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joeroberts 23rd August 2009 03:31

phpMyBitTorrent 2.0.4 beta1
OK all you beta testers it is time to go to work now PMBT 2.0.4 beta1


NOTICE this is ONLY BETA not for a live site!!!

If you are a n00b then this well do you no good and well not be supported for live site

some features added:

NEW cache system to lighten database load
This includes
  1. configs
  2. Shout configs
New shout box settings from admin panel
Settings Include
  1. Open/Close ShoutBox
  2. announcement on top of shouts [BBcode is used]
  3. Number of shouts to show
  4. How long to keep shouts
  5. Refresh Rate
  6. Idle Time
  7. Allow System to shout new users
  8. Allow Shout new torrents
  9. Allow Porn Torrents to be shouted [not finnished]
New level control system
Allows you to
  1. Create New level
  2. Edit what each level can do
  3. Edit level color
  4. Delete level

New Help desk system
New User Pruning system
New By pass email confirmation
New give upload credit on sign up
New layout in admin panel
New Youtube video
Lots of code fixes from past bug reports

AwakeN 23rd August 2009 11:32

first glance
got it up and running, looks quite nice! Few things that i had to do to get things running right:

- first thing was something to do with shouts, not sure why it's failing but somewhere around line 115 in config.php (if (!$shout) die("Configuration not found (more...))
- I got it working by commenting this out "/*" before the line above, then after "if (!$row4 = $db->sql_fetchrow($shout)) die("phpMyBitTorrent not corre" on the next line put "*/". Something's wrong not sure what - SB is not showing up on mainpage, although blocks/shoutbox.php is being loaded which means "$user->user AND $user->can_shout =="true"" is coming back as true.

- next issue was the theme, themes default to theme 'Default' which did not come with pmbt. several ways to fix this, go edit sql database torrent_user & torrent_config change from 'Default' to 'pmbt' (a theme that came with the install). Or you can goto the theme folder, and copy the folder 'pmbt' into a folder called 'Default'. Please note if u wish to remove the pmbt folder and keep the Default folder you need to edit main.php and change reference from /pmbt/ to /Default/

So after getting those few things straightened out, the site was running, don't forget to install phpBB3 seperately which is in http://sitename/phpBB3/1/ . otherwise the sql queries on the index.php page will fail if the phpBB tables don't exist.

First thing that I was MOST interested in was the new user 'levels' so having finally got the site working I couldn't wait to get into the administration panel and check out the user levels. While I was an administrator, and I had access to the admin panel, when I clicked on User Levels, heck when I tried to edit my OWN user profile in the User Manager, it failed, said I didn't have permission. I was glad to see that the levels were working, unfortunately I didn't have the 'level' that i would've liked to start with as the admin/owner which leads to:

- Admin (UID-1) did not have 'OWNER' priveledges at first start, I couldn't edit user privledges had to be done in SQL first. It appears as though default is 'user' had to change 'can_do' under user field to 'owner' then everything worked okay.

- I love games, had to see if the casino was working now, it seems to be much better. Was missing something tho' because it kept saying 'amount u/l'd is less then the amount u bet' which was not true.. in casino.php add "{" to the end of line 248 after "if ($uploaded < $betmb)" then add "}" on line 251 as it's own line..

cheers..looks great, kinda curious to hear what's wrong w/ the shoutbox maybe it's something I did dunno

joeroberts 23rd August 2009 14:30

go to admin and set configs I for got to add them to setup
I am setting admin to owner on install
and added if statement before include ("forumposts.php"); on index.php
fixed default theme back to pmbt theme
and added default shout configs

AwakeN 23rd August 2009 20:07


Originally Posted by joeroberts (Post 14751)
go to admin and set configs I for got to add them to setup
I am setting admin to owner on install
and added if statement before include ("forumposts.php"); on index.php
fixed default theme back to pmbt theme
and added default shout configs

would you mind posting what you mean by 'default shout configs'..

the lines that I had to commend out to get it up / running was

if (!$shout) die("Configuration not found! Make sure you have installed phpMyBitTorrent correctly.");
if (!$row4 = $db->sql_fetchrow($shout)) die("phpMyBitTorrent not correctly installed! Ensure you have run setup.php or config_default.sql!!");

maybe if u got a sec can you post what was changed/added to make the shoutbox work.

joeroberts 23rd August 2009 20:20

run this in phpMyAdmin

INSERT INTO `torrent_shout_config` (`announce_ment`, `shoutnewuser`, `shout_new_torrent`, `shout_new_porn`, `turn_on`, `refresh_time`, `idle_time`, `shouts_to_show`, `bbcode_on`, `allow_url`, `autodelete_time`, `canedit_on`, `candelete_on`) VALUES
('Welcome ', 'yes', 'yes', 'yes', 'yes', 50000, 30000, 25, 'yes', 'yes', 30, 'yes', '');

go to admin panel and edit shout config

AwakeN 23rd August 2009 21:37

beautiful works like a charm now..

wMan 28th August 2009 11:19

1 Attachment(s)
what in install is "Persistent Connection" and what does it do ?
btw these errors i have seen in pmbt since i first installed on step 4 before list

Notice:  Undefined property: sql_db::$query_result in /home2/wolfmanb/public_html/setup/udl/mysql.php on line 206
after list these are in step 5 too and after it

Notice:  Undefined property: sql_db::$query_result in /home2/wolfmanb/public_html/setup/udl/mysql.php on line 206

Notice:  Undefined property: sql_db::$query_result in /home2/wolfmanb/public_html/setup/udl/mysql.php on line 154

