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Old 9th February 2013, 12:12
KnightRaider KnightRaider is offline
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Join Date: Nov 2012
Posts: 54
Question Bug in VIP bonus points?
Hi there, Recently I have just noticed with a friend of mine and me, that the bonus system has a bit of an issue, whenever we try to Purchase VIP from our bonus points it says this error.
Unfortunately this Item is unavailable, Please try again later.
and when I looked into it, by just searching for mybonus.php I found the code and was wondering could this be the issue?

    if ($kpsvip != 'yes')
              $errors[] = $lang->mybonus['error3'];
              if (($is_mod OR $usergroups['isvipgroup'] == 'yes'))
                $errors[] = $lang->mybonus['error11'];
                $vip_until = get_date_time (gmtime () + 28 * 86400);
                (sql_query ('REPLACE INTO ts_auto_vip (userid, vip_until, old_gid) VALUES (\'' . $Userid . '\', \'' . $vip_until . '\', \'' . $CURUSER['usergroup'] . '\')') OR sqlerr (__FILE__, 180));
                if (mysql_affected_rows ())
                  $KPSUSED = true;
                  (sql_query ('UPDATE users SET usergroup = \'' . UC_VIP . '\', seedbonus = IF(seedbonus < ' . $Result['points'] . ', 0, seedbonus - ' . $Result['points'] . ') WHERE id = ' . sqlesc ($Userid)) OR sqlerr (__FILE__, 184));
                  update_user ($Userid, 'Purchased item: ' . $Result['bonusname'] . ' for ' . $Result['points'] . ' points.');
                  $errors[] = $lang->global['dberror'];


          case 'gift_1':
if you see the error3 what does that mean? Would like some more info on fixing the issue with the VIP bonus points.

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