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Subzero 9th October 2008 02:25

Subzeros PreModded Source
1 Attachment(s)
install like any tbsource code, edit bittorrent.php and secrets.php with server details.

Screen Shots Included

RikT 9th October 2008 14:54

Installs real quick and easy up and running in less than 5 min evrything seems to work fine added a staff panel just needs a few more mods which i expect will go easy Respect Dude!!! :hi::hi:

D3SI 9th October 2008 15:43

any details what's installed and fixed and improved etc?


3v0 10th October 2008 03:36

Well I'm guessing here by some of the last modified times of these files (2005-2006) that this has some old coding and not any newer mods from at least 2007 onwards

wMan 12th October 2008 11:37


* Staff panel for the TBDEV source code                          *
* -------------------------------------------------------------- *
* An easy to config staff panel for different staff classes,    *
* with different options for each class, like add, edit, delete  *
* the pages and to log the actions.                              *
* -------------------------------------------------------------- *
* @author: Alex2005 for TBDEV.NET                                *
* @copyright: Alex2005                                          *
* @package: Staff Panel                                          *
* @category: Staff Tools                                        *
* @version: v1.10 04/07/2008                                    *
* @license: GNU General Public License                          *

noaccess("staffpanel.php", UC_MODERATOR);
maxsysop ();

* Staff classes config
* UC_XYZ  : integer -> the name of the defined class
* Options for a selected class
** add    : boolean -> enable/disable page adding
** edit  : boolean -> enable/disable page editing
** delete : boolean -> enable/disable page deletion
** log    : boolean -> enable/disable the loging of the actions
* @result $staff_classes array();
$staff_classes = array(
UC_MODERATOR                => array('add' => false,        'edit' => false,        'delete' => false,          'log' => true),
UC_ADMINISTRATOR        => array('add' => false,        'edit' => false,        'delete' => false,          'log' => true),
UC_SYSOP                        => array('add' => true,        'edit' => true,        'delete' => true,                'log' => false)

if (!isset($staff_classes[$CURUSER['class']]))
stderr('Error', 'Access Denied!');

$action = (isset($_GET['action']) ? $_GET['action'] : (isset($_POST['action']) ? $_POST['action'] : NULL));
$id = (isset($_GET['id']) ? (int)$_GET['id'] : (isset($_POST['id']) ? (int)$_POST['id'] : NULL));
$class_color = (function_exists('get_user_class_color') ? true : false);

if ($action == 'delete' && is_valid_id($id) && $staff_classes[$CURUSER['class']]['delete'])
$sure = ((isset($_GET['sure']) ? $_GET['sure'] : '') == 'yes');

$res = mysql_query('SELECT av_class'.(!$sure || $staff_classes[$CURUSER['class']]['log'] ? ', page_name' : '').' FROM staffpanel WHERE id = '.sqlesc($id)) or sqlerr(__FILE__, __LINE__);
$arr = mysql_fetch_assoc($res);

if ($CURUSER['class'] < $arr['av_class'])
stderr('Error', 'You are not allowed to delete this page.');

if (!$sure)
stderr('Sanity check', 'Are you sure you want to delete this page: "'.htmlspecialchars($arr['page_name']).'"? Click here to delete it or here to go back.');

mysql_query('DELETE FROM staffpanel WHERE id = '.sqlesc($id)) or sqlerr(__FILE__, __LINE__);

if (mysql_affected_rows())
if ($staff_classes[$CURUSER['class']]['log'])
write_log('Page "'.$arr['page_name'].'"('.($class_color ? '' : '').get_user_class_name($arr['av_class']).($class_color ? '' : '').') was deleted from the staff panel by '.$CURUSER['username'].'('.($class_color ? '' : '').get_user_class_name($CURUSER['class']).($class_color ? '' : '').')');

header('Location: '.$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']);
stderr('Error', 'There was a database error, please retry.');
else if (($action == 'add' && $staff_classes[$CURUSER['class']]['add']) || ($action == 'edit' && is_valid_id($id) && $staff_classes[$CURUSER['class']]['edit']))
$names = array('page_name', 'file_name', 'description', 'av_class');

if ($action == 'edit')
$res = mysql_query('SELECT '.implode(', ', $names).' FROM staffpanel WHERE id = '.sqlesc($id)) or sqlerr(__FILE__, __LINE__);
$arr = mysql_fetch_assoc($res);

foreach ($names as $name)
$$name = htmlspecialchars((isset($_POST[$name]) ? $_POST[$name] : ($action == 'edit' ? $arr[$name] : '')));

if ($action == 'edit' && $CURUSER['class'] < $av_class)
stderr('Error', 'You are not allowed to edit this page.');

