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DAKz 17th March 2012 05:37

TSSE 5.6 Heavy Modded
2 Attachment(s)
Since I am getting away from the p2p part I decided to rar up my work and present to everyone to share and use.
I started with the basic TSSE 5.6 nightcrawler and a added mods to it from all over some from 5.4.1, some from simple php files, I made up a faster installer, added a couple blank pages in the theme I designed for it, so if you want to expand this the pages are in the root folder listed as blank.php and blank2.php and blankpage. (Don't ask I am not sure why either).

List of modifications

Radio with players for winamp, windows and quicktime

radio management system through smi

Marque donor block

Gallery image plugin

ajax torrent plugin

last 24 hour visted plugin

seedbox plugin

enhanced login plugin

avatar size increased to 150 x 150 5mb to allow for animated avatars

allows all bb code in the shoutbox, ([img], etc.)

added "peel" to main page

php firewall

added site on/off and "offline" index.html

Advanced Search cloud torrent search engine

last 30 uploads

modded shoutbox

special shoutcast plugin

browser stats plugin [needs work]

Added Classic Games mod

new torrent carousel added to browse page (different then the last 30)

added glass effect category icons

added animated country flags

changed language flags to animated gif

added Russian, Italian, Romanian, German dutch languages

added donation block plugin

removed [list][/list from rules table in db making site faster

new theme with fixed background (tweaked vista theme)

xxx confirm dialog box added

added twitter mod

Animated banner

made side slide menu times faster

Added imageflow mod & youtube mod

Translated all to english


semi transparent banner, and main sheet.

Added a background image to the shoutbox, this can be changed easy to one you want.

There are still somethings to be fixed but this code is up and running on several sites, so it is good and solid. If you have issues with the takeupload.php, benc.php or announce.php check your magicquotes settings, these have been changed and modded and I can't make it to work on every server. Free Servers are a waste, won't run on them.

You must have ioncube installed, all the requirements for TSSE 5.6 Nightcrawler. You will need to spend time in the backend, the tracker settings, set this up how you want. Also the link for the Peel can be set to any place you want to redirect it to internal or external. Now here is the funny part....
99% of all mods fixes, themes, the whole thing came right here from these threads. So any issues you have, simply look at the top of the page almost the middle between Community and Quick links there is a word there...."S....E.....A....R....C.....H"
I did not do much with this, the credit goes to all those that contributed the mods and fixes through out this forum, all I did was put it in one neat package, this thing is huge it is 37.2mb with over 5000 pages (around 5200 if I remember right) it can be cleaned up and made a little smaller. Has been tested on xampp, lamp, wamp, many different servers, and is in use now on maybe 10 sites. So enjoy and if you have any questions, ask developer/wolfman/abc


Also added the replacement takeupload.php, announce.php, and the benc.php, if your server is having issues with the ones in the script simply copy these to the right place and overwrite them.

flex-network 17th March 2012 06:55

Your Source Code Has Been Installed
Just go Here : :D

dj_otrov 23rd March 2012 22:30

Error upload.php
Документът е с изтекъл срок на валидност

Този документ вече не е наличен.

Исканият документ не е наличен в кеша на Firefox.Като мярка за безопасност, Firefox не изтегля наново сенситивни документи.Натиснете Опит отново за ново изтегляне на документа от сайта.

DAKz 24th March 2012 03:57

Por Que?

Bump: translated

Document has expired
This document is no longer available.

The requested document is not available in cache Firefox.Kato safety measure, Firefox does not download again Sensitive dokumenti.Natisnete Trying again downloads a new document from the site.

BVList translation....

Means your server went away lol

Marco 14th April 2012 19:45

no demo site? could you share with us a demo site? :)

DAKz 4th May 2012 09:09


Originally Posted by Marco (Post 34299)
no demo site? could you share with us a demo site? :)

Nope, this has been demo'd to death. It will install and run the same on localhost as it does live so install it localhost or live and make it work how you need it there then move it live.

SpEnSeR 16th May 2012 10:02

Nice work Mate.!!

Thanks a lot DAKZ! :ok:

RedDragon 18th May 2012 16:48

I have installed this Tracker but i'm getting an error

"Content Encoding Error

The page you are trying to view cannot be shown because it uses an invalid or unsupported form of compression."

please help me..!!



