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DARCK 28th May 2011 22:06

Template Shares 5.6 - modded by lateam & lafouine022
1 Attachment(s)
TS Special Edition v.5.6 requires PHP 4.1.2 or better and an MYSQL database.


install=> http://www.yourdomain/install/install.php

Basic Setup

1. Unzip the release archive to your computer using an archive utility capable of decompressing the download format you choose (Winrar,Winzip).

2. Using an FTP client (FlashFXP,CuteFTP), upload the entire contents of the 'upload' directory to a visible directory on your web server.

3. CHMOD the following files/folders to 0777 (ie, make sure that PHP can write to them).
- ./config/
- ./config/CLEANUP
- ./config/DATABASE
- ./config/DATETIME
- ./config/EXTRA
- ./config/FORUMCP
- ./config/KPS
- ./config/MAIN
- ./config/PAYPAL
- ./config/PJIRC
- ./config/REDIRECT
- ./config/SECURITY
- ./config/SEO
- ./config/SMTP
- ./config/STAFTEAM
- ./config/TWEAK
- ./config/THEME
- ./config/WAITSLOT
- ./torrents/
- ./torrents/images/
- ./include/avatars/
- ./tsf_forums/uploads/
- ./admin/backup/
- ./cache/
- ./cache/funds.php
- ./cache/indexstats.php
- ./cache/systemcache.dat
- ./cache/massmail_config.php
- ./admin/ads.txt
- ./admin/adminnotes.txt
- ./admin/quicklinks.txt
- ./include/config_announce.php

4. In your browser, visit the URL where you installed your tracker, appending ./install/install.php on to the end of it.

5. After the installation has completed, please DELETE the 'install' directory from server.

6. You can now login to the Administration Control Panel by appending ./admin/settings.php on to the URL of your tracker.

IMPORTANT: Do not forget to protect your ./CONFIG folder by using apache config.
Example httpd.conf

Options -Indexes +FollowSymlinks +MultiViews -SymLinksIfOwnerMatch
AllowOverride all
Order Allow,Deny
Allow from all

7. it's recommended to backup your /config/ folder now before changing any information in tracker settings.

8. Make sure you go over EVERY EVERY EVERY detail on Tracker Settings

--- End of Basic Setup ---


» Login Panel
» ajaxtorrent
» seedbox
» Shoutbox
» last24online
» staff_shoutbox


add [TSSE 5.6]template avatar
add [TSSE 5.6]template amazing
add [TSSE 5.6]language languages english
add [TSSE 5.6]template languages french
add [TSSE 5.6]jeton
add [TSSE 5.6]jeton edit user
add [TSSE 5.6]jeton header.php
add [TSSE 5.6]look stream edit user
add [TSSE 5.6]kps active jeton
add [TSSE 5.6]kps
add [TSSE 5.6]casino
add [TSSE 5.6]blackjack
add [TSSE 5.6]mybonus.php
add [TSSE 5.6]megaupload
add [TSSE 5.6]Streaming
add [TSSE 5.6]Youtube & Dailymotion
add [TSSE 5.6]Balloon tooltip in browse page
add [TSSE 5.6]player shoutcast+plugin
add [TSSE 5.6]Shoutbox
add [TSSE 5.6]Add seedbox ip
add [TSSE 5.6]Plugin recently added torrents
add [TSSE 5.6]Poster with glossy style
add [TSSE 5.6]quick access plugin
add [TSSE 5.6]Similar Torrents by Name
add [TSSE 5.6]XXX Torrents Confirm Dialog
add [TSSE 5.6]IMDB
add [TSSE 5.6]Staff Shoutbox
add [TSSE 5.6]Last 24H online
add [TSSE 5.6]mega upload link
add [TSSE 5.6]stat plugin include total stream and megaupload
add [TSSE 5.6]userdetails.php stat streaming user
add [TSSE 5.6]userdetails.php stat ddl user

:ok: enjoy !!!!!!!!!

