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Eltan 25th October 2011 16:09

Oh... Was simple :x

Thanks for the fast answer :)

Bump: My next and last question, how and where can we set, enable or disable CrazyHours ?

Bump: Can someone please tell me where set minimum ratio to have permission to download torrents, and after how long under this ratio a member will be ban please :) ?

moon 27th October 2011 16:18

U-232 support xbt ?

Bigjoos 27th October 2011 20:05

One of my moderators has integrated xbt into V1 memcache code so yeah it can be done im sure he posted the mod on my forum, i have no wish to do so because i have just finished the announce.php on V3 which is now fully memcached and i also optimized the snatchlist to a point where i cant make it better, V1 run 20'000 + members and 56'000 + peers on his site with load averages at 0.20,0.17 nothing basically.... so yeah you get the picture and i can only imagine what a fully cached announce.php will achieve on peers and load. V3 has now got the full source code utilizing memcache and i redone every piece of caching on it updating it all to more efficient methods so main caches are set for a month at a time and only individual values updated within the cache when required, i redone cleanup and moved every single query to there own set times so never will it spike with loads of querys because every single clean event is staggered, it has had a complete recode, i swept every single file and checked stuff over and im still doing that on a daily basis. Im basically killing any stupid scripts that have bad coding and query calls, left joins in places where querys were very high if not joined, removed left joins from key querys and separated them to individual querys and cached them, i could go on and on but i wont.

daffy 28th October 2011 22:49

please, go on and on, you know you want to? haha

ffs mindless pleaseeeee, take a break, feet up, toke up, chill out mannnn lol

Ingvar 16th November 2011 19:45

when entering admin.php i get error

Notice: Undefined variable: bans in /home/websitename/public_html/include/bittorrent.php on line 112

Notice: Undefined variable: lang in /home/websitename/public_html/include/bittorrent.php on line 784

Warning: array_merge() [function.array-merge]: Argument #1 is not an array in /home/websitename/public_html/staffpanel.php on line 30

Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/websitename/public_html/include/bittorrent.php:112) in /home/websitename/public_html/templates/6/template.php on line 6

Any idea ?

Bigjoos 17th November 2011 00:53

You cannot enter admin.php - thats just a handler for tools, explain what your doing a little more and i may be able to say exactly what your doing wrong. Your using u-232 standard which was only a test release which has had no development since it was released plus it has no memcache so its a bloated pile of...., i suggest you use v2 or v3 when i release it, your post is far to vague for me to answer with any accuracy.

designtracker 23rd November 2011 14:51

Good Job :ok:

witter 24th November 2011 18:56

hello friends after install i have this messa. any idea ?

Memcache Extension not loaded.

x360zone 24th November 2011 19:09

you aint installed it proper setup the right exstention
then restart

wMan 25th November 2011 14:15


Originally Posted by x360zone (Post 31303)
you aint installed it proper setup the right exstention
then restart

ok xbox360 come on tell us how to do it as i know and would love you to tell us:drink:
what ill do is tell you
what is the cmd listening on port must be the same as above

And try this in ssh
ps auwx | grep memcache
it will tell you the port on both you will have to set to on both ports 11211

Damz 25th November 2011 18:32

how to change ?
how to change charset ? :muscle: UTF8 on iso 8859 2 :sos:

ajax 26th November 2011 14:09

Thank's about converting my theme for another source code.
Sharing is caring. :drink:

Bigjoos 7th December 2011 20:22

V3 has been released, for those wishing to use it then grab the download from my support forum and ensure you have the requirements set out for the code because i refuse to answer the same old questions a hundred times...the address is on the first post, i will update the public repo's soon on github.

Wilba 17th December 2011 14:20

Thanks, will check it out when i get some free time.. :drink:

rootKID 5th January 2012 14:28

nicely done bigjoos... im new and still learning... but this one is to understand pretty well after my experience... thanks dude ;)

Bump: Do i (NEED) memcached? and what is it?

can anyone tell me? i have tryed tryed and tryed for some time now and im lost... what is memcached? and can this be ran on a normal shared server from and if not... what shall i buy to get this to work?

