex, $str, $i = 0) {
    if (preg_match_all( $regex, $str, $matches ) === false) {
        return false;

    return $matches[$i];

function get_match($regex, $content) {
    preg_match( $regex, $content, $matches );
    return (isset( $matches[1] ) ? trim( $matches[1] ) : false);

function match($regex, $str, $i = 0) {
    if (preg_match( $regex, $str, $match ) == 1) {
        return $match[$i];

    return false;

  @error_reporting (E_ALL & ~E_NOTICE);
  @ini_set ('error_reporting', E_ALL & ~E_NOTICE);
  @ini_set ('display_errors', '0');
  @ini_set ('log_errors', '1');
  @ini_set ('max_execution_time', '20000');
  @ini_set ('max_input_time', '20000');
  define ('TS_IMDB_VERSION', '0.9 by xam');
  if (((!defined ('IN_TRACKER') OR !defined ('IN_SCRIPT_TSSEv56')) OR !defined ('TU_VERSION')))
    exit ('<font face=\'verdana\' size=\'2\' color=\'darkred\'><b>Error!</b> Direct initialization of this file is not allowed.</font>');

  $regex = '#*)/#U';
  preg_match ($regex, $t_link, $_id_);
  $_id_ = $_id_[1];
  $url = '' . '' . $_id_ . '/';
  $text = fetch_data ($url);

  $poster = match( '/poster">.*?<img.*?src="(.*?)".*?<\/td>/ms', $text, 1 );

if (( ( $poster != '' && strrpos( $poster, 'nopicture' ) === false ) && strrpos( $poster, 'ad.doubleclick' ) === false )) {
    file_put_contents( '' . $torrent_dir . '/images/' . $_id_ . '.jpg', fetch_data( $poster, false ) );
    $poster = '' . $BASEURL . '/' . $torrent_dir . '/images/' . $_id_ . '.jpg';
else {
    $poster = '';

$directors = array(  );
foreach (match_all( '/<a.*?>(.*?)<\/a>/ms', match( '/Director.?:(.*?)(<\/div>|>.?and )/ms', $text, 1 ), 1 ) as $m) {
    array_push( $directors, $m );
$directors = strip_tags( implode( ', ', $directors ) );

$writers = array(  );
foreach (match_all( '/<a.*?>(.*?)<\/a>/ms', match( '/Writer.?:(.*?)(<\/div>|>.?and )/ms', $text, 1 ), 1 ) as $m) {

    if (!preg_match( '#more credit#', $m )) {
        array_push( $writers, $m );
$writers = strip_tags( implode( ', ', $writers ) );

$stars = array(  );
foreach (match_all( '/<a.*?>(.*?)<\/a>/ms', match( '/Stars.?:(.*?)(<\/div>| See full cast and crew)/ms', $text, 1 ), 1 ) as $m) {

    if (!preg_match( '#more credit#', $m )) {
        array_push( $stars, $m );
$stars = strip_tags( implode( ', ', $stars ) );

  $regex = '#<title>(.*)</title>#U';
  preg_match_all ($regex, $text, $title, PREG_SET_ORDER);
  $regex = '#<div class="txt-block"><h4 class="inline">Budget:</h4>(.*)</div>#U';
  preg_match_all ($regex, $text, $budget, PREG_SET_ORDER);
  $regex = '#<div class="txt-block"><h4 class="inline">Also Known As:</h4>(.*)<span class="see-more inline"#U';
  preg_match_all ($regex, $text, $alsoknownas, PREG_SET_ORDER);
  $regex = '#<div class="txt-block"><h4 class="inline">Aspect Ratio:</h4>(.*)</div>#U';
  preg_match_all ($regex, $text, $aspectratio, PREG_SET_ORDER);
  $regex = '#<a[^>]* data-video="(.*)"[^>]*>(.*)<span#U';
  preg_match_all ($regex, $text, $trailer, PREG_SET_ORDER);
  $regex = '#<div class="txt-block"><h4 class="inline">Taglines:</h4>(.*)</div>#U';
  preg_match_all ($regex, $text, $taglines, PREG_SET_ORDER);
  $regex = '#<div class="txt-block"><h4 class="inline">Filming Locations:</h4>(.*)<span class="see-more inline"#U';
  preg_match_all ($regex, $text, $filminglocations, PREG_SET_ORDER);
  $title = strip_tags ($title[0][1]);
  $trailers = '' . '' . $trailer[0][1] . '';
  $langs = array(  );
   foreach (match_all( '/<a.*?>(.*?)<\/a>/ms', match( '/Language.?:(.*?)(<\/div>|See more)/ms', $text, 1 ), 1 ) as $m) {
    array_push( $langs, $m );

