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FTWR 13th March 2012 14:53 Clone
1 Attachment(s) is a nice tracker based on old content. Here we have the source code, wich is based on NexusPHP.


Some screens:

gogo999 14th March 2012 17:31

I have a question

Fatal error: Class 'Memcache' not found in C:\xampp\htdocs\classes\class_cache.php on line 4

However, there is no way to solve it anywhere let me know thanks

'Memcache' like that even if the installation is shown

FTWR 14th March 2012 17:35


Originally Posted by gogo999 (Post 33751)

Fatal error: Class 'Memcache' not found in C:\xampp\htdocs\classes\class_cache.php on line 4
However, there is no way to solve it anywhere let me know thanks

'Memcache' like that even if the installation is shown

You must install on server memcache and memcached with php extension.

BitFarmer 14th March 2012 17:57

i suggest you read install.txt first

gogo999 15th March 2012 18:31


Originally Posted by FTWR (Post 33752)
You must install on server memcache and memcached with php extension.

This in turn should show you something, no matter how I think I have to give up
Meanwhile, thanks for the heads up

dumy28 15th March 2012 21:54

can someone make a tutorial on how we should install memcache on a domain?

thanks alot

x360zone 15th March 2012 21:56

try this


When we talk about Memcache their two things that needs to be installed
  1. Memcache Daemon know as memcached, and
  2. Memcache client for your programing language, in this case PHP.

Installing Memcache Daemon

Note these steps has been taken from
Steps to install Libevent(memcached dependency)

  1. First we need to check if libevent is installed or not?
    1. type whereis libevent on shell.
  2. If you don’t find it, then we need to download and install it. Type following sequence of commands on your shell
    1. wget
    2. tar xfz libevent-1.4.8-stable.tar.gz
    3. cd libevent-1.4.8-stable
    4. ./configure
    5. make
    6. sudo make install
  3. Finally we need to create a symlink to libevent
    1. type sudo ln -s /usr/local/lib/ /usr/lib on shell.
Now that we have installed the dependencies, we will install the memcahced.
Steps to install Memcached

  1. Download and install, for that type following sequence of commands on your shell
    1. wget
    2. tar xfz memcached-1.2.6.tar.gz
    3. cd memcached-1.2.6
    4. ./configure
    5. make
    6. sudo make install
  2. Run Memcached as a daemon (d = daemon, m = memory, u = user, l = IP to listen to, p = port)
    1. type memcached -d -m 1024 -u root -l -p 11211 on shell
Note: versions numbers mentioned here might be outdated, so do check for updated package to download.
Now we have installed and started the Memcache daemon, it’s time to install PHP client.
Installing Memcache Extension for PHP

Some of the steps mentioned below are taken from
  1. Let’s determine the PHP version installed and also make sure it is in system path.
    1. type php -v on you shell, it should show something like PHP 5.2.6 (cli) (built: Nov 4 2008 09:25:57)
    2. type whereis php to get the path where PHP is installed in your system.
    3. In your accounts home directory create/edit ‘.profile’ file and add ‘export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/bin‘ where ‘/usr/local/bin‘ is the folder where php executable is installed.
  2. Install PEAR, type following sequence of commands on your shell
    1. wget -O go-pear.php
    2. php go-pear.php and follow the installation instructions
    3. ls -l ~/.pearrc
    4. edit the ‘.profile‘ (again) and add export PATH=/home/yourname/pear/bin:$PATH
  3. Finally Install Memcache
    1. type pecl install memcache on your shell, it will install memcahce extension for PHP.
  4. Edit php.ini to add ‘‘, to find the exact php.ini file used by your system
    1. php -i | grep ‘php.ini’
  5. Restart apache, and you are done type one of the commands below to do that
    1. /etc/init.d/apache restart , or
    2. service httpd restart

gogo999 16th March 2012 00:51


Originally Posted by x360zone (Post 33771)
[ATTENTION]When we talk about Memcache their two things that needs to be installed
  1. Memcache Daemon know as memcached, and
  2. Memcache client for your programing language, in this case PHP.

Thanks x360zone ^^;; :ok: I install Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1 is trying to
Are having a hard time, the installation in Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1 Is it possible to install

In Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1, I would like to install
In Linux, the installation is wrong because of the lack of skills ....

Krypto 17th March 2012 00:33

For Windows have a read through this

gogo999 18th March 2012 12:54

In the installation and before NexusPHP {login / php} I do not co
In the installation and before NexusPHP {login/php} I do not come from the screen
I do not know whether this was a problem

Can you solve this problem .........?
Thank you members of the.... :hello:

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