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EnzoF1 24th September 2013 19:52

Remember me... ¿

Not sure if anyone remembers me, but I used to be a Supermod on before it all went to shit. I am currently developing a completely new source code that might interest some people. However, considering the work that goes into it and the unlimited amount of adjustments you can perform, it won't be completely free (I am thinking about charging a small fee, like 10-15 euro). I just want to know if there would be any interest in it at all and if people would actually respect the amount of work that goes into it and wouldn't just buy one copy and then freely distribute it (although I am not that naive to think it would not happen at all! :P).

Project crankShaft:

crankShaft is a PHP/Smarty application. It allows for torrent indexing and stores data in a MySQL database. It features an extended CMS interface, SEO friendly URLs and (template) caching.

Obviously it is currently mainly being build for my own tracker, hence the motorsports and motorsports-related items/theme. But if I were to release the source code as a CMS for anyone else to use, it would be a lot more generic than what's shown on the screenshots.

It uses the Smarty-template engine, so php and html are seperated from eachother, theming is easy as cake and pretty much any novice can theme his/her torrent tracker (lots and lots of info and support to be found on the net as well). Multi-language, user-adjusted timezones, extended admin section and a shitload of features I am forgetting right now.

Is there any interest in such a thing and would you be willing to pay a small fee for it, without distributing it amongst peers as any other source (like the money-grabbing, code-stealing template-shares... yeah, I really said it!).

If there is no interest, no hard feelings. Maybe I can help out some people with their source codes as well. :)

DND 24th September 2013 20:09

enzo, i remember you :)
nice stuff going on here, hmmm

KrackerMan 24th September 2013 22:24

Explain completely new source code. Do you mean never seen before and it is not based off of any other source code including TBDev.

Krypto 25th September 2013 00:09

That name is certainly a blast from the past I remember you and I used to use your previous source that you released, I seem to remember that is was probably the first one that I used?

I'd probably be interested as I like to have a look through what others have created as it's a good way to not only learn from but also to get ideas from too.

Maybe you could put a demo up somewhere so we could get a better look at it's features etc..

EnzoF1 25th September 2013 08:11


Originally Posted by KrackerMan (Post 42776)
Explain completely new source code. Do you mean never seen before and it is not based off of any other source code including TBDev.

When I say new source code, I do not mean a rebuild existing code. I have been running my own source for probably three or four years now. My current version uses a custom template engine, but so many things have broken that I figured I might as well use an existing, well-developed template engine (Smarty).

It has been created from the ground up, unless you know of any other torrent tracker source that uses Smarty (because I certainly do not).

For example:


Originally Posted by Krypto (Post 42777)
I'd probably be interested as I like to have a look through what others have created as it's a good way to not only learn from but also to get ideas from too.

Maybe you could put a demo up somewhere so we could get a better look at it's features etc..

It is still in it's early stages, but when I've got something of an alpha going on, I'll definitely get you guys a demo site. It is not meant to be a learning experience though, that's why I was asking if there would be any interest for having/running the source code for a small fee. ;) I am not talking about the prices that TS is asking for, that's a ridicilous amount that he is asking for stolen code.

Marco 25th September 2013 08:53

e remember this nick...even i was a simple user :):drink::friend:

lafouine022 25th September 2013 13:26

Interestingly, very good work. this is PDO?

a URL to see what happens?

ajax 25th September 2013 13:57

Can't remember you. INVADER!!! :war: :chch:

joeroberts 25th September 2013 20:02


Originally Posted by EnzoF1 (Post 42779)
unless you know of any other torrent tracker source that uses Smarty (because I certainly do not).

BTManager uses templates but I use more tags.

EnzoF1 25th September 2013 22:34

Yeah, but is it OOP-based and does it use Smarty¿ Like I said, my current code uses a template engine as well, but I wrote it myself and seriously limits what you can do with the site. There is no need to reinvent the wheel, Smarty has everything you want in a template engine and more.

I see that you are using tags, which honestly make no sense when using a template engine. The advantage of a template engine, is that php and html can be seperated from eachother. But to determine what your source does and how it works, I'd need to see the code.

joeroberts 25th September 2013 23:16

here is a template for brows page

HTML Code:

<!-- INCLUDE themes/Bitfarm/templates/over_all_header.html -->

<!-- INCLUDE themes/Bitfarm/templates/over_all_left.html -->

<br clear="all" >

<!-- INCLUDEPHP blocks/torrents-needseed.php -->

<br clear="all" >

<!-- INCLUDE themes/Bitfarm/templates/search_block.html -->

<br clear="all" >

<!-- IF S_TORRENTS -->

<table class="tablebg" width="100%" cellspacing="0">


<div class="caption">

<div class="cap-left">

<div class="cap-right">

<a class="c4" style="cursor: pointer;float:left;" onclick="toggle2('nnTorrents');">Torrents</a>





<tr valign="middle">

<td class="row3"><div id="nnTorrents">

<table class="ttable_headinner" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="100%">


<td class="ttable_head" align="center"><a href="/torrents.php?sort=4&amp;type=<!-- IF T_SORT == d -->{T_SHORT}<!-- ELSE -->desc<!-- ENDIF -->" title="Sort by Type desc">Type</a></td>

<td class="ttable_head" align="left"><a href="/torrents.php?sort=1&amp;type=<!-- IF T_SORT == a -->{T_SHORT}<!-- ELSE -->desc<!-- ENDIF -->" title="Sort by Name asc">Name</a></td>

<td class="ttable_head" align="left">DL</td>

<td class="ttable_head" align="center"><a href="/torrents.php?sort=2&amp;type=<!-- IF T_SORT == b -->{T_SHORT}<!-- ELSE -->desc<!-- ENDIF -->" title="Sort by Number of files desc"><img src="themes/Bitfarm/pics/completed.gif" alt="Number of Files" title="Number of Files" border="0"></a></td>

<td class="ttable_head" align="center"><img src="themes/Bitfarm/pics/comments.png" alt="Comments" title="Comments" border="0"></td>

<td class="ttable_head" align="center"><img src="themes/Bitfarm/pics/report.gif" alt="Ratings" title="Ratings" border="0"></td>

<td class="ttable_head" align="center"><a href="/torrents.php?sort=5&amp;type=<!-- IF T_SORT == e -->{T_SHORT}<!-- ELSE -->desc<!-- ENDIF -->" title="Sort by Number of files desc"><img src="themes/Bitfarm/pics/servers.png" alt="Size" title="Size" border="0"></a></td>

<td class="ttable_head" align="center"><img src="themes/Bitfarm/pics/completed.png" alt="Downloaded" title="Downloaded" border="0"></td>

