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cooly 13th September 2011 11:43

cool keep up the good work :)

JoeKkerr 13th September 2011 15:41

More Or Less Like TS SE...But Really Good Work Done...I Mean To Say THE BEST WORK DONE EVER :drink:

Just Need A Bit Of Good THemes

System 13th September 2011 20:46


Originally Posted by Bigjoos (Post 29954)
Sign up on my forum and you get access to all modifications and themes available, link is on first post.

I did account and after that I made a request... wait for almost 1 week,I did nothing.
now what to do? begging them .... is that source's phase on localhost and test modes, nor will it help me? Why is it a crime to put a source DHT ...
so you see that not too serious at least not all in fine .... Thanks for guidance:sad:

Bigjoos 14th September 2011 10:20

Are you totally arrogant and think the world owes you something, big deal you made a post and a week went past, do you think i/my friends have nothing better to do than run to every post made and assist.. tell ye what get bloody real, we do what we do for nothing in our own time yes our own free time, for fun so you just learn to accept you will get help when someone has time, since you know jack yourself that is not my problem nor will it ever be...

System 14th September 2011 11:35


Originally Posted by Bigjoos (Post 30025)
Are you totally arrogant and think the world owes you something, big deal you made a post and a week went past, do you think i/my friends have nothing better to do than run to every post made and assist.. tell ye what get bloody real, we do what we do for nothing in our own time yes our own free time, for fun so you just learn to accept you will get help when someone has time, since you know jack yourself that is not my problem nor will it ever be...

It's not as grateful but not even help you say yes or no
we must respect:friend:

Lolle 14th September 2011 17:10

I get this Error :sorry:


Notice:  Undefined variable: query1 in /home2/public_html/nitrotorrents/admin/usersearch.php on line 805
MySQL Error

There appears to be an error with the database.
                      You can try to refresh the page by clicking here                 

Bigjoos 15th September 2011 13:18

Undefined variable is simple


$query1 ='';
Define the empty scenario as required to patch the error however that wont fix it seeing that error above you posted, since i dont run those versions nor can i test those versions im afraid you'll do the work to figure it out its a default script from Tbdev so get it from there RAR, and i havint touched it so i aint fixing someones screw up cos i do enough of that on a daily basis, its no secret that i dont actively support the previous versions because active support is reserved for the latest V rev only which atm is V2 which has months left because im about to release a new version. Feel free to post it in my own support forum where you have the chance of someone helping you no matter the version, anywhere else your simply wasting your time.

Dobby2007 20th September 2011 12:57
is down? homepage fine but I'm trying to log in then it goes to error page?

daffy 20th September 2011 13:14

No, the domains have changed over now, i guess mind has been a lil busy to update links.

Support Forums:

Tracker Dev:

Dobby2007 20th September 2011 14:06

cheers daffy m8

FTWR 29th September 2011 07:37


MySQL Error
There appears to be an error with the database.
You can try to refresh the page by clicking here

How I can solve that? :(

Bigjoos 29th September 2011 10:38

WHy are you asking me - Its happened in your setup so why havint you went to the mysql error log in logs folder to see exactly what the mysql error is
i dont do guessing man : )

ironcross77 4th October 2011 15:24

blank page after install
Getting a blank page after install.

Installation went fine. I have install memcached and its showing up in phpinfo

GrImReApeR 4th October 2011 16:16


Originally Posted by FTWR (Post 30343)

MySQL Error
There appears to be an error with the database.
You can try to refresh the page by clicking here

How I can solve that? :(

your missing a sql somewhere id start looking there

wMan 4th October 2011 17:19


Originally Posted by GrImReApeR (Post 30454)
your missing a sql somewhere id start looking there

it be the config me thinks

Bigjoos 4th October 2011 20:13


Originally Posted by Bigjoos (Post 30347)
why havint you went to the mysql error log in logs folder to see exactly what the mysql error

If your getting a mysql error on install then its failed thats a no brainer- check the db it will probably be empty if its failing over at top of bittorent.php - first querys bans... bans table is inserted 2nd or 3rd or what ever on install- Anyhoo thats the deal either manually install the code or configure it correctly and simply think a little yourself and you'll be amazed what you can achieve, i dont load a code with all the tools for you to come back here and ask me to fix your problems.

ironcross77 5th October 2011 20:03

Hats off to bigjoos!!!!