DAKz 23rd May 2012 22:40

install ioncube

MasterSource 24th May 2012 02:00


You must have ioncube installed, all the requirements for TSSE 5.6 Nightcrawler. You will need to spend time in the backend, the tracker settings, set this up how you want. Also the link for the Peel can be set to any place you want to redirect it to internal or external. Now here is the funny part....
99% of all mods fixes, themes, the whole thing came right here from these threads. So any issues you have, simply look at the top of the page almost the middle between Community and Quick links there is a word there...."S....E.....A....R....C.....H"
I did not do much with this, the credit goes to all those that contributed the mods and fixes through out this forum, all I did was put it in one neat package, this thing is huge it is 37.2mb with over 5000 pages (around 5200 if I remember right) it can be cleaned up and made a little smaller. Has been tested on xampp, lamp, wamp, many different servers, and is in use now on maybe 10 sites. So enjoy and if you have any questions, ask developer/wolfman/abc

If you of read the whole post you would have seen you needed ion cube.

x360zone 24th May 2012 07:26

have you gzip enabled?
have you xml compression for example on kloxo cp when this is enable pages get viewed with the error

sagarzz 7th June 2012 23:17

here is a live version..[]
there is an error in language.. even if the user chooses english the submenu remains in some other language..

DAKz 13th June 2012 08:14

change it.
Simple enough, some of the theme was taken from LATeams theme, just open up the file in notepad and translate it.
You can install another theme to make sure this is the issue, but I am pretty sure it is without going to look at your site.


johnbrakes 15th June 2012 00:38

Hello guys, how do I delete these 2 banners that I've marked in red in the picture? Thanks in advance for a solution.

x360zone 15th June 2012 07:33

delete the language files for the flags use only language you need
second is page peel check the folder

johnbrakes 15th June 2012 18:28

Sorry to bother you again, but could you be more precise, I understand that there is not much, thank you very much for your patience ...

steven2007 15th June 2012 19:48

for delete the image,go to index.php and search this
PHP Code:

<script src="peel/peel.js" type="text/javascript"></script> 

and delete this:cool::cool:

on my index iss the line 41

johnbrakes 16th June 2012 04:01

Thanks steven2007 :drink:, I solved the problem with your advice in the upper right of the picture but now what do I do to remove the flags on the header?

steven2007 16th June 2012 14:33

Go in folder include/language and delete all language folders with files which you do not need:cool::coffee::friend:

johnbrakes 16th June 2012 16:08

Thank you thank you thank you steven 2007 resolved, perfect! I have a problem with the plugin ajaxtorrent not appear to me the torrent of images loaded and when I click on the tab latest torrent I get an error page, how to fix this? Thank you for your patience. :drink:

steven2007 16th June 2012 16:30

1 Attachment(s)
Attachment 3742

the error in more browser says to you which is not correct!
either the path is missing oder' wrong or it finds the file not!
try this file

johnbrakes 17th June 2012 02:49

Ok solved the previous problem, but not xchè viewing pictures of the new torrent in the box that I've marked in red?

steven2007 18th June 2012 08:18

Do you also have a Torrent highly loaded?

johnbrakes 18th June 2012 13:49

Hello I solved the previous plugin now another problem this time with the shoutbox, I posted two pictures and I do not see how the icons will appear on the internet explorer and firefox, what happened? Thank you for your help.

steven2007 19th June 2012 09:54

Look in folder Shoutbox/outputinfo.php whether the correct path for the images iss

The correct path iss

PHP Code:



/*=========[TS Special Edition v.5.6]==========*/

/*=============[Special Thanks To]=============*/

/*        DrNet - wWw.SpecialCoders.CoM        */

/*          Vinson - wWw.Decode4u.CoM          */

/*    MrDecoder - wWw.Fearless-Releases.CoM    */

/*           Fynnon - wWw.BvList.CoM           */


define ('AS_VERSION''2.2.1 by xam');

define ('SKIP_LOCATION_SAVE'true);

define ('DEBUGMODE'false);

$rootpath './../';

define ('NcodeImageResizer'true);

