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Old 10th January 2011, 05:14
costy22it costy22it is offline
Senior Member
Join Date: Oct 2010
Posts: 35
Default announce.php
Where is the eroor for the trackere sending uinvalid data <NULL>



// edit this configuration

$announce_interval = 60 * 60;


// Set this to your site URL... No ending slash!

$mysql_host = "localhost";
$mysql_user = "root";
$mysql_pass = "test";
$mysql_db = "tracker";

// end of configuration

// Begin CrackerTracker StandAlone

$cracktrack = urldecode($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']);
$wormprotector = array('chr(', 'chr=', 'chr%20', '%20chr', 'wget%20', '%20wget', 'wget(',
'cmd=', '%20cmd', 'cmd%20', 'rush=', '%20rush', 'rush%20',
'union%20', '%20union', 'union(', 'union=', 'echr(', '%20echr', 'echr%20', 'echr=',
'esystem(', 'esystem%20', 'cp%20', '%20cp', 'cp(', 'mdir%20', '%20mdir', 'mdir(',
'mcd%20', 'mrd%20', 'rm%20', '%20mcd', '%20mrd', '%20rm',
'mcd(', 'mrd(', 'rm(', 'mcd=', 'mrd=', 'mv%20', 'rmdir%20', 'mv(', 'rmdir(',
'chmod(', 'chmod%20', '%20chmod', 'chmod(', 'chmod=', 'chown%20', 'chgrp%20', 'chown(', 'chgrp(',
'locate%20', 'grep%20', 'locate(', 'grep(', 'diff%20', 'kill%20', 'kill(', 'killall',
'passwd%20', '%20passwd', 'passwd(', 'telnet%20', 'vi(', 'vi%20',
'insert%20into', 'select%20', 'nigga(', '%20nigga', 'nigga%20', 'fopen', 'fwrite', '%20like', 'like%20',
'$_request', '$_get', '$request', '$get', '.system', 'HTTP_PHP', '&aim', '%20getenv', 'getenv%20',
'new_password', '&icq','/etc/password','/etc/shadow', '/etc/groups', '/etc/gshadow',
'HTTP_USER_AGENT', 'HTTP_HOST', '/bin/ps', 'wget%20', 'uname\x20-a', '/usr/bin/id',
'/bin/echo', '/bin/kill', '/bin/', '/chgrp', '/chown', '/usr/bin', 'g\+\+', 'bin/python',
'bin/tclsh', 'bin/nasm', 'perl%20', 'traceroute%20', 'ping%20', '.pl', '/usr/X11R6/bin/xterm', 'lsof%20',
'/bin/mail', '.conf', 'motd%20', 'HTTP/1.', '.inc.php', 'config.php', 'cgi-', '.eml',
'file\://', '', '<script>', 'javascript\://','img src', 'img%20src','.jsp','ftp.exe',
'xp_enumdsn', 'xp_availablemedia', 'xp_filelist', 'xp_cmdshell', 'nc.exe', '.htpasswd',
'servlet', '/etc/passwd', 'wwwacl', '~root', '~ftp', '.js', '.jsp', 'admin_', '.history',
'bash_history', '.bash_history', '~nobody', 'server-info', 'server-status', 'reboot%20', 'halt%20',
'powerdown%20', '/home/ftp', '/home/www', 'secure_site, ok', 'chunked', 'org.apache', '/servlet/con',
'<script', '/robot.txt' ,'/perl' ,'mod_gzip_status', '', '.inc', 'select%20from',
'select from', 'drop%20', '.system', 'getenv', 'http_', '_php', 'php_', 'phpinfo()', '<?php', '?>', 'sql=');

$checkworm = str_replace($wormprotector, '*', $cracktrack);

if ($cracktrack != $checkworm)
$cremotead = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'];
$cuseragent = $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'];

$fp = fopen ('log.txt', 'a');
fwrite ($fp, 'Blocked attack from: IP - ' . $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] . ' User Agent - ' . $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'] . '
fclose ($fp);

die( "Attack detected! <br /><br /><b>Youre attack was blocked:</b><br />$cremotead - $cuseragent" );