<td class="ttable_head" align="center"><a href="/torrents.php?sort=7&amp;type=<!-- IF T_SORT == g -->{T_SHORT}<!-- ELSE -->desc<!-- ENDIF -->" title="Sort by Seeds desc"><img src="themes/Bitfarm/pics/seeders.png" alt="Seeds" title="Seeds" border="0"></a></td>

<td class="ttable_head" align="center"><a href="/torrents.php?sort=8&amp;type=<!-- IF T_SORT == h -->{T_SHORT}<!-- ELSE -->desc<!-- ENDIF -->" title="Sort by Leechers desc"><img src="themes/Bitfarm/pics/leechers.png" alt="Leechers" title="Leechers" border="0"></a></td>

<td class="ttable_head" align="center"><img src="themes/Bitfarm/pics/peers.gif" alt="addedby" title="addedby" border="0"></td>


<!-- BEGIN torrent_var -->

<tr class="t-row">

<td class="ttable_col1" align="center"><a href="/torrents.php?cat={torrent_var.CAT_ID}">{torrent_var.CATEGORY}</a></td>

<td class="ttable_col2" nowrap="nowrap" align="left">


    <p class="title">


      <!-- IF torrent_var.NUKED --><img src="themes/Bitfarm/pics/nuked.gif" alt="NUKED TORRENT" title="NUKED TORRENT" border="0"><!-- ENDIF -->

      <!-- IF torrent_var.FREE_DL --><img src="themes/Bitfarm/pics/magic.gif" alt="FREE TORRENT" title="FREE TORRENT" border="0"><!-- ENDIF -->

      <!-- IF torrent_var.DHT_INABLED --><span class="overlib" onmouseover="return overlib('This torrent supports DHT. With a state-of-the-art client, you\'ll be able to download this torrent even if a central tracker goes down.',CAPTION, 'DHT Support',TEXTFONT,'Verdana',TEXTCOLOR,'#FFFFFF',CAPTIONFONT,'Lucida Console, Verdana',LEFT,FGCOLOR,'#000000',BGCOLOR,'#6F7578',CAPICON,'themes/Bitfarm/pics/help.gif',BORDER,2,SHADOW,SHADOWOPACITY,40,SHADOWCOLOR,'#030303',SHADOWX,2,SHADOWY,2);" onmouseout="return nd();" style="cursor: help;">

      <img src="themes/Bitfarm/pics/dht.gif" alt="" title="" border="0"></span><!-- ENDIF -->


      <b><a style="text-decoration: none;" href="details.php?id={torrent_var.ID}<!-- IF HIT_COUNT -->&amp;hit=1<!-- ENDIF -->" title="{torrent_var.FULL_NAME}">{torrent_var.SHORTNAME}</a></b>

      </nobr></p><i><u>Added: {torrent_var.DATE_ADDED}</u></i>


      <!-- IF torrent_var.BANNED --><img src="themes/Bitfarm/pics/banned.png" alt="Banned torrent" title="Banned torrent" border="0"><!-- ENDIF -->

      <!-- IF torrent_var.CAN_EDIT --><a href="edit.php?id={torrent_var.ID}"><img src="themes/Bitfarm/pics/edit.gif" alt="Edit" title="Edit" border="0"></a><!-- ENDIF -->

      <!-- IF torrent_var.CAN_DEL --><a href="edit.php?op=delete&amp;id={torrent_var.ID}"><img src="themes/Bitfarm/pics/drop.gif" alt="Delete" title="Delete" border="0"></a><!-- ENDIF -->

      <!-- IF torrent_var.CAN_BAN --><a href="edit.php?op=ban&amp;id={torrent_var.ID}"><img src="themes/Bitfarm/pics/ban.png" alt="Ban Torrent" title="Ban Torrent" border="0"></a><!-- ENDIF -->

      <!-- IF not torrent_var.LOCAL_T --><!-- IF torrent_var.REFRESH_T --><a href="scrape-external.php?id={torrent_var.ID}&amp;tracker={torrent_var.TRACKER_URL}&amp;return=torrents.php"><img src="themes/Bitfarm/pics/refresh.png" alt="Refresh Peer Data" title="Refresh Peer Data" border="0"></a>

      <!-- ELSE --><img src="themes/Bitfarm/pics/refresh_gray.png" alt="Stats Updated less than 30min ago" title="Stats Updated less than 30min ago" border="0"><!-- ENDIF --><!-- ENDIF -->

      <!-- IF torrent_var.NEED_AUTH -->{torrent_var.AUTH_LINK}<!-- ENDIF -->



<td class="ttable_col1" align="center"><!-- IF torrent_var.CAN_DOWN_LOAD --><a class="index" href="download.php?id={torrent_var.ID}"><img style="border: medium none ;" alt="download" src="themes/Bitfarm/pics/download2.gif" align="center"></a><!-- ENDIF --></td>

<td class="ttable_col2" align="center"><a href="/torrents.php?sort=2&amp;type=desc" title="Sort by Number of files desc">{torrent_var.NUM_FILE}</a></td>

<td class="ttable_col1" align="center"><b><a href="details.php?id={torrent_var.ID}&amp;hit={torrent_var.ID}&amp;comm=startcomments">{torrent_var.NUM_COMENTS}</a></b></td>

<td class="ttable_col2" align="center">{torrent_var.RATEING_PIC}</td>

<td class="ttable_col1" align="center">{torrent_var.DOWNLOAD_SIZE}</td>

<td class="ttable_col2" align="center">{torrent_var.TIMES_SNATHED}{L_TIMES}</td>

<td class="ttable_col1" align="center"><b>{torrent_var.SEEDERS}</b></td>

<td class="ttable_col2" align="center"><b>{torrent_var.LEECHERS}</b></td>

<td class="ttable_col1" align="center"><!-- IF torrent_var.ANONUMUS_UPLO -->{L_ANONUMUS} <!-- ELSE --> <a href="user.php?op=profile&amp;id={torrent_var.UPLODER_ID}"><font color="{torrent_var.UPLDER_COLOR}">{torrent_var.UPLOADERS_NAM}</font></a><!-- ENDIF --></td>


<!-- END torrent_var -->





<br clear="all" >

<br clear="all">

  <div class="pagination">


      <strong>Pages {CURENT_PAGE}/{TOTTAL_PAGES}</strong>



      <!-- IF not PREV_PAGE --><strong><span style="color:#000080"><<<<</strong><!-- ELSE --><a href="torrents.php?page={PREV_PAGE}"><<<<</a><!-- ENDIF -->


        <!-- IF not NEXT_PAGE --><strong>></span>>>></strong><!-- ELSE --><a href="torrents.php?page={NEXT_PAGE}">>>>></a><!-- ENDIF -->