$rootpath 'global.php';

  if (!
defined ('IN_SCRIPT_TSSEv56'))


    exit (
'<font face=\'verdana\' size=\'2\' color=\'darkred\'><b>Error!</b> Direct initialization of this file is not allowed.</font>');


dbconn ();

execcommand_pmmessage ($message '<div style="background: #FFECCE; border: 1px solid #EA5F00; padding-left: 5px;"><center>vous n avez plus acces a la shout! consulter votre message avant (<a href=messages.php target=_top>clic <img src="" ">

$forcemessage false)


    if ((
mysql_affected_rows () OR $forcemessage))






$is_mod is_mod ($usergroups);

  if ((!
$CURUSER OR $usergroups['canshout'] != 'yes'))


    exit (
'<div style="background: #FFECCE; border: 1px solid #EA5F00; padding-left: 5px;">' $lang->global['shouterror'] . '</div>');



$rootpath 'shoutbox/config.php';

$limit intval ($LIMIT_INDEX);

$extralink '';

  if (((isset (
$_GET['popupshoutbox']) AND $_GET['popupshoutbox'] == 'yes') AND $is_mod))


$limit intval ($LIMIT_POPUP);

$extralink '&popupshoutbox=yes';


$mod $str '';

$shout_query mysql_query ('' 'SELECT s.*, u.username, last_access, u.options, u.enabled, u.donor, u.leechwarn, u.warned,,, c.flagpic, g.namestyle FROM shoutbox s LEFT JOIN users u ON ( LEFT JOIN usergroups g ON (u.usergroup=g.gid) LEFT JOIN countries c ON ( ORDER BY DESC LIMIT 0,' $limit);

  while (
$shout_row mysql_fetch_assoc ($shout_query))


$date '[' my_datee ($timeformat$shout_row['date']) . ']';

    if (
$shout_row[userid] == $CURUSER[id] OR ($is_mod))


$mod '<a href="#" onClick="popup(\'shoutbox.php?do=edit&id=' intval ($shout_row['id']) . $extralink '\')"><img src="/images/edit.gif" title="Editer" border="0" width="14" height="14"></a>  <a href="#" onClick="popup(\'shoutbox.php?do=delete&id=' intval ($shout_row['id']) . $extralink '\')"><img src="/images/delete.gif" title="Effacer" border="0" width="16" height="16"></a>';



$mod '';


$avatars2 =  '<img src="/images/start.gif" width="50" height="50"/>';

    if (
preg_match_all ('' '#^{systemnotice}(.*)$#'$shout_row['content'], $MatchesPREG_SET_ORDER))


$str .= '' '<span class=\'subheader\'>' $avatars3 '' $avatars2 ' ' $date ' ' $mod ' - <b>' $lang->global['snotice'] . '</b> ' format_comment ($Matches[0][1], truefalse) . '</span>';





$pics = ($shout_row['donor'] == 'yes' '<img src="' $BASEURL '/' $pic_base_url 'star.gif" alt="' $lang->global['imgdonated'] . '" title="' $lang->global['imgdonated'] . '" border="0" style="vertical-align: middle; margin-center: 4pt; white-space: nowrap;" />' '');

      if (
$shout_row['enabled'] == 'yes')


$pics .= ($shout_row['leechwarn'] == 'yes' '<img src="' $BASEURL '/' $pic_base_url 'warned.gif" title="' $lang->global['imgwarned'] . '" alt="' $lang->global['imgwarned'] . '" border="0" style="vertical-align: middle; margin-center: 4pt; white-space: nowrap;" />' '') . ($shout_row['warned'] == 'yes' '<img src=\'' $BASEURL '/' $pic_base_url 'warned3.gif\' alt="' $lang->global['imgwarned'] . '" title="' $lang->global['imgwarned'] . '" border="0" style="vertical-align: middle; margin-center: 4pt; white-space: nowrap;" />' '');




$pics .= '<img src="' $BASEURL '/' $pic_base_url 'disabled.gif" alt="' $lang->global['disabled'] . '"  title="' $lang->global['disabled'] . '" border="0" style="vertical-align: middle; margin-center: 4pt; white-space: nowrap;" />



$dt get_date_time (gmtime () - TS_TIMEOUT);

$last_access $shout_row['last_access'];

      if (
$dt $last_access)