// End CrackerTracker StandAlone

// PHP5 with register_long_arrays off?
if (!isset($HTTP_POST_VARS) && isset($_POST))

function strip_magic_quotes($arr)
foreach ($arr as $k => $v)
if (is_array($v))
{ $arr[$k] = strip_magic_quotes($v); }
{ $arr[$k] = stripslashes($v); }

return $arr;

if (get_magic_quotes_gpc())
if (!empty($_GET)) { $_GET = strip_magic_quotes($_GET); }
if (!empty($_POST)) { $_POST = strip_magic_quotes($_POST); }
if (!empty($_COOKIE)) { $_COOKIE = strip_magic_quotes($_COOKIE); }

// addslashes to vars if magic_quotes_gpc is off
// this is a security precaution to prevent someone
// trying to break out of a SQL statement.

if( !get_magic_quotes_gpc() )
if( is_array($HTTP_GET_VARS) )
while( list($k, $v) = each($HTTP_GET_VARS) )
if( is_array($HTTP_GET_VARS[$k]) )
while( list($k2, $v2) = each($HTTP_GET_VARS[$k]) )
$HTTP_GET_VARS[$k][$k2] = addslashes($v2);
$HTTP_GET_VARS[$k] = addslashes($v);

if( is_array($HTTP_POST_VARS) )
while( list($k, $v) = each($HTTP_POST_VARS) )
if( is_array($HTTP_POST_VARS[$k]) )
while( list($k2, $v2) = each($HTTP_POST_VARS[$k]) )
$HTTP_POST_VARS[$k][$k2] = addslashes($v2);
$HTTP_POST_VARS[$k] = addslashes($v);

if( is_array($HTTP_COOKIE_VARS) )
while( list($k, $v) = each($HTTP_COOKIE_VARS) )
if( is_array($HTTP_COOKIE_VARS[$k]) )
while( list($k2, $v2) = each($HTTP_COOKIE_VARS[$k]) )
$HTTP_COOKIE_VARS[$k][$k2] = addslashes($v2);
$HTTP_COOKIE_VARS[$k] = addslashes($v);

// benc.php integration start
function benc($obj) {
if (!is_array($obj) || !isset($obj["type"]) || !isset($obj["value"]))
$c = $obj["value"];
switch ($obj["type"]) {
case "string":
return benc_str($c);
case "integer":
return benc_int($c);
case "list":
return benc_list($c);
case "dictionary":
return benc_dict($c);

function benc_str($s) {
return strlen($s) . ":$s";

function benc_int($i) {
return "i" . $i . "e";

function benc_list($a) {
$s = "l";
foreach ($a as $e) {
$s .= benc($e);
$s .= "e";
return $s;

function benc_dict($d) {
$s = "d";
$keys = array_keys($d);
foreach ($keys as $k) {
$v = $d[$k];
$s .= benc_str($k);
$s .= benc($v);
$s .= "e";
return $s;

// benc.php integration end

// global.php integration start
function get_date_time($timestamp = 0)
if ($timestamp)
return date("Y-m-d H:i:s", $timestamp);
return gmdate("Y-m-d H:i:s");

define ('UC_USER', 0);
define ('UC_POWER_USER', 1);
define ('UC_VIP', 2);
define ('UC_UPLOADER', 3);
define ('UC_MODERATOR', 4);
//define ('UC_ADMINISTRATOR', 5);
//define ('UC_SYSOP', 6);

function auto_enter_cheater($userid, $rate, $upthis, $diff, $torrentid, $client, $ip, $last_up)
mysql_query("INSERT INTO cheaters (added, userid, client, rate, beforeup, upthis, timediff, userip, torrentid) VALUES('" . get_date_time() . "', $userid, '$client', '$rate', '$last_up', '$upthis', '$diff', '$ip', '$torrentid')") or err("Tracker error");

