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kira 8th October 2011 20:55

install plugin
I would like to install a new plugin for ImageFlow v5.6 ts
how to please thanks :clown:

create new plugin on panel
I have all the scripts, but all that remains to be installed

Edgein 9th October 2011 08:00


Originally Posted by kira (Post 30521)
I would like to install a new plugin for ImageFlow v5.6 ts
how to please thanks :clown:

create new plugin on panel
I have all the scripts, but all that remains to be installed

Go to Manage plugins

Create new pluging on right panel or left or middel

Plugin Name:

If you want to use file system, this must be same as file name of this plugin.
without .php

Plugin Title:

typ here the titel of youre plugin

Plugin Content:
if you have the php code in a file you dont need the Plugin Content so leave it empty

Plugin Position:

position left middel or right

Plugin Active: yes or no
put it to yes

Plugin Sort Order: what you want

Plugin Permissions: who do want to see this

i hope this wil help you
grtzz Edgein

kira 9th October 2011 19:17

Edgein thank you for your help :friend:

but I have a concern, because the plugin does not appear!! :shock:

DAKz 9th October 2011 19:21


his directions are perfect.
Make sure you got the plugin file in your plugin folder,
make sure you add the file name to the plugin manager just as it is in the plugin folder
example myplugin.php you would add myplugin to the plugin manager

kira 9th October 2011 19:26

yes the instructions are perfect, the problem is me :clown:

I have a file imageflow1.php and a folder ImageFlow

Script imageflow1 :
PHP Code:


    <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">
     <html xmlns="">
      <link rel="stylesheet" href="ImageFlow/screen.css" type="text/css" media="screen" />
     <script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript" src="ImageFlow/imageflow.js"></script>
    <div align="center">

$query="SELECT id, name, size, descr, seeders, leechers, t_image FROM torrents ORDER BY added DESC LIMIT 20";
      <div id="imageflow"> 
        <div id="loading">
          <img src="ImageFlow/loading.gif" width="208" height="13" alt="loading" /> 
      <div id="images">
while($row mysql_fetch_assoc($result))
        <img src="<?=$row["t_image"]?>"width="130" height="150"  longdesc="details.php?id=<?=$row["id"]?>" alt="<font size=2px color=black><em><?=$row["name"]?></em></font> <font color=black>Seeder</font> <font color=green><?=$row["seeders"]?></font> <font color=black>Leecher</font> <font color=red><?=$row["leechers"]?></font> <font color=black>Taille:</font> <font color=#006cfc><?=mksize($row["size"])?></font>" />
       <div id="captions"></div>
        <div id="scrollbar">
         <div id="slider"></div>


DAKz 9th October 2011 19:51

nope thats wrong
thats not your plugin folder, sorry

Edgein 9th October 2011 19:55

is the correct folder

kira 9th October 2011 19:58

public_html/imageflow1 :fire:

I have to put imageflow1 in include/plugins/ ?

DAKz 9th October 2011 21:05

wow really??
then the only other issue could be that your folder that the plugin file refers to is not in the path that the plugin is looking for, check the code and make sure the the paths are right, go ahead notepad is our friend.

I have to say this, have you ever staffed a site? Coded? Owned a site? Somewhere along the way a lot of the things you ask are really things that most people pick up along the way.

To add a plugin to tsse is so simple, make sure the paths are right copy the plugin file to the right folder, add it with plugin manager and it will work, but sometimes you may have to open it up with notepad or even notepad ++ and look for obvious mistakes.

My advice, stop trying to add all these addons till you are why more skilled and comfortable with the basic code that you are using. If your running this as a live site with no coder on your staff, then find a coder. You can not run a tracker just because you have a server and a bookmark to bvlist, takes way more then that. I will tell you right now, based on the ongoing saga through out this site, that your db is seriously dragging your site down, speed wise, a coder would know that and go fix it. If your just running it on a localhost to learn then again open it up and study it all, tsse decoded and nulled is a huge code with a ton of pages, you start adding all these mods, as I have and some of my own... this code can swell to over 1200 pages!! Now are you skilled enough to keep up with 1200 pages? If not is your coder?? I am not trying to discourage you from whatever your doing, but somewhere the idea of jumping from uploader or VIP on a tbdev to tracker owner requires a lot more skill then paying the server bill.
I know a n00b owner that let a coder in to help out, next thing he knew there was a couple game servers and a complete separate tracker all on his server, the n00b owner had no idea how to access enough of the server and the coder took advantage of his stupidity!
Tsse 5.6 on here is a good code, but do not fool yourself, it has been hacked to pieces to make it nulled and decoded, it is a controlled wreck at best, and anyone considering running this code should know that they will have to work on it, there is no such thing as a turn key tracker, you can go to xam pay him an ass load of cash and he will want complete access to your server to install and spy on everything on your tracker, but thats as close as your going to come to a turn key tracker anywhere.
All of the code here, every single one of them will require you to open up the code and if nothing else make yourself a banner, and while it looks like there are some that piss in each others cereal over little things, it is a understood fact that you will have to open it up and go in and fix something with out any add ons and mods. I have tried to avoid the subject of the db because to be honest with you I can see you borking a db instantly and destroying what your trying to do. Rather then concentrate on making the site do things that you do not have the skills for, or the staff for, I really suggest that you focus on quality, get the torrents, get them seeded, invest in janhouses auto-uploader and for God's sake get a coder on your staff!!

kira 10th October 2011 01:03

Sorry to bother you, I was just wondering help :shock:

DAKz 10th October 2011 04:57

No bother
you didn't bother me at all, just either learn to use notepad, or get one of the coders here to come to your site and get it set up and going. Sorry I am not trying to be pain but with your limited code skills needs a coder, or you need to learn to do it yourself. Owning a tracker requires experience and to be good at it, you have to have experience at every level, uploader, mod, forum whore, every part of it you have to know. Code is no different you have to know a site well enough that you can direct the coder and have an idea what they are talking about, you owe it to yourself, and to your users as well, so no your not bothering me at all, I have owned sites I code I have done everything on a tracker site there is to do, but I still learn more every day.

kira 10th October 2011 14:40

just by asking advice, I learned ...
thank you for your help already.

Bump: for ts v5.6 - I created a file "fondflow.php" in the plugins folder to add a plugin, and what should I put in this file to my posters lasttorrents appear? thanks

I already have the file and ImageFlow imageflow1.php in the "public_html" and all its contents


Originally Posted by kira (Post 30569)
just by asking advice, I learned ...
thank you for your help already.

Bump: for ts v5.6 - I created a file "fondflow.php" in the plugins folder to add a plugin, and what should I put in this file to my posters lasttorrents appear? thanks

I already have the folder ImageFlow and a file imageflow1.php in the "public_html" and all its contents


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