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Old 30th May 2019, 23:35
Napon Napon is offline
Join Date: Feb 2016
Posts: 522
At the top of detalis.php add where the big sql_query is

, torrents.points

$blasd = sql_query("SELECT points FROM coins WHERE torrentid=".sqlesc($id)." AND userid=" .sqlesc($CURUSER["id"])) or sqlerr(__FILE__, __LINE__);    $sdsa = mysql_fetch_assoc($blasd) or $sdsa["points"] = 0;    tr("Points", "<b>In total " . intval($row["points"]) . " Points given to this torrent of which " . intval($sdsa["points"]) . " from you.<br /><br />By clicking on the coins you can give points to the uploader of this torrent.</b><br /><br />    <a href='$BASEURL/coin.php?id=$id&amp;points=10'>    <img src='pic/10coin.jpg' alt='10 Points' title='10 Points' border='0' /></a>    &nbsp;&nbsp;<a href='$BASEURL/coin.php?id=$id&amp;points=20'>    <img src='pic/20coin.jpg' alt='20 Points' title='20 Points' border='0' /></a>    &nbsp;&nbsp;<a href='$BASEURL/coin.php?id=$id&amp;points=50'>    <img src='pic/50coin.jpg' alt='50 Points' title='50 Points' border='0' /></a>    &nbsp;&nbsp;<a href='$BASEURL/coin.php?id=$id&amp;points=100'>    <img src='pic/100coin.jpg' alt='100 Points' title='100 Points' border='0' /></a>    &nbsp;&nbsp;<a href='$BASEURL/coin.php?id=$id&amp;points=200'>    <img src='pic/200coin.gif' alt='200 Points' title='200 Points' border='0' /></a>    &nbsp;&nbsp;<a href='$BASEURL/coin.php?id=$id&amp;points=500'>    <img src='pic/500coin.gif' alt='500 Points' title='500 Points' border='0' /></a>    &nbsp;&nbsp;<a href='$BASEURL/coin.php?id=$id&amp;points=1000'>    <img src='pic/1000coin.gif' alt='1000 Points' title='1000 Points' border='0' /></a>", 1);
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