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Optix 15th October 2011 13:56

Revision 36 is out !

- Fix account validation
- Great performances in upload list and news module (up to 42x faster)
- Cache manager : Separate caches for auth users and guests
- New Symfony update : 1.4.14 (which handle better performances in cache manager)
- Fix vote : when vote submitted, redirect to the upload detail
- Fix poll vote : redirect fixed
- New PM layout
- PM : you can now add an other member in current thread
- Cover detection : better results when guessing the cover of upload

Thread updated with the new attachment ;)

DAKz 26th October 2011 07:09

was just looking....
I was just looking through my server, because thats what I do when I get bored, anyhow I noticed that one of the addons for this particular server is the symfony framework. So now the question is, does the framework satisfy all the needs of the tracker, ie memchach zend etc. or is there packages added to the tracker part to make this work better.
I went to your site and tried to look around, but between not knowing french and this complete new design, I was lost. But it is good to see it in action. Congrats on the code your refining it down to a lean mean tracker I am watching this pretty close, not only for me, but for several other "interested" parties

Optix 26th October 2011 19:27


Originally Posted by DAKz (Post 30834)
So now the question is, does the framework satisfy all the needs of the tracker, ie memchach zend etc. or is there packages added to the tracker part to make this work better.

ZenTracker is using a lot of PHP libs because it's important to use them : as a developer you're saving a lot of time in code writting, testing and maintain in the future. A simple example : the pagination. I didn't wrote any code about that, because it's a lot of work from just render a few numbers ^^

That's why it's important to satisfy every extension that it needs. For example, CURL is used to test MegaUpload files, MemCache to store the ORM queries (database layer), etc. :coffee:

The only facultative thing is APC/eAccelerator/XCache : it's not needed if you're only testing it. But recommanded in production ;-)

Thanks for following the source :friend:

For people who don't bear the hover/timeout browsing, this weekend, an update will be available : people can choose between clic or hover/timeout.
Keep watching, the integration will be beautiful ! :ok:

patyex 28th October 2011 10:37

hey how it could be solved without memcached?

memcahe not give me no hosting


Optix 28th October 2011 12:57


Originally Posted by patyex (Post 30870)
hey how it could be solved without memcached?

memcahe not give me no hosting


ZenTracker is using Doctrine : it's the component which communicate between the platform and the database.

In the documentation, you can use 3 different cache drivers : memcache, apc or a little sqlite file (through DPO), stored on your ftp.

For you, the best way to do that is using a SQLite file :
- Open /apps/frontend/config/frontendConfiguration.class.php
- Modify the $cacheDriver variable with that :
PHP Code:

$cacheDriver = new Doctrine_Cache_Db(array('connection' => Doctrine_Manager::connection(new PDO('sqlite:/home/your_username/path/cache/doctrine.sq3')))); 

- Do the same modification on the backend's part.
- Reload index.php and enjoy :)

GhostKilla 13th November 2011 02:39

Super job Optix, bonne continuation sur ton lancement =)

Optix 13th November 2011 14:07


Originally Posted by GhostKilla (Post 31115)
Super job Optix, bonne continuation sur ton lancement =)

Merci beaucoup :)

Guys, new update !

Revision 38

- Windows 7 Jump List support (see screenshot below)
- Critical bug fixed : announce.php and scrape.php has been deleted. Apache consider these files prior considering htaccess
- Bug fixed in the bbcode editor : when changing color or size, system will reselect the default choice after adding tags
- Bug fixed in htaccess : sometimes, info_hash has a dot in GET request and bypass the symfony router (giving a 404 not found)
- Cache disabled by default in share module
- User (non-system generated) shouts are smaller (10-15px) in order to display more shouts with same screen resolution
- 3 last replies of the forum reported on the homepage

First post updated with the rev38 zip file :)

macc 1st December 2011 15:23

it promises a great future for this new vision of tk :drink:

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