shasta 28th May 2011 22:40

Thanks , but plz help me , ia am noob , be mercy , where i need to edit the submenu language and the others thing what are in français
thx again and y have done a good good job:drink:

DARCK 31st May 2011 12:01

TSSE 5.6 - modded by lateam and lafouine022

Originally Posted by shasta (Post 28237)
Thanks , but plz help me , ia am noob , be mercy , where i need to edit the submenu language and the others thing what are in français
thx again and y have done a good good job:drink:

submenu edit include/templates/default/header.php

PHP Code:

<?php echo ($link $dirlist '' ); unset($link$dirlist); ?>
<div class="padding" align="center"><script  type="text/javascript" src="<?php echo $BASEURL;  ?>/include/default/amazing/scripts/rainbow.js?v=5.6"></script>

                                   <div class="bg-meniu"> 
                                       <div id="menu">
                   <!-- START TSSE MENU -->
                           <ul class="TSSEMenu TSSEMenum">
                               <li class="TSSEMenui"><a class="TSSEMenui" href="#"><span>
                               <img src="/_image/house.png" alt=""  title="" border="0"  /><?php echo $lang->global['home'];  ?></span></a>
                       <!--[if lte IE 6]><table><tr><td><![endif]-->
                                <ul class="TSSEMenum">
                                <li class="TSSEMenui"><a  class="TSSEMenui" href="<?php echo $BASEURL?>/index.php">
                                <img src="_image/go.png" alt=""  title="" border="0"  /><?php echo $lang->global['home'];  ?></a>
                       <!--[if lte IE 6]></td></tr></table></a><![endif]-->



<?php echo ($link $dirlist '' ); unset($link$dirlist); ?>
<div class="padding" align="center"><script  type="text/javascript" src="<?php echo $BASEURL;  ?>/include/default/amazing/scripts/rainbow.js?v=5.6"></script>

                                   <div class="bg-meniu"> 
                                       <div id="menu">
                   <!-- START TSSE MENU -->
                           <ul class="TSSEMenu TSSEMenum">
                               <li class="TSSEMenui"><a class="TSSEMenui" href="#"><span>
                               <img src="/_image/house.png" alt=""  title="" border="0"  /><?php echo $lang->global['home'];  ?></span></a>
                       <!--[if lte IE 6]><table><tr><td><![endif]-->
                                <ul class="TSSEMenum">
                                <li class="TSSEMenui"><a  class="TSSEMenui" href="<?php echo $BASEURL?>/index.php">

                                 <?php if (isset($CURUSER)) { ?>    

                            <ul class="TSSEMenu TSSEMenum">
                            <li class="TSSEMenui"> <a  class="TSSEMenui" href="#"><span><?php echo  $lang->global['forums']; ?></span></a>
          <!--[if lte IE 6]><table><tr><td><![endif]-->
                               <ul class="TSSEMenum">
                               <li class="TSSEMenui"><a  class="TSSEMenui" href="<?php echo $BASEURL?>/tsf_forums">
                               <img src="_image/go.png" alt=""  title="" border="0"  /><?php echo $lang->global['forums'];  ?></a></li>
                       <!--[if lte IE 6]></td></tr></table></a><![endif]-->




   <ul class="TSSEMenu TSSEMenum">
                            <li class="TSSEMenui"> <a  class="TSSEMenui" href="#"><span>Radio</span></a>
          <!--[if lte IE 6]><table><tr><td><![endif]-->
                               <ul class="TSSEMenum">
                               <li class="TSSEMenui"><a  class="TSSEMenui" href="<?php echo $BASEURL?>/shoutcast">
                               <img src="_image/go.png" alt="" title="" border="0"  />Lecteur</a></li>
                       <!--[if lte IE 6]></td></tr></table></a><![endif]-->