  $genres = array(  );
   foreach (match_all( '/<a.*?>(.*?)<\/a>/ms', match( '/Genre.?:(.*?)(<\/div>|See more)/ms', $text, 1 ), 1 ) as $m) {
    array_push( $genres, $m );

  $soundmix = array(  );
   foreach (match_all( '/<a.*?>(.*?)<\/a>/ms', match( '/Sound Mix.?:(.*?)(<\/div>|See more)/ms', $text, 1 ), 1 ) as $m) {
    array_push( $soundmix, $m );

  $country = array(  );
   foreach (match_all( '/<a.*?>(.*?)<\/a>/ms', match( '/Country.?:(.*?)(<\/div>|See more)/ms', $text, 1 ), 1 ) as $m) {
    array_push( $country, $m );

  $plotkeywords = array(  );
   foreach (match_all( '/<a.*?>(.*?)<\/a>/ms', match( '/Plot Keywords.?:(.*?)(<\/div>|See more)/ms', $text, 1 ), 1 ) as $m) {
    array_push( $plotkeywords, $m );

  $langs = strip_tags( implode( ' | ', $langs ) ); 
  $genres = strip_tags( implode( ' | ', $genres ) );
  $soundmix = strip_tags( implode( ' | ', $soundmix ) );
  $country = strip_tags( implode( ' | ', $country ) );
  $plotkeywords = strip_tags( implode( ' | ', $plotkeywords ) );  
  $rating = strip_tags( match( '/itemprop="ratingValue">([0-9].[0-9])<\/span>/ms', $text, 1 ) );
  $votes = strip_tags( match( '/<span itemprop="ratingCount">(.*?)<\/span>/ms', $text, 1 ) );
  $release_date = strip_tags( match( '/Release Date:<\/h4>.*?([0-9][0-9]? (January|February|March|April|May|June|July|August|September|October|November|December) (19|20)[0-9][0-9]).*?(\(|<span)/ms', $text, 1 ) );
  $run_time = strip_tags( get_match( '/Runtime:<\/h4>(.*)<\/div>/isU', $text ) );
  $storyline = strip_tags( match( '/Storyline<\/h2>(.*?)(<em|<\/p>|<span)/ms', $text, 1 ) );
  $officialsites = get_match( '/Official Sites:<\/h4>(.*)<span class="see-more inline">/isU', $text );
  if ($officialsites !== false)
  $officialsites = str_replace('/offsite/', '', $officialsites);
  $officialsites = str_replace('<a ', '<a target="_blank" ', $officialsites);

  preg_match_all( '#<div class="mediastrip">(.*)<\/div>#isU', $text, $photos );
  if (isset( $photos['1']['0'] )) {
    preg_match_all( '#https:\/\/m\\/images\/M\/(.*)\.jpg#isU', $photos['1']['0'], $photourls );

$extra = '';
$photoarray = array(  );

if (( isset( $photourls['0'] ) && 0 < count( $photourls['0'] ) )) {
    foreach ($photourls['0'] as $pid => $photo) {
        $ext = get_extension( $photo );
        $photoname = '' . $torrent_dir . '/images/' . $_id_ . '_photo' . $pid . '.' . $ext;

        if (file_exists( $photoname )) {
            @unlink( $photoname );

        if ($handle = fopen( $photoname, 'x' )) {
            if (fwrite( $handle, fetch_data( $photo, false ) )) {
                $photoarray[] = $BASEURL . '/' . $photoname;

            fclose( $handle );

    if (( $photoarray && count( $photoarray ) )) {
        $extra = '<br /><br /><div align="center">';
        foreach ($photoarray as $photo) {
            $extra .= ' <img src="' . $photo . '" alt="" title="" border="0" /> ';

