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Old 14th November 2011, 18:03
sergiu4995 sergiu4995 is offline
Join Date: Nov 2011
Posts: 11
Default Settings for btitorrent
So, i have been using utorrent for a couple of years and never had a problem with it. But just today i tried to download a very popular torrent (2563 seeders) and to my surprise utorrent was only getting 9kb/s and Firefox ground to a halt (no pages were loading). So i went in and tinkered around with the settings and managed to get it to 28kbs but that is nothing on the 1.1mb/s i usually get on less popular torrents. I ran the guide and it recommended that i use the following:
upload limit: 70
upload slots: 5
connections (per-torrent): 90
max active torrents: 5
upload slots: 5
connections: 400
max active downloads: 4

When i applied this it got even worse. My download speed went up to 100kbs but this still seems lower then what i would expect with so many people in the pool.

So what settings should i use to make the torrent go at a decent speed? Just incase it is needed here is my speed test result:
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