// global.php integration end

// bittorrent.php integration start
function validip($ip)
if (!empty($ip) && $ip == long2ip(ip2long($ip)))
// reserved IANA IPv4 addresses
$reserved_ips = array (

foreach ($reserved_ips as $r)
$min = ip2long($r[0]);
$max = ip2long($r[1]);
if ((ip2long($ip) >= $min) && (ip2long($ip) <= $max)) return false;
return true;
else return false;

function getip() {
if (isset($_SERVER)) {
} elseif (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_CLIENT_IP']) && validip($_SERVER['HTTP_CLIENT_IP'])) {
} else {
} else {
if (getenv('HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR') && validip(getenv('HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR'))) {
$ip = getenv('HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR');
} elseif (getenv('HTTP_CLIENT_IP') && validip(getenv('HTTP_CLIENT_IP'))) {
$ip = getenv('HTTP_CLIENT_IP');
} else {
$ip = getenv('REMOTE_ADDR');

return $ip;

function dbconn($autoclean = false)
global $mysql_host, $mysql_user, $mysql_pass, $mysql_db;

if (!@mysql_connect($mysql_host, $mysql_user, $mysql_pass))
switch (mysql_errno())
case 1040:
case 2002:
err("Too many users. Try seeding/leeching after 1min.");
die("[" . mysql_errno() . "] dbconn: mysql_connect: " . mysql_error());
or die('dbconn: mysql_select_db: ' + mysql_error());


function mksize($bytes)
if ($bytes < 1000 * 1024)
return number_format($bytes / 1024, 2) . " kB";
elseif ($bytes < 1000 * 1048576)
return number_format($bytes / 1048576, 2) . " MB";
elseif ($bytes < 1000 * 1073741824)
return number_format($bytes / 1073741824, 2) . " GB";
return number_format($bytes / 1099511627776, 2) . " TB";

function sqlesc($x) {
return "'".mysql_real_escape_string($x)."'";

function gmtime()
return strtotime(get_date_time());

function hash_pad($hash) {
return str_pad($hash, 20);

function hash_where($name, $hash) {
$shhash = preg_replace('/ *$/s', "", $hash);
return "($name = " . sqlesc($hash) . " OR $name = " . sqlesc($shhash) . ")";

// bittorrent.php integration end

function checkconnect($ip,$port)
return (! (@fsockopen($ip, $port, $errno, $errstr, 5))) ? 'no':(@fclose($sockres)?'yes':'yes');

function err($msg)
benc_resp(array("failure reason" => array(type => "string", value => $msg)));

function benc_resp($d)
benc_resp_raw(benc(array(type => "dictionary", value => $d)));

function benc_resp_raw($x)
header("Content-Type: text/plain");
header("Pragma: no-cache");

foreach (array("passkey","info_hash","peer_id","ip","event ") as $x)

$GLOBALS[$x] = "" . $_GET[$x];

foreach (array("port","downloaded","uploaded","left") as $x)

$GLOBALS[$x] = 0 + $_GET[$x];

if (strpos($passkey, "?")) {

$tmp = substr($passkey, strpos($passkey, "?"));

$passkey = substr($passkey, 0, strpos($passkey, "?"));

$tmpname = substr($tmp, 1, strpos($tmp, "=")-1);

$tmpvalue = substr($tmp, strpos($tmp, "=")+1);

$GLOBALS[$tmpname] = $tmpvalue;


foreach (array("passkey","info_hash","peer_id","port","dow nloaded","uploaded","left") as $x)

if (!isset($x)) err("Missing key: $x");

foreach (array("info_hash","peer_id") as $x)

if (strlen($GLOBALS[$x]) != 20) err("Invalid $x (" . strlen($GLOBALS[$x]) . " - " . urlencode($GLOBALS[$x]) . ")");

if (strlen($passkey) != 32) err("Invalid passkey (" . strlen($passkey) . " - $passkey)");

//if (empty($ip) || !preg_match('/^(d{1,3}.){3}d{1,3}$/s', $ip))

$ip = getip();

$rsize = 50;
foreach(array("num want", "numwant", "num_want") as $k)
if (isset($_GET[$k]))
$rsize = 0 + $_GET[$k];


/////////////////////Fix Increase ratio using Firefox //////////////////////
$headers = getallheaders();
if (isset($headers["Cookie"]) || isset($headers["Accept-Language"]) || isset($headers["Accept-Charset"]))
err("Anti-Cheater= You cannot use this agent");
///////////////////end of fix//////////////////////

