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Old 20th May 2011, 08:31
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DAKz DAKz is offline
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Exclamation the code......
I was a sysop at ff when this code was developed, A couple very good coders, one still on the site the other pretty much retired did a lot of work on this tracker, pretty much overwriting it. There was another coder there, that was a "jr" coder. He went on to start PTM and further expanded the code.
I was lucky enough to get a copy of the code before it went to ptm. And I will have to look and see if I can find it, as the original coder also did some codeing for me at a site that I owned. That was a while back so bear with me and I will see if I can find it. But yes it was based on the old tbdev code, and then later they did ad the xbt tracker to it.
Now I know the owner's of both sites, and not really want to get into the politics with it all so I need to check with the 2 original coders and make sure it is good with them to up it here.
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