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smoky28 23rd March 2011 22:06

explain a little more abundant mir also think that in relation to a Smile?

hart 23rd March 2011 22:56


Originally Posted by smoky28 (Post 27307)
explain a little more abundant mir also think that in relation to a Smile?

exactly want to add more emotes button and that additional emoticons jump in new window

fireman 23rd March 2011 23:31

i believe this is what this user wants
i believe that the user is looking for this

but for 5.6

smoky28 24th March 2011 11:07


Originally Posted by hart (Post 27310)
exactly want to add more emotes button and that additional emoticons jump in new window

Smilis uplaod pic/smilis mapps go tracker sttetings go manage smilis

http://localhost/admin/settings.php -> Manage Smilies -> [Add a New Smilie] smilis name smilis id 0=shoutbox :drink:

hart 24th March 2011 11:12

The point here is can I use to add additional button with a popup from smilies

smoky28 24th March 2011 11:22

include/plugins/shoutbox.php upload gomb mapps

hart 24th March 2011 11:49

thanks very much, but a small problem as I click on the icon face is not following its notification to the sb and the window opens in another window and want to let the order they are opened in a separate smaller window, the council can?

smoky28 24th March 2011 15:57

1 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by hart (Post 27320)
thanks very much, but a small problem as I click on the icon face is not following its notification to the sb and the window opens in another window and want to let the order they are opened in a separate smaller window, the council can?

PHP Code:

*==========[TS Special Edition v.5.6]==========*
*              Special Thanks To               *
*        DrNet - wWw.SpecialCoders.CoM         *
*          Vinson - wWw.Decode4u.CoM           *
*    MrDecoder - wWw.Fearless-Releases.CoM     *
*           Fynnon - wWw.BvList.CoM            *
*   Note: Don't Modify Or Delete This Credit   *
*     Next Target: TS Special Edition v5.7     *
// Dont change for future reference.
if (!defined('TS_P_VERSION'))
define('TS_P_VERSION''1.1 by xam');
// Security Check.
if (!defined('IN_PLUGIN_SYSTEM'))
"<font face='verdana' size='2' color='darkred'><b>Error!</b> Direct initialization of this file is not allowed.</font>");

// BEGIN Plugin: Shoutbox
$rootpath.'/'.$cache.'/smilies.php'); // Load smilies.
$_shoutbox_smilies $smilies;
$_shoutbox_defaultsmilies $_shoutbox_smilies;
$_shoutbox_smilies '
<div style="display: none;" id="show_TSsmilies">
<table width="100%" border="0">
$count 0;
foreach (
$_shoutbox_defaultsmilies as $_shoutbox_code => $_shoutbox_url)
$_shoutbox_code addslashes($_shoutbox_code);
$_shoutbox_url addslashes($_shoutbox_url);
$_shoutbox_url htmlspecialchars_uni($_shoutbox_url);
    if (
$count 59)
$_shoutbox_smilies .= "<img src=\"{$BASEURL}/{$pic_base_url}smilies/{$_shoutbox_url}\"  class=\"Shighlightit\" alt=\"{$_shoutbox_code}\" onclick=\"SmileIT('{$_shoutbox_code}','shoutbox','shouter_comment');\" style=\"cursor: pointer;\">\n";
$_shoutbox_smilies .= '</tr></table></div>';
$shoutbox '
<!-- begin shoutbox -->
<style type="text/css">
        border: 1px solid #ccc;
        border: 1px solid navy;
        color: red; /* Dummy definition to overcome IE bug */
        font-size: 7pt;
        font-family: tahoma;
    #TSShoutbox a:link, #TSShoutbox a:visited {    
    #TSShoutbox a:hover, #TSShoutbox a:active {
    #TSShoutbox a:link span, #TSShoutbox a:visited span {
    #TSShoutbox a:hover span, #TSShoutbox a:active span {
    border:1px solid #444;
<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">
    var popupshoutbox = "no";        
    function show_hidden(WhatToShow)
        if (document.getElementByID)
            stdBrowser = true;
            stdBrowser = false;

        if (stdBrowser || navigator.appName != "Microsoft Internet Explorer")
            if (document.getElementById(WhatToShow).style.display == \'none\')
                document.getElementById(WhatToShow).style.display = \'block\';
                document.getElementById(WhatToShow).style.display = \'none\';
            if (document.all[WhatToShow].style.display == \'none\')
                document.all[WhatToShow].style.display = \'block\';
                document.all[WhatToShow].style.display = \'none\';
<a id="shoutbox"></a>
<form id="shout" name="shoutbox" onSubmit="saveData(); return false;">    
<table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="5" width="100%">    
<td align="left">
            <div id="loading-layer" name="loading-layer" style="float:right; display:none;"><img src="pic/codebuttons/loader.gif" border="0" class="inlineimg" /></div><center>
            <input maxlength="255" name="shouter_comment" type="text" id="shoutbox" size="110" />
            <img width=65  src="pic/codebuttons/boutonEnvoyer.gif" onClick="saveData(); return false;">
            <img value="Rafraichir" onclick="javascript:location.reload(true);" title="rafraichir" alt="rafraichir" src="/pic/refresh.gif">
            <img src="'
.$BASEURL.'/'.$pic_base_url.'whip.gif"  onclick="show_hidden(\'show_TSsmilies\');" class="button" />
            <img src="'
.$BASEURL.'/'.$pic_base_url.'color.gif" width="73" height="24" border="0" onclick="show_hidden(\'show_TScolors\');" class="button" /></center>
            <img src="" onclick="javascript: SmileIT(\'[b]Sziasztok![/b] :wave:\',\'shoutbox\',\'shoutbox\')" title="Sziasztok!">
            <img src="" onclick="javascript: SmileIT(\'[b]Szép napot mindenkinek![/b] :wave:\',\'shoutbox\',\'shoutbox\')" title="Szép napot mindenkinek!">
            <img src="" onclick="javascript: SmileIT(\'[b]Cigi szünet![/b] :cigar:\',\'shoutbox\',\'shoutbox\')" title="Cigi szünet!">
            <img src="" onclick="javascript: SmileIT(\'[b]Mennem kell, sziasztok![/b] :wavecry:\',\'shoutbox\',\'shoutbox\')" title="Mennem kell, sziasztok!">
            <img src="" onclick="javascript: SmileIT(\'[b]Mentem sziasztok![/b] :wavecry:\',\'shoutbox\',\'shoutbox\')" title="Mennem kell, sziasztok!">

            <a href="" title="Több smiley" target="_blank"><img src="" alt="" title="Több smiley"></a>



.($is_mod '<span id="adminarea" align="center">
            <img src="" onclick="javascript: SmileIT(\'[color=red][b]Moderálatlan megnyilvánulásért 1. figyelmeztetés![/b][/color]\',\'shoutbox\',\'shoutbox\')" value="modor 1">
            <img src="" onclick="javascript: SmileIT(\'[color=red][b]