$errors = array();

if (empty($page_name))
$errors[] = 'The page name cannot be empty.';

if (empty($file_name))
$errors[] = 'The filename cannot be empty.';

if (empty($description))
$errors[] = 'The description cannot be empty.';

if (!isset($staff_classes[$av_class]))
$errors[] = 'The selected class is not a valid staff class.';

if (preg_match('/.php/', $file_name))
$errors[] = 'Please remove the ".php" extension from the filename.';

if (!is_file($file_name.'.php') && !empty($file_name) && !preg_match('/.php/', $file_name))
$errors[] = 'Inexistent php file.';

if (strlen($page_name) < 4 && !empty($page_name))
$errors[] = 'The page name is too short (min 4 chars).';

if (strlen($page_name) > 30)
$errors[] = 'The page name is too long (max 30 chars).';

if (strlen($file_name) > 30)
$errors[] = 'The filename is too long (max 30 chars).';

if (strlen($description) > 100)
$errors[] = 'The description is too long (max 100 chars).';

if (empty($errors))
if ($action == 'add')
$res = mysql_query("INSERT INTO staffpanel (page_name, file_name, description, av_class, added_by, added) ".
"VALUES (".implode(", ", array_map("sqlesc", array($page_name, $file_name, $description, (int)$av_class, (int)$CURUSER['id'], gmtime()))).")");

if (!$res)
if (mysql_errno() == 1062)
$errors[] = "This filename is already submited.";
$errors[] = "There was a database error, please retry.";
$res = mysql_query("UPDATE staffpanel SET page_name = ".sqlesc($page_name).", file_name = ".sqlesc($file_name).", description = ".sqlesc($description).", av_class = ".sqlesc((int)$av_class)." WHERE id = ".sqlesc($id)) or sqlerr(__FILE__, __LINE__);

if (!$res)
$errors[] = "There was a database error, please retry.";

if (empty($errors))
if ($staff_classes[$CURUSER['class']]['log'])
write_log('Page "'.$page_name.'"('.($class_color ? '' : '').get_user_class_name($av_class).($class_color ? '' : '').') in the staff panel was '.($action == 'add' ? 'added' : 'edited').' by '.$CURUSER['username'].'('.($class_color ? '' : '').get_user_class_name($CURUSER['class']).($class_color ? '' : '').')');

header('Location: '.$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']);

stdhead('Staff Panel :: '.($action == 'edit' ? 'Edit "'.$page_name.'"' : 'Add a new').' page'); begin_main_frame();

if (!empty($errors))
stdmsg('There '.(count($errors)>1?'are':'is').' '.count($errors).' error'.(count($errors)>1?'s':'').' in the form.', ''.implode('', $errors).'');
?> }


if ($action == 'edit')
?> }


Page name
Available for


end_main_frame(); stdfoot();
stdhead('Staff Panel'); begin_main_frame();


Welcome to the Staff Panel!

if ($staff_classes[$CURUSER['class']]['add'])
stdmsg('Options', 'Add a new page');
?> }

$res = mysql_query('SELECT staffpanel.*, users.username '.
'FROM staffpanel '.
'LEFT JOIN users ON = staffpanel.added_by '.
'WHERE av_class <= '.sqlesc($CURUSER['class']).' '.
'ORDER BY av_class DESC, page_name ASC') or sqlerr(__FILE__, __LINE__);
if (mysql_num_rows($res) > 0)
$db_classes = $unique_classes = $mysql_data = array();

while ($arr = mysql_fetch_assoc($res))
$mysql_data[] = $arr;

foreach ($mysql_data as $key => $value)
$db_classes[$value['av_class']][] = $value['av_class'];

foreach ($mysql_data as $key => $arr)
$end_table = (count($db_classes[$arr['av_class']]) == $i ? true : false);

if (!in_array($arr['av_class'], $unique_classes))
$unique_classes[] = $arr['av_class'];


if ($staff_classes[$CURUSER['class']]['edit'] || $staff_classes[$CURUSER['class']]['delete'])
?> }



if ($staff_classes[$CURUSER['class']]['edit'] || $staff_classes[$CURUSER['class']]['delete'])


if ($end_table)

' : '').get_user_class_name($arr['av_class']).' Panel'.($class_color ? '' : ''); ?>

Page name Added by Date added Links


if ($staff_classes[$CURUSER['class']]['edit'])
?>[E] }

if ($staff_classes[$CURUSER['class']]['delete'])
?>[D] }

stdmsg('Sorry', 'Nothing found.');

end_main_frame(); stdfoot();

underx 12th October 2008 21:15

some problems !
after adding the sql file with phpmy admin (it's OK), then in the home page (index.php) I got:


Notice: Undefined variable: CURUSER in /www/ on line 32

Notice: Undefined variable: activeusers in /www/ on line 116

Notice: Undefined variable: ss_uri in /www/ on line 439

Notice: Undefined variable: unread in /www/ on line 536

Warning: set_time_limit() has been disabled for security reasons in /www/ on line 8

Notice: Undefined index: 33 in /www/ on line 103

and what's the admin pass?

