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joeroberts 25th September 2009 06:19

phpMyBitTorrent 2.0.4 Gold Release
Thats right Here we go again phpMyBitTorrent 2.0.4 is now Gold
You may use this on a live site!

I would like to thank everyone that has helped me to Finnish this release
and to every one that has helped to find bugs and added advise for new functions

I would like to thank Krypto for his Help with the language file english.php
I dont know what I well do from this point on if I well release another version or not only time well tell.
I well help to fix all Bugs in this release so If you find any please post them.


NEW cache system to lighten database load
This includes

1. configs
2. paypal
3. User Prune Info
4. Shout configs
5. New Users

New shout box settings from admin panel
Settings Include

1. Open/Close ShoutBox
2. announcement on top of shouts [BBcode is used]
3. Number of shouts to show
4. How long to keep shouts
5. Refresh Rate
6. Idle Time
7. Allow System to shout new users
8. Allow Shout new torrents
9. Allow Porn Torrents to be shouted [not finnished]

New level control system
Allows you to

1. Create New level
2. Edit what each level can do
3. Edit level color
4. Delete level

New Help desk system
New User Pruning system
New Hit and Run Warning system
New By pass email confirmation
New give upload credit on sign up
New layout in admin panel
New Youtube video
New Ip sheck system

Lots of code fixes from past bug reports
Seedbonus fixed
Bitbucket-upload fixed
Fatal error in arcade bad function call btderr fixed
error in changing pass word on torrents fixed
fixed user to forum inport
forum Intergration bug fixed
turn off sticky fixed
bug for torrent Prefix fixed bug in function phpBB3 fixed
save admin settings fixed

Viperia 25th September 2009 08:02

Well this was just great! About what you should do now with the script is to really fix bugs, optimize stuff and clean it up real good then you will have a perfect tracker script.

It has most of the functions anyone would need i guess but there is always room for code improvements and optimizations for making it lightning fast. Ill try to write down a list of things that i can think of that you should look at.

And maybe rest of the people around here could help adding stuff to the list to?


wMan 25th September 2009 09:00

admin.php on bottom of page

Warning: file_exists() [function.file-exists]: open_basedir restriction in effect. File(/proc/loadavg) is not within the allowed path(s): (/home2/wolfmanb:/usr/lib/php:/usr/local/lib/php:/tmp) in /home2/wolfmanb/public_html/admin.php on line 378

joeroberts 25th September 2009 14:46


Originally Posted by wolfman (Post 15978)
admin.php on bottom of page

Warning: file_exists() [function.file-exists]: open_basedir restriction in effect. File(/proc/loadavg) is not within the allowed path(s): (/home2/wolfmanb:/usr/lib/php:/usr/local/lib/php:/tmp) in /home2/wolfmanb/public_html/admin.php on line 378

open admin.php and remove lines 374 threw 434

Ashur 25th September 2009 19:23

cool stuff buddy
just make a note on some of the admins stuff: many of the options missing units such as seconds, minutes, bytes, kilo-bytes,..etc
if you have the time to add them it would be a great help in clearing out confusion in setting them up
also maybe write up recommendation like minimal, maximal and recommended value


joeroberts 25th September 2009 19:43


Originally Posted by Ashur (Post 15995)
cool stuff buddy
just make a note on some of the admins stuff: many of the options missing units such as seconds, minutes, bytes, kilo-bytes,..etc
if you have the time to add them it would be a great help in clearing out confusion in setting them up
also maybe write up recommendation like minimal, maximal and recommended value


Um can you show me where?

Ashur 25th September 2009 20:59

ok here we go
units can be outside of the box or inside whatever you desire (or like in some other mod was inside the bubble)



Krypto 25th September 2009 21:55

1 Attachment(s)
Updated language file.

Replace your /language/english.php file with the attached.

ibins 25th September 2009 22:30

When i'm loggen in I'll get automatically kicket out :(

But i'll should log in again :mad:

Sorry for my bad english

joeroberts 25th September 2009 22:51


Originally Posted by ibins (Post 16005)
When i'm loggen in I'll get automatically kicket out :(

But i'll should log in again :mad:

Sorry for my bad english

check cookies in data base under torrent_configs

wMan 26th September 2009 08:02

is it posible to remove security code from login leaving it for singup ?

