Thread: dbconn error
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Old 19th October 2017, 09:26
succka succka is offline
Join Date: Jun 2010
Posts: 13
Default dbconn error
Hy/ Üdv

I would like to have 1 small help asking why you write this and how can I fix it? Please help who helps

Call to undefined function dbconn() in login.php on line 12

if (!defined("FOOLDAL")){
  die("Ne kutakodj olyan helyen ahol nem kéne... a főoldalon tudsz bejelentkezni!");

require_once ("include/functions.php");
require_once ("include/config.php");


function login(){

//Invalid Login System Hack Start - 10:35 12/23/2006
if ($GLOBALS["inv_login"]==true){
	$real_ip = $_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"];
	$db_ip = sprintf("%u", ip2long($real_ip));

	$resource = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM invalid_logins WHERE ip ='".$db_ip."'") or die(mysql_error());
	$result = mysql_fetch_array($resource);

	if (!$result){
		$logins_left = $GLOBALS["login_attempts"];
		$logins_left = $result["remaining"];
	if ($result["remaining"] == "0"){
		//find remaining minutes untill next sanity
		//current time
		$now = time("d/m/Y H:i:s");

		//last sanity
		$res = mysql_query("SELECT last_time FROM tasks WHERE task='sanity' ") or mysqlerr();
		$sanity = mysql_fetch_assoc($res);
		$last_sanity = $sanity["last_time"];

		//next sanity
		$next_sanity = $last_sanity+$GLOBALS["clean_interval"];

		//minutes untill next sanity
		$ban_time = ($next_sanity-$now)/60;

		$ban = round($ban_time);

		if ("$ban" >= "2" || "$ban" == "0"){
		}elseif ("$ban" == 1){
    echo "<br>";
    szovegdoboz1("433px", "center", "justify");
    <center><span style="color:#FF0000"><b>Figyelem!</b></span></center><br>
    Ez az utoljára megmaradó bejelentkezési kísérleted. 
    Ha most is rosszul jelentkeznél be, akkor <span style="color:#FF0000"><?= $ban ?> percre tiltani fog az oldal...</span><br>
//Invalid Login System Hack Stop

if(!isset ($user)){

<form method="post" action="index.php?returnto=<?= urlencode("index.php") ?>">
  <table align="center" width="450" border="0" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="1">
    <!-- Invalid Login System Hack Start - 09:19 12/23/2006 -->
    if ($GLOBALS["inv_login"]==true){
      if ("$logins_left" >= "2" || "$logins_left" == "0"){
        $ss = "s";
      }elseif ("$logins_left" == "1"){
        $ss = "";
      print("<tr height='30'><td colspan='3'  class='header' align='center'>Hátravan még <span style='color:#FF0000; font-size: 14 px;'>".$logins_left."</span> bejelentkezési kísérleted!</td></tr>");
    <!-- Invalid Login System Hack Stop -->
      <td align="right" class="lista"><b>Név:</b></td>
      <td class="lista" align="left" width="1">
        <?= inputstyle1("<img src='".$STYLEPATH."/kepek/ikon_User-icon2.png'>") ?>
        <input type="text" name="uid" value="<?= $user ?>" maxlength="" class="inputstyle" tabindex="1" style="width: 230px">
        <?= inputstyle2() ?>
      <td rowspan="2" class="lista" align="center" valign="middle">
        <span><?= gomb("gomb_belepes.png", "96", "28", "submit", "", "", "3") ?></span>
      <td align="right" class="lista"><b>Jelszó:</b></td>
      <td class="lista" align="left" width="1">
        <?= inputstyle1("<img src='".$STYLEPATH."/kepek/ikon_Key-icon.png'>") ?>
        <input type="password" name="pwd" maxlength="40" class="inputstyle" tabindex="2" style="width: 230px">
        <?= inputstyle2() ?>
      <td colspan="3"  class="lista" align="center"><b>Megjegyzés:</b> Engedélyezned kell a cookiekat a bejelentkezéshez. </td>
      <td class="lista" colspan="3" align="center">
        <input type="checkbox" name="logout" value="yes"> Automatikus kiléptetés 15 perc inaktívitás után!
    <tr height="30">
      <td colspan="3"  class="header" align="center">
        if ($PRIVATE_TRACKER){
          print("<img src='".$STYLEPATH."/kepek/ikon_User-icon2.png' style='vertical-align: middle'><a href='recover.php' class='link2'>".RECOVER_PWD."</a>");
          print("<img src='".$STYLEPATH."/kepek/ikon_User-icon2.png' style='vertical-align: middle'><a href='account.php' class='link2'>".ACCOUNT_CREATE."</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<img src='".$STYLEPATH."/kepek/ikon_Key-icon.png' style='vertical-align: middle'><a href='recover.php' class='link2'>".RECOVER_PWD."</a>");


if (!$CURUSER || $CURUSER["uid"]==1) {
	if (isset($_POST["uid"]) && $_POST["uid"]){
	if (isset($_POST["pwd"]) && $_POST["pwd"]){
	//Invalid Login System Hack Start - 18:32 12/27/2006
	$attempts = $GLOBALS["login_attempts"];
	//Invalid Login System Hack Stop

	if (isset($_POST["uid"]) && isset($_POST["pwd"])){
		$res = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM users WHERE username ='".AddSlashes($user)."'") or die(mysql_error());
		$row = mysql_fetch_array($res);
		//Invalid Login System Hack Start - 18:32 12/27/2006
		$resource = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM invalid_logins WHERE ip='".sprintf("%u", ip2long($ip))."'") or die(mysql_error());
		$results = mysql_fetch_array($resource);
		//Invalid Login System Hack Stop