wMan 12th October 2008 21:19


INSERT INTO `staffpanel` VALUES (1, 'Polls', 'makepoll', 'Make a Poll', 5, 1, 1221495944);
INSERT INTO `staffpanel` VALUES (2, 'Unconfirmed Users', 'pusers', 'Manage unconfirmed users', 5, 1, 1221496037);
INSERT INTO `staffpanel` VALUES (3, 'Look for a user', 'usersearch', 'Advanced search user', 5, 1, 1221496239);
INSERT INTO `staffpanel` VALUES (4, 'Maybe Cheaters', 'maybecheaters', 'A list of users with a ratio above 100. (VIP class and under)', 5, 1, 1221496333);
INSERT INTO `staffpanel` VALUES (5, 'Reports', 'reports', 'Show Reports (forum,comment,torrent,request)', 5, 1, 1221496380);
INSERT INTO `staffpanel` VALUES (6, 'Duplicate IP Check', 'ipcheck', 'Check for Duplicate IP Users', 5, 1, 1221496423);
INSERT INTO `staffpanel` VALUES (7, 'Warned users', 'warninfo', 'See all warned users on tracker', 5, 1, 1221496484);
INSERT INTO `staffpanel` VALUES (8, 'Add User', 'adduser', 'Create new user account', 5, 1, 1221496534);
INSERT INTO `staffpanel` VALUES (9, 'Newest users', 'newsuser', '100 newest user accounts', 5, 1, 1221496579);
INSERT INTO `staffpanel` VALUES (10, 'Uploaders info panel', 'statsuploaders', 'Addon to monitor uploades activity', 5, 1, 1221496648);
INSERT INTO `staffpanel` VALUES (11, 'Logs', 'log', 'Show Logs', 5, 1, 1221496713);
INSERT INTO `staffpanel` VALUES (12, 'Leechers', 'leechers', 'Show users with ratio under 0.50', 5, 1, 1221496773);
INSERT INTO `staffpanel` VALUES (13, 'Delete Account', 'delacctadmin', 'Delete User Account', 6, 1, 1221496822);
INSERT INTO `staffpanel` VALUES (14, 'Poll overview', 'polloverview', 'View poll votes', 6, 1, 1221496907);
INSERT INTO `staffpanel` VALUES (15, 'Mass PM', 'staffmess', 'Send PM to all users', 6, 1, 1221496946);
INSERT INTO `staffpanel` VALUES (16, 'Ban System', 'bans', 'Ban / Unban IP', 6, 1, 1221496995);
INSERT INTO `staffpanel` VALUES (17, 'What is changing', 'modlog', 'Activity of the staff', 7, 1, 1221497300);
INSERT INTO `staffpanel` VALUES (18, 'Site Statistics', 'statistics', 'Registration, Rating, Post, PM, Torrents, Ban, Comment', 7, 1, 1221497506);
INSERT INTO `staffpanel` VALUES (19, 'Cleanup', 'docleanup', 'Perform a cleanup', 7, 1, 1221497544);
INSERT INTO `staffpanel` VALUES (20, 'Mass mailer', 'massmail', 'Send e-mail to all users on the tracker', 7, 1, 1221497596);
INSERT INTO `staffpanel` VALUES (21, 'MySQL Stats', 'status', 'See MySql stats', 7, 1, 1221497649);
INSERT INTO `staffpanel` VALUES (22, 'Spam', 'showmsg', 'Check Spam Pms', 7, 1, 1221497828);
INSERT INTO `staffpanel` VALUES (23, 'Mass Invite', 'massinvite', 'Give all users X invites', 7, 1, 1221497940);
INSERT INTO `staffpanel` VALUES (24, 'Abnormal Upload Speed Detector', 'cheaters', 'See cheaters', 5, 1, 1221498248);
INSERT INTO `staffpanel` VALUES (25, 'News page', 'news', 'Add, edit and remove news items from the homepage', 7, 1, 1221498396);
INSERT INTO `staffpanel` VALUES (26, 'Request to be Uploader', 'uploadapp', 'Uploader Requests', 5, 1, 1221498662);
INSERT INTO `staffpanel` VALUES (27, 'Failed Logins', 'maxlogin', 'Show Failed Login Attempts', 6, 1, 1221501051);
INSERT INTO `staffpanel` VALUES (28, 'Manage Tracker Categories', 'category', 'Edit/Delete tracker categories', 7, 1, 1221823909);


CREATE TABLE `staffpanel` (
  `id` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,
  `page_name` varchar(30) NOT NULL default '',
  `file_name` varchar(30) NOT NULL default '',
  `description` varchar(100) NOT NULL default '',
  `av_class` tinyint(3) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
  `added_by` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
  `added` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
  PRIMARY KEY  (`id`),
  UNIQUE KEY `file_name` (`file_name`),
  KEY `av_class` (`av_class`)

underx 12th October 2008 21:27

it's an answer dor my problems clocktower ???
if it is I didn't understand you :p

wMan 12th October 2008 22:31

add the sql code in your sites database jesssssssssssssss

Dragan3591 13th October 2008 06:57

Why don't you make a step by step instructions?:relax:

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