<td colspan="7" valign="middle" align="center"></td>



<br clear="all" >

<br clear="all">

<!-- ELSE -->

<table class="tablebg" width="100%" cellspacing="0">


<div class="caption">

<div class="cap-left">

<div class="cap-right">

<a class="c4" style="cursor: pointer; float: left;" onclick="toggle2('nn ');"><img title="Expand item" id="nn&nbsp;img" src="themes/Bitfarm/pics/minus.gif" alt="+"></a> 




</td></tr><tr valign="middle">

<td class="row3">

<div id="nn&nbsp;">





<td colspan="7" valign="middle" align="center"></td>



<br clear="all">

<!-- ENDIF -->

<!-- INCLUDEPHP blocks/searchcloud.php -->

<!-- INCLUDE themes/Bitfarm/templates/over_all_right.html -->

<!-- INCLUDE themes/Bitfarm/templates/over_all_footer.html -->

as you can see NO php in my templates!
It takes close to 200 templates to create a theme for my source code and you can make your site look how ever you want it to.
BTManager ONLY creates the info no the layout that is left to the theme and to speed things up I cache the processed template

this is Bitfarm_torrents_body.html.php

PHP Code:

<?php if (!defined('IN_PMBT')) die('cheat'); ?><!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN">
<html><!-- testing -->
<meta name="generator" content="HTML Tidy for Linux (vers 6 November 2007), see">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=<?php echo (isset($this->_rootref['S_CONTENT_ENCODING'])) ? $this->_rootref['S_CONTENT_ENCODING'] : ''?>">
<meta name="generator" content="PMBT <?php echo (isset($this->_rootref['PMBT_VER'])) ? $this->_rootref['PMBT_VER'] : ''?>">
<meta http-equiv="PRAGMA" content="NO-CACHE">
<meta http-equiv="EXPIRES" content="-1">
<meta http-equiv="Cache-Control" content="no-cache">
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<p><img src="themes/Bitfarm/pics/pic_uploaded.gif" border="0" alt="" title=""   /><?php echo (isset($this->_rootref['U_UPLOADED'])) ? $this->_rootref['U_UPLOADED'] : ''?><img src="themes/Bitfarm/pics/pic_downloaded.gif" border="0" alt="" title=""   /><?php echo (isset($this->_rootref['U_DOWNLOADED'])) ? $this->_rootref['U_DOWNLOADED'] : ''?><img src="themes/Bitfarm/pics/pic_ratio.gif" border="0" alt="" title=""   />&nbsp;<?php echo (isset($this->_rootref['U_RATIO'])) ? $this->_rootref['U_RATIO'] : ''?>

<?php if ($this->_rootref['U_TSEEDING']) {  ?><span class="overlib" onMouseOver="return overlib('<?php echo (isset($this->_rootref['U_TSEEDING'])) ? $this->_rootref['U_TSEEDING'] : ''?>',CAPTION, 'Torrents you are Seeding',TEXTFONT,'Verdana',TEXTCOLOR,'#FFFFFF',CAPTIONFONT,'Lucida Console, Verdana',CENTER,FGCOLOR,'#000000',BGCOLOR,'#6F7578',CAPICON,'themes/Bitfarm/pics/help.png',BORDER,2,SHADOW,SHADOWOPACITY,40,SHADOWCOLOR,'#030303',SHADOWX,2,SHADOWY,2);" onMouseOut="return nd();" style="cursor:help"><?php ?>

<img src="themes/Bitfarm/pics/upload.gif" border="0" alt="" title=""   /></span><?php echo (isset($this->_rootref['U_TSEEDING_CNT'])) ? $this->_rootref['U_TSEEDING_CNT'] : ''?>

<?php if ($this->_rootref['U_TLEECHING']) {  ?><span class="overlib" onmouseover="return overlib('<?php echo (isset($this->_rootref['U_TLEECHING'])) ? $this->_rootref['U_TLEECHING'] : ''?>',CAPTION, 'Torrents you are Seeding',TEXTFONT,'Verdana',TEXTCOLOR,'#FFFFFF',CAPTIONFONT,'Lucida Console, Verdana',CENTER,FGCOLOR,'#000000',BGCOLOR,'#6F7578',CAPICON,'themes/Bitfarm/pics/help.png',BORDER,2,SHADOW,SHADOWOPACITY,40,SHADOWCOLOR,'#030303',SHADOWX,2,SHADOWY,2);" onmouseout="return nd();" style="cursor:help"><?php ?>

<img src="themes/Bitfarm/pics/download.gif" border="0" alt="Torrents you are Downloading" title="Torrents you are Downloading"   /><?php echo (isset($this->_rootref['U_TLEECHINGCNT'])) ? $this->_rootref['U_TLEECHINGCNT'] : ''?></p>

<p>Seeding Bonus: <a href='mybonus.php'><?php echo (isset($this->_rootref['U_SEED_BONUS'])) ? $this->_rootref['U_SEED_BONUS'] : ''?></a></p>

<p>Transfer Bonus: <a href="bonus_transfer.php">here</a></p>




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<?php if ($this->_rootref['U_USER']) {  ?><tr><td class="row1" width="100%"><a href="mytorrents.php"><?php echo ((isset($this->_rootref['L_YOUR_TORRENTS'])) ? $this->_rootref['L_YOUR_TORRENTS'] : ((isset($user->lang['YOUR_TORRENTS'])) ? $user->lang['YOUR_TORRENTS'] : ((defined('YOUR_TORRENTS')) ? YOUR_TORRENTS '{ YOUR_TORRENTS }'))); ?></a></td></tr><?php ?>

<tr><td class="row1" width="100%"><a href="torrents.php"><?php echo ((isset($this->_rootref['L_BROWES'])) ? $this->_rootref['L_BROWES'] : ((isset($user->lang['BROWES'])) ? $user->lang['BROWES'] : ((defined('BROWES')) ? BROWES '{ BROWES }'))); ?></a></td></tr>

