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Old 24th September 2013, 19:52
EnzoF1 EnzoF1 is offline
Join Date: Sep 2013
Posts: 7
Default Remember me... ¿

Not sure if anyone remembers me, but I used to be a Supermod on before it all went to shit. I am currently developing a completely new source code that might interest some people. However, considering the work that goes into it and the unlimited amount of adjustments you can perform, it won't be completely free (I am thinking about charging a small fee, like 10-15 euro). I just want to know if there would be any interest in it at all and if people would actually respect the amount of work that goes into it and wouldn't just buy one copy and then freely distribute it (although I am not that naive to think it would not happen at all! :P).

Project crankShaft:

crankShaft is a PHP/Smarty application. It allows for torrent indexing and stores data in a MySQL database. It features an extended CMS interface, SEO friendly URLs and (template) caching.

Click the image to open in full size.

Click the image to open in full size.

Obviously it is currently mainly being build for my own tracker, hence the motorsports and motorsports-related items/theme. But if I were to release the source code as a CMS for anyone else to use, it would be a lot more generic than what's shown on the screenshots.

It uses the Smarty-template engine, so php and html are seperated from eachother, theming is easy as cake and pretty much any novice can theme his/her torrent tracker (lots and lots of info and support to be found on the net as well). Multi-language, user-adjusted timezones, extended admin section and a shitload of features I am forgetting right now.

Is there any interest in such a thing and would you be willing to pay a small fee for it, without distributing it amongst peers as any other source (like the money-grabbing, code-stealing template-shares... yeah, I really said it!).

If there is no interest, no hard feelings. Maybe I can help out some people with their source codes as well. :)
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