Hope an answer soon mades.... :sos::wallbash::ok:

x360zone 14th February 2012 11:57

get yourself a vps mate its the only real way unless you can get your host to do it on your server which would be unlikely or in little rush to do so
for the price your paying for webhosting i can get vps lol

daffy 14th February 2012 12:34

vps is no good for this source, cant get root access to install memached and apc, host certainly wont do, also if you do get to install this on vps, you will also give access to memcace to all other users on that server (as it has to be installed to root). best bet is dedicated server or your pc lol but hey its only what iv tried and not succeded and also was told. so if you do manage to run on a vps with them extensions installed, please share how.

x360zone 14th February 2012 14:24

not true
ive used vps on this source and installed memcache myself and ran well DaKz also viewed the source it was for some one on here then it fell through

daffy 14th February 2012 18:57

mm yeah but you got to install it as root user dontt you? meaning all other users on the server will be able to gain access to it to wont they?

Bigjoos 14th February 2012 20:46


Its just a daemon running on your server - it uses ram to store data, so we use it any where a static sql query would normally hit the the database for every user on every single refresh, so what does it do next ?? Well simply uses ram to store say the data we requested from that sql query so one hit gets the query values then every other hit after that is served from cache, so its an obvious observation that in turn free's up major mysql resource on the tracker due to all you main hard hitting querys in use all over the source code using memcache : ) Memcached is another method and is more efficient because you can use multiget and other functions not available on memcache but thats no important to you.

Joe 18th February 2012 08:44

@rootKID I have this source istalled on a VPS an it works great.. Need help im am sure u can get people to help set it up for u ..

Its the best source Bigjoos every did :P

Just post here we will help yeah

System 5th April 2012 11:11

I installed Bigjoos-U-232 and gives me error on the login page:wallbash:

There seems to have been an error on this server. Please notify the webmaster of the site.

Bigjoos 5th April 2012 14:15

Well one thing is for certain, you will not find out what is wrong on your server by posting that, have you made any attempt yourself to search the forum it comes from because chances are its been answered over and over like most things, you do know you have a thing called error reporting which in turn if set up proper writes to the apache error log exactly what code is failing, faIling that if its sql related theres even a log folder for all those, now start again and set your server up properly, and if you wish to post a problem then do so and post whats wrong, i do not play guessing games, im not in control of your hardware, if you want guidance then do your part first. You are also using u-232 which was last developed years ago, i will not waste time supporting defunct versions, its on V3 now and clearly stated on the first page of this thread. So going by your level of detail, that vague description lol i can tell you straight away that's a http500 - Generic error message, your probably using Cent os, the header calls on template.php break, anyway like i said already im no guessing if you want to get on then get reading the forum it comes from.

rootKID 5th April 2012 19:04

yo big...
hey bigjoos... got a question...
and yeah, sounds silly... but why using mem-cache on your (V3)...

i mean, yeah, its good to have... but still.... many people (that i knew of), dont have money for a (VPS), but only shared accounts... (like me)... so they wont be able to have the latest version, but only up to V1... :/...

in anyway... here is my original question,

do you think in feature you could turn this off somehow for users that dont have me-cache and all that kinda stuff and do wonna play with your source?... could be greate as a start i think :cool:....

in anyway... hoping answers soon dude :).

Bigjoos 5th April 2012 19:20

The why is simple in my eyes, with memcache i can have a low spec server handle major load that a non memcache source code would instantly kill, if you do not have memcache then 26-30 static querys appear per user per refresh on homepage alone... V3 can refresh in 0 querys in homepage between expires so theres no comparisons to make, announce loads up and you get the knock on effect all over. I've been at this game for a while and i've studied a lot of methods and ideas; For years i have sat and watched the hits a " Modded up code " makes to a db without any cache in use, then watched with text based cache in use, now Im completely convinced memcache is the king and nobody will sway me on that, if facebook and other big sites did not employ it the servers would blow up, i looked over several systems like SMF, it detects if you have APC and memcache installed and runs the code accordingly.