                        <ul class="TSSEMenu TSSEMenum">
                       <li class="TSSEMenui"><a  class="TSSEMenui" href="#"><span><?php echo  $lang->global['browse']; ?></span></a>
               <!--[if lte IE 6]><table><tr><td><![endif]-->
                               <ul class="TSSEMenum">
                               <li class="TSSEMenui"><a class="TSSEMenui" href="browse.php?page=1">
                               <img src="_image/go.png" alt=""  title="" border="0"  />parcourir les torrent</a></li>
                               <li class="TSSEMenui"><a  class="TSSEMenui" href="browse.php?quick_search=show_daily_torrents">
                               <img src="_image/go.png" alt=""  title="" border="0"  /> torrents du jour</a></li>
                               <li class="TSSEMenui"><a  class="TSSEMenui"  href="browse.php?quick_search=show_weekly_torrents">
                               <img src="_image/go.png" alt=""  title="" border="0"  /> torrents de la semaine</a></li>
                               <li class="TSSEMenui"><a  class="TSSEMenui" href="browse.php?quick_search=show_montly">
                               <img src="_image/go.png" alt=""  title="" border="0"  />torrents du mois</a></li>
                       <!--[if lte IE 6]></td></tr></table></a><![endif]-->



<ul class="TSSEMenu TSSEMenum">
                               <li class="TSSEMenui"><a class="TSSEMenui" href="#"><span>
                       <!--[if lte IE 6]><table><tr><td><![endif]-->
                                <ul class="TSSEMenum">
                                <li class="TSSEMenui"><a  class="TSSEMenui" href="<?php echo $BASEURL;  ?>/brouwsestreaming.php">
                                <img src="_image/go.png" alt="" title="" border="0"  />Streaming</a>
                       <!--[if lte IE 6]></td></tr></table></a><![endif]-->



                        <ul class="TSSEMenu TSSEMenum">
                      <li class="TSSEMenui"><a  class="TSSEMenui" href="#"><span><?php echo  $lang->global['requests']; ?></span></a>
               <!--[if lte IE 6]><table><tr><td><![endif]-->
                               <ul class="TSSEMenum">
                               <li class="TSSEMenui"><a class="TSSEMenui" href="viewrequests.php">
                               <img src="_image/go.png" alt=""  title="" border="0" class="inlineimg" />Voir les  demandes</a></li>
                       <!--[if lte IE 6]></td></tr></table></a><![endif]-->



                   <ul class="TSSEMenu TSSEMenum">
                  <li class="TSSEMenui"><a class="TSSEMenui"  href="#"><span><?php echo $lang->global['upload'];  ?></span></a>
              <!--[if lte IE 6]><table><tr><td><![endif]-->
                              <ul class="TSSEMenum">
                              <li class="TSSEMenui"><a class="TSSEMenui" href="/uploaderform.php">
                              <img src="_image/go.png" alt=""  title="" border="0" class="inlineimg" />Devenir  uploader</a></li>
                              <li class="TSSEMenui"><a class="TSSEMenui" href="/upload.php">
                              <img src="_image/go.png" alt=""  title="" border="0" class="inlineimg" />Uploader un  torrent</a></li>
                              <li class="TSSEMenui"><a class="TSSEMenui" href="/uploaddivx.php">
                              <img src="_image/go.png" alt=""  title="" border="0" class="inlineimg" />Uploader un  Streaming</a></li> 
                               <li class="TSSEMenui"><a class="TSSEMenui" href="/faq.php#37">
                               <img src="_image/go.png" alt=""  title="" border="0" class="inlineimg" />Reglement  uploads</a></li>
                      <!--[if lte IE 6]></td></tr></table></a><![endif]-->