// Deny access made with a browser...
//if (ereg("^Mozilla\\/", $agent) || ereg("^Opera\\/", $agent) || ereg("^Links ", $agent) || ereg("^Lynx\\/", $agent))
// err("torrent not registered with this tracker");

if (!$port || $port > 0xffff)
err("invalid port");

if (!isset($event))
$event = "";

$seeder = ($left == 0) ? "yes" : "no";


$valid = @mysql_fetch_row(@mysql_query("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM users WHERE passkey=" . sqlesc($passkey)));

if ($valid[0] != 1) err("Invalid passkey! Re-download the .torrent from $DEFAULTBASEURL");

$res = mysql_query("SELECT id, banned, seeders + leechers AS numpeers, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(added) AS ts FROM torrents WHERE " . hash_where("info_hash", $info_hash));

$torrent = mysql_fetch_assoc($res);
if (!$torrent)
err("torrent not registered with this tracker");

$torrentid = $torrent["id"];

$fields = "seeder, peer_id, ip, port, uploaded, downloaded, userid, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(last_action) AS ts";

$numpeers = $torrent["numpeers"];
$limit = "";
if ($numpeers > $rsize)
$limit = "ORDER BY RAND() LIMIT $rsize";
$res = mysql_query("SELECT $fields FROM peers WHERE torrent = $torrentid AND connectable = 'yes' $limit");

$resp = "d" . benc_str("interval") . "i" . $announce_interval . "e" . benc_str("peers") . "l";

while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($res))
$row["peer_id"] = hash_pad($row["peer_id"]);

if ($row["peer_id"] === $peer_id)
$userid = $row["userid"];
$self = $row;

$resp .= "d" .
benc_str("ip") . benc_str($row["ip"]) .
benc_str("peer id") . benc_str($row["peer_id"]) .
benc_str("port") . "i" . $row["port"] . "e" .

$resp .= "ee";

$selfwhere = "torrent = $torrentid AND " . hash_where("peer_id", $peer_id);

if (!isset($self))
$res = mysql_query("SELECT $fields FROM peers WHERE $selfwhere");
$row = mysql_fetch_assoc($res);
if ($row)
$userid = $row["userid"];
$self = $row;
mysql_query("UPDATE peers SET connectable='yes' $selfwhere");

//// Up/down stats ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

if (!isset($self))


$valid = @mysql_fetch_row(@mysql_query("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM peers WHERE torrent=$torrentid AND passkey=" . sqlesc($passkey)));

if ($valid[0] >= 1 && $seeder == 'no') err("Connection limit exceeded! You may only leech from one location at a time.");

if ($valid[0] >= 3 && $seeder == 'yes') err("Connection limit exceeded!");

$rz = mysql_query("SELECT id, uploaded, downloaded, class, parked FROM users WHERE passkey=".sqlesc($passkey)." AND enabled = 'yes' ORDER BY last_access DESC LIMIT 1") or err("Tracker error 2");

if ($MEMBERSONLY && mysql_num_rows($rz) == 0)

err("Unknown passkey. Please redownload the torrent from $DEFAULTBASEURL.");
$az = mysql_fetch_assoc($rz);
$userid = $az["id"];

// if ($left > 0 && $az["class"] < UC_VIP)
if ($az["class"] < UC_VIP)
$gigs = $az["uploaded"] / (1024*1024*1024);
$elapsed = floor((gmtime() - strtotime($torrent["added"])) / 3600);
$ratio = (($az["downloaded"] > 0) ? ($az["uploaded"] / $az["downloaded"]) : 1);
if ($ratio < 0.5 || $gigs < 5) $wait = 24;
elseif ($ratio < 0.65 || $gigs < 6.5) $wait = 12;
elseif ($ratio < 0.8 || $gigs < 8) $wait = 6;
elseif ($ratio < 0.95 || $gigs < 9.5) $wait = 3;
else $wait = 0;
if ($elapsed < $wait)
err("Not authorized (" . ($wait - $elapsed) . "h) - READ THE FAQ!");
// Get the last uploaded amount from user account for reference and store it in $last_up
$rst = mysql_query("SELECT class, uploaded FROM users WHERE id = $userid") or err("Tracker error 5");
$art = mysql_fetch_array($rst);
$last_up = $art["uploaded"];
$class = $art["class"];