<?php if ($this->_rootref['U_USER']) {  ?><tr><td class="row1" width="100%"><a href="pm.php"><span id="nopm_notif"><?php echo ((isset($this->_rootref['L_PRIVATE_MESSAGES'])) ? $this->_rootref['L_PRIVATE_MESSAGES'] : ((isset($user->lang['PRIVATE_MESSAGES'])) ? $user->lang['PRIVATE_MESSAGES'] : ((defined('PRIVATE_MESSAGES')) ? PRIVATE_MESSAGES '{ PRIVATE_MESSAGES }'))); ?></span></a></td></tr><?php } if ($this->_rootref['U_USER']) {  ?><tr><td class="row1" width="100%"><a href="user.php?op=profile&id=<?php echo (isset($this->_rootref['S_USER_ID'])) ? $this->_rootref['S_USER_ID'] : ''?>"><?php echo ((isset($this->_rootref['L_USER_CPANNEL'])) ? $this->_rootref['L_USER_CPANNEL'] : ((isset($user->lang['USER_CPANNEL'])) ? $user->lang['USER_CPANNEL'] : ((defined('USER_CPANNEL')) ? USER_CPANNEL '{ USER_CPANNEL }'))); ?></a></td></tr><?php } if ($this->_rootref['U_USER']) {  ?><tr><td class="row1" width="100%"><a onClick="if(!confirm('Are you sure do you want to logout?')){return false;};" href="user.php?op=logout" alt="logout"  title="Logout"><?php echo ((isset($this->_rootref['L_LOG_OUT'])) ? $this->_rootref['L_LOG_OUT'] : ((isset($user->lang['LOG_OUT'])) ? $user->lang['LOG_OUT'] : ((defined('LOG_OUT')) ? LOG_OUT '{ LOG_OUT }'))); ?></a></td></tr><?php } if ($this->_rootref['U_ADMIN']) {  ?><tr><td class="row1" width="100%"><a href="admin.php"><?php echo ((isset($this->_rootref['L_ADMIN_CP'])) ? $this->_rootref['L_ADMIN_CP'] : ((isset($user->lang['ADMIN_CP'])) ? $user->lang['ADMIN_CP'] : ((defined('ADMIN_CP')) ? ADMIN_CP '{ ADMIN_CP }'))); ?></a></td></tr><?php ?>





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<p align="center"><b><?php echo ((isset($this->_rootref['L_THEMES'])) ? $this->_rootref['L_THEMES'] : ((isset($user->lang['THEMES'])) ? $user->lang['THEMES'] : ((defined('THEMES')) ? THEMES '{ THEMES }'))); ?></b></p>

<form id="acp_styles" type="hidden" method="post" action="#"><p><select id="template_file" name="theme_change" onChange="if (this.options[this.selectedIndex].value != '') this.form.submit();">

<?php $_theme_var_count = (isset($this->_tpldata['theme_var'])) ? sizeof($this->_tpldata['theme_var']) : 0;if ($_theme_var_count) {for ($_theme_var_i 0$_theme_var_i $_theme_var_count; ++$_theme_var_i){$_theme_var_val = &$this->_tpldata['theme_var'][$_theme_var_i]; ?>

<option <?php if ($_theme_var_val['SET']) {  ?>selected="selected" <?php ?> value="<?php echo $_theme_var_val['KEY']; ?>"><?php echo $_theme_var_val['VAL']; ?></option>

<?php }} ?>

</select></p><p align="center"><b><?php echo ((isset($this->_rootref['L_LANGUAGE'])) ? $this->_rootref['L_LANGUAGE'] : ((isset($user->lang['LANGUAGE'])) ? $user->lang['LANGUAGE'] : ((defined('LANGUAGE')) ? LANGUAGE '{ LANGUAGE }'))); ?></b></p>

<p><select id="language_file" name="language_change" onChange="if (this.options[this.selectedIndex].value != '') this.form.submit();">

<?php $_lang_var_count = (isset($this->_tpldata['lang_var'])) ? sizeof($this->_tpldata['lang_var']) : 0;if ($_lang_var_count) {for ($_lang_var_i 0$_lang_var_i $_lang_var_count; ++$_lang_var_i){$_lang_var_val = &$this->_tpldata['lang_var'][$_lang_var_i]; ?>

<option  <?php if ('lang_varS.SET') {  ?>selected="selected" <?php ?>value="<?php echo $_lang_var_val['KEY']; ?>"><?php echo $_lang_var_val['VAL']; ?></option>

<?php }} ?>

</select></p> <input class="button2" type="submit" value="SELECT" ></form></div>



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<?php if ($this->_rootref['DONATIO_ON']) {  ?>

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<a class="c4" style="cursor: pointer;float:left;" onClick="toggle2('nnDonations');"><?php echo ((isset($this->_rootref['L_DONATIONS'])) ? $this->_rootref['L_DONATIONS'] : ((isset($user->lang['DONATIONS'])) ? $user->lang['DONATIONS'] : ((defined('DONATIONS')) ? DONATIONS '{ DONATIONS }'))); ?></a>





<tr valign="middle">

<td  class="row3" ><div id="nnDonations">

<p class="donation" align="center" ><?php echo ((isset($this->_rootref['L_PROGRESS'])) ? $this->_rootref['L_PROGRESS'] : ((isset($user->lang['PROGRESS'])) ? $user->lang['PROGRESS'] : ((defined('PROGRESS')) ? PROGRESS '{ PROGRESS }'))); ?></p>

<table class=main border=0 width=144px>


<td style='padding: 0px; background-image: url(images/loadbarbg.gif); background-repeat: repeat-x'><?php echo (isset($this->_rootref['DONATION_IMAGE'])) ? $this->_rootref['DONATION_IMAGE'] : ''?>

<p class="donation" align="center" ><?php echo (isset($this->_rootref['DONATION_PERC'])) ? $this->_rootref['DONATION_PERC'] : ''?>%</p>



</table><p class="donation"> <?php echo ((isset($this->_rootref['L_GOAL'])) ? $this->_rootref['L_GOAL'] : ((isset($user->lang['GOAL'])) ? $user->lang['GOAL'] : ((defined('GOAL')) ? GOAL '{ GOAL }'))); ?> 

<font color="red"><?php echo (isset($this->_rootref['DONATION_ASKED'])) ? $this->_rootref['DONATION_ASKED'] : ''?></font>

 <?php echo ((isset($this->_rootref['L_COLECTED'])) ? $this->_rootref['L_COLECTED'] : ((isset($user->lang['COLECTED'])) ? $user->lang['COLECTED'] : ((defined('COLECTED')) ? COLECTED '{ COLECTED }'))); ?> 

 <font color="green"><?php echo (isset($this->_rootref['DONATION_IN'])) ? $this->_rootref['DONATION_IN'] : ''?></font>


<B><font color=red>&raquo;</font></B>

<a href="donate.php"><?php echo ((isset($this->_rootref['L_DONATE'])) ? $this->_rootref['L_DONATE'] : ((isset($user->lang['DONATE'])) ? $user->lang['DONATE'] : ((defined('DONATE')) ? DONATE '{ DONATE }'))); ?></a></div>



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<?php include('blocks/torrents-needseed.php'); ?>