+ wtf is this i know u said me something about theme in skype but i don't speak php :lol: anyway image atached

joeroberts 28th August 2009 14:04

Ok I have gone threw and added all fixes found and Just uploaded it so install and all should be better at this point.

wMan 7th September 2009 05:08

3 Attachment(s)
orginal style still don't work for me but i fixed up old version skin to make it work right on this version
youtube thing gets screwd up since there is a code in youtube.php what says hove shoud blocks look like (since it's already done by function Opentable look at screen 1 )

i think this one can be solved as removing parts like


from youtube.php and side "list" block just set as part of "leftcolumn"
defined in css (will try to do this )
NEXT ONE one same youtube.php
when i migrate from index by clicking on video image in latest video block it transfears me to youtube.php what is problem is that i can add extra video and watch 2 in same time
(screen 2 and 3)
i think that's all at this moment :wallbash: keep on party
remember if every thing is ok that means nothing work :lol:
+there is still junk folder "bitbucket" woud be nice if u remove it from installer files
AND there is "torrentbar" mod but it doesn't show up anyware like where is generated code to use it ?:sun:

joeroberts 7th September 2009 05:56

I well take a look at it and see if I can redo the tables on I not sure If I added repairs to that try this here first
PHP Code:


if (
$_GET["id"] != ""){
$id =$_GET["id"];
if (
mysql_query("DELETE FROM ".$db_prefix."_youtubevideo WHERE id= $id") or sqlerr(__FILE____LINE__);

if (
if (
$link == "" || $name == "")bterror(_btmissing,_btsorry);
$name $_POST["name"];
$user $user->name;
$link "".$_POST[link]."";
mysql_query("INSERT INTO ".$db_prefix."_youtubevideo (link, name, addedby, addtime) VALUES('$link', '$name', '$user',NOW())") or sqlerr(__FILE____LINE__);
"<meta http-equiv=\"refresh\" content=\"0;url=youtube.php\">";
if (!
"<p>You do not have Permissions to Access Utube Videos at this time</p>";
$showvid "";
if (
$op == "show"){
//$showvid = $video;
$showvid "<object width=\"480\" height=\"295\"><param name=\"movie\" value=\"".$video."&hl=en&fs=1&rel=0\"></param><param name=\"allowFullScreen\" value=\"true\"></param><param name=\"allowscriptaccess\" value=\"always\"></param><embed src=\"".$video."&hl=en&fs=1&rel=0\" type=\"application/x-shockwave-flash\" allowscriptaccess=\"always\" allowfullscreen=\"true\" width=\"480\" height=\"295\"></embed></object>";
$showvid "";

"\n\n\n<table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 align=center><tr>\n");
"<td width=502 valign=top>\n");
"<table width=502><tr><td align=center>\n");
"<span class=\"style3\"><font color=blue>"._btvid_choose."</font></span> </p>";
"<tr><td align=center>";
$showvid !="")echo $showvid;
"<iframe src=\"\" name=\"games\" width=\"570\" height=\"570\" scrolling=\"no\"></iframe>";
"<td width=300 valign=top>");
"<table border=1><tr><td align=center>");
"<span class=\"style3\"><font color=blue>"._btvid_fun."</font></span> </p>";
$query "SELECT * FROM ".$db_prefix."_youtubevideo ORDER BY name";
$sql $db->sql_query($query);
while (
$row $db->sql_fetchrow($sql)) {
$link $row['link'];
$name $row['name'];
"<tr><td align=left>  <a href=".$link." target=games>".$name."</td></tr>");
if (
"<table align=center cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" style=\"border-collapse: collapse\" bordercolor=\"#D6D9DB\" width=\"100%\" border=\"1\">";
<form method="post" action="youtube.php">
<div align=center><p>

<tr><td class="tableb"><?=_btvid_link1?></td><td class="tablea"><input type="text" name="link" size="60"></td></tr>
<tr><td class="tableb"><?=_btvid_name?></td><td class="tablea"><input type="text" name="name" size="60"></td></tr>
<tr><td class="tablea" colspan="2" style="text-align:center"><input type="submit" value="<?=_btokay?>" class="btn"></td></tr>
echo "</table>";
"<table align=center cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" style=\"border-collapse: collapse\" bordercolor=\"#D6D9DB\" width=\"100%\" border=\"1\">";
 <td width="5%" class="tablecat"><div align="center"><?=_btvid_id?></div></td>
 <td width="45%"class="tablecat"><div align="center"><?=_btvid_name?></div></td>
 <td width="15%"class="tablecat"><div align="center"><?=_btvid_link1?></div></td>
 <td width="20%"class="tablecat"><div align="center"><?=_btvid_addedby?></div></td>
 <td width="10%"class="tablecat"><div align="center"><?=_btvid_added?></div></td>
 <td width="5%"class="tablecat"><div align="center"><?=_btvid_delete?></div></td>
"SELECT * FROM ".$db_prefix."_youtubevideo ORDER BY id";
$sql mysql_query($query);
    while (
$row2 mysql_fetch_array($sql)){
$link str_replace("","",$row2["link"]);
$name $row2["name"];
$id $row2["id"];
$addedby $row2["addedby"];
$addtime $row2["addtime"];
 <td width="5%" class="tablea"><div align="center"> <?=$id?></div></td>
 <td width="45%" class="tablea"><div align="left"> <?=$name?></div></td>
 <td width="15%" class="tablea"><div align="center"> <?=$link?></div></td>
 <td class="tablea"><div align="center"> <?=$addedby?></div></td>
 <td class="tablea"><div align="center"> <?=$addtime?></div></td>
 <td class="tablea"><div align="center"><?=pic("drop.gif","youtube.php?id=".$id,_btvid_remove);?></div></td>
include (

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