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Old 26th April 2012, 23:47
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firefly007 firefly007 is offline
Join Date: Jun 2010
Posts: 721
Default error in global.php
Hi there,

I have a small problem and cant seem to find a work arround..basicly Im trying to ad
PHP Code:
in a sub folder off my root, unfortunately im getting the following error in my browser...

Notice: Use of undefined constant totaltime - assumed 'totaltime' in /XXXX/XXX/www/global.php on line 31 Notice: Use of undefined constant totalqueries - assumed 'totalqueries' in /XXXX/XXX/www/global.php on line 32
I have highlighted the error in blue in my global.php below.

/*============[WDW Tracker v.5.6]=============*/
/* moded & optimized by BiBicu */
/*=============[Special Thanks To]=============*/
/* DrNet - wWw.SpecialCoders.CoM */
/* Vinson - wWw.Decode4u.CoM */
/* MrDecoder - wWw.Fearless-Releases.CoM */
/* Fynnon - wWw.BvList.CoM */

@ini_set ('session.gc_maxlifetime', '18000');
@session_cache_expire (1440);
@set_time_limit (0);
@set_magic_quotes_runtime (0);
@ini_set ('magic_quotes_sybase', 0);
@session_name ('TSSE_Session');
@session_start ();
define ('IN_TRACKER', true);
define ('IN_SCRIPT_TSSEv56', true);
define ('O_SCRIPT_VERSION', '5.6');
define ('TIMENOW', time ());
define ('TSDIR', dirname (__FILE__));
define ('INC_PATH', TSDIR . '/include');
define ('CONFIG_DIR', TSDIR . '/config');
$rootpath = (isset ($rootpath) ? $rootpath : TSDIR);
if (!defined ('DEBUGMODE'))
$GLOBALS['ts_start_time'] = array_sum (explode (' ', microtime ()));
unset ($_SESSION[totaltime]);
unset ($_SESSION[totalqueries]);

$_SESSION['queries'] = array ();

if (((empty ($_SESSION['hash']) OR empty ($_SESSION['hash_time'])) OR 1800 < TIMENOW - $_SESSION['hash_time']))
$_SESSION['hash'] = md5 (uniqid (rand (), true));
$_SESSION['hash_time'] = TIMENOW;

define ('LOGFILE', 'tracker_error_logs');
require INC_PATH . '/functions_ts_error_handler.php';
set_error_handler ('TS_Error_Handler');
require INC_PATH . '/core.php';
Please could someone help me -/
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