        $extra .= '</div>';
  $t_link = '' . '<table width=\'100%\' border=\'0\' align=\'center\' class=\'none\'><tr><td colspan=\'2\' class=\'none\' align=\'left\'><b>' . $title . '</b></td></tr><tr><td class=\'none\' align=\'center\' valign=\'top\'>' . ($poster ? '<img src=\'' . $poster . '\' border=\'0\' alt=\'' . $title . '\' title=\'' . $title . '\'>' : '') . '</td><td class=\'none\' valign=\'top\' align=\'left\'>' . ($alsoknownas[0][1] ? '<b>Also known as:</b> ' . strip_tags (str_replace ('more', '', $alsoknownas[0][1])) . '<br />' : '') . ($officialsites ? '<b>Official sites:</b> ' . $officialsites . '<br />' : '') . '<b>Director/s:</b> ' . $directors . '<br />' . '<b>Writer/s:</b> ' . $writers . '<br />' . '<b>Stars:</b> ' . $stars . '<br />' . '<b>Genre:</b> ' . $genres . '<br />' . ($release_date ? '<b>Release date:</b> ' . $release_date . '<br />' : '') . '<b>User Rating:</b> ' . $rating . '/10 (' . ($votes ? $votes : 'awaiting 5') . ' votes)' . ('' . '<br /><b>Language:</b> '. $langs .'<br /><b>Country:</b> ' . $country . '<br />') . ($filminglocations[0][1] ? '<b>Filming locations:</b> ' . strip_tags (str_replace ('more', '', $filminglocations[0][1])) . '<br />' : '') . ($run_time ? '<b>Runtime:</b> ' . $run_time . '' : '') . ($budget[0][1] ? '<br /><b>Budget:</b> ' . $budget[0][1] . '' : '') . ($soundmix ? '<br /><b>Sound mix:</b> ' . $soundmix . '' : '') . ($aspectratio[0][1] ? '<br /><b>Aspect ratio:</b> ' . $aspectratio[0][1] . '' : '') . '<br /><b>Storyline:</b> ' . $storyline . ($plotkeywords ? '<br /><b>Plot keywords:</b> ' . $plotkeywords . '' : '') . ($taglines[0][1] ? '<br /><b>Taglines:</b> ' . strip_tags (str_replace ('more', '', $taglines[0][1])) . '' : '') . ('' . '<br /><b>IMDb link:</b> <a href=\'' . $t_link . '\' target=\'_blank\' alt=\'' . $title . '\' title=\'' . $title . '\'>' . $t_link . '</a>' . $extra . '</td></tr></table>' . ($trailer[0][1] ? '<br /><table width=\'100%\' border=\'0\' cellpadding=\'5\' cellspacing=\'0\'><tr><td align=\'center\' class=\'subheader\'><a href=\'' . $trailers . '\' target=\'_blank\' alt=\'' . $title . '\' title=\'' . $title . '\'><img border="0" class="inlineimg" src=\'' . $BASEURL . '/images/trailer.png\'></a></td></tr></table>' : '') . '');
you see where the IMDb link:

in takedeit it calls back error this must be http not https and yes i edit too https and still calls back to http only
On takeedit it will not do https ive do edit to https and you can not set it to https ive set all to https file and you can not use the https only http so i think there a file somewhere that needs edit too will let all know when i fined it or someone here will before me

Also i backdoor imdb page and in the above file adds up ok so do not know why its not working

so this looks like a noway imdb for tsse 5.6 from what i seen in the imdb site backend there is js to stop site getting the info

to do this you will need a api kay and recode the 4 php file with new i would do it but not got any time
Attached Thumbnails

Last edited by Tankcsapda; 23rd November 2018 at 17:48.
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