			//User Warning System Hack Start - 11:17 01.08.2006
			if ($row["disabled"] == "yes"){
        echo "<br>";
        szovegdoboz1("433px", "center", "center");
				print("<font size="2" color="#FF0000"><b>Hiba! Ez az account tiltva van!</b></font><br><br><b>Oka:</b> ".$row["disabledreason"]."");
			//User Warning System Hack Stop
			}elseif (!$row){
        echo "<br>";
        szovegdoboz1("433px", "center", "center");
				print("<font size="2" color="#FF0000"><b>Hibás felhasználónév!</b></font>");
				//Invalid Login System Hack Start - 18:04 12/27/2006
				if (!$results)
					mysql_query("INSERT INTO invalid_logins SET ip='".sprintf("%u", ip2long($ip))."', userid='".$row['id']."', username='".$row['username']."', failed=failed+1, remaining=$attempts-1") or die(mysql_error());
				elseif ($results["failed"] < "$attempts")
					mysql_query("UPDATE invalid_logins SET ip='".sprintf("%u", ip2long($ip))."', failed=failed+1, remaining=$attempts-failed WHERE ip='".sprintf("%u", ip2long($ip))."'") or die(mysql_error());
				elseif ($results["failed"] == "$attempts" && $results["remaining"] == "0")
					$firstip = $ip;
					$lastip = $ip;
					$comment = "max number of invalid logins reached";
					$firstip = sprintf("%u", ip2long($firstip));
					$lastip = sprintf("%u", ip2long($lastip));
					$comment = sqlesc($comment);
					$added = sqlesc(time());
					mysql_query("INSERT INTO bannedip (added, addedby, first, last, comment) VALUES($added, '2', $firstip, $lastip, $comment)") or die(mysql_error());
					mysql_query("DELETE FROM invalid_logins WHERE ip='".sprintf("%u", ip2long($ip))."' LIMIT 1") or sqlerr();
					//Invalid Login System Hack Stop
			}elseif (md5($row["random"].$row["password"].$row["random"]) != md5($row["random"].md5($pwd).$row["random"])){
                echo "<br>";
                szovegdoboz1("433px", "center", "center");
								print("<font size="2" color="#FF0000"><b>Hibás jelszó!</b></font>");
								//Invalid Login System Hack Start - 18:04 12/27/2006
								if (!$results)
									mysql_query("INSERT INTO invalid_logins SET ip='".sprintf("%u", ip2long($ip))."', userid='".$row['id']."', username='".$row['username']."', failed=failed+1, remaining=$attempts-1") or die(mysql_error());
								elseif ($results["failed"] < "$attempts" && $results["remaining"] != "0")
									mysql_query("UPDATE invalid_logins SET ip='".sprintf("%u", ip2long($ip))."', failed=failed+1, remaining=$attempts-failed WHERE ip='".sprintf("%u", ip2long($ip))."'") or die(mysql_error());
								elseif ($results["failed"] == "$attempts" && $results["remaining"] == "0")
									$firstip = $ip;
									$lastip = $ip;
									$comment = "max number of invalid logins reached";
									$firstip = sprintf("%u", ip2long($firstip));
									$lastip = sprintf("%u", ip2long($lastip));
									$comment = sqlesc($comment);
									$added = sqlesc(time());
									mysql_query("INSERT INTO bannedip (added, addedby, first, last, comment) VALUES($added, '2', $firstip, $lastip, $comment)") or die(mysql_error());
									mysql_query("DELETE FROM invalid_logins WHERE ip='".sprintf("%u", ip2long($ip))."' LIMIT 1") or sqlerr();
								//Invalid Login System Hack Stop
			}elseif($row['id_level'] == 2){
        echo "<br>";
        szovegdoboz1("433px", "center", "justify");
				print("<font size="2" color="#FF0000"><center><b>Még nincs aktiválva ez az account!</b></center></font><br>Regisztráció illetve e-mail cím módosítás után kapnod kellett egy e-mailt, amiben elküdtük neked az aktivációs linket. Arra kattintva aktiválhatod a regisztrációs fiókodat és beléphetsz az oldalra. Amennyiben nem kaptál ilyen levelet, írj nekünk erre a címre: <span style='color: yellow; font-weight: bold;'>".$SITEEMAIL."</span>");
				if ((isset ($_POST['logout']) AND $_POST['logout'] == 'yes')){
          mysql_query("UPDATE users SET 15_perc_inaktiv = 'igen' WHERE id = ".$row['id']."");
          logincookie($row["id"],md5($row["random"].$row["password"].$row["random"]), 15);
          mysql_query("UPDATE users SET 15_perc_inaktiv = 'nem' WHERE id = ".$row['id']."");

				if (isset($_GET["returnto"]))
				//Invalid Login System Hack Start - 10:55 12/23/2006
				mysql_query("DELETE FROM invalid_logins WHERE ip='".sprintf("%u", ip2long($ip))."' LIMIT 1") or sqlerr();
				//Invalid Login System Hack Stop
        echo "<br>Bejelentkezés folyamatban...<br><br>";
        //echo '<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="1;url='.$url.'">';


  if (isset($_GET["returnto"]))


Szeretnék 1 kis segítséget kérni hogy miért írja ezt és hogyan tudnám javítani ? Legyen szíves aki ért hozzá segítsen

Last edited by Krypto; 19th October 2017 at 15:24. Reason: Next time use CODE Tags instead of QUOTE
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