$upthis = max(0, $uploaded - $self["uploaded"]);
$downthis = max(0, $downloaded - $self["downloaded"]);

if ($upthis > 0 || $downthis > 0)
// Initial sanity check xMB/s for 1 second
if($upthis > 2097152)
//Work out time difference
$endtime = time();
$starttime = $self['ts'];
$diff = ($endtime - $starttime);
//Normalise to prevent divide by zero.
$rate = ($upthis / ($diff + 1));
//Currently 2MB/s. Increase to 5MB/s once finished testing.
if ($rate > 2097152)
if ($class < UC_MODERATOR)
$rate = mksize($rate);
$client = $agent;
$userip = getip();

auto_enter_cheater($userid, $rate, $upthis, $diff, $torrentid, $client, $userip, $last_up);
mysql_query("UPDATE users SET uploaded = uploaded + $upthis, downloaded = downloaded + $downthis WHERE id=$userid") or err("Tracker error");


function portblacklisted($port)
// direct connect
if ($port >= 411 && $port <= 413) return true;

// bittorrent
if ($port >= 6881 && $port <= 6889) return true;

// kazaa
if ($port == 1214) return true;

// gnutella
if ($port >= 6346 && $port <= 6347) return true;

// emule
if ($port == 4662) return true;

// winmx
if ($port == 6699) return true;

// web servers?
if ($port == 80) return true;
if ($port == 8080) return true;

return false;

$updateset = array();

if ($event == "stopped")
if (isset($self))
mysql_query("DELETE FROM peers WHERE $selfwhere");
if (mysql_affected_rows())
if ($self["seeder"] == "yes")
$updateset[] = "seeders = seeders - 1";
$updateset[] = "leechers = leechers - 1";
if ($event == "completed")
$updateset[] = "times_completed = times_completed + 1";

if (isset($self))
mysql_query("UPDATE peers SET uploaded = $uploaded, downloaded = $downloaded, to_go = $left, last_action = NOW(), seeder = '$seeder'"
. ($seeder == "yes" && $self["seeder"] != $seeder ? ", finishedat = " . time() : "") . " WHERE $selfwhere");
if (mysql_affected_rows() && $self["seeder"] != $seeder)
if ($seeder == "yes")
$updateset[] = "seeders = seeders + 1";
$updateset[] = "leechers = leechers - 1";
$updateset[] = "seeders = seeders - 1";
$updateset[] = "leechers = leechers + 1";
if (portblacklisted($port))
err("Port $port is blacklisted.");
if ($az["parked"] == "yes")
err("Your account is parked!");

$useragent = substr($peer_id, 1, 2);
$agentversion = substr($peer_id, 3, 4);


$ret = mysql_query("INSERT INTO peers (connectable, torrent, peer_id, ip, port, uploaded, downloaded, to_go, started, last_action, seeder, userid, agent, uploadoffset, downloadoffset, passkey) VALUES ('$connectable', $torrentid, " . sqlesc($peer_id) . ", " . sqlesc($ip) . ", $port, $uploaded, $downloaded, $left, NOW(), NOW(), '$seeder', $userid, " . sqlesc($agent) . ", $uploaded, $downloaded, " . sqlesc($passkey) . ")");
if ($ret)
if ($seeder == "yes")
$updateset[] = "seeders = seeders + 1";
$updateset[] = "leechers = leechers + 1";

if ($seeder == "yes")
if ($torrent["banned"] != "yes")
$updateset[] = "visible = 'yes'";
$updateset[] = "last_action = NOW()";

if (count($updateset))
mysql_query("UPDATE torrents SET " . join(",", $updateset) . " WHERE id = $torrentid");

// g-zip start


header("Content-Encoding: gzip");

echo gzencode(benc_resp_raw($resp), 9, FORCE_GZIP);


else benc_resp_raw($resp);
// g-zip end

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