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KiD 13th May 2010 16:06

[09] UniquePixels Template
1 Attachment(s)
First, this is made for tbdev 2009 ONLY, if you try to install it on any other source/version your on your own.

THIS MOD REQUIRES :: TEMPLATE SYSTEM FOR 2009 - Its an easy fix to build it in to normal tbdev without that system.

Can be found on - Bittorrent Skins

(Please remember to make it look like mine dos you need my new index styles build in to every single page you have)

NB if you dont mind looking at the files you'll find the css for the sites.. i haven't removed it..! so you just need to make some div's.. good luck, that is a major job to get that done 100% thats why i cant make a post for it..!

Visit for more templates for tbdev, soon with other trackers too. enjoy

raefor 13th May 2010 19:47

how do you think it will work with the installer code ????:drink:

KiD 13th May 2010 20:19

Not at all...! It requires you to start from zero there is not much from Installer that can be used in 09 final source

raefor 13th May 2010 21:45

thanks bud:cool:

shayarsha 20th May 2010 16:49

hello, i have installed the stable version of tbdev 09 and now i want modify the theme with this, it possible ?

exsist one tutorial ?

Best Regard

tupeu 8th June 2010 22:12

You need the Torrent Strike Theme System:

open bittorrent and find:
PHP Code:

function stdhead($title = "", $msgalert = true) {
    global $CURUSER, $SITE_ONLINE, $FUNDS, $SITENAME, $pic_base_url;

  if (!$SITE_ONLINE)
    die("Site is down for maintenance, please check back again later... thanks");

    header("Content-Type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1");
    //header("Pragma: No-cache");
    if ($title == "")
        $title = $SITENAME .(isset($_GET['tbv'])?" (".TBVERSION.")":'');
        $title = $SITENAME .(isset($_GET['tbv'])?" (".TBVERSION.")":''). " :: " . htmlspecialchars($title);
  if ($CURUSER)
    $ss_a = @mysql_fetch_array(@mysql_query("select uri from stylesheets where id=" . $CURUSER["stylesheet"]));
    if ($ss_a) $ss_uri = $ss_a["uri"];
  if (!$ss_uri)
    ($r = mysql_query("SELECT uri FROM stylesheets WHERE id=1")) or die(mysql_error());
    ($a = mysql_fetch_array($r)) or die(mysql_error());
    $ss_uri = $a["uri"];
  if ($msgalert && $CURUSER)
    $res = mysql_query("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM messages WHERE receiver=" . $CURUSER["id"] . " && unread='yes'") or die("OopppsY!");
    $arr = mysql_fetch_row($res);
    $unread = $arr[0];
<title><?= $title ?></title>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="<?=$ss_uri?>" type="text/css">

<table width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 style='background: transparent'>
<td class=clear width=49%>
<table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 style='background: transparent'>

<td class=clear>
<img src="<?=$pic_base_url?>star20.gif" style='margin-right: 10px'>
<td class=clear>
<font color=white><b>Current funds: <?=$FUNDS?></b></font>

<td class=clear>
<div align=center>
<img src="<?=$pic_base_url?>logo.gif" align=center>
<td class=clear width=49% align=right>
<a href=donate.php><img src="" border="0" alt="Make a donation" style='margin-top: 5px'></a>

//if ($_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"] == $_SERVER["SERVER_ADDR"]) $w = "width=984";

<table class=mainouter <?=$w?> border="1" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="10">

<!------------- MENU ------------------------------------------------------------------------>

<? $fn substr($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'], strrpos($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'], "/") + 1); ?>
<tr><td class=outer align=center>
<table class=main width=700 cellspacing="0" cellpadding="5" border="0">

<td align="center" class="navigation"><a href=index.php>Home</a></td>
<td align="center" class="navigation"><a href=browse.php>Browse</a></td>
<td align="center" class="navigation"><a href=search.php>Search</a></td>
<td align="center" class="navigation"><a href=upload.php>Upload</a></td>
<? if (!$CURUSER) { ?>
<td align="center" class="navigation">
<a href=login.php>Login</a> / <a href=signup.php>Signup</a>
<? } else { ?>
<td align="center" class="navigation"><a href=my.php>Profile</a></td>
<? ?>
<td align="center" class="navigation"><a href=chat.php>Chat</a></td>
<td align="center" class="navigation"><a href=forums.php>Forums</a></td>
<td align="center" class="navigation"><a href=misc/dox.php>DOX</a></td>
<td align="center" class="navigation"><a href=topten.php>Top 10</a></td>
<td align="center" class="navigation"><a href=log.php>Log</a></td>
<td align="center" class="navigation"><a href=rules.php>Rules</a></td>
<td align="center" class="navigation"><a href=faq.php>FAQ</a></td>
<td align="center" class="navigation"><a href=links.php>Links</a></td>
<td align="center" class="navigation"><a href=staff.php>Staff</a></td>
<tr><td align=center class=outer style="padding-top: 20px; padding-bottom: 20px">

if ($unread)
"<p><table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=10 bgcolor=red><tr><td style='padding: 10px; background: red'>\n");
"<b><a href=inbox.php><font color=white>You have $unread new message" . ($unread "s" "") . "!</font></a></b>");

// stdhead

function stdfoot() {
"<table class=bottom width=100% border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0><tr valign=top>\n");
"<td class=bottom align=left width=49%><img src=\"{$pic_base_url}bottom_left.gif\"></td><td width=49% align=right class=bottom><img src=\"{$pic_base_url}bottom_right.gif\"></td>\n");

replace with this:

PHP Code:

function stdhead($title ""$msgalert true) {

  if (!
"Site is down for maintenance, please check back again later... thanks<br/>");

header("Content-Type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1");
//header("Pragma: No-cache");
if ($title == "")
$title $SITENAME .(isset($_GET['tbv'])?" (".TBVERSION.")":'');
$title $SITENAME .(isset($_GET['tbv'])?" (".TBVERSION.")":''). " :: " htmlspecialchars($title);
  if (
$ss_a = @mysql_fetch_array(@mysql_query("select uri from stylesheets where id=" $CURUSER["stylesheet"]));
    if (
$ss_a$ss_uri $ss_a["uri"];
  if (!
$r mysql_query("SELECT uri FROM stylesheets WHERE id=1")) or die(mysql_error());
$a mysql_fetch_array($r)) or die(mysql_error());
$ss_uri $a["uri"];
  if (
$msgalert && $CURUSER)
$res mysql_query("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM messages WHERE receiver=" $CURUSER["id"] . " && unread='yes'") or die("OopppsY!");
$arr mysql_fetch_row($res);
$unread $arr[0];

"themes/" $ss_uri "/stdhead.php");

  if (
"<table border=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"10\"><tr><td style=\"padding: 10px; background: red\">\n");
"<b><a href=\"$BASEURL/messages.php?action=viewmailbox\"><font color=\"white\">You have $unread new message" . ($unread "s" "") . "!</font></a></b>");
if ($CURUSER['override_class'] != 255 && $CURUSER// Second condition needed so that this box isn't displayed for non members/logged out members.
"<table class=\"coltable\"><tr><td>\n");
"<b><a class=\"altlink\" href=\"$BASEURL/restoreclass.php\">You are running under a lower class. Click here to restore.</a></b>");

// stdhead

function stdfoot()

  if (
$ss_a = @mysql_fetch_array(@mysql_query("select uri from stylesheets where id=" $CURUSER["stylesheet"]));
    if (
$ss_a$ss_uri $ss_a["uri"];
  if (!
$r mysql_query("SELECT uri FROM stylesheets WHERE id=1")) or die(mysql_error());
$a mysql_fetch_array($r)) or die(mysql_error());
$ss_uri $a["uri"];

"themes/" $ss_uri "/stdfoot.php");

then open global.php from within ROOT/include/ and remove these functions or /*code*/ them out:
PHP Code:

//-------- Begins a main frame

function begin_main_frame()
"<table class=main width=750 border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0>" .
"<tr><td class=embedded>\n");

//-------- Ends a main frame

function end_main_frame()

begin_frame($caption ""$center false$padding 10)
$tdextra "";
    if (

    if (
$tdextra .= " align=center";

"<table width=100% border=1 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=$padding><tr><td$tdextra>\n");


attach_frame($padding 10)
"</td></tr><tr><td style='border-top: 0px'>\n");


begin_table($fullwidth false$padding 5)
$width "";
    if (
$width .= " width=100%";
"<table class=main$width border=1 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=$padding>\n");


//-------- Inserts a smilies frame
  //         (move to globals)

function insert_smilies_frame()



"<tr><td class=colhead>Type...</td><td class=colhead>To make a...</td></tr>\n");

    while (list(
$code$url) = each($smilies))
"<tr><td>$code</td><td><img src=\"{$pic_base_url}smilies/{$url}></td>\n");



drop the stylesheets table and add this table

PHP Code:

CREATE TABLE stylesheets (
id int(10unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,
uri varchar(255NOT NULL default '',
name varchar(64NOT NULL default '',

then add these (you can add any of below if you dont want all 3 but make sure to make your default theme id 1 ):
PHP Code:

INSERT INTO stylesheets VALUES (1,'ICGstation','ICGstation theme');
INSERT INTO stylesheets VALUES (2,'default','(default)');
INSERT INTO stylesheets VALUES (3,'large','Large text'); 

then create a folder in your root and call it "themes"

now all you need to do is download the torrentstrike source and copy the themes into your themes folder and then just edit the links to your inbox etc

mat22 10th June 2010 12:44

Is there some chance someone could make theme like this for Yuna? I know I can remake it but i'm just too lazy!:chch:

KiD 12th June 2010 07:34

Sure, but requires some work :D

mat22 15th June 2010 14:24

I think i'll give it a try.

gram 12th September 2010 18:17

how can i install this theme?

Phogo 13th September 2010 19:06

first install the theme system for tbdev09 then follow instructions.

Gandalf123 19th September 2010 14:51

tnx ;)

drosatos 15th November 2010 01:08

Can someone port this for torrent trader :)???

KiD 15th November 2010 18:00

Its not going to be me, i never worked with TT

Isload 24th October 2011 19:18


Originally Posted by KiD (Post 23015)
First, this is made for tbdev 2009 ONLY, if you try to install it on any other source/version your on your own.

THIS MOD REQUIRES :: TEMPLATE SYSTEM FOR 2009 - Its an easy fix to build it in to normal tbdev without that system.

Can be found on - Bittorrent Skins

(Please remember to make it look like mine dos you need my new index styles build in to every single page you have)

NB if you dont mind looking at the files you'll find the css for the sites.. i haven't removed it..! so you just need to make some div's.. good luck, that is a major job to get that done 100% thats why i cant make a post for it..!

Could you make this theme for TBdev ru, english ?

kutup95 30th June 2012 15:50

how i can install themes ?

Eatos 23rd October 2012 15:07

Where can I find template system? Thanks :ok:

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