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<?php if ('cats_main') {  ?>
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                      <tbody align="left">
<?php $_cats_main_count = (isset($this->_tpldata['cats_main'])) ? sizeof($this->_tpldata['cats_main']) : 0;if ($_cats_main_count) {for ($_cats_main_i 0$_cats_main_i $_cats_main_count; ++$_cats_main_i){$_cats_main_val = &$this->_tpldata['cats_main'][$_cats_main_i]; ?>
                          <td class="nopad" style="padding-bottom: 2px; padding-left: 7px;">
                          <?php echo $_cats_main_val['IMAGE']; ?>&nbsp;&nbsp;
                          <input id="checkAll<?php echo $_cats_main_val['ID']; ?>" onClick="checkAllFields(1,<?php echo $_cats_main_val['ID']; ?>);" type="checkbox">
                          <a href="javascript: ShowHideMainSubCats(<?php echo $_cats_main_val['TABLETYPE']; ?>,<?php echo (isset($this->_rootref['NCATS_VAR'])) ? $this->_rootref['NCATS_VAR'] : ''?>)"><img src="themes/Bitfarm/pics/plus.gif" id="pic<?php echo $_cats_main_val['TABLETYPE']; ?>" alt="Show/Hide" border="0">&nbsp;<?php echo $_cats_main_val['NAME']; ?></a>&nbsp;</td>
<?php }} ?>
<?php $_cats_main_count = (isset($this->_tpldata['cats_main'])) ? sizeof($this->_tpldata['cats_main']) : 0;if ($_cats_main_count) {for ($_cats_main_i 0$_cats_main_i $_cats_main_count; ++$_cats_main_i){$_cats_main_val = &$this->_tpldata['cats_main'][$_cats_main_i]; ?>
                    <div id="tabletype<?php echo $_cats_main_val['TABLETYPE']; ?>" style="display: none;">
                        <tbody align="left">
<?php $_sub_count = (isset($_cats_main_val['sub'])) ? sizeof($_cats_main_val['sub']) : 0;if ($_sub_count) {for ($_sub_i 0$_sub_i $_sub_count; ++$_sub_i){$_sub_val = &$_cats_main_val['sub'][$_sub_i]; ?>
                            <td class="subcatlink" style="padding-bottom: 2px; padding-left: 7px; width: 14.2857%;">
                            <?php echo $_sub_val['IMAGE']; ?>&nbsp;&nbsp;
                            <input onClick="checkAllFields(2,<?php echo $_sub_val['PARENT_ID']; ?>);" name="cats<?php echo $_sub_val['PARENT_ID']; ?>[]" value="<?php echo $_sub_val['ID']; ?>" type="checkbox"<?php if ($_sub_val['CHECKED']) {  ?> checked<?php ?>>
                            <?php echo $_sub_val['NAME']; ?>
<?php }} ?>
                            <td rowspan="4">&nbsp;</td>
<?php }} } ?>
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                                <td><p>Order By:</p></td>
                                <select name="orderby">
                                <option value="0" selected="selected">Date</option>
                                <option value="1">Seeds</option>
                                <option value="2">Leechers</option>
                                <option value="3">Total Peers</option>
                                <option value="4">Downloaded</option>
                                <option value="5">Ratings</option>
                                <option value="6">Name</option>
                                <option value="7">Size</option>
                                <option value="8">Number of Files</option>
                                <select name="ordertype"><option value="DESC">Descending</option><option value="ASC">Ascending</option></select>
                                <p><input name="incldead" value="true" type="checkbox">Include Dead Torrents</p>
            <td colspan="7" valign="middle" align="center"></td>

<br clear="all" >

<?php if ($this->_rootref['S_TORRENTS']) {  ?>

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<tr valign="middle">

<td class="row3"><div id="nnTorrents">

<table class="ttable_headinner" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="100%">


<td class="ttable_head" align="center"><a href="/torrents.php?sort=4&type=<?php if ($this->_rootref['T_SORT'] == 'd') {  echo (isset($this->_rootref['T_SHORT'])) ? $this->_rootref['T_SHORT'] : ''; } else { ?>desc<?php ?>" title="Sort by Type desc">Type</a></td>

<td class="ttable_head" align="left"><a href="/torrents.php?sort=1&type=<?php if ($this->_rootref['T_SORT'] == 'a') {  echo (isset($this->_rootref['T_SHORT'])) ? $this->_rootref['T_SHORT'] : ''; } else { ?>desc<?php ?>" title="Sort by Name asc">Name</a></td>

<td class="ttable_head" align="left">DL</td>

<td class="ttable_head" align="center"><a href="/torrents.php?sort=2&type=<?php if ($this->_rootref['T_SORT'] == 'b') {  echo (isset($this->_rootref['T_SHORT'])) ? $this->_rootref['T_SHORT'] : ''; } else { ?>desc<?php ?>" title="Sort by Number of files desc"><img src="themes/Bitfarm/pics/completed.gif" alt="Number of Files" title="Number of Files" border="0"></a></td>

<td class="ttable_head" align="center"><img src="themes/Bitfarm/pics/comments.png" alt="Comments" title="Comments" border="0"></td>

<td class="ttable_head" align="center"><img src="themes/Bitfarm/pics/report.gif" alt="Ratings" title="Ratings" border="0"></td>

<td class="ttable_head" align="center"><a href="/torrents.php?sort=5&type=<?php if ($this->_rootref['T_SORT'] == 'e') {  echo (isset($this->_rootref['T_SHORT'])) ? $this->_rootref['T_SHORT'] : ''; } else { ?>desc<?php ?>" title="Sort by Number of files desc"><img src="themes/Bitfarm/pics/servers.png" alt="Size" title="Size" border="0"></a></td>

<td class="ttable_head" align="center"><img src="themes/Bitfarm/pics/completed.png" alt="Downloaded" title="Downloaded" border="0"></td>

<td class="ttable_head" align="center"><a href="/torrents.php?sort=7&type=<?php if ($this->_rootref['T_SORT'] == 'g') {  echo (isset($this->_rootref['T_SHORT'])) ? $this->_rootref['T_SHORT'] : ''; } else { ?>desc<?php ?>" title="Sort by Seeds desc"><img src="themes/Bitfarm/pics/seeders.png" alt="Seeds" title="Seeds" border="0"></a></td>

<td class="ttable_head" align="center"><a href="/torrents.php?sort=8&type=<?php if ($this->_rootref['T_SORT'] == 'h') {  echo (isset($this->_rootref['T_SHORT'])) ? $this->_rootref['T_SHORT'] : ''; } else { ?>desc<?php ?>" title="Sort by Leechers desc"><img src="themes/Bitfarm/pics/leechers.png" alt="Leechers" title="Leechers" border="0"></a></td>

<td class="ttable_head" align="center"><img src="themes/Bitfarm/pics/peers.gif" alt="addedby" title="addedby" border="0"></td>


<?php $_torrent_var_count = (isset($this->_tpldata['torrent_var'])) ? sizeof($this->_tpldata['torrent_var']) : 0;if ($_torrent_var_count) {for ($_torrent_var_i 0$_torrent_var_i $_torrent_var_count; ++$_torrent_var_i){$_torrent_var_val = &$this->_tpldata['torrent_var'][$_torrent_var_i]; ?>