This is the finest tracker source I have used

U-232 rocks !

Eargarly waiting for version 3.

wellqfk 11th October 2011 15:16

I get you sourse U-232-V1 from github.
Install corectly and after instalation get error:
Memcache Extension not loaded.

Please help me.


Optix 11th October 2011 15:17

In your server SSH console :

sudo apt-get install php5-memcache

daffy 11th October 2011 15:30


Originally Posted by wellqfk (Post 30594)
I get you sourse U-232-V1 from github.
Install corectly and after instalation get error:
Memcache Extension not loaded.

Please help me.


you have to install memcache as it states on first post. OR you can use V1 non memcahce, than you dont need install nothing. BUT if you are going to install memcache, then you may aswell grab V2


Originally Posted by wellqfk (Post 30594)
I get you sourse U-232-V1 from github.
Install corectly and after instalation get error:
Memcache Extension not loaded.

Please help me.


you have to install memcache as it states on first post. OR you can use V1 non memcahce, than you dont need install nothing. BUT if you are going to install memcache, then you may aswell grab V2

wellqfk 11th October 2011 16:00


Originally Posted by Optix (Post 30595)
In your server SSH console :

sudo apt-get install php5-memcache

Im using Cetoos 5.5
and yum not install memcache
yum respond: Nothing to do

im download and install from memcached-1.4.8 and

and webpage get same error:
Memcache Extension not loaded.

Optix 11th October 2011 16:03

Memcached is installed, but it's easy to forget the PHP extension

You can install it easily with yum :
yum install php-memcache
yum install php5-memcache

wellqfk 11th October 2011 16:35


Originally Posted by Optix (Post 30600)
Memcached is installed, but it's easy to forget the PHP extension

You can install it easily with yum :
yum install php-memcache
yum install php5-memcache

currect is: yum install php-pecl-memcache
intall and not work, same error

And problem:

Newer PHP versions don't have a --enable-memcache options; simply installing the PECL package will be enough... so to be absolutely clear, you WON'T have to recompile PHP to use memcache. That paragraph above seems like a bad case of earlier version documentation editing.

Optix 11th October 2011 16:48

Have you restarted Apache ?

wellqfk 11th October 2011 16:57


Originally Posted by Optix (Post 30603)
Have you restarted Apache ?

yes restarted and not work memcache
PHP versions 5.3 in php.ini don't have a --enable-memcache

wMan 12th October 2011 00:20

ok i put this on my server host and it keeps saying can not write to file it will not recognize the files any idear ?
config.sample.php install/extra/announce.sample.php

daffy 12th October 2011 00:23


Originally Posted by wolfman (Post 30630)
ok i put this on my server host and it keeps saying can not write to file it will not recognize the files any idear ?
config.sample.php install/extra/announce.sample.php

rename to config and announce.php put them in include, fill them in, chmod files, bobs ye uncle

wMan 12th October 2011 00:24


Originally Posted by daffy (Post 30631)
rename to config and announce.php put them in include, fill them in, chmod files, bobs ye uncle

thank u daffy

daffy 12th October 2011 00:26


Originally Posted by wolfman (Post 30632)
thank u daffy

no problem bud.... did i tell you i use to be a wearwolf? im alright nowwwwwwwwwww

wMan 12th October 2011 01:44


Originally Posted by daffy (Post 30633)
no problem bud.... did i tell you i use to be a wearwolf? im alright nowwwwwwwwwww


http error 404 in utorrant
says Visible no (dead) on details.php

ironcross77 12th October 2011 17:47


Originally Posted by wellqfk (Post 30607)
yes restarted and not work memcache
PHP versions 5.3 in php.ini don't have a --enable-memcache

First install memcache

yum install php5-memcache
Restart apache
Then start memcache with proper memory allocation.
Then install peckl and its memcache extension.
In your php.imo add:
extension equals
Restart Apache.
Check phpinfo() for memcache module.