$onoffpic '<img src="/pic/friends/online.png" title="En Ligne" border="0">';




$onoffpic '<img src="/pic/friends/offline.png" title="Hors Ligne" border="0">';


$gender $shout_row['gender'];

$imagepath '' $BASEURL '/' $pic_base_url 'friends/';

  if (
preg_match ('#L1#is'$shout_row['options']))


$UserGender '<img src="' $imagepath 'Male.png" alt="Male" title="Male" border="0"  />';




    if (
preg_match ('#L2#is'$shout_row['options']))


$UserGender '<img src="' $imagepath 'Female.png" alt="Female" title="Female" border="0"  />';




$UserGender '<img src="' $imagepath 'NA.png" alt="--" title="--" border="0"  />';



$Userpm2 '' $shout_row[userid] . '';

$Userpm '<a href="' $BASEURL '/sendmessage.php?receiver=' $Userpm2 '" alt="Envoyer un MP a ce membre" title="Envoyer un MP a ce membre"><img src=/pic/pm.png></a> ';

$avatar3 =  '<img src="/pic/verified.gif" width="50" height="50"/>';;

$bimg2 = @mysql_fetch_array(@mysql_query("SELECT avatar FROM users WHERE id=$shout_row[userid]"));

$avatar htmlspecialchars($bimg2["avatar"]);

if (!
$avatar) {

$avatar "pic/default_avatar.gif";


    if (!

$avatar "".$BASEURL."/pic/default_avatar.gif";

$avatars =  '<img src="'.$avatar.'" width="50" height="50"/>';

$QueryF = @sql_query ('' 'SELECT COUNT(*) FROM messages WHERE receiver=' $CURUSER[id] . ' and unread=\'yes\'') OR sqlerr (__FILE__532);

$message mysql_fetch_row ($QueryF);

$unreadmail $message[0];

if (





$bimg3 = @mysql_fetch_array(@mysql_query("SELECT smilies FROM users WHERE id=$shout_row[userid]"));

$smiliies htmlspecialchars($bimg3["smilies"]);

$smiliess =  '<img src="'.$smiliies.'" width="30" height="30"/>';

$shouter_name '<a target="_blank" href="' ts_seo ($shout_row['userid'], $shout_row['username']) . '">' get_user_color ($shout_row['username'], $shout_row['namestyle']) . '</a> ' $pics;

$shout_content format_comment ($shout_row['content'], true );

$str .= '' '<span class=\'shoutbox\'>' $avatars ' ' $date ' ' $mod ' ' $onoffpic ' ' $UserGender ' ' $country ' ' $Userpm ' ' $shouter_name '  ' $smiliess ' - ' $shout_content '</span>';




header ('Expires: Sat, 1 Jan 2000 01:00:00 GMT');

header ('Last-Modified: ' gmdate ('D, d M Y H:i:s') . 'GMT');

header ('Cache-Control: no-cache, must-revalidate');

header ('Pragma: no-cache');

header ('' 'Content-type: text/html; charset=' $shoutboxcharset);



johnbrakes 19th June 2012 11:21

1 Attachment(s)
I do not understand where it could be the problem, the files look the same ... this is my outputinfo.php!


