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DooM 22nd October 2013 13:22

A little help at installing
1 Attachment(s)
I've bought a VPS and a domain name to start a torrent tracker for some friends. I have uploaded U-232 and followed step by step the installation instructions but after I filled all the information needed in the installation procces, I get this error:

Cant select database
Can someone help me?

I attached a printscreen.

GameMaster 27th October 2013 21:45


Originally Posted by DooM (Post 43091)
I've bought a VPS and a domain name to start a torrent tracker for some friends. I have uploaded U-232 and followed step by step the installation instructions but after I filled all the information needed in the installation procces, I get this error:

Cant select database
Can someone help me?

I attached a printscreen.

what version of u-232 have you got??

KrackerMan 28th October 2013 00:02


Originally Posted by DooM (Post 43091)
I've bought a VPS and a domain name to start a torrent tracker for some friends. I have uploaded U-232 and followed step by step the installation instructions but after I filled all the information needed in the installation procces, I get this error:

Cant select database
Can someone help me?

I attached a printscreen.

Have you created a database yet? Also have you filled in the correct information for your database such as username, password, name of database?

Also I don't believe you can run memcached on a vps so you will not be able to install V1-V3 of U232.

DND 28th October 2013 00:50

well, if he has command terminal su axx maybe he can install memcache with no problem.
but if the VPS is shared, so only ftp&cpanel axx, then you've got some problems.

GameMaster 28th October 2013 01:29


Originally Posted by KrackerMan (Post 43157)
Have you created a database yet? Also have you filled in the correct information for your database such as username, password, name of database?

Also I don't believe you can run memcached on a vps so you will not be able to install V1-V3 of U232.

You can run Memcached on a VPS, i got it running on two VPS's :)

DooM 29th October 2013 17:46

Trust me guys, memcached is installed correctly. Same thing about MySQL. I have created the database and filled the infos correctly. I think the problem is somewhere between the connection u232 <-> mysql server. Can this be a problem?

BTW, Gazelle works fine!

DND 29th October 2013 17:55

edit the files yourself and don't use the installer :)
pretty simple solution

DooM 30th October 2013 15:46

I'll start all over again 'till it works! Thanks for your help and your time guys!

DND 30th October 2013 21:31

if the problem is serverside, starting again won't help
did you chmod 777 the install directory ? + files inside?

Bigjoos 31st October 2013 14:50

U-232 V3 is a 5 minute to install and run source code, if not then you have missing dependences or your server is mis configured to take that source. Now the only possible way it can't select the database is possibly your installing on a windows server and you have not edited install/functions/database.php

PHP Code:

function db_insert()
$out '<fieldset><legend>Database</legend>';
    require_once (
$q sprintf('/usr/bin/mysql -h %s -u %s -p%s %s < %sinstall/extra/install.sql'$INSTALLER09['mysql_host'], $INSTALLER09['mysql_user'], $INSTALLER09['mysql_pass'], $INSTALLER09['mysql_db'], $root); //== Linux
    //$q = sprintf('c:\AppServ\MySQL\bin\mysql -h %s -u %s -p%s %s < %sinstall/extra/install.sql',$INSTALLER09['mysql_host'],$INSTALLER09['mysql_user'],$INSTALLER09['mysql_pass'],$INSTALLER09['mysql_db'],$root);  //== Win - remember to set your path up correctly - atm its set for appserv
    if (!
count($o)) {
$out.= '<div class="readable">Database was imported</div><div class="info" style="text-align:center"><input type="button" value="Finish" onclick="window.location.href=\'?step=3\'"/></div>';
    } else 
$out.= '<div class="notreadable">There was an error while importing the database<br/>'.$o.'</div>';
$out.= '</fieldset>';
    print (

Its clearly commented for that, it could be exec function is disabled on the server, looking at error logs helps in these matters, knowing your hardware well helps a lot as well, just slow down and look at what your trying to do first, list here what errors you get and you'll get answers, but I can assure you its not the code, its the server that has the problem.

DooM 26th November 2013 16:46

Reinstalled step by step and now It works smoothly.

I think

apt-get install php5-memcache
was the problem :)

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