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Optix 15th September 2011 18:58

Introducting ZenTracker: the future of BT trackers
ZenTracker is the first next-gen BitTorrent tracker using Symfony PHP framework.

Symfony is a powerful framework (like Zend) that provides tools and coding standards to produce codelines quickly and easy to maintain in the future. It's an important pro because it allows a better development of large applications like a tracker. Let me show you some aspects of 4 months of work !

1. Security and developer-friendly

ZenTracker works with an abstraction layer and an ORM. That's mean there is no SQL request in files (and no SQL injection) !
Everything works around objects and the application is completly independant of the database.
So you can use Oracle, MS SQL Server, or even SQLite ! It's very easy to fetch information and navigate into it.
Symfony is also handling forms and it brings CRSF protection natively.
3 lines are required to test and record information submitted from a form (calling, binding and recoding).

Example : i want to fetch the image of a category of a torrent posted by a member
PHP Code:

$img $member->getTorrent->getCat->getImage(); 

See how easily you can navigate in database without knowing the database structure. The ORM will generate SQL request for you in background automaticly.

You don't need to test and secure input variables, Symfony does it already for you ! You can direcly use them ! You'll save lines, have a clearer code and develop very quickly !

Exemple : i want to record a new torrent file
PHP Code:

$this->form = new TorrentForm(); // calling the form
$this->form->bind($r->getParameter("torrent")); // binding POST variables with database fields
$this->form->save(); // record the file (saves torrent in uploads dir and records fields in DB) 

With this exemple, Symfony generate the form alone. It handles file upload and validation (mime-type), etc.

2. Performances

With others trackers, PHP reads each time the config files ! With ZenTracker, PHP will read it only once and bring it in cache forever. The first call is very slow (ZT have to generate caches), but when the platform is under heavy traffic, it handles it like a charm !
The caching system is very flexible : you can cache the entiere page or just a part from a template. By default, the ratio number is calculated in real time in the announce, but in views, the ratio is coming from cache, for every member. So it's very powerful and easy to configure.
PS : don't forget to purge cache (with command ./symfony cc) each time you change a config file to make changes effective.

3. The best look & feel !

ZenTracker uses the best of CSS3, jQuery, Ajax and HTML to provide to final users the best browsing experience (with large screens, eg 16/10). Even on iPad and other tablets, it's a complete new experience that you've to try quickly. There's no words to describe the feeling of it. The application is build around a large shoutbox, the gravity center of the community and placed on the homepage. If your community is very large, you'll appreciate the benefit of notifications.

4. Mobile support

ZenTracker is the first world-wide to support mobile browsers and to share it in the source code ! Using CSS3 Media-Queries, there isn't any special files, everything is included and mobiles are sharing the same code with desktop computers. With a mobile detection, some JS will remove useless functions in order to preserve battery life.

That's a few things about ZenTracker.

Browsing the code :

DAKz 15th September 2011 19:18

This has all the makings of a great source. I am trying to make it work but between the language issue and the massive size of this, (51mb on the server) I haven't got it up and going yet.

A couple suggestions.....
An installer would make this way better!!
A text file with the setup instructions in english in the file


PS : don't forget to purge cache (with command ./symfony cc) each time you change a config file to make changes effective.
A link or button in the staff pannel would make this instant for any one
and the most important suggestion.....

Keep developing this, its about time for some new concept came along.

Well done this is sweet!

Krypto 15th September 2011 23:35

Very impressive, well done :ok:
Will certainly be checking this out, can you post some screens of the torrent pages (details/browse) and any forum shots and userdetails pages?

Optix 16th September 2011 00:01

6 Attachment(s)
Sure. See attachments ;)

@DAKz: thanks a lot ! It's very motivating and you will see results in a couple of days :)

I've already delete around 4000 files in Symfony framework directory that i don't use. ;)

Krypto 16th September 2011 00:41

Thanks for the screenshots :drink:

Optix 9th October 2011 22:18

New profiles layout
1 Attachment(s)
The profiles are going to be changed. Before, the uploads are displayed in a table. Now they are as iOS icons : just the cover of each upload.
It's great with large screen on which there is a lot of space lost in the previous version.

It will be available in a couple of days when it's working perfectly. Stay tuned :)

vlajce 26th January 2012 04:49

Yes, i have a question.
How to mode a main menu to look like those on screenshot? On the left side, not on the top. And one more thing. How to add some forum categories.. i dont see that possibility.

Optix 28th January 2012 17:19

Thread updated with photo of the mobile support :ok:


Originally Posted by vlajce (Post 32623)
Yes, i have a question.
How to mode a main menu to look like those on screenshot? On the left side, not on the top. And one more thing. How to add some forum categories.. i dont see that possibility.

Look in older ZIP files and just copy/paste #gauche CSS & JS properties :)
Adding forum cats has been restored in rev41.

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