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Old 26th January 2015, 03:46
BamBam0077 BamBam0077 is offline
Join Date: Jul 2013
Posts: 410
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[Jan 25 2015, 11:23 AM] Click the image to open in full size. Click the image to open in full size. Click the image to open in full size. Click the image to open in full size. Demon this is not your work , code is bigjoos BamBam not your work do not put your name to a code you have not done. and allso ive seed a shoutbox conv about you and a few more going about code a few days ago in a sql nice reading too and i will post up on blist all about it and you will look like a wanker then with whats in the sql and all oh yes i will post it you may call us over there but we can get your work you say you done or say stole it and the code you took from a host and pass of as yours lol
Anyone that has a brain will know that we are using u-232 v2 + Default theme over @ and I am the lead developer which means I will be adding all my beta code snippets which I did develop and not seen anyone else develop or share anything close to my designs. You can all say and do as you please but in the end of it I still get hired and paid by big companies & small companies in my country.

I will develop themes this year for many people to use and lets be honest over 3,000 + people have checked my project snippets and I have had some really positive comments in return or I have not been told my code doesn't work or was hard to install so for all you that find the need to bring me down does it make you feel big? does it make you feel like a tough keyboard warrior? do I insult your code? do I tell people to never trust you? do I brag about how shit you are and how I am better because I have Asperger Syndrome (
Asperger_syndrome Asperger_syndrome
or ) ?

Wonder what I am good at:

Career suggestions for visual thinkers

The following career suggestions are adapted from material written by Temple Grandin, who has high-functioning autism and is a professor at Colorado University, USA. Suggestions include:
  • computer programming
  • drafting
  • commercial art
  • photography
  • equipment design
  • mechanic
  • appliance repair
  • handcraft artisan
  • webpage designer
  • video game designer
  • building maintenance
  • building trades.
Career suggestions for those good at mathematics or music

Suggestions include:
  • accounting
  • computer programming
  • engineering
  • journalist, copy editor
  • taxi driver
  • piano (or other musical instrument) tuner
  • filing positions
  • statistician
  • mathematician
  • bank teller
  • telemarketing.

I am getting sick and tired of this bullshit but I am big enough and old enough to place you in a category called waste of breath and tbh that's where most stay and never leave but thats ok ;)

Go develop & come back and then judge me and make sure to get it sticky, 3000+ views overall your snippets within 1yr & 1,000 people giving you a job within their community.