<tr class="t-row">

<td class="ttable_col1" align="center"><a href="/torrents.php?cat=<?php echo $_torrent_var_val['CAT_ID']; ?>"><?php echo $_torrent_var_val['CATEGORY']; ?></a></td>

<td class="ttable_col2" nowrap="nowrap" align="left">


    <p class="title">


      <?php if ($_torrent_var_val['NUKED']) {  ?><img src="themes/Bitfarm/pics/nuked.gif" alt="NUKED TORRENT" title="NUKED TORRENT" border="0"><?php } if ($_torrent_var_val['FREE_DL']) {  ?><img src="themes/Bitfarm/pics/magic.gif" alt="FREE TORRENT" title="FREE TORRENT" border="0"><?php } if ($_torrent_var_val['DHT_INABLED']) {  ?><span class="overlib" onMouseOver="return overlib('This torrent supports DHT. With a state-of-the-art client, you\'ll be able to download this torrent even if a central tracker goes down.',CAPTION, 'DHT Support',TEXTFONT,'Verdana',TEXTCOLOR,'#FFFFFF',CAPTIONFONT,'Lucida Console, Verdana',LEFT,FGCOLOR,'#000000',BGCOLOR,'#6F7578',CAPICON,'themes/Bitfarm/pics/help.gif',BORDER,2,SHADOW,SHADOWOPACITY,40,SHADOWCOLOR,'#030303',SHADOWX,2,SHADOWY,2);" onMouseOut="return nd();" style="cursor: help;">

      <img src="themes/Bitfarm/pics/dht.gif" alt="" title="" border="0"></span><?php ?>


      <b><a style="text-decoration: none;" href="details.php?id=<?php echo $_torrent_var_val['ID']; if ($this->_rootref['HIT_COUNT']) {  ?>&hit=1<?php ?>" title="<?php echo $_torrent_var_val['FULL_NAME']; ?>"><?php echo $_torrent_var_val['SHORTNAME']; ?></a></b>

      </nobr></p><i><u>Added: <?php echo $_torrent_var_val['DATE_ADDED']; ?></u></i>


      <?php if ($_torrent_var_val['BANNED']) {  ?><img src="themes/Bitfarm/pics/banned.png" alt="Banned torrent" title="Banned torrent" border="0"><?php } if ($_torrent_var_val['CAN_EDIT']) {  ?><a href="edit.php?id=<?php echo $_torrent_var_val['ID']; ?>"><img src="themes/Bitfarm/pics/edit.gif" alt="Edit" title="Edit" border="0"></a><?php } if ($_torrent_var_val['CAN_DEL']) {  ?><a href="edit.php?op=delete&id=<?php echo $_torrent_var_val['ID']; ?>"><img src="themes/Bitfarm/pics/drop.gif" alt="Delete" title="Delete" border="0"></a><?php } if ($_torrent_var_val['CAN_BAN']) {  ?><a href="edit.php?op=ban&id=<?php echo $_torrent_var_val['ID']; ?>"><img src="themes/Bitfarm/pics/ban.png" alt="Ban Torrent" title="Ban Torrent" border="0"></a><?php } if (! $_torrent_var_val['LOCAL_T']) {  if ($_torrent_var_val['REFRESH_T']) {  ?><a href="scrape-external.php?id=<?php echo $_torrent_var_val['ID']; ?>&tracker=<?php echo $_torrent_var_val['TRACKER_URL']; ?>&return=torrents.php"><img src="themes/Bitfarm/pics/refresh.png" alt="Refresh Peer Data" title="Refresh Peer Data" border="0"></a>

      <?php } else { ?><img src="themes/Bitfarm/pics/refresh_gray.png" alt="Stats Updated less than 30min ago" title="Stats Updated less than 30min ago" border="0"><?php } } if ($_torrent_var_val['NEED_AUTH']) {  echo $_torrent_var_val['AUTH_LINK']; } ?>



<td class="ttable_col1" align="center"><?php if ($_torrent_var_val['CAN_DOWN_LOAD']) {  ?><a class="index" href="download.php?id=<?php echo $_torrent_var_val['ID']; ?>"><img style="border: medium none ;" alt="download" src="themes/Bitfarm/pics/download2.gif" align="center"></a><?php ?></td>

<td class="ttable_col2" align="center"><a href="/torrents.php?sort=2&type=desc" title="Sort by Number of files desc"><?php echo $_torrent_var_val['NUM_FILE']; ?></a></td>

<td class="ttable_col1" align="center"><b><a href="details.php?id=<?php echo $_torrent_var_val['ID']; ?>&hit=<?php echo $_torrent_var_val['ID']; ?>&comm=startcomments"><?php echo $_torrent_var_val['NUM_COMENTS']; ?></a></b></td>

<td class="ttable_col2" align="center"><?php echo $_torrent_var_val['RATEING_PIC']; ?></td>

<td class="ttable_col1" align="center"><?php echo $_torrent_var_val['DOWNLOAD_SIZE']; ?></td>

<td class="ttable_col2" align="center"><?php echo $_torrent_var_val['TIMES_SNATHED']; ?><?php echo ((isset($this->_rootref['L_TIMES'])) ? $this->_rootref['L_TIMES'] : ((isset($user->lang['TIMES'])) ? $user->lang['TIMES'] : ((defined('TIMES')) ? TIMES '{ TIMES }'))); ?></td>

<td class="ttable_col1" align="center"><b><?php echo $_torrent_var_val['SEEDERS']; ?></b></td>

<td class="ttable_col2" align="center"><b><?php echo $_torrent_var_val['LEECHERS']; ?></b></td>

<td class="ttable_col1" align="center"><?php if ($_torrent_var_val['ANONUMUS_UPLO']) {  echo ((isset($this->_rootref['L_ANONUMUS'])) ? $this->_rootref['L_ANONUMUS'] : ((isset($user->lang['ANONUMUS'])) ? $user->lang['ANONUMUS'] : ((defined('ANONUMUS')) ? ANONUMUS '{ ANONUMUS }'))); ?> <?php } else { ?> <a href="user.php?op=profile&id=<?php echo $_torrent_var_val['UPLODER_ID']; ?>"><font color="<?php echo $_torrent_var_val['UPLDER_COLOR']; ?>"><?php echo $_torrent_var_val['UPLOADERS_NAM']; ?></font></a><?php ?></td>


<?php }} ?>





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here is torrent.php

PHP Code:

