Thread: ipv6
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Old 30th August 2021, 23:39
DND DND is offline
Join Date: Dec 2008
Posts: 1,244
make a longer varchar field in the database for any ip you have (users, peers, snatched) and so on
ipv4 is 15 but ipv6 should be 39, just make it varchar(40) to be sure
the best and recommended way to store ipv6 is varbinary(16)
Need HELP!? I can install:

  1. Server/VPS (Debian,CentOS,Ubuntu,Fedora, FreeBSD) Optimization and ... + Modules
  2. Webserver Windows/Linux (Apache/Lighttpd/Nginx/Mysql/PhpMyAdmin/SSL) Optimization and ... + Modules
  3. Seedbox Windows/Linux (uTorrent,rTorrent,libTorrent,ruTorrent) + Modules
  4. Multiple source code engines
  5. Linux Server Administration (security, cryptography/encryption, proxy, load balancer, custom ddos firewall)
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