                <ul class="TSSEMenu TSSEMenum">
                    <li class="TSSEMenui"><a class="TSSEMenui"  href="#"><span><?php echo $lang->global['usercp'];  ?></span></a>
            <!--[if lte IE 6]><table><tr><td><![endif]-->
                                <ul class="TSSEMenum">
                                <li class="TSSEMenui"><a class="TSSEMenui" href="/usercp.php">
                                <img src="_image/go.png" alt=""  title="" border="0" class="inlineimg" />Vos  parametres</a></li>
                                <li class="TSSEMenui"><a class="TSSEMenui" href="/messages.php">
                                <img src="_image/go.png" alt=""  title="" border="0" class="inlineimg" />Messages  prive</a></li>
                                <li class="TSSEMenui"><a  class="TSSEMenui" href="/browse.php?special_search=mytorrents">
                                <img src="_image/go.png" alt=""  title="" border="0" class="inlineimg" />Vos  torrents</a></li>
                                <li class="TSSEMenui"><a class="TSSEMenui" href="/referrals.php">
                                <img src="_image/go.png" alt=""  title="" border="0" class="inlineimg"  />Parainnge</a></li>
                                <li class="TSSEMenui"><a  class="TSSEMenui" href="/logout.php" onclick="return log_out()">
                                <img src="_image/go.png" alt=""  title="" border="0" class="inlineimg"  />Deconnection</a></li>
                  <!--[if lte IE 6]></td></tr></table></a><![endif]-->


              <ul class="TSSEMenu TSSEMenum">
              <li class="TSSEMenui"><a class="TSSEMenui"  href="#"><span><?php echo $lang->global['top10'];  ?></span></a>
          <!--[if lte IE 6]><table><tr><td><![endif]-->
                                <ul class="TSSEMenum">
                                <li class="TSSEMenui"><a class="TSSEMenui" href="/topten.php?type=1">
                                <img src="_image/go.png" alt=""  title="" border="0" class="inlineimg"  />Utilisateurs</a></li>
                                <li class="TSSEMenui"><a class="TSSEMenui" href="/topten.php?type=2">
                                <img src="_image/go.png" alt=""  title="" border="0" class="inlineimg" />Torrents</a></li>
                                <li class="TSSEMenui"><a class="TSSEMenui" href="/topten.php?type=3">
                                <img src="_image/go.png" alt=""  title="" border="0" class="inlineimg" />Pays</a></li>
                                <li class="TSSEMenui"><a class="TSSEMenui" href="/topten.php?type=4">
                                <img src="_image/go.png" alt=""  title="" border="0" class="inlineimg" />Peers</a></li>
                                <li class="TSSEMenui"><a class="TSSEMenui" href="/topten.php?type=5">
                                <img src="_image/go.png" alt=""  title="" border="0" class="inlineimg" />Forums</a></li>
                <!--[if lte IE 6]></td></tr></table></a><![endif]-->


                <ul class="TSSEMenu TSSEMenum">
            <li class="TSSEMenui"><a class="TSSEMenui"  href="#"><span><?php echo $lang->global['help'];  ?></span></a>
            <!--[if lte IE 6]><table><tr><td><![endif]-->
                               <ul class="TSSEMenum">
                               <li class="TSSEMenui"><a class="TSSEMenui" href="/rules.php">
                               <img src="_image/go.png" alt=""  title="" border="0" class="inlineimg" />Reglement du  site</a></li>
                               <li class="TSSEMenui"><a class="TSSEMenui" href="/faq.php">
                               <img src="_image/go.png" alt=""  title="" border="0" class="inlineimg" />FAQ</a></li>
                               <li class="TSSEMenui"><a class="TSSEMenui" href="/links.php">
                               <img src="_image/go.png" alt=""  title="" border="0" class="inlineimg" />Liens  utiles</a></li>
                               <li class="TSSEMenui"><a class="TSSEMenui" href="/ts_tutorials.php">
                               <img src="_image/go.png" alt=""  title="" border="0" class="inlineimg"  />Tutoriaux</a></li>
                <!--[if lte IE 6]></td></tr></table></a><![endif]-->