*------------------------------phpMyBitTorrent V 3.0.0-------------------------* 
*--- The Ultimate BitTorrent Tracker and BMS (Bittorrent Management System) ---*
*--------------   Created By Antonio Anzivino (aka DJ Echelon)   --------------*
*-------------------   And Joe Robertson (aka joeroberts)   -------------------*
*-------------                    -------------*
*------------ Based on the Bit Torrent Protocol made by Bram Cohen ------------*
*-------------                 -------------*
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*------              ©2010 phpMyBitTorrent Development Team              ------*
*-----------                    -----------*
*--------------------   Sunday, May 14, 2010 9:05 PM   ------------------------*
* @package phpMyBitTorrent
* @version $Id: 3.0.0 torrents.php  2010-11-04 00:22:48 joeroberts $
* @copyright (c) 2010 phpMyBitTorrent Group
* @license GNU Public License 
if (defined('IN_PMBT'))die ("You can't include this file");
$template = new Template();
$cats2 genrelist2();
$wherecatina = array();
$catmain '';
if (
$user->moderator)$catmain '1';
$catmid false;
$cats2 as $cat3)
$cat_var    =    request_var('cats' $cat3['id'],  array('0'));
$cat_var as $v)
$catmid true;
$sort                                            request_var('sort'0);
$type                                            request_var('type''DESC');
if(!$type == 'DESC')$type 'ASC';
$orderby " ORDER BY ".$db_prefix."_torrents.evidence $type, ";//
if ($sort == 1$orderby " ORDER BY ".$db_prefix." $type,  ";//

if ($sort == 2){
$orderby " ORDER BY ".$db_prefix."_torrents.numfiles $type,  ";//
if (
$sort == 3){
$orderby " ORDER BY ".$db_prefix."_torrents.comments $type,  ";//
if (
$sort == 4){
$orderby " ORDER BY ".$db_prefix."_torrents.category $type,  ";//
if (
$sort == 5){
$orderby " ORDER BY ".$db_prefix."_torrents.size $type,  ";
if (
$sort == 6){
$orderby " ORDER BY ".$db_prefix."_torrents.times_completed $type,  ";
if (
$sort == 7){
$orderby " ORDER BY ".$db_prefix."_torrents.seeders $type,  ";//
if (
$sort == 8){
$orderby " ORDER BY ".$db_prefix."_torrents.leechers $type,  ";//
        if (!isset(
$page) OR !is_numeric($page) OR $page 1$page 1;
        if (!isset(
$cat)) $cat "";
        if (
intval($cat) > 0$catwhere " AND ".$db_prefix."_torrents.category = ".intval($cat);
$catwhere "";
$passwhere " AND ".$db_prefix."_torrents.password IS NULL ";
$viswhere "visible = 'yes' AND banned = 'no'";
        if (
$user->moderator$viswhere "";
        if (
$user->premium$passwhere "";

$from = ($page 1) * $torrent_per_page;

$totsql "SELECT COUNT(*) as tot FROM ".$db_prefix."_torrents WHERE ".$catmain.$viswhere.$catwhere.$passwhere.";";
$sql "SELECT 
.$db_prefix."_torrents.numratings < '".$minvotes."', NULL, ROUND(".$db_prefix."_torrents.ratingsum / ".$db_prefix."_torrents.numratings, 1)) AS rating, 
.$db_prefix." AS cat_name, 
.$db_prefix."_categories.image AS cat_pic, 
                    IF( IS NULL, U.username, as user_name, 
                    U.level as user_level, 
                    U.can_do as can_do, 
                    L.group_colour AS color, 
                    L.group_name AS lname 
                LEFT JOIN 
.$db_prefix."_categories ON category = ".$db_prefix." 
                LEFT JOIN 
.$db_prefix."_users U ON ".$db_prefix."_torrents.owner = 
                LEFT JOIN 
.$db_prefix."_level_settings L ON L.group_id = U.can_do 
                    LIMIT "

$res $db->sql_query($sql) or mysql_error();
$totres $db->sql_query($totsql);

if (isset(
$t_sort = array('i','a','b','c','d','e','f','g','h');
$t_type = array('asc'=>'desc','desc'=>'asc','DESC'=>'asc','ASC'=>'desc');
        list (
$tot) = $db->sql_fetchrow($totres);
        if (
$db->sql_numrows($res) > 0) {
'S_TORRENTS'            => true,
'T_SORT'                =>    $t_sort[$sort],
'T_SHORT'                =>    $t_type[$type],
$pages ceil($tot $torrent_per_page);
generate_torrentpager('torrents.php?page='$page$pages$cat $sort1 $sort2 );
'S_TORRENTS'            => false,
'HIT_COUNT'            => ($user->admin) ? false true,

and to Boot my source is pHp5.5.3 compliant.

KrackerMan 25th September 2013 23:18


Originally Posted by EnzoF1 (Post 42779)
It has been created from the ground up, unless you know of any other torrent tracker source that uses Smarty (because I certainly do not).

Revodesphp - Open Source PHP Torrent Tracker

An Open Source PHP Torrent Tracker coded with PHP5 and Smarty Template system.

EnzoF1 26th September 2013 07:53

@joeroberts: Ok, cool. You have a lot of stuff that needs to be included to make it work though. With Smarty that is not necessery, you just write the php bit, define some variables for Smarty and then just create a template in basic html without mandatory opening or closing headers.

But I guess your method works just as well as my current custom template engine, it will limit you in future updates though. That I can assure you.

@KrackerMan: I did not know that, I've always been under the impression that there were no Smarty-based OOP-coded torrent trackers. Will check it out though, thanks. :)
Edit: On second observation, doesn't seem like it has actually been developed. SVN is empty, no source code to be viewed, no nothing.

Roach 26th September 2013 08:35

I know one source code that uses Smarty and is OOP Based functions and stuff I heard of it 3 month's ago is called "MiXssTBDev" I forgot wich tracker is runing it

joeroberts 26th September 2013 11:27


Originally Posted by EnzoF1 (Post 42799)
it will limit you in future updates though. That I can assure you.

how the heck can you assure me of this?
this appears you have no clue dude.

you source = something I am working on
mine = final release.

as far as updates they well be a snap.

on a side note I hope your working on the new php5.3+

firefly007 26th September 2013 12:43


Originally Posted by EnzoF1 (Post 42779)
When I say new source code, I do not mean a rebuild existing code. I have been running my own source for probably three or four years now. My current version uses a custom template engine, but so many things have broken that I figured I might as well use an existing, well-developed template engine (Smarty).

It has been created from the ground up, unless you know of any other torrent tracker source that uses Smarty (because I certainly do not).

For example:

It is still in it's early stages, but when I've got something of an alpha going on, I'll definitely get you guys a demo site. It is not meant to be a learning experience though, that's why I was asking if there would be any interest for having/running the source code for a small fee. ;) I am not talking about the prices that TS is asking for, that's a ridicilous amount that he is asking for stolen code.

Um yea! BT.Manager uses a hybrid of Smarty and Mybb as smarty alone sucks.

