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Old 14th January 2023, 03:01
thartley55 thartley55 is online now
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Join Date: Mar 2012
Posts: 206
Some people do still use it. It's a much better script than others out there...definitely better than xbtitfm and unit3d...just to name a couple.
And if using the decoded and nulled copy, you can modify the hell out of it...even for non-coders like me. lol
I would be thrilled if someone posted the radio plugin...might even consider starting another site.
I remember a few years back, I came across a TSUE site that had the radio plugin for TSSE worked into it. Wish I had that. I tried tinkering but couldn't figure it out.
I have a little bit more time on my hands now, so might give it another try. Maybe. My luck tho, I try starting a project like that, and crap comes up.
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