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Extremlym 2nd September 2015 18:05

TT 2.7 DHT error
TT 2.7 DHT error udp:// wont scrape ....
is any sollution?? i don't wont to change my source ... or upgrade to 2,8 because i have over 40,000 users . over 50.000 torrents and aloth of work on design etc... need an actual sollution

DND 2nd September 2015 18:32

the scrape function is broken in TT.. TT doesn't support udp scrape, you need to install a small modification, but that modification won't always work
Abanddon external torrents. They aren't any good to anyone.
Pace tie!

RGSHARON 4th September 2015 22:53

udp scrape
you can scrape udp trackers on tt script u need udptscraper.php,tscraper.php&mega-scraper.php

You can find it here

Place the udptscraper in backend folder and place tscraper in your root directory

Code for Mega-scrape.php
PHP Code:

#  TorrentTrader v2.08       #
#  #
#  Modified by BigMax        #


$interval 60// Rescrape torrents every 2 days
$ts gmtime() - $interval;
$res mysql_query("SELECT id, name, info_hash FROM torrents WHERE external = 'yes' AND last_action <= FROM_UNIXTIME($ts) ORDER BY last_action DESC LIMIT 1");
$count get_row_count("torrents""WHERE external = 'yes' AND last_action <= FROM_UNIXTIME($ts)");

    while (
$row mysql_fetch_array($res))
$TorrentInfo ParseTorrent("$site_config[torrent_dir]/$row[id].torrent");
$ann $TorrentInfo[0];
$annlist = array();
        if (
            foreach (
$TorrentInfo[6] as $ann)
$annlist[] = $ann[0];
$annlist = array($ann);

$seeders $leechers $downloaded null;
"<font color=blue><b>Torrent ID: $row[id]</b></font> - <b>$row[name]</b><font color=blue><b>Info Hash: $row[info_hash]</b></font>";
        foreach (
$annlist as $ann)
$tracker explode("/"$ann);
$path array_pop($tracker);
$oldpath $path;
$path str_replace("announce""scrape"$path);
$tracker implode("/"$tracker)."/".$path;
            if (
$oldpath == $path)
"<b>$ann</b>: Scrape not supported.";

// TPB's tracker is dead. Use openbittorrent instead
if ($openbittorrent_done)

            if (
preg_match("/"$tracker) || preg_match("/"$tracker))
$tracker "udp://";
$openbittorrent_done 1;

$timeout 10;
$udp= new udptscraper($timeout);
                    foreach (
$stats as $id=>$scrape)
$seeders += $scrape['seeders'];
$leechers += $scrape['leechers'];
$downloaded    += $scrape['completed'];
ScraperException $e)
//echo('Error: ' . $e->getMessage() . "\n");
                    //echo('Connection error: ' . ($e->isConnectionError() ? 'yes' : 'no') . "\n");
$stats torrent_scrape_url($tracker$row["info_hash"]);

            if (
$stats['seeds'] != -1)
$seeders += $stats['seeds'];
$leechers += $stats['peers'];
$downloaded += $stats['downloaded'];
"<table class='table table-bordered'><thead><tr>
        <th>TRACKER NAME</th>
.($udp?$scrape['seeders']:$stats["seeds"])."</td><td>".($udp?$scrape['leechers']:$stats["peers"])."</td><td> ".($udp?$scrape['completed']:$stats["downloaded"])."</td></tr></tbody></table>";
mysql_query("UPDATE announce  SET  online='yes', 
.($udp?$scrape['leechers']:$stats["peers"]).", times_completed= ".($udp?$scrape['completed']:$stats["downloaded"]).
WHERE url='
$ann'  AND torrent='$row[id]' "); 
"<b>$ann</b>: <font color=red>Tracker timed out.</font>";
mysql_query("UPDATE announce  SET online='no'  WHERE url='$ann'  AND  torrent='$row[id]' ");

        if (
$seeders !== null)
"Seeders: $seeders";
"Leechers: $leechers";
"Completed: $downloaded";
mysql_query("UPDATE torrents SET leechers = '".$leechers."', seeders = '".$seeders."', times_completed = '".$downloaded."', last_action = '".get_date_time()."', visible = 'yes' WHERE id = '".$row['id']."'");
"<b><font color=red>All trackers are timed out.</font></b>";
mysql_query("UPDATE torrents SET last_action = '".get_date_time()."' WHERE id = '".$row['id']."'");


<script language="JavaScript">
    //configure refresh interval (in seconds)
    <?php if ($count)
"var countDownInterval = 10;";
"var countDownInterval = 25;"// No torrents to scrape, refresh in 15 minutes
    //configure width of displayed text, in px (applicable only in NS4)
    var c_reloadwidth=200

    <ilayer id="c_reload" width=&{c_reloadwidth}; ><layer id="c_reload2" width=&{c_reloadwidth}; left=0 top=0></layer></ilayer>

    var countDownTime=countDownInterval+1;
    function countDown(){
    if (countDownTime <=0){
    if (document.all) //if IE 4+
    document.all.countDownText.innerText = countDownTime+" ";
    else if (document.getElementById) //else if NS6+
    document.getElementById("countDownText").innerHTML=countDownTime+" "
    else if (document.layers){ //CHANGE TEXT BELOW TO YOUR OWN
    document.c_reload.document.c_reload2.document.write('Next <a href="java script:window.location.reload()">refresh</a> in <b id="countDownText">'+countDownTime+' </b> seconds')
    counter=setTimeout("countDown()", 1000);

    function startit(){
    if (document.all||document.getElementById) //CHANGE TEXT BELOW TO YOUR OWN
    document.write('Next <a href="javascript:window.location.reload()">refresh</a> in <b id="countDownText">'+countDownTime+' </b> seconds')

    if (document.all||document.getElementById)

DND 4th September 2015 22:59

5 years ago.. really ?:lol:

RGSHARON 4th September 2015 23:16


Originally Posted by DND;4745his 2
5 years ago.. really ?:lol:

That php classes are 5 year old but its still working good u can test it

firefly007 5th September 2015 10:50


Originally Posted by Extremlym (Post 47446)
TT 2.7 DHT error udp:// wont scrape ....
is any sollution?? i don't wont to change my source ... or upgrade to 2,8 because i have over 40,000 users . over 50.000 torrents and aloth of work on design etc... need an actual sollution

Its possible if you are using a VPS or dedi to write a script that will scrape a few of the bigger site to get seeders leechers and peers using preg_match or even Simple Html Dom class and then use crontab to execute the script and update the torrent table in staggered intervals

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