To answer the question on a feature to turn it off, well its not as simple as that - i would have to create new classes no doubt and modify the full source code structure, at this stage no one has attempted what we have with U-232, none of that code was available of the shelf or from other sources, it had to be created from scratch using help from experienced coders and my own knowledge, if i see benefit and not much disruption to incorporate such a switch I'd go for it no doubt but first i have many others on the list to see out, so don't expect it overnight or straight away.

x360zone 5th April 2012 20:11

i agree with joe on this one it make no sense to go back to the dinosour erra

1: memcache is easy to install when you know how
2: theres many tutorials out there that work well
3: webhosting is nearly same price as a cheap vps, so your point makes no sense i sell from £4 and they run cheaper in the states for around $4

just installed on my spare vps 256 ram cheapest i sell took me about 20+minutes set memcached and to setup and install the site
nothing special only just installed to prove a point and if you dont know how to install it get someone who can

keep it up joos

zero9 5th April 2012 22:04

Why y u no add sphinx-search?

rootKID 6th April 2012 13:03

i see...
i see your point of view biggy...
just asked...
and 360... yeah, i knew about you selling the cheap VPS... but not all places are selling that cheap... you have to look some good places to have some good prices at hand...

and as far as i see it... then yeah, your servers are good and cheap...
so... no point of view here... just asked (-'_'-)

voidale 28th April 2012 14:04

Keep getting this error when I try to create my first user (Admin) using V3 version.

Please resubmit the form. Click HERE

I been trying to edit the cookie and baseurl here is my current settings

my domain:


$INSTALLER09['cookie_prefix']  = '';
$INSTALLER09['cookie_path']    = ''; 
$INSTALLER09['cookie_domain']  = '';
$INSTALLER09['domain'] = '';
$INSTALLER09['baseurl'] = 'http'.(isset($_SERVER['HTTPS']) && (bool)$_SERVER['HTTPS'] == true ? 's':'').'://'. $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'];


$INSTALLER09['baseurl'] = '';

Thanks a lot for your help! :)

Bigjoos 4th May 2012 19:04


Originally Posted by zero9 (Post 34191)
Why y u no add sphinx-search?

Working on it.

Bump: @zero9

Sphinx search is done;

EMPEREUR1 4th June 2012 02:13

Memcache Extension not loaded.

please help???

I use my own hosting home with ehcp on Ubuntu 10.10

x360zone 4th June 2012 07:09

then install memcache ext then lol

Phogo 4th June 2012 10:27


Originally Posted by EMPEREUR1 (Post 35104)
Memcache Extension not loaded.

please help???

I use my own hosting home with ehcp on Ubuntu 10.10

Use this guide:

EMPEREUR1 4th June 2012 16:14

Error Access Denied!

please help

xe84 9th June 2012 17:37

Where is the line
Hey. I have foloowed As soon as you install do not enter staffpanel until you make the first edit which is cache/staff_settings2.php - replace admin with your username. Create a new user on entry named System ensure its userid2 so you dont need to alter the autoshout function on include/user_functions.php.

But i cant find admin nowhere in the file.

This file created on Feb 27 2012 00:35:47.
Site Config staff mod by pdq/U-232.
$INSTALLER09['staff']['allowed'] = array('System' => 1,

Bigjoos 9th June 2012 20:08

PHP Code:

This file created on Feb 27 2012 00:35:47.
Site Config staff mod by pdq/U-232.
$INSTALLER09['staff']['allowed'] = array('Yourname' => 1'System' => 1);

Simple, try thinking out the box maybe, add your name to the array, how else is it going to work ?

xe84 9th June 2012 23:57

I hade a brain frezze before. Now its working as it should. I really more and more love this source :drink:

Bump: Hey guys. I was wondering about when you put the site offline:
Site is down for maintenance, please check back again later... thanks

How do you activate the site again ?

Joe 15th June 2012 05:55

@: xe84

first off if you use the admin control panel to take your site off line
Then you can turn it back online the same way

Make sure your files are chmoded 777 an the folder too ... seems to work for me

daffy 25th June 2012 17:07

rolling my spliff (V3)

takes minutes to install more than welcome to come take a look.

more than welcome to ciritise or whatever ye wanna do, any problems ye see please say, don't care wtf it is, if i know something is broken i can fix it. (try my best to anyway).

im high :relax:
mass respect to all coders/devs here and around. wassap

Username: guest
Pass: 12121212

underx 24th July 2012 18:11

thks for this amazing source !
got some problems:
1) when i attempt to create new user i got this error :
The ip is already in use. We only allow one account per ip address.

2) how can i change users class ? i create 2 users but no o ne is sysop :s

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