                  <ul class="TSSEMenu TSSEMenum">
                <li class="TSSEMenui"><a class="TSSEMenui"  href="#"><span><?php echo $lang->global['extra'];  ?></span></a>
        <!--[if lte IE 6]><table><tr><td><![endif]-->
                               <ul class="TSSEMenum">
                               <li class="TSSEMenui"><a class="TSSEMenui" href="/userdetails.php">
                               <img src="_image/go.png" alt=""  title="" border="0" class="inlineimg" />Votre  Profil</a></li>
                               <li class="TSSEMenui"><a class="TSSEMenui" href="/users.php">
                               <img src="_image/go.png" alt=""  title="" border="0" class="inlineimg" />Liste des  Membres</a></li>
                               <li class="TSSEMenui"><a class="TSSEMenui" href="/friends.php">
                               <img src="_image/go.png" alt=""  title="" border="0" class="inlineimg" />Liste de vos  Ami(e)s</a></li>
                               <li class="TSSEMenui"><a class="TSSEMenui" href="/ts_lottery.php">
                               <img src="_image/go.png" alt=""  title="" border="0" class="inlineimg" />Jouer a la  loterie</a></li>
                               <li class="TSSEMenui"><a class="TSSEMenui" href="/getrss.php">
                               <img src="_image/go.png" alt=""  title="" border="0" class="inlineimg" />Flux RSS</a></li>
                               <li class="TSSEMenui"><a class="TSSEMenui" href="/invite.php">
                               <img src="_image/go.png" alt=""  title="" border="0" class="inlineimg" />Inviter Un(e)  Ami(e)</a></li>
                               <li class="TSSEMenui"><a class="TSSEMenui" href="/mybonus.php">
                               <img src="_image/go.png" alt=""  title="" border="0" class="inlineimg" />Points  Bonus</a></li>
                               <li class="TSSEMenui"><a  class="TSSEMenui" href="/scripts/pbar/ts_donation_status.php">
                               <img src="_image/go.png" alt=""  title="" border="0" class="inlineimg" />Faire un  DON</a></li>
                  <!--[if lte IE 6]></td></tr></table></a><![endif]-->


                   <ul class="TSSEMenu TSSEMenum">
                  <li class="TSSEMenui"><a class="TSSEMenui"  href="#"><span><?php echo $lang->global['staff'];  ?></span></a>
          <!--[if lte IE 6]><table><tr><td><![endif]-->
                                 <ul class="TSSEMenum">
                                 <li class="TSSEMenui"><a class="TSSEMenui" href="/staff.php">
                                 <img src="_image/go.png" alt=""  title="" border="0" class="inlineimg" />Notre  equipe</a></li>
                                 <li class="TSSEMenui"><a class="TSSEMenui" href="/contactstaff.php">
                                 <img src="_image/go.png" alt=""  title="" border="0" class="inlineimg" />Contacter le  personnel</a></li>
                  <!--[if lte IE 6]></td></tr></table></a><![endif]-->



if ($usergroups['canstaffpanel'] == 'yes' &&  $usergroups['cansettingspanel'] != 'yes' &&  $usergroups['issupermod'] != 'yes')
'<ul class="TSSEMenu TSSEMenum"><li  class="TSSEMenui"><a class="TSSEMenui"  href="#"><span><font  color="yellow">'.$lang->global['staffmenu'].'</font></span></a>
               <!--[if lte IE 6]><table><tr><td><![endif]-->
                               <ul class="TSSEMenum">
                               <li class="TSSEMenui"><a class="TSSEMenui" href="/admin/index.php">
                               <img src="_image/go.png" alt=""  title="" border="0" class="inlineimg" />admin  panel</a></li>
            <!--[if lte IE 6]></td></tr></table></a><![endif]-->


                            </ul> '
    elseif (
$usergroups['canstaffpanel'] == 'yes' &&  $usergroups['cansettingspanel'] != 'yes' &&  $usergroups['issupermod'] == 'yes')
'<ul class="TSSEMenu TSSEMenum"><li  class="TSSEMenui"><a class="TSSEMenui"  href="#"><span><font  color="yellow">'.$lang->global['staffmenu'].'</font></span></a>
            <!--[if lte IE 6]><table><tr><td><![endif]-->
                             <ul class="TSSEMenum">
                             <li class="TSSEMenui"><a class="TSSEMenui" href="/admin/index.php">
                             <img src="_image/go.png" alt="" title=""  border="0" class="inlineimg" />admin panel</a></li>
                             <li class="TSSEMenui"><a class="TSSEMenui" href="/admin/index.php?act=statistics">
                             <img src="_image/go.png" alt="" title=""  border="0" class="inlineimg" />stats</a></li>
                       <!--[if lte IE 6]></td></tr></table></a><![endif]-->


    elseif (
$usergroups['cansettingspanel'] == 'yes')
'    <ul class="TSSEMenu TSSEMenum"><li  class="TSSEMenui"><a class="TSSEMenui"  href="#"><span><font  color="yellow">'.$lang->global['staffmenu'].'</font></span></a>
            <!--[if lte IE 6]><table><tr><td><![endif]-->
                              <ul class="TSSEMenum">
                              <li class="TSSEMenui"><a class="TSSEMenui" href="/admin/index.php">
                              <img src="/_image/go.png" alt=""  title="" border="0" class="inlineimg" />admin  panel</a></li>
                              <li class="TSSEMenui"><a class="TSSEMenui" href="/admin/settings.php">
                              <img src="_image/go.png" alt=""  title="" border="0" class="inlineimg" />admin  tracker</a></li>
                              <li class="TSSEMenui"><a class="TSSEMenui" href="/admin/index.php?act=statistics">
                              <img src="_image/go.png" alt=""  title="" border="0" class="inlineimg" />stats</a></li>
                        <!--[if lte IE 6]></td></tr></table></a><![endif]-->


                            </ul>     '

DAKz 1st June 2011 19:02

OK worked on the announce.php, scrap.php, benc.php. etc. still getting a tracker sending invalid data: error. Even rebooted the server...what did I miss??

Went through all the posts and seen several others have this problem, but the solutions offered have not fixed this. I had a working version on the site, and when this error popped up I copied over the announce, benc, & scrape to this release and still no luck.
Someone tell me what I missed....:sos:

a couple new symptoms....

No matter what I install, the default tab icon from the tsse appears...
right now I am running tsse 5.6 in workshop 1 and xbtit221r669 in workshop 2. tsse on live and workshop show the error Tracker sending invalid data: and xbtit is showing the error Failure: Torrent is not authorized for use on this tracker.
Now I have just noted, and tested it, I created a torrent and uploaded it to the live site, with only its announce in it, the site sees it, (and all others) as an external torrent. The tracker shows speed, shows seeders, leecchers, and credits upload amounts, etc. even with the error in the client.

This is making me nuts, any suggestions?

EDIT2: Nice thing about having a workshop, it allows you to try drastic things without risking the live site.....

removed all references to magic_quotes in the announce.php so far so good.

pedro444 4th June 2011 16:40

Team Leader
Hello I'm Team Leader and not I Edit User Profile

DARCK 4th June 2011 18:30


Originally Posted by pedro444 (Post 28335)
Hello I'm Team Leader and not I Edit User Profile

You can not edit the admin profile is protection

edit your sql

pedro444 4th June 2011 19:25


Originally Posted by DARCK (Post 28336)
You can not edit the admin profile is protection

edit your sql

Darcko sorry pose as edit my sql because I realize some php

vin91 23rd June 2011 20:30

thank you very much for your work:)
but I have a small problem, when I finally add a torrent, the button to download does not appear.
so I edit the files and detaildll.php details.php, so I replaced the links

detaildll.php (line 58) :
PHP Code:

<td style="padding-left: 5px;" valign="top" width="430"><a href="<?=$download['url']?><?=$download['id']?><?php echo $divx?>
" ><img src=""></a></td>

details.php (line 594) :
PHP Code:

        <td style="padding-left: 5px;" valign="top" width="430"><a href="'.ts_seo($id,$torrent['name'],'d').'" alt="'.$lang->details['dltorrent'].'" title="'.$lang->details['dltorrent'].'"><img src=""></a></td

I also tried to put: image / download.png

Unfortunately it does not work, what to do please?


merci beaucoup pour votre travail :)
mais j'ai un petit problème, quand j'ai finit d'ajouter un torrent, le bouton pour télécharger n’apparait pas.
j'ai donc éditez les fichiers detaildll.php et details.php, et j'ai donc remplacé les liens

detaildll.php (ligne 58) :
PHP Code:

<td style="padding-left: 5px;" valign="top" width="430"><a  href="<?=$download['url']?><?=$download['id']?><?php  echo $divx?>
" ><img src=""></a></td>

details.php (ligne 594) :
PHP Code:

        <td style="padding-left: 5px;" valign="top"  width="430"><a href="'.ts_seo($id,$torrent['name'],'d').'"  alt="'.$lang->details['dltorrent'].'"  title="'.$lang->details['dltorrent'].'"><img  src="https://xxxxxxx/images/download.png"></a></td

j'ai aussi éssayé de mettre : image/download.png

malheureusement sa ne marche toujours pas, que faire s'il vous plait ?

DARCK 23rd June 2011 20:53


Originally Posted by vin91 (Post 28587)
thank you very much for your work
but I have a small problem, when I finally add a torrent, the button to download does not appear.
so I edit the files and detaildll.php details.php, so I replaced the links
j'ai aussi éssayé de mettre : image/download.png

malheureusement sa ne marche toujours pas, que faire s'il vous plait ?

give me the link of your site that I look at the problem

pedro444 23rd June 2011 22:49


Originally Posted by vin91 (Post 28587)
thank you very much for your work:)
but I have a small problem, when I finally add a torrent, the button to download does not appear.
so I edit the files and detaildll.php details.php, so I replaced the links

j'ai aussi éssayé de mettre : image/download.png

malheureusement sa ne marche toujours pas, que faire s'il vous plait ?

You have to change the http://xxxxxx/ with the link from your site

it53lv 16th July 2011 14:02

38mb source ? :shock:

x360zone 16th July 2011 15:05

most arent even needed i went through it loads of image files not need all french not worth the messing about to resolve issues in it
some nice work but needs alot of tidying

wMan 16th July 2011 15:46


Originally Posted by x360zone (Post 29063)
most arent even needed i went through it loads of image files not need all french not worth the messing about to resolve issues in it
some nice work but needs alot of tidying

I DO IT for you give me a few days and it be done

it53lv 16th July 2011 17:41

:lol: clean up 38mb in few day's ??

J0hn86 17th July 2011 21:45

problem whit instalations
this is the problem

Please disable PHP Safe Mode to continue installation!:sos:

wMan 17th July 2011 22:03


Originally Posted by yonutz86 (Post 29072)
this is the problem

Please disable PHP Safe Mode to continue installation!:sos:

go in to your host on set up of domain look and you will see Safe Mode ticked untick it save job done can us it then

spidey 29th August 2011 17:35

thank you very much

I have 2 problem first iwant to make the script english and iwant any french words in the script

and second problem i install the script on locslhost its work fine

but whene i enter the pincode I cant enter the admin panel so after that
My account have been suspended i install the script agane

and ihave a problem with the theme and this a screen shot

from my pc

x360zone 29th August 2011 21:56

other version
it is a nice version but yes there is the french issue thats why most use
night crawlers version with some of the lateams stuff added

if you need ahand let me know

urliks 30th August 2011 22:25

I have a problem! I install the source, but my Write address. that a fault?

xDev 30th August 2011 23:16


Originally Posted by urliks (Post 29782)
I have a problem! I install the source, but my Write address. that a fault?

crawlers version with some of the lateams stuff added

PAX 11th September 2011 17:28


Parse error: syntax error, unexpected '{', expecting ']' in /home/xxxx/public_html/takeedit.php on line 433
big thanks Edgein

fix for takeedit.php

PHP Code:

unset ($dict['value'][{'created by'}]);
      unset (

replace with:
PHP Code:

unset ($dict['value']['created by']);
      unset (

With thx to francisco23 For posting this

:drink: :ok:

Lolle 16th September 2011 13:39

change the language?
is there anyone of you can help me to change the language here?:sos:
Just tell me what files can I change them in.

Thanks. :friend:

xDev 16th September 2011 16:51

look in post you will fined fix for it :muscle:takeedit

PAX 20th September 2011 18:57


Originally Posted by Lolle (Post 30067)
is there anyone of you can help me to change the language here?
Just tell me what files can I change them in.

Thanks. :friend:

Bonne soirée, nous sommes le mardi 20 septembre .
changes in the cl.htm give nothing. may be little help?

problem solved, the bad coding: utf / iso :ok:

peiratikos 19th October 2011 16:39


Eltan 27th October 2011 22:05

On uTorrent when I'm seeding I have this message :


Tracker: [Could not parse bencoded data]
But I can see my torrent on tracker, excepte that I can't download from the seeder (seedbox) ... Why ?

Darkness 6th November 2011 00:51

blank page
I done with installation but wen i pus to log in I have a blank page, what should I do ? pls help

daffy 6th November 2011 00:54

read your apache error log it will tell you in there. my guess is

try this

Darkness 6th November 2011 01:18

Hello again i need help
If can help me someone with that

daffy 6th November 2011 01:24

Check your paths, open config and edit ALL files inside, make sure all paths are correct. also check themes table in database for correct paths. are you using this in root or sub folder?

Bump: Check your paths, open config and edit ALL files inside, make sure all paths are correct. also check themes table in database for correct paths. are you using this in root or sub folder?

Darkness 6th November 2011 03:00

:muscle: nice and done
Thx mate, i have a nice tracker now
all is good but when I upload a torrent I don`t see any download button this piss me off
please can someone tel me where to solve this problem ? :wallbash::wild:

x360zone 6th November 2011 12:01

right click where the button should be- show image- it will show you the path to where the image should be, or lateam had there own button from there tracker added, start of with night crawlers version then add what you need from lateams, so for example when there tracker goes down so does your button lol

Darkness 6th November 2011 21:40

What is going on ..I upload a torrent and in my client is red seems like is a problem somewhere announce.php or torrent.php and when I upload a torrent I can`t download for seeding in my client, and is one more I` can`t edit my torrent or other this error I get Parse error: syntax error, unexpected '{', expecting ']' in C:\xampp\htdocs\takeedit.php on line 433 ?

Please help and thx for all

x360zone 6th November 2011 21:56

first of all stop testing on your local host routers cause trouble with seeding also make sure you have added the fix take edit to it.
at least get a hosting account to play around with as once you go live local host wont cut it all the time anyway
and if you cant set the ts up get someone who can
ts is probably the most easiest to setup
setup apply fixes run

exoticious 21st November 2011 21:29


gabifir 22nd November 2011 10:45

php safe mode
Please disable PHP Safe Mode to continue installation!

How to fix this

x360zone 22nd November 2011 10:57

safe mode
you using control panel?
if so disable via cpanel/plesk webhost setting/php.ini last options
ir htt acces it depends on your host mate

google is your best friend use it
for example "how to turn safe mode off"

wellqfk 25th December 2011 15:09


Originally Posted by gabifir (Post 31265)
Please disable PHP Safe Mode to continue installation!

How to fix this

open php.ini and search code:

change to:

safe_mode = Off
Save and exit.
Restart httpd

xDev 25th December 2011 16:58


Originally Posted by wellqfk (Post 31812)
open php.ini and search code:

change to:

safe_mode = Off
Save and exit.
Restart httpd

ok go to your linux if its a linux Parallels Plesk Panel 9.5.4 Domains Domains name Web Hosting Settings
PHP support untick the box it then your ready to go

tueur 27th February 2012 01:06

Hello, My problem upload torrent :/

You have no permission to upload an external torrent! :unknown:

Include External Peers? yes
Active external scrape Active

What is probleme ?

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