Ashur 26th September 2009 13:01


Originally Posted by wolfman (Post 16019)
is it posible to remove security code from login leaving it for singup ?

hey i was about to say that

i would say probably yes but don't want to mess with code
let's wait for Joe he is the best

here is my request of little modification for it ... like in phpbb can we make no need for captcha till user fails to login after x numbers of failures?

thanks wolfman and thank you Joe

I put up the new English language file on the demo so if I see some stuff missing i hope you and/or joe don't mind to improve the English file


joeroberts 26th September 2009 14:03

go to include functions.php and at line 322 add new line before

$gfx_check = false;

wMan 28th September 2009 01:45


Originally Posted by joeroberts (Post 16025)
go to include functions.php and at line 322 add new line before

$gfx_check = false;

doesn't work for me
PHP Code:

$gfx_check false
        if (
$gfx_check) { 
$rnd_code strtoupper(RandomAlpha(5)); 
$loginbox .= "<p align=\"center\">"._btsecuritycode."<img src=\"gfxgen.php?code=".base64_encode($rnd_code)."\" alt=\"Security Code\">\n<input type=\"text\" name=\"gfxcode\" size=\"10\" maxlength=\"6\">"
$loginbox .= "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"gfxcheck\" value=\"".md5($rnd_code)."\">\n\n"
$loginbox .= "<p><input type=\"submit\" value=\""._btlogin."\" /></p></form>"
$loginbox .= "<a href=\"user.php?op=lostpassword\">"._btlostpassword."</a></p>\n\n"

joeroberts 28th September 2009 02:23

open user.php and find

        case "login": {
and add same after

$gfx_check = false;

wMan 28th September 2009 02:32

3 Attachment(s)
can u tell normali what to add where not just add that after that
last time i checked i can't read ur mind
all i needed to do was deleate elseif part from user.php :wallbash:
like this

case "login": {
                if (!isset($username) OR $username == "" OR !isset($password) OR $password == "") {
                        bterror(_btusrpwdnotset,_btlogin); //missing data
                } else {
                        $result = $db->sql_query("SELECT active FROM ".$db_prefix."_users WHERE username = '".addslashes($username)."' AND password = '".md5($password)."'");
                        if ($db->sql_numrows($result) == 1) {
                                list ($active) = $db->sql_fetchrow($result);
                                if ($active == 1) {

BTW youtube.php still shows 2 videos if u migrate from index
still no generated code for Torrent bar
still have junk like bitbucket and hl.swf

issue with phpBB it uses diferent user session so i get something like (image 1 )
and what happens when i try to login :D (image 2 )

BTW hole theming is fucked for some reason on phpbb works only ur themes those who u have in some themes packages all other return tihis crap

            template->_tpl_load_file(): File ./styles/prosilver/template/../../../rokbb3.php does not exist or is empty
take a look at image 3 none of those sitles work so tell me please wtf did u changed in phpBB since all those themes work on normal phpBB

u know phpBB integration (or it's quality (if u have used php-nuke and seen hove it's phpbb integration looks like u know what i mean ) makes wan't to not use PMBT u know like there is something missing and have to manage + style 2 diferent things and then somehove put them togeather and hope it will look god kinda doesn't work
i hope someday u will atleast integrate something simple because phpBB have torrent tracker mod :lol: this is like u integrated tracker in to tracker some idiots asked me if PMBT is phpBB addon :wallbash: u know what i mean ?

get_fire 11th October 2009 22:23

is not it time to do the assembly with the Russian language?
I am sure that your assembly will be on many servers Russia

joeroberts 11th October 2009 22:47

I don't speak Russian language so I would need help!

get_fire 11th October 2009 23:20

1 Attachment(s)
help me help you, but now you explain to me why I have again error in taketorrent.php?


Catchable fatal error: Object of class php4DOMDocument could not be converted to string in / usr / local / www / xak / upload / taketorrent.php on line 174
Attachment 1789

TheArcadeMaster 11th October 2009 23:51

all i get is


Step 4: Installing Database

Checking files...OK

Creating table addedrequests...
Error executing SQL Query -- phpMyAdmin SQL Dump -- version -- phpMyAdmin -- -- Host: localhost -- Generation Time: Aug 16, 2009 at 03:22 PM -- Server version: 5.0.75 -- PHP Version: 5.2.6-3ubuntu4.1 -- -- Database: `phpMyBitTorrent` -- -- -------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Table structure for table `addedrequests` -- CREATE TABLE `phpmybittorrent_addedrequests` ( `id` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment, `requestid` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL default '0', `userid` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL default '0', PRIMARY KEY (`id`), KEY `pollid` (`id`), KEY `userid` (`userid`) ) ENGINE=MyISAM ;
Error ID:
Error Message:

A fatal error occurred during setup. Please fix the above error and try running Setup again, or refreshing your browser.

and cant go no further with set up

joeroberts 12th October 2009 02:06


Originally Posted by TheArcadeMaster (Post 16439)
all i get is


Step 4: Installing Database

Checking files...OK

Creating table addedrequests...
Error executing SQL Query -- phpMyAdmin SQL Dump -- version -- phpMyAdmin -- -- Host: localhost -- Generation Time: Aug 16, 2009 at 03:22 PM -- Server version: 5.0.75 -- PHP Version: 5.2.6-3ubuntu4.1 -- -- Database: `phpMyBitTorrent` -- -- -------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Table structure for table `addedrequests` -- CREATE TABLE `phpmybittorrent_addedrequests` ( `id` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment, `requestid` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL default '0', `userid` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL default '0', PRIMARY KEY (`id`), KEY `pollid` (`id`), KEY `userid` (`userid`) ) ENGINE=MyISAM ;
Error ID:
Error Message:

A fatal error occurred during setup. Please fix the above error and try running Setup again, or refreshing your browser.

and cant go no further with set up

what database type are you using?


