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Fynnon 7th May 2010 03:04

TBDev 2009
1 Attachment(s)
TBDev Tracker 2009 (Final)


1. make a database and from the SQL folder import tb.sql then the rest of the sql files

2. edit file announce.php and /include/config.php with your data


tomys 7th May 2010 19:33

This source is normal...
If anybody have problems can ask me!

Thank you! :bubble:

Zuby 7th May 2010 19:48

1 Attachment(s)
Here you have an installer script for tbdev 2009

Simply download the file and stick it in your http root directory (e.g /var/www/) and navigate to it and away you go installing the latest release. I have done my best to make this as easy to use as possible and hopefully it will continue to work with future revisions of the new source. If you encounter any errors or have any problems then let me know (theres only so much testing i can do alone).

Cheers to: djlee ( from )
i've attached the file

Bambax 11th May 2010 10:56


Originally Posted by Zuby (Post 22920)
Here you have an installer script for tbdev 2009

hello i make install with your installer without problems but after install i have error

"[1045] dbconn: mysql_connect: Access denied for user 'www-data'@'localhost' (using password: NO)"

what can i do to solve this error :unknown:

wMan 11th May 2010 12:07


Originally Posted by Bambax (Post 22971)
hello i make install with your installer without problems but after install i have error

"[1045] dbconn: mysql_connect: Access denied for user 'www-data'@'localhost' (using password: NO)"

what can i do to solve this error :unknown:

check your db pass and password for it them set it with r one and you will get in

Bambax 12th May 2010 10:40

the password is 100% ok (i tested with 3 passwords) but same error comming evrytime :unknown:

When you wanna you can comming with teamviewer on my pc and look this bug :ok:

Phogo 12th May 2010 13:23

Do it manually then, edit the config.php file

polusqxxx 13th May 2010 18:07


Originally Posted by Zuby (Post 22920)
Here you have an installer script for tbdev 2009

Simply download the file and stick it in your http root directory (e.g /var/www/) and navigate to it and away you go installing the latest release. I have done my best to make this as easy to use as possible and hopefully it will continue to work with future revisions of the new source. If you encounter any errors or have any problems then let me know (theres only so much testing i can do alone).

Cheers to: djlee ( from )
i've attached the file

Works ok ...i have that error too ...but simple go to config.php and find this:

// DB setup

Replace with:

// DB setup
$TBDEV['mysql_db']="your_database_name"; :ok:

Zuby 13th May 2010 19:15

chmod 777 config.php , after install changet it to 755 or 644

underx 16th May 2010 15:19

plz how can remove the cloud search in browse.php ?

KiD 16th May 2010 16:26


Originally Posted by underx (Post 23075)
plz how can remove the cloud search in browse.php ?

its a 2 sec. job if you open you eys dude, remove this:

PHP Code:

$HTMLOUT .= "<div id='wrapper' style='width:90%;border:1px solid black;background-color:pink;'>";

//print out the tag cloud
require_once "include/searchcloud_functions.php";
$HTMLOUT .= cloud() . "</div>"

underx 16th May 2010 17:17

thks a lot KID ! :)

Tiger33 31st May 2010 03:39

I've setup TB but when i log in i keep getting the message


NO SPAM! Wait 10 seconds and then refresh page
anyone got any ideas why?

hywel 31st May 2010 06:11

@Tiger33 if you want to remove

NO SPAM! Wait 10 seconds and then refresh page

then in login.php and signup.php just find this either remove it or uncomment it :


// Begin the session
    if (isset($_SESSION['captcha_time']))
    (time() - $_SESSION['captcha_time'] < 10) ? exit("{$lang['login_spam']}") : NULL;

Thats it :drink:

dean winchester 3rd June 2010 18:48

i trie to install TBdev, but there is error, this:

Zuby 3rd June 2010 19:26

dean... firstly make a database in mysql than uncheck the field with "create database" or how it is, than fill with your username and password of mysql also need's the adress of mysql ( usualy localhost ).

dean winchester 4th June 2010 07:48


Originally Posted by Zuby (Post 23303)
dean .. firstly make a database in mysql than uncheck the field with "create database" or how it is, than fill with your username and password of mysql also need's the adress of mysql ( usualy localhost ).
i hope u understand my english..

at first thank you for answering :)

i wonder one thing: making database i need to use phpmyadmin?

i think i have to import all .sql fails with phpmyadmin and i wonder, i must wrote someting in .sql files before i import it??, or only import is enough?

