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wtf 13th September 2010 12:39

Premium Themes


Various members knows me from tbdev,bvlist & other boards where i do free themes just for fun.But i also do premium ones for a small fee ( it depends on what you need ) and the price is negociable cause i donīt charge much.Iīm not doing this for free because i donīt wanīt to work my ass for something that will dissapear in a few days.Cheers!

My latest works:

*Good day :coffee:

gram 13th September 2010 17:19

very nice themes
i want the first pm me price
source tbdev09

Spencer 15th September 2010 00:58

i want the first tehem (MAD) and i can pay for it 10$ on paypal but i want it to be only mine, not find it free somewhere

deal ? :ok:

wtf 15th September 2010 09:30

That theme is already taken,those are my latest projects so no deal sorry.



The client wich owns the MAD theme asked me something that i usually donīt do meaning the coding part but i have to finish my job because i already been paid so please remember that from now on i donīt do the CODING PART.Thanks!

Spencer 15th September 2010 13:38

then give me something thats original and nobody has, something that nobody can download elsewhere

EDIT: OK, i`ll think about a theme model than i`ll get back to you

wtf 15th September 2010 13:48

Well,use the pm function and let me know what kind of layout you wish.



Please remember that i donīt support the coding part.

Bump: I was gone for a while but now i'm back so feel free and contact me also i will support the coding part too for free if you buy 2 themes.

BDTM 26th March 2012 14:12

How much for the first one?

wtf 28th March 2012 12:24

Not for sale just showing my latest projects so that members can see how i work.

ajax 16th May 2012 22:18


Originally Posted by wtf (Post 34056)
Not for sale just showing my latest projects so that members can see how i work.

Some posts below U said, U not doing the coding part, so U better show PS examples not coded stuff.
btw. Can code from PSD's. Interested? Pm.

MasterSource 25th May 2012 15:10

Has anyone bought anything off this guy. He contacted me twice and was suppose to make a simple banner for me. Told me twice that he would make it and gave me a deadline when it would be done. Just wondering if I am the only one he is jerking around or if an on going thing.

x360zone 25th May 2012 15:30

same old shit people thinking we owe you something, if he wishes to make themes banners he will at his own pace if its not good enough for you make your own this forum is getting to n00bish for me lately.:lol:

if you paid for work thats dif:coffee:

MasterSource 25th May 2012 16:09


Originally Posted by x360zone (Post 34966)
same old shit people thinking we owe you something, if he wishes to make themes banners he will at his own pace if its not good enough for you make your own this forum is getting to n00bish for me lately.:lol:

if you paid for work thats dif:coffee:

For your info dick and to clear shit up THIS WAS FOR A PAID SERVICE What that's right guess the noob ended up being you this time. I was paying him to make me banners. So not the same old shit huh :smack: :ok:

And by the way did you not notice you were in the Sell & Buy Threads Noob

x360zone 25th May 2012 16:21

you big dick head cant you read muppet one reason your a n00b

"if you paid for work thats dif"

so before you mum comes round later tell her to brush her teeth

and to clear thing up you aint paid jack shit yet so give your head a wobble and go find another n00bs hang out

BitFarmer 25th May 2012 17:40

if you're dumb enough to pay before you see ore recive results you deserve to wait :smack:

MasterSource 25th May 2012 21:46


Originally Posted by x360zone (Post 34968)
you big dick head cant you read muppet one reason your a n00b

"if you paid for work thats dif"

so before you mum comes round later tell her to brush her teeth

and to clear thing up you aint paid jack shit yet so give your head a wobble and go find another n00bs hang out

Guess what I will not be renewing my vps service with you this month either you just lost a customer :ok:

How old are you talking about mums what this the 1st grade. No shit I not paid anything yet I didn't say I did I said I was paying not paid for a banner learn to read you speak dive turkey

All I did was ask a question. You and your ultra ego had to jump in the thread running your mouth and stead of being helpful and posting a answer to the question (which you didn't) you stuck your nose where it didn't belong. If you didn't have a useful answer then don't post. Altho you do like to pile up a lot of un useful post counts huh :smack:

BitFarmer I didn't pay yet and this was the reason why

x360zone 25th May 2012 23:07

Yawn: like i say im hating these forums lately full off major n00bs like yourself

wtf 27th May 2012 10:08

What the hell i didn't asked you a dime because i don't have much time right now.I have finished my job for some members and i have to finish for others i never ask for money untill i show the client some progresses or half before i get started with something that requires lot's of time just to make sure that i won't get scammed.Not cool.

ajax 28th May 2012 03:37

This was a damn good conversation, yeh, a rly good. :lol:
Thanks for fun. :hello:

x360zone 28th May 2012 08:21

just a quick update whos the n00b master :lol: you would do well to read whats getting typed before calling people a D!ck

look before you leap next time pal:smack:
"Altho you do like to pile up a lot of un useful post counts huh"
have you checked your posts lol even more funny and next up i reckon if at least 3% off mine have been useful to somebody
im happy to help the 3% where as your post help no one at any time keep mentioning css is very helpful

wtf 20th March 2013 21:40

Mannn you guys really f@ked up my topic :lol:

BDTM 6th January 2014 14:51

Nice works.

wtf 7th January 2014 12:43


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