EnzoF1 26th September 2013 20:06

@joeroberts: I know this, because I am running a similar custom template engine at the moment and your updates will exhaust at a certain stage. Also, I have been creating torrent trackers for more than 10 years now, so what would I know, right¿

But it′s fine, obviously a well-developed OOP-based, Smarty-designed torrent tracker is not appreciated, so I′ll just find a different community for it then.

Not sure why this thread turned into pissing match, but it′s cool. Apparently the e-penis in torrenting world still exists, lol.

ajax 26th September 2013 20:40

E-penis will exist as long as internet. :chch:

firefly007 27th September 2013 01:11


Originally Posted by EnzoF1 (Post 42808)
@joeroberts: I know this, because I am running a similar custom template engine at the moment and your updates will exhaust at a certain stage. Also, I have been creating torrent trackers for more than 10 years now, so what would I know, right¿

But it′s fine, obviously a well-developed OOP-based, Smarty-designed torrent tracker is not appreciated, so I′ll just find a different community for it then.

Not sure why this thread turned into pissing match, but it′s cool. Apparently the e-penis in torrenting world still exists, lol.

There's no need to though your toys out buddy.. I was pointing out that BT.Manager use's a form of Smarty, seriously! I don't think the comments were that hash..

KrackerMan 27th September 2013 01:37


Originally Posted by EnzoF1 (Post 42808)
@joeroberts: I know this, because I am running a similar custom template engine at the moment and your updates will exhaust at a certain stage. Also, I have been creating torrent trackers for more than 10 years now, so what would I know, right¿

Creating torrent trackers or working on torrent trackers? There is a difference between making mods/installing mods and creating actual torrent tracker source code. But for the sake of things I will just assume that you didn't mean to make trackers plural. :ok:


Originally Posted by EnzoF1 (Post 42808)
But it′s fine, obviously a well-developed OOP-based, Smarty-designed torrent tracker is not appreciated, so I′ll just find a different community for it then.

Well 90% of the users here won't even know what OOP-based, Smarty-designed torrent tracker even is. Anyways how can we appreciate something when we never even used it before. Go ahead and find a different community for it and upload it there, we or I myself will just grab it and bring it here.


Originally Posted by EnzoF1 (Post 42808)
Not sure why this thread turned into pissing match, but it′s cool. Apparently the e-penis in torrenting world still exists, lol.

Where is the pissing match at cause I must have totally missed it. The only one I have seen pulling out a e-penis is you. You come here bragging about this new state of the art torrent tracker that you have been developing. Then when someone mentions their own source code you get all butt hurt about it, and threaten to leave taking this source code elsewhere that no one has yet to see. I can definitely tell you were a CoLdFuSiOn follower all the way. You carry the same I am the best, have the best, and done anything you have done or going to do better.

In point I don't even care if you leave or stay. I don't care if you share your code or not. But for God's sake quit your crying over the fact that no one is kissing your arse like the many did to CoLdFuSiOn.


EnzoF1 27th September 2013 08:15


Originally Posted by KrackerMan (Post 42815)
Where is the pissing match at cause I must have totally missed it. The only one I have seen pulling out a e-penis is you. You come here bragging about this new state of the art torrent tracker that you have been developing. Then when someone mentions their own source code you get all butt hurt about it, and threaten to leave taking this source code elsewhere that no one has yet to see. I can definitely tell you were a CoLdFuSiOn follower all the way. You carry the same I am the best, have the best, and done anything you have done or going to do better.

In point I don't even care if you leave or stay. I don't care if you share your code or not. But for God's sake quit your crying over the fact that no one is kissing your arse like the many did to CoLdFuSiOn.


Errm no, I think you misunderstand. I started this thread asking if there would be any interest in the source code that I am developing, and all of a sudden people are coming in here explaining that they have already done what I am working on. I just wanted to confirm that it is exactly the same and if I am wasting my time here.

Maybe there is a language barriere or something, but when several people come into a thread and explain that what they have is exactly the same, if not better, then to me it seems that my efforts are not welcomed. Do not turn this around on me, why would I lurk around these forums for such a long time merely to display what I have done and what you can not have¿

Did I not start out this thread asking if there is any interest in my code¿ People that actually know me from the forums, know that I am not a poser. I developed quite a lot of mods in the early days of TorrentBytes/TBDev (true, most of them were poorly written, my php knowledge is self-taught and I was by no means an expert) and help develop and support them on other people's trackers.

Finally, I only said I'd find a different community for the code because I felt like there was some sort of pissing match going on and my efforts were not appreciated. It seems there are enough people here that have developed a similar source code and believe it's just as good, if not better, than what I am developing at the moment. That's cool with me, but I no longer see a reason to keep asking for interest in my code, when it's pretty obvious there is none.

Had I known there already were several OOP-based, Smarty-templated and XBTT-running source codes out there, I would not have bothered asking for interest.

x360zone 27th September 2013 10:34

shit happens and by the way

[HIDE]I GOT THE BIGGEST E Cock around here :lol:[/HIDE]

KrackerMan 27th September 2013 22:15

Look if you want to share your source code here that would be great someone may or may not want to use it. But how are you really ever going to know if you don't release it for people to see? This is actually a pretty good community here, yea sure we butt heads and argue a bit from time to time, but in the end all we really want are the same results. You will always have a rivalry when there is more then one source code out there, and that is want makes it fun/better. It don't matter if someone else has done a tracker in the same source code, that don't mean it will be 100% the same. Different coders do different things and choose different options. In the end if we could just force out all the TBDev, TSSE, and TSUE source codes that would be great :cool:

Krypto 27th September 2013 23:26

@ EnzoF1 just ignore the negative behavior of certain members some just seem to post crap for the sake of posting crap and are narrow minded when someone makes a post about a different style of tracker.

All you seem to see on here now for sometime is that x tracker is great and does y and z it's like everyone has blinkers on when it comes to another source. Now I've nothing against x source or the creators but it's like every other source out their is compared to it for some reason?

Hopefully if you provide a demo for members to check out or post the code once done opinions may change?

It's posts like these with the negative and sometime unwarranted posts that give this forum a bad name on certain other sites.

joeroberts 29th September 2013 05:01

@ EnzoF1 I truly hope you do not think I was trying to get into a Pi$$ing contest with you.
You peaked my query ossity with your Idea and i just wanted to compair notes.

I never even nocked any of your ideas (even though I do not agree with some of them)
You where the one that started telling me my source was not all that good and that what I was using as a template system was nothing but trouble.

@joeroberts: Ok, cool. You have a lot of stuff that needs to be included to make it work though. With Smarty that is not necessery, you just write the php bit, define some variables for Smarty and then just create a template in basic html without mandatory opening or closing headers.

But I guess your method works just as well as my current custom template engine, it will limit you in future updates though. That I can assure you
Please re read my posts and show me where i tried to get into this pi$$ing contest.

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