Zuby 4th June 2010 14:41

nope u dont need phpmyadmin, you can create manualy from ssh, like this:

mysql -u root -p
Enter password: yourpasshere
create database NameOfDatabase;

PS: It's very important to write " ; " after that command
and that's all

dean winchester 4th June 2010 15:37


Originally Posted by Zuby (Post 23325)
nope u dont need phpmyadmin, you can create manualy from ssh, like this:

mysql -u root -p
Enter password: yourpasshere
create database NameOfDatabase;

PS: It's very important to write " ; " after that command
and that's all

i made database on cpanel (as you told me)
i did it all and i already have mysql adresses.
but there is same error :(
i Also chmod all failes
i have to install this script it's very nesesery for me and plz help me :(
thanks for attention

Zuby 4th June 2010 18:53

maybe it's an problem from your host, if u have shared webhost be sure you have a lot of limits.. maybe it's this .. or you didn't filled good the settings on install.php .
OR if u are running on a webhost be carefull on mysql adress probably it's not localhost it's another one ( check your info ).

dean winchester 4th June 2010 20:56


Originally Posted by Zuby (Post 23329)
maybe it's an problem from your host, if u have shared webhost be sure you have a lot of limits.. maybe it's this .. or you didn't filled good the settings on install.php .
OR if u are running on a webhost be carefull on mysql adress probably it's not localhost it's another one ( check your info ).

ok thanks.but TS SE installed with no problem and Vbtt too .

usbiz 16th June 2010 07:10

i have install the script
and create the admin user

but can not login when i try login, it show

Not logged in!

Error: The page you tried to view can only be used when you're logged in.

Note: You need cookies enabled to log in.

i am sure of the username and pass is right

play4it 4th July 2010 22:24


Originally Posted by usbiz (Post 23542)
i have install the script
and create the admin user

but can not login when i try login, it show

Not logged in!

Error: The page you tried to view can only be used when you're logged in.

Note: You need cookies enabled to log in.

i am sure of the username and pass is right

Enable cookies from your browser options.

InFeRnO 23rd August 2010 20:12

He's using what looks like to host on which isn't teh best o fideas also you may need to go into your cpanel and add permissions for teh database user and you may find those errors will disappear for the database as for teh top error "warning:set_tine-limit has been disabled....." is a issue with the free host

silentwimble 23rd October 2010 12:50

I don't want to use captcha in login and signup. How can I disable captcha?

spike 12th November 2010 12:38

ok have installed this all seemed to have gone fine but will not let me log in to account? can someone help plz completly confused.

cookies are enabled so unsure as to why this is :unknown:

Thanks alot

silentwimble 20th November 2010 17:35


Originally Posted by spike (Post 25592)
ok have installed this all seemed to have gone fine but will not let me log in to account? can someone help plz completly confused.

cookies are enabled so unsure as to why this is

Thanks alot

I have same problem too :(

Krypto 21st November 2010 20:36

In include/config.php have you changed these?

PHP Code:

$TBDEV['announce_urls'][] = "http://localhost/TB_ALPHA/announce.php"

PHP Code:

$TBDEV['baseurl'] = "http://" $_SERVER["HTTP_HOST"]."/TB_ALPHA"

As they are set by default to work from a Sub-Dir called TB_APLHA

First one change to
PHP Code:

$TBDEV['announce_urls'][] = "http://YOUR URL/announce.php"

Second one change to
PHP Code:

$TBDEV['baseurl'] = "http://" $_SERVER["HTTP_HOST"].""

spike 23rd November 2010 23:39


Originally Posted by Krypto (Post 25772)
In include/config.php have you changed these?

Hi, i look at this but i had this in there when i check it :
PHP Code:


and this :

PHP Code:


so i am unsure what i have to change here?


thank you for your help...

Lekio 27th November 2010 15:22

I have problem witn the announce link!
invalid announce url! must be localhost/announce.phphow i can chenge it ?

Krypto 29th November 2010 11:06

I believe you also need to edit announce.php and enter your details in their.

LeXxX 18th December 2010 21:55

I can't login!I get this =>

I tryed to login with "root" and the passworld

DooM 6th January 2011 19:08

A little help
Does someone know why when Im clicking a button (e.g. I complete fields in create a new category, and i click "create") the adress in the browser doubles.

Instead its


Any help would be apreciated.

Senaris 13th January 2011 00:18

Please read more next time..
find announce.php and read it..

at section [baseurl] it's http://localhost/tb_alpha
edit it with ( with slash at the end )

spike 16th January 2011 15:53

lo0g in to tbdev
hi there iv set the tbdev up ast my acc up but it wont let me log in can any one help plz for why this is thanks :sos:

wdq 17th January 2011 11:00


Originally Posted by spike (Post 26412)
hi there iv set the tbdev up ast my acc up but it wont let me log in can any one help plz for why this is thanks :sos:

try this click

Izacic 26th January 2011 16:39

when i signup comes this


Warning:  mail() [function.mail]:  Failed to connect to mailserver at "localhost" port 25, verify your  "SMTP" and "smtp_port" setting in php.ini or use ini_set() in C:\xampp\htdocs\takesignup.php on line 169

Warning:  Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at C:\xampp\htdocs\takesignup.php:169) in C:\xampp\htdocs\takesignup.php on line 173

wdq 28th January 2011 10:17

usualy its a space before the at begginning and end of the file

and you need to set up your mail server if you did not ... for the mail function ... hope this helps

liljowhid 13th February 2011 12:35


Not logged in!

Error: The page you tried to view can only be used when you're logged in.

Note: You need cookies enabled to log in.

I'm getting all the time this when i try to login
I have Enable The Cookies....

DooM 24th February 2011 11:10


Originally Posted by Senaris (Post 26385)
find announce.php and read it..

at section [baseurl] it's http://localhost/tb_alpha
edit it with ( with slash at the end )

This error doesn't come from announce.php. Anyway thanks, I fixed it. It was a problem with tracker URL in config.php.

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