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Old 19th June 2012, 11:21
johnbrakes johnbrakes is offline
Senior Member
Join Date: Feb 2012
Posts: 15
I do not understand where it could be the problem, the files look the same ... this is my outputinfo.php!

/*=========[TS Special Edition v.5.6]==========*/
/*=============[Special Thanks To]=============*/
/*        DrNet - wWw.SpecialCoders.CoM        */
/*          Vinson - wWw.Decode4u.CoM          */
/*    MrDecoder - wWw.Fearless-Releases.CoM    */
/*           Fynnon - wWw.BvList.CoM           */
  define ('AS_VERSION', '2.2.1 by xam');
  define ('SKIP_LOCATION_SAVE', true);
  define ('DEBUGMODE', false);
  $rootpath = './../';
  define ('NcodeImageResizer', true);
  require_once $rootpath . 'global.php';
  if (!defined ('IN_SCRIPT_TSSEv56'))
    exit ('<font face=\'verdana\' size=\'2\' color=\'darkred\'><b>Error!</b> Direct initialization of this file is not allowed.</font>');
  dbconn ();
 function execcommand_pmmessage ($message = '<div style="background: #FFECCE; border: 1px solid #EA5F00; padding-left: 5px;"><center>vous n avez plus acces a la shout! consulter votre message avant (<a href=messages.php target=_top>clic <img src="" ">
</a>)</center></div>', $forcemessage = false)
    if ((mysql_affected_rows () OR $forcemessage))
      echo $message;
 $is_mod = is_mod ($usergroups);
  if ((!$CURUSER OR $usergroups['canshout'] != 'yes'))
    exit ('<div style="background: #FFECCE; border: 1px solid #EA5F00; padding-left: 5px;">' . $lang->global['shouterror'] . '</div>');
    return 1;
  require_once $rootpath . 'shoutbox/config.php';
  $limit = intval ($LIMIT_INDEX);
  $extralink = '';
  if (((isset ($_GET['popupshoutbox']) AND $_GET['popupshoutbox'] == 'yes') AND $is_mod))
    $limit = intval ($LIMIT_POPUP);
    $extralink = '&popupshoutbox=yes';
  $mod = $str = '';
 $shout_query = mysql_query ('' . 'SELECT s.*, u.username, last_access, u.options, u.enabled, u.donor, u.leechwarn, u.warned,,, c.flagpic, g.namestyle FROM shoutbox s LEFT JOIN users u ON ( LEFT JOIN usergroups g ON (u.usergroup=g.gid) LEFT JOIN countries c ON ( ORDER BY DESC LIMIT 0,' . $limit);
  while ($shout_row = mysql_fetch_assoc ($shout_query))
    $date = '[' . my_datee ($timeformat, $shout_row['date']) . ']';
    if ($shout_row[userid] == $CURUSER[id] OR ($is_mod))
      $mod = '<a href="#" onClick="popup(\'shoutbox.php?do=edit&id=' . intval ($shout_row['id']) . $extralink . '\')"><img src="/images/edit.gif" title="Editer" border="0" width="14" height="14"></a>  <a href="#" onClick="popup(\'shoutbox.php?do=delete&id=' . intval ($shout_row['id']) . $extralink . '\')"><img src="/images/delete.gif" title="Effacer" border="0" width="16" height="16"></a>';
    {  $mod = '';
$avatars2 =  '<img src="/images/start.gif" width="50" height="50"/>';
    if (preg_match_all ('' . '#^{systemnotice}(.*)$#', $shout_row['content'], $Matches, PREG_SET_ORDER))
           $str .= '' . '<span class=\'subheader\'>' . $avatars3 . '' . $avatars2 . ' ' . $date . ' ' . $mod . ' - <b>' . $lang->global['snotice'] . '</b> ' . format_comment ($Matches[0][1], true, false) . '</span><br />';
      $pics = ($shout_row['donor'] == 'yes' ? '<img src="' . $BASEURL . '/' . $pic_base_url . 'star.gif" alt="' . $lang->global['imgdonated'] . '" title="' . $lang->global['imgdonated'] . '" border="0" style="vertical-align: middle; margin-center: 4pt; white-space: nowrap;" />' : '');
      if ($shout_row['enabled'] == 'yes')
