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Old 15th May 2008, 21:46
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djlee djlee is offline
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Default Re: About Xam's Sources. TS Special Editions...
yeah i partially agree. i stick by the fact that as and when free versions are made available we should allow users to get it from here if they wish. However i do beleive that his source goes against everything pirate sites stands for which is freedom of information. He wants to basically slaughter anyone using his source without paying but it's only what he is doing to others when he illegally downloads from pirate sites.

yes i give him SOME credit for his work. But not a lot. He has taken codes snippets from many places, removed the credits from the scripts that only those with access to the files will see anyway and generally spent far too much time protecting his script from being stolen rather than protecting it against being hacked.

I don't beleive that one guy can release these sources this quick and every single source be at its best to the best of his knowledge. Personally i think he's doing what a lot of people and companys do. Hold out on what he can offer and instead offer many smaller increases in his product rather than a few large ones in order to gain money from each little fix he does.

His support is also crap. I mean telling some people that they must purchase something else in order to get support or to ignore people when they ask for help is just daftness.

Plus on top of all this his source when paid for used to offer very little in the area of an interface (i beleive the latest source or two actually has custom styles ripped from template sites). You can always tell who uses an xam source site simply by looking at the layou.. They are generally all the same ... wheres the originality gone..

anyway rant over .. at the end of the day too many people want a site to make um look good and dont have the will power or patience to learn how to actually code... being a web developer i hate bespoke packages so... :P
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