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Alf 18th August 2013 16:45

change color on background
Haw to change this color on black.
The background is now white and does not see the data from torrent


Fynnon 18th August 2013 17:11

look in .css file for #FFFFFF and change it to #000000

Alf 18th August 2013 17:34


Originally Posted by Fynnon (Post 42270)
look in .css file for #FFFFFF and change it to #000000

Do you know where this file is located

DND 18th August 2013 18:07

lol. you should know because it is your source.

Timisoreanul 18th August 2013 18:20

The .css is locate in :


DND 18th August 2013 19:03


Originally Posted by Timisoreanul (Post 42273)
The .css is locate in :


it depends what style he uses.

Timisoreanul 18th August 2013 19:16

He said that the background is white so the only theme with white background is ICGstation , the default end large text theme has grey background , so unless he add other theme , thats the only theme's he had.

Alf 18th August 2013 19:49


Originally Posted by Timisoreanul (Post 42275)
He said that the background is white so the only theme with white background is ICGstation , the default end large text theme has grey background , so unless he add other theme , thats the only theme's he had.

This colour is white dont see nothing

Timisoreanul 18th August 2013 23:00

Alf , a) you post in the wrong place ( wrong tracker source code)... this is TorrentStrike section , you have Template Shares source code .. not the same.
b)to help you with your .css it is in : include/templates/black/style/style.css
Good luck.

Edit:Topic moved to the right place.

Alf 21st August 2013 16:17

i cant find this colour in styl.css,somebody help,thx


firefly007 21st August 2013 18:09

It might be an image .. post your stylesheet here.

Alf 21st August 2013 20:12

1 Attachment(s)

firefly007 21st August 2013 20:38

First! maybe move the .shoutbox class to the bottom of the page.

Now! Change your body style around line 11 in your style.css to this..


body{margin:0px 0; padding:0; color:#000; line-height:1.4em; font-style:normal; font-variant:normal; font-weight:normal; font-size:74%; font-family:Arial,Sans-Serif; color:#FFFFFF}

Then follow what Fynnon said in regards to what you want the body's backround colour to be.


Originally Posted by Fynnon
look in .css file for #FFFFFF and change it to #000000

If that isn't the correct image it might be .content but it's probably the body image.

gogo999 28th September 2013 11:50

It is difficult to fix

Originally Posted by firefly007 (Post 42328)
First! maybe move the .shoutbox class to the bottom of the page.

Now! Change your body style around line 11 in your style.css to this..


body{margin:0px 0; padding:0; color:#000; line-height:1.4em; font-style:normal; font-variant:normal; font-weight:normal; font-size:74%; font-family:Arial,Sans-Serif; color:#FFFFFF}

Then follow what Fynnon said in regards to what you want the body's backround colour to be.

If that isn't the correct image it might be .content but it's probably the body image.

It is difficult to continue editing the modified :wallbash::wallbash::wallbash:



body{margin:0px 0; padding:0; color:#000;  background: #000000 repeat-x scroll 0 0; line-height:1.4em; font-style:normal; font-variant:normal; font-weight:normal; font-size:74%; font-family:Arial,Sans-Serif }

.content{background: url('../images/mainbg.png') repeat-y center; color:#000; margin:0 auto; padding:0; width:1019px}

#top{padding:0; margin:0; background:#000000 no-repeat top; height:44px}
#top .padding{float:right; color:#00CCFF; padding:15px 90px 0 90px; font-size:95%}
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#subheader{background: url('../images/subheader.gif') repeat-y center center ; width:953px; height 35px; color:#FFF; margin-left:19px}
#subheader .padding{padding:10px 15px 50px 15px}
#subheader h2{color:#FEAB06}
#subheader a{color:#FECF5F}

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.inputUsername{background:url("../../../../pic/input_login.gif") no-repeat; background-color:#FFF; width:200px; height:16px; padding:2px 0px 0px 18px; font-family:verdana; font-size:10px; color:#443; border:1px solid #CCCCCC}
.inputPassword{background:url("../../../../pic/input_password.gif") no-repeat; background-color:#FFF; width:200px; height:16px; padding:2px 0px 0px 18px; font-family:verdana; font-size:10px; color:#443; border:1px solid #CCCCCC}

.inputUsernameLoginbox{background:url("../../../../pic/input_login.gif") no-repeat; background-color:#FFF; width:135px; height:16px; padding:2px 0px 0px 18px; font-family:verdana; font-size:10px; color:#443; border:1px solid #CCCCCC}
.inputPasswordLoginbox{background:url("../../../../pic/input_password.gif") no-repeat; background-color:#FFF; width:135px; height:16px; padding:2px 0px 0px 18px; font-family:verdana; font-size:10px; color:#443; border:1px solid #CCCCCC}

fieldset {width: 90%;border: 1px solid #000;padding: 0 1em 1em 1em;margin-left:15px;}
legend {color: maroon;font-weight: bold;padding: 0.2em 0.2em;margin-left:auto;}

gamespit 28th September 2013 12:38

its hard to tell without looking at the theme live but my guess is this line for the inner white area its probably the image seing as its set to repeat-y (downwards) and the width of the image 1019px

.content{background: url('../images/mainbg.png') repeat-y center; color:#000; margin:0 auto; padding:0; width:1019px}

DND 28th September 2013 14:02

why not use firebug and see the exact line in the code? or css?

WhyMe 1st June 2014 20:18

include/templates/where your theme is default/style/style.css
At the top of the css
I make all new 5.6 themes

PHP Code:

background#2E2E2E; <------------- Here to change colur
margin0px 0;


PHP Code:

margin0px 0px;
background-imageurl(../images/what pic you want to add.jpg); png jpg gif what you want add to the images of your theme
background-attachmentfixed ;

joeroberts 1st June 2014 20:39


Originally Posted by WhyMe (Post 44605)
include/templates/where your theme is default/style/style.css
At the top of the css
I make all new 5.6 themes

You do know this post id over 9 months old rite??? :scratch:

WhyMe 1st June 2014 23:40

It mie be over 9 months old but you get alot of users who are looking at the thred if you ask me all threads over a year old should be removed from the forums

fireknight 2nd June 2014 15:09


Originally Posted by WhyMe (Post 44607)
It mie be over 9 months old but you get alot of users who are looking at the thred

I agree with you on that, threads maybe years old.
But still offer great advice and code.
Even if no one posts in them.

But then you go on to say

Originally Posted by WhyMe (Post 44607)
if you ask me all threads over a year old should be removed from the forums

Which defeats what you said at the beginning of your post.
Not only do you contradict other people.
You contradict your self in the same post.
I do not think I have ever seen anyone do that before.

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