        $pics .= ($shout_row['leechwarn'] == 'yes' ? '<img src="' . $BASEURL . '/' . $pic_base_url . 'warned.gif" title="' . $lang->global['imgwarned'] . '" alt="' . $lang->global['imgwarned'] . '" border="0" style="vertical-align: middle; margin-center: 4pt; white-space: nowrap;" />' : '') . ($shout_row['warned'] == 'yes' ? '<img src=\'' . $BASEURL . '/' . $pic_base_url . 'warned3.gif\' alt="' . $lang->global['imgwarned'] . '" title="' . $lang->global['imgwarned'] . '" border="0" style="vertical-align: middle; margin-center: 4pt; white-space: nowrap;" />' : '');
        $pics .= '<img src="' . $BASEURL . '/' . $pic_base_url . 'disabled.gif" alt="' . $lang->global['disabled'] . '"  title="' . $lang->global['disabled'] . '" border="0" style="vertical-align: middle; margin-center: 4pt; white-space: nowrap;" />
  $dt = get_date_time (gmtime () - TS_TIMEOUT);
    $last_access = $shout_row['last_access'];
      if ($dt < $last_access)
        $onoffpic = '<img src="/pic/friends/online.png" title="En Ligne" border="0">';
        $onoffpic = '<img src="/pic/friends/offline.png" title="Hors Ligne" border="0">';
       $gender = $shout_row['gender'];
  $imagepath = '' . $BASEURL . '/' . $pic_base_url . 'friends/';
  if (preg_match ('#L1#is', $shout_row['options']))
    $UserGender = '<img src="' . $imagepath . 'Male.png" alt="Male" title="Male" border="0"  />';
    if (preg_match ('#L2#is', $shout_row['options']))
      $UserGender = '<img src="' . $imagepath . 'Female.png" alt="Female" title="Female" border="0"  />';
      $UserGender = '<img src="' . $imagepath . 'NA.png" alt="--" title="--" border="0"  />';
  $Userpm2 = '' . $shout_row[userid] . '';
 $Userpm = '<a href="' . $BASEURL . '/sendmessage.php?receiver=' . $Userpm2 . '" alt="Envoyer un MP a ce membre" title="Envoyer un MP a ce membre"><img src=/pic/pm.png></a> ';
 $avatar3 =  '<img src="/pic/verified.gif" width="50" height="50"/>';;
$bimg2 = @mysql_fetch_array(@mysql_query("SELECT avatar FROM users WHERE id=$shout_row[userid]"));
   $avatar = htmlspecialchars($bimg2["avatar"]);
if (!$avatar) {
$avatar = "pic/default_avatar.gif";
    if (!$avatar)
           $avatar = "".$BASEURL."/pic/default_avatar.gif";
           $avatars =  '<img src="'.$avatar.'" width="50" height="50"/>';
 $QueryF = @sql_query ('' . 'SELECT COUNT(*) FROM messages WHERE receiver=' . $CURUSER[id] . ' and unread=\'yes\'') OR sqlerr (__FILE__, 532);
  $message = mysql_fetch_row ($QueryF);
  $unreadmail = $message[0];
if ($unreadmail){
   $bimg3 = @mysql_fetch_array(@mysql_query("SELECT smilies FROM users WHERE id=$shout_row[userid]"));
   $smiliies = htmlspecialchars($bimg3["smilies"]);
   $smiliess =  '<img src="'.$smiliies.'" width="30" height="30"/>';
      $shouter_name = '<a target="_blank" href="' . ts_seo ($shout_row['userid'], $shout_row['username']) . '">' . get_user_color ($shout_row['username'], $shout_row['namestyle']) . '</a> ' . $pics;
      $shout_content = format_comment ($shout_row['content'], true );
      $str .= '' . '<span class=\'shoutbox\'>' . $avatars . ' ' . $date . ' ' . $mod . ' ' . $onoffpic . ' ' . $UserGender . ' ' . $country . ' ' . $Userpm . ' ' . $shouter_name . '  ' . $smiliess . ' - ' . $shout_content . '</span><br />';
  header ('Expires: Sat, 1 Jan 2000 01:00:00 GMT');
  header ('Last-Modified: ' . gmdate ('D, d M Y H:i:s') . 'GMT');
  header ('Cache-Control: no-cache, must-revalidate');
  header ('Pragma: no-cache');
  header ('' . 'Content-type: text/html; charset=' . $shoutboxcharset);
  echo $str;
Attached Files
File Type: php outputinfo.php (7.3 KB, 29 views)
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