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Old 7th June 2010, 18:16
wMan wMan is offline
Join Date: Feb 2008
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Smile lol
Originally Posted by danezuxxl View Post
well with the looks of it you have put someone to staff with adding the to staffteam with a :name98, its a must to do it like this :name id 35,:man1 id1.:mane2d167, so it should look like this :falcom45,:wss78, remembers to add id in it with a , then go to users profile set to what staff you want then you be ok

or you put name of user in and id of user in add staff team you will see a fined user edit there profile you will see the id and user name just add them then put then to staff in there profile when set in staff team all done then easy as 123

Originally Posted by Ecko View Post
when i test it on my local host on my pc i found this error

and i delete .htaccess file

load ('index');   require_once INC_PATH . '/plugins/ts_plugin_config.php';   $defaulttemplate = ts_template ();   $is_mod = is_mod ($usergroups);   stdhead (sprintf ($lang->index['welcome'], $SITENAME), TRUE, 'collapse', '');   $_header = ' ';   $_footer = '                               ';   $_div = '      {3}                                                                         {1}                     ' . $_title_bracket . ' {2}                                                                                      {4}                                             
 '; $_left_header = array ('', ''); $_middle_header = array ('', ''); $_right_header = array ('', ''); $_curuser_usergroup = ((!$CURUSER['usergroup'] OR !$CURUSER) ? '[0]' : '[' . $CURUSER['usergroup'] . ']'); $_contents = $_header; require_once TSDIR . '/' . $cache . '/plugins.php'; if (0 < count ($Plugins_LEFT)) { $__width = $_left_plugin_width - 10; $__cute = 20; $_contents .= $_left_header[0]; foreach ($Plugins_LEFT as $_results) { $show_content = false; $_perm_1 = $_results['permission']; if (($_perm_1 === '[guest]' AND $_curuser_usergroup === '[0]')) { $show_content = true; } else { if (($_perm_1 === '[all]' OR strstr ($_perm_1, $_curuser_usergroup))) { $show_content = true; } } if ($show_content) { if ($_results['content'] != '') { $_contents .= str_replace (array ('{1}', '{2}', '{3}', '{4}'), array (ts_collapse (str_replace (' ', '_', $_results['name']), 1), $_results['description'], ts_collapse (str_replace (' ', '_', $_results['name']), 2), $_results['content']), $_div); continue; } else { if (file_exists (INC_PATH . '/plugins/' . $_results['name'] . '.php')) { include_once INC_PATH . '/plugins/' . $_results['name'] . '.php'; $_contents .= str_replace (array ('{1}', '{2}', '{3}', '{4}'), array (ts_collapse (str_replace (' ', '_', $_results['name']), 1), $_results['description'], ts_collapse (str_replace (' ', '_', $_results['name']), 2), ${$_results['name']}), $_div); continue; } continue; } continue; } } $_contents .= $_left_header[1]; unset ($Plugins_LEFT); unset ($_perm_1); } $show_content = false; if (0 < count ($Plugins_MIDDLE)) { $__width = $_left_plugin_width * 2 + 130; $__cute = 180; $_contents .= $_middle_header[0]; foreach ($Plugins_MIDDLE as $_results) { $show_content = false; $_perm_2 = $_results['permission']; if (($_perm_2 === '[guest]' AND $_curuser_usergroup === '[0]')) { $show_content = true; } else { if (($_perm_2 === '[all]' OR strstr ($_perm_2, $_curuser_usergroup))) { $show_content = true; } } if ($show_content) { if ($_results['content'] != '') { $_contents .= str_replace (array ('{1}', '{2}', '{3}', '{4}'), array (ts_collapse (str_replace (' ', '_', $_results['name']), 1), $_results['description'], ts_collapse (str_replace (' ', '_', $_results['name']), 2), $_results['content']), $_div); continue; } else { if (file_exists (INC_PATH . '/plugins/' . $_results['name'] . '.php')) { include_once INC_PATH . '/plugins/' . $_results['name'] . '.php'; $_contents .= str_replace (array ('{1}', '{2}', '{3}', '{4}'), array (ts_collapse (str_replace (' ', '_', $_results['name']), 1), $_results['description'], ts_collapse (str_replace (' ', '_', $_results['name']), 2), ${$_results['name']}), $_div); continue; } continue; } continue; } } $_contents .= $_middle_header[1]; unset ($Plugins_MIDDLE); unset ($_perm_2); } $show_content = false; if (0 < count ($Plugins_RIGHT)) { $__width = $_right_plugin_width - 10; $__cute = 20; $_contents .= $_right_header[0]; foreach ($Plugins_RIGHT as $_results) { $show_content = false; $_perm_3 = $_results['permission']; if (($_perm_3 === '[guest]' AND $_curuser_usergroup === '[0]')) { $show_content = true; } else { if (($_perm_3 === '[all]' OR strstr ($_perm_3, $_curuser_usergroup))) { $show_content = true; } } if ($show_content) { if ($_results['content'] != '') { $_contents .= str_replace (array ('{1}', '{2}', '{3}', '{4}'), array (ts_collapse (str_replace (' ', '_', $_results['name']), 1), $_results['description'], ts_collapse (str_replace (' ', '_', $_results['name']), 2), $_results['content']), $_div); continue; } else { if (file_exists (INC_PATH . '/plugins/' . $_results['name'] . '.php')) { include_once INC_PATH . '/plugins/' . $_results['name'] . '.php'; $_contents .= str_replace (array ('{1}', '{2}', '{3}', '{4}'), array (ts_collapse (str_replace (' ', '_', $_results['name']), 1), $_results['description'], ts_collapse (str_replace (' ', '_', $_results['name']), 2), ${$_results['name']}), $_div); continue; } continue; } continue; } } $_contents .= $_right_header[1]; unset ($Plugins_RIGHT); unset ($_perm_3); } echo $_contents . $_footer; stdfoot (); ?>
i install this version fron insall.php file and it's working
did you cmod to 777 plug ins and do not del the htaccess as you need it to run thigs should put it back on

Originally Posted by AJ1804 View Post
Hello mmisu120000, when creating the database (using phpmyadmin) for the import of the wdw56.sql file, do you make it a collation database with
connection collation: utf8_general_ci ?
Sorry if this is a noob question i don't know much about sql database stuff...
ok you make db and user name and password you do not need to add the db as it will go in for you as soon as you have done the install cmoding to 777 and you do not need to reboot the server at all as the db will be there as soon as install as been done easy as 1234567890
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