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Old 29th January 2016, 08:03
DND DND is offline
Join Date: Dec 2008
Posts: 1,242
in this line
<input name='c".$cat['id']."' type=\"checkbox\" " . (in_array($cat['id'],$wherecatina) ? "checked='checked' " : "") . "value='1' /><a class='catlink' href='browse.php?cat={$cat['id']}'>" . htmlspecialchars($cat['name']) . "</a></td>\n";
you need to change something. can you figure out what it is? and yes, this is a test.
Need HELP!? I can install:

  1. Server/VPS (Debian,CentOS,Ubuntu,Fedora, FreeBSD) Optimization and ... + Modules
  2. Webserver Windows/Linux (Apache/Lighttpd/Nginx/Mysql/PhpMyAdmin/SSL) Optimization and ... + Modules
  3. Seedbox Windows/Linux (uTorrent,rTorrent,libTorrent,ruTorrent) + Modules
  4. Multiple source code engines
  5. Linux Server Administration (security, cryptography/encryption, proxy, load balancer, custom ddos firewall)
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