Originally Posted by get_fire (Post 16437)
help me help you, but now you explain to me why I have again error in taketorrent.php?

Catchable fatal error: Object of class php4DOMDocument could not be converted to string in / usr / local / www / xak / upload / taketorrent.php on line 174

is this a internal or external torrent?
can I get you to PM me a copy of the torrent you are trying to upload?

get_fire 12th October 2009 08:11

is a local Torrents Tracker.
and it can come only through a PC in my lokalke, let's you and I connect via Radmin, and you posmotrish

joeroberts 12th October 2009 14:10

No you do not under stand I want to look at the .torrent file its self see what defrent about it.

get_fire 12th October 2009 17:10

Here is my torrent file, but I think it plays no role in my program utorrent is the latest version

and another question in the torrent file should prescribe the server address (the site) or not?

joeroberts 12th October 2009 18:55

this torrent has no announce URLS in it.
is this the true torrent in which you tried to up load?
if that is the case then that is the cause of the error.
line 174 is the announce URL check and if there is no URL of course it well return a error.

get_fire 13th October 2009 00:27

I'm sorry I am drunk, if something is not clearly written ...
like all torrent tracker cms everywhere address tracker is added automatically, so why do not realizuesh?
+ Indeksator put everything in its capacity to make it easier to pour torrent files

the only thing that annoys me now is something that must now constantly prescribe domain address (torrent tracker)

joeroberts 13th October 2009 00:31

Most torrent creaters keep a log of trackers you have used to create a torrent for so You should only have to add it one time and the creater well remember it.
If it is to much for you then Im sorry but I also get the complaint about users having to down load a torrent to beable to seed it back so it seems a no winn.
I well go with the way that I do it.

kp380lv 13th October 2009 08:58

Better add Cron system and multitracker support...well in my tracker has better options sorrry for offtopic..

joeroberts 13th October 2009 12:45


Originally Posted by kp380lv (Post 16491)
Better add Cron system and multitracker support...well in my tracker has better options sorrry for offtopic..

PMBT has Multitracker suport M8 and this has nothing to do with multitracker has to do with his error is from NO track in torrent at all!

get_fire 13th October 2009 16:03


Originally Posted by joeroberts (Post 16507)
PMBT has Multitracker suport M8 and this has nothing to do with multitracker has to do with his error is from NO track in torrent at all!

I for interest poprobyval pour torrent file from another tracker and it did not work! I was given a file that has an address of another tracker

joeroberts 13th October 2009 16:13


Originally Posted by get_fire (Post 16514)
I for interest poprobyval pour torrent file from another tracker and it did not work! I was given a file that has an address of another tracker

was the tracker that torrent was from active and that torrent alive?(has peers)
Not sure Y you are having this problem as you can see from here
phpMyBitTorrent 2.0.4
all the torrents are from external trackers!
What kind of hosting are you using?

TheArcadeMaster 13th October 2009 23:02


Originally Posted by joeroberts (Post 16445)
what database type are you using?

is this a internal or external torrent?
can I get you to PM me a copy of the torrent you are trying to upload?


joeroberts 14th October 2009 00:45

is phpMyBitTorrent installed on this data base already?

Nightcrawler 14th October 2009 14:35

Thanks like looking at other sources gives inspiration :)

joeroberts 14th October 2009 14:41

3 Attachment(s)
I have Just Updated the download file which includes fixes for a couple bugs like
  1. Turn On/Off email comfermation
  2. Give Sign up Upload Credit
  3. allow/disallow external tracked torrents
  4. allow/disallow multy tracker torrents
here are the files just incase you only want them
please let me know if I missed anything!:sun:

evaldas40 1st November 2009 23:45

fuck how to fix this eror ?

Checking files...OK

Creating table addedrequests...
Error executing SQL Query -- phpMyAdmin SQL Dump -- version -- phpMyAdmin -- -- Host: localhost -- Generation Time: Aug 16, 2009 at 03:22 PM -- Server version: 5.0.75 -- PHP Version: 5.2.6-3ubuntu4.1 -- -- Database: `phpMyBitTorrent` -- -- -------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Table structure for table `torrent_addedrequests` -- CREATE TABLE `torrent_addedrequests` ( `id` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment, `requestid` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL default '0', `userid` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL default '0', PRIMARY KEY (`id`), KEY `pollid` (`id`), KEY `userid` (`userid`) ) ENGINE=MyISAM ;
Error ID:
Error Message:

A fatal error occurred during setup. Please fix the above error and try running Setup again, or refreshing your browser.

wMan 1st November 2009 23:47

installing on windows based machine ?

evaldas40 1st November 2009 23:49

no , its linux

wMan 1st November 2009 23:52


evaldas40 1st November 2009 23:55

i realy need to install it becose , i dont find bether source, TS is good but i need a bether version not 5.6 and i dont want i becose, i shouse this one. But cant install :(

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