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Old 27th September 2008, 20:36
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Ashur Ashur is offline
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Join Date: Jun 2008
Posts: 523
it looks like a 3.x with myBB removed and staffteam mod removed and language folder removed too
good stuff: kps working better
known bugs are mostly in tracker settings!!
1. Private tracker is always on no matter what setting says
2. no guests to view or download is always on
3. requests and offers fails to show proper titles in UTF-8
4. i doubt many setup options do work except the ones keichi mentioned that he fixed
5. rss still doesn't work

why would you use this?
1. private tracking
2. easier customizable template
3. kps
4. free torrent mod
5. clean staff panel
6. simple forums
7. actually this one i see more countries added compared to Xam so you don't have to add them manually
8. simple and light shoutbox
9. whats going on box actually works!!!
10 requests and offer sections
11 lighter than other TS softwares

why I wouldn't use this
1. no external tracking
2. must register to view site (unless hand change the code by yourself)
3. SEO links missing
4. no multi language support
5. can't be integrated easily with other CMS or forums
6. no good ratio cheating detecting tool
Say NO to private tracking
Running TorrentHoster 2.5 on
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