I am typing this from my Android and can't seem to find the " equals" sign. Replace accordingly :)

daffy 12th October 2011 18:44


Originally Posted by wolfman (Post 30634)

http error 404 in utorrant
says Visible no (dead) on details.php

using latest V2 memcach with all corrected file permissions chmodded?
is utorrent telling you its banned as this source bans a few clients and versions.

wellqfk 13th October 2011 09:17


Originally Posted by wolfman (Post 30634)

http error 404 in utorrant
says Visible no (dead) on details.php

Open announce.php
and line:

////////////////// GLOBAL VARIABLES ////////////////////////////
$TBDEV['baseurl'] = 'http:/your site name';

replace to:
HTML Code:

////////////////// GLOBAL VARIABLES ////////////////////////////
$TBDEV['baseurl'] = 'http://your site name';

Delete torrent from tracker, and upload new. Work perfectly.


Originally Posted by ironcross77 (Post 30644)
First install memcache

yum install php5-memcache
Restart apache
Then start memcache with proper memory allocation.
Then install peckl and its memcache extension.
In your php.imo add:
extension equals
Restart Apache.
Check phpinfo() for memcache module.

I am typing this from my Android and can't seem to find the " equals" sign. Replace accordingly :)

im install php-memcache
not work, get error:

PHP Warning:  PHP Startup: memcache: Unable to initialize module
Module compiled with module API=20050922
PHP    compiled with module API=20090626
These options need to match
 in Unknown on line 0
Could not open input file: load

Most downgrade php to 5.2 version.
I downgrade and return

Bump: Im downgrade php to 5.2 and reinstall php-memcache.
All work perfectly.
But I have a problem, can not add staff members.
How to add here:

//== Add ALL staff names before you promote them
$INSTALLER09['staff']['allowed'] = array( 'System'    => 1,
                                          'Admin'    => 1);

define ('TBVERSION','U-232_V2');

Please help me.


Bigjoos 15th October 2011 12:22

So you add a new value to the array :

PHP Code:

//== Add ALL staff names before you promote them 
$INSTALLER09['staff']['allowed'] = array( 'System'    => 1,
/* your new additions */                                        
'newname'     => 1,
'newname'     => 1,
'newname'     => 1,
/* duplicate above */ 
'Admin'     => 1); 

Only adding :

PHP Code:

'newname'     => 1

After the comma on previous name, if last name in array no comma is used as per example.

Staff userid array :

PHP Code:

//==Add all your Staff ids
$INSTALLER09['allowed_staff']['id'] = array(1,2); 

By default Admin and Systems userids are added to allow you to install.

Staff userid's must be added before you promote them on site otherwise they will be disabled and demoted, add them in following format :

PHP Code:


Im sure you can work it out now : )

Azarus 19th October 2011 19:06

hello my config.php will not be transferred:sad:

Bigjoos 19th October 2011 20:07

Never heard of chmod, read the instructions again - it tells you exactly how to install and its a two minute job if done correctly. Chmod root and include folders to 777 so config and announce can be moved into correct location.. how on earth do you suppose that will happen if you dont chmod ? Thats basics man and if your struggling with install i hate to think what will happen when you need to work on the code, once done remember to chmod root to 750 or what it was before you begun.

daffy 19th October 2011 20:07


Originally Posted by Azarus (Post 30739)
hello my config.php will not be transferred:sad:

so go into install/Extras rename config.sample.php to config.php (place into include/ , open with text editor and edit to your needs) and same with annnounce.sample.php (place into root, open with editor and edit with your details)


this can happen if you do NOT chmod files before trying to install. (but can also be a server issue.)
i always install manual, easier that way for me.

Azarus 23rd October 2011 15:55

re help
thank you both

Eltan 25th October 2011 15:24

zzzzzzzzzzzz ... I must be fkin stupid, but I'm unable to change the default theme ...

Someone can please help me.

Thanks ;)

ddshow 25th October 2011 15:34


Originally Posted by Eltan (Post 30822)
zzzzzzzzzzzz ... I must be fkin stupid, but I'm unable to change the default theme ...

Someone can please help me.

Thanks ;)

in include/config.php edit

PHP Code:

$INSTALLER09['stylesheet'] = "1"

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