/*=========[TS Special Edition v.5.6]==========*/
/*=============[Special Thanks To]=============*/
/*        DrNet - wWw.SpecialCoders.CoM        */
/*          Vinson - wWw.Decode4u.CoM          */
/*    MrDecoder - wWw.Fearless-Releases.CoM    */
/*          Fynnon - wWw.BvList.CoM          */
  define ('AS_VERSION', '2.2.1 by xam');
  define ('SKIP_LOCATION_SAVE', true);
  define ('DEBUGMODE', false);
  $rootpath = './../';
  define ('NcodeImageResizer', true);
  require_once $rootpath . 'global.php';
  if (!defined ('IN_SCRIPT_TSSEv56'))
    exit ('Error! Direct initialization of this file is not allowed.');
  dbconn ();
 function execcommand_pmmessage ($message = '
vous n avez plus acces a la shout! consulter votre message avant (clic" ">
', $forcemessage = false)
    if ((mysql_affected_rows () OR $forcemessage))
      echo $message;
 $is_mod = is_mod ($usergroups);
  if ((!$CURUSER OR $usergroups['canshout'] != 'yes'))
    exit ('
' . $lang->global['shouterror'] . '
    return 1;
  require_once $rootpath . 'shoutbox/config.php';
  $limit = intval ($LIMIT_INDEX);
  $extralink = '';
  if (((isset ($_GET['popupshoutbox']) AND $_GET['popupshoutbox'] == 'yes') AND $is_mod))
    $limit = intval ($LIMIT_POPUP);
    $extralink = '&popupshoutbox=yes';
  $mod = $str = '';
 $shout_query = mysql_query ('' . 'SELECT s.*, u.username, last_access, u.options, u.enabled, u.donor, u.leechwarn, u.warned,,, c.flagpic, g.namestyle FROM shoutbox s LEFT JOIN users u ON ( LEFT JOIN usergroups g ON (u.usergroup=g.gid) LEFT JOIN countries c ON ( ORDER BY DESC LIMIT 0,' . $limit);
  while ($shout_row = mysql_fetch_assoc ($shout_query))
    $date = '[' . my_datee ($timeformat, $shout_row['date']) . ']';
    if ($shout_row[userid] == $CURUSER[id] OR ($is_mod))
      $mod = '  ';
    {  $mod = '';
$avatars2 =  '';
    if (preg_match_all ('' . '#^{systemnotice}(.*)$#', $shout_row['content'], $Matches, PREG_SET_ORDER))
          $str .= '' . '' . $avatars3 . '' . $avatars2 . ' ' . $date . ' ' . $mod . ' - ' . $lang->global['snotice'] . ' ' . format_comment ($Matches[0][1], true, false) . '';
      $pics = ($shout_row['donor'] == 'yes' ? '' . $lang->global['imgdonated'] . '' : '');
      if ($shout_row['enabled'] == 'yes')
        $pics .= ($shout_row['leechwarn'] == 'yes' ? '' . $lang->global['imgwarned'] . '' : '') . ($shout_row['warned'] == 'yes' ? '' . $lang->global['imgwarned'] . '' : '');
        $pics .= '' . $lang->global['disabled'] . '
  $dt = get_date_time (gmtime () - TS_TIMEOUT);
    $last_access = $shout_row['last_access'];
      if ($dt < $last_access)
        $onoffpic = '';
        $onoffpic = '';
      $gender = $shout_row['gender'];
  $imagepath = '' . $BASEURL . '/' . $pic_base_url . 'friends/';
  if (preg_match ('#L1#is', $shout_row['options']))
    $UserGender = 'Male';
    if (preg_match ('#L2#is', $shout_row['options']))
      $UserGender = 'Female';
      $UserGender = '--';
  $Userpm2 = '' . $shout_row[userid] . '';
 $Userpm = ' ';
 $avatar3 =  '';;
$bimg2 = @mysql_fetch_array(@mysql_query("SELECT avatar FROM users WHERE id=$shout_row[userid]"));
  $avatar = htmlspecialchars($bimg2["avatar"]);
if (!$avatar) {
$avatar = "pic/default_avatar.gif";
    if (!$avatar)
          $avatar = "".$BASEURL."/pic/default_avatar.gif";
          $avatars =  '';
 $QueryF = @sql_query ('' . 'SELECT COUNT(*) FROM messages WHERE receiver=' . $CURUSER[id] . ' and unread=\'yes\'') OR sqlerr (__FILE__, 532);
  $message = mysql_fetch_row ($QueryF);
  $unreadmail = $message[0];
if ($unreadmail){
  $bimg3 = @mysql_fetch_array(@mysql_query("SELECT smilies FROM users WHERE id=$shout_row[userid]"));
  $smiliies = htmlspecialchars($bimg3["smilies"]);
  $smiliess =  '';
      $shouter_name = '' . get_user_color ($shout_row['username'], $shout_row['namestyle']) . ' ' . $pics;
      $shout_content = format_comment ($shout_row['content'], true );
      $str .= '' . '' . $avatars . ' ' . $date . ' ' . $mod . ' ' . $onoffpic . ' ' . $UserGender . ' ' . $country . ' ' . $Userpm . ' ' . $shouter_name . '  ' . $smiliess . ' - ' . $shout_content . '';
  header ('Expires: Sat, 1 Jan 2000 01:00:00 GMT');
  header ('Last-Modified: ' . gmdate ('D, d M Y H:i:s') . 'GMT');
  header ('Cache-Control: no-cache, must-revalidate');
  header ('Pragma: no-cache');
  header ('' . 'Content-type: text/html; charset=' . $shoutboxcharset);
  echo $str;

steven2007 20th June 2012 08:16

Source turning on webserver or localhost with xampp??????

johnbrakes 20th June 2012 13:24

Is running at localhost with appserv, why?

djzoulox 20th June 2012 13:26

use tbdev instead of this crap :lol:

johnbrakes 24th June 2012 02:44

I fixed this by creating all trackers completely from scratch with template shares thanks to your advice, thanks! :drink:

DAKz 24th June 2012 23:23


Originally Posted by djzoulox (Post 35353)
use tbdev instead of this crap :lol:

tbdev is pure crap, anyone can hack it, so full of holes, not a new revision out for over 3 years and all the in house fighting over there, doubt if there ever will be. If someone took the time to go through the code and secure it, update it, then you would have a tracker, however there are many much newer sources available and with far less risks then this tbdev dinosaur edition. TSSE is a simple code to put up, fairly secure, and can simply be installed setup and ran with a minimum of staff and I know one site that has run this code for about 14 months now with no coder and the site has almost 60,000 users, so yes it works, installs easily, any issues usually indicate a lack of time spent in the back end setting it up correctly.

Bigjoos 24th June 2012 23:34

Tbdev produce a base source code, lastest decent one was 09, it was Xhtml valid and php error free and little in the way that could be exploited to any advantage. So when you say Tbdev is pure crap im sorry but you have no idea what you are talking about. All sources are derived from bytemonsoon/Tbsource/Tbdev so by your claim all codes are crap eh ?

Now i'll tell you what makes a code insecure or hack able - Assholes that come along and think there a big coder but really there are simple copy and paste merchants with no experience or knowledge at all, they post there crap and everyone falls into the copy paste trap no even checking the code they just added. So no DAKz your totally full of it, Tbdev is no crap, wannabee coders that know the square root of feck all, that like to talk the talk but cant walk the walk are the problem and what makes any source code " Crap ". I see year after year the same old shite, but none of you that slag off the origin can produce any better, funny that.

djzoulox 24th June 2012 23:38


Originally Posted by Bigjoos (Post 35428)
Tbdev produce a base source code, lastest decent one was 09, it was Xhtml valid and php error free and little in the way that could be exploited to any advantage. So when you say Tbdev is pure crap im sorry but you have no idea what you are talking about. All sources are derived from bytemonsoon/Tbsource/Tbdev so by your claim all codes are crap eh ?

Now i'll tell you what makes a code insecure or hack able - Assholes that come along and think there a big coder but really there are simple copy and paste merchants with no experience or knowledge at all, they post there crap and everyone falls into the copy paste trap no even checking the code they just added. So no DAKz your totally full of it, Tbdev is no crap, wannabee coders that know the square root of feck all are them problem and what makes code " Crap ".

can only agree and understand what you are telling Bigjoos ,
it's kinda like intel amd and xeon Intel and Xeon then you know what you get.
TBDEV you know what you have from scratch and what you can patch and code on it you can make the code out it for what you want.
and the copy paste can be a big mistake if you no nothing .you sadley see some sell exploited tbdev sources :muscle:

DAKz 25th June 2012 00:06

No not all source codes are based on tbdev, and the 2009 version is only a revision, and I have seen to many sites, and db's hacked to pieces since the exploits for this source can even be googled and found on youtube.
My biggest issue with tbdev is its age, and the in house fighting by its developers. You can disagree all you like fact is it is a 4 year old code since its last final release, there are no new releases coming at all. The advances in code security, caches, server technology, database security, image compression, have changed a lot since tbdev managed a final release. And of all people, a developer should know this, Bigjoos your code is very nice and you maintian it, so would you go 4-5 years without a release and expect your code to be useable in a server world that far down the road? I really doubt it. The truth to it, and it is very well documented throughout these forums, is that they (tbdev) chased away all their talent, they have posted their issues all over the place here, the fact of it is this simple, while they can argue and fight over who wrote what line of code, the truth is there are no new revisions, none on the way either, now you compare that to what joerobberts has developed, what you Bigjoos, has developed, and what optix has developed, (tell me his is tbdev based LOL) and many others here. Gazelle is only alive because of its c+ tracker backend, but facts are its a dinosaur as well. Now I won't get into a pissing match over this, facts are facts, the tbdev source is dead, its old, and from the looks of the numbers on the main page here you can see which source does well, and which ones don't.
I stand behind the guys that put so much effort into decoding and nulling the TSSE 5.6, not because of the original code, but for the basic rewrite of the entire code done by the people from bvlist. To that end I also promote the original work you have done, optix and joerobberts, along with the others. But I can not in good faith promote a code that we all know is faulty, flawed, slow, and unsecure, I can not give it more attention then its own developers will. As I stated, tbdev can be made into a good code, if your willing to go in and rework huge sectiosn of it. That does not appear to be the case anymore for would be tracker owners here, they simply want a drive by tracker they can hang, be secure, and have up and running in an hour, as developers you have addressed this in your code, as the other developers have as well.
Simply put, I stand behind my statements on my OPPINION of tbdev. If you do not like my OPPINION, then do not ask for it and a developer praising tbdev does that mean a lack of faith in his own code? Bigjoos, your code is very tight, your people skills in dealing with those that use it are not the best, but we can all see were you take it and address the issues, so now with all that said I will not knock your code, or the effort that the guys put into tsse 5.6, or zen tracker, or any of the other nice sources that are here, I appreciate the effort that all of you have put in to them,and if you do not like my opinions, simply do not ask for them.

Bigjoos 25th June 2012 00:08

Good reply - cant argue with that, just stating that the tools can be blamed when its the operators fault, but yeah interesting points.

djzoulox 25th June 2012 00:30

it's just kinda fun many danish trackers run with tbdev i know at least 10 danish trackers that run with tbdev only 1 ive seen been hacked .

and i see many us tbdev trackers as well its really realey i see a tracker today that dont have tbdev code i see few with gazelle as well but if i see some tracker with TSSE Crap i don't touch it we all have our oppenions


DAKz 25th June 2012 01:03

I have hosted, owned, and staffed at tbev sites, some of them are very large and well known, they usually as a rule do not tell you when they been hack, attacked, sql injections, etc. It would encourage others to do it.
As far as which site uses what, since there are millions of trackers all over the world, I would hate to guess who uses what. But the sad truth is simply that if you start a tracker you will piss someone off, it might be a tracker owner that his sysop left to come to your site, it might be an uploader with scene access, it might be that they fear the competition, whatever its a fact of trackers, the other fact of trackers is that when they attack (not if, but when) how will your server, and code handle it.
I have seen this code handle small botnet ddos attacks thanks to the php firewall, and the server side protection. This is one of the reasons why we say a million times, you can't run a tracker on a free host, if your happy with tbdev, great. If your a coder, even better, if you have several coders, then you hang it, then come back in 6 months and tell me how great tbdev is, but before you do, go though and look at all the changes that have been made in the code, and tell me how fantastic the original code is. I have some of the redesigns of the tbdev code that were used on funfiles, tts, TiP, etc they all started as tbdev, but when you go in and look at the code the only thing left of the original is the license. IT has been modded to suit that server, that owner, the coders, and the users.

x360zone 25th June 2012 07:40

shit D you swallowed a book lol

i see a few things

black is black white is white and the b@stard in the middles greyish lookin

we all have our own
i like bjs {not off bigjoo in person but the wife{and thats not bigjoos wife his source} , and yep we all knew tb would end like this
and well done to bj to carrying on a new better updated version so when you n00bs start asking about tbdev say sod it and u232

looking forward to a more colourfull future and alot more bjs i love you miss foxy:fire:

peiratikos 17th July 2012 20:25

That should this version for me is an ultimate version I wish not to have problems.

Thank you very much.

Bump: What the hell did you upload? This is not a bencoded file!
help pls

x360zone 21st July 2012 09:30

is this on external torrents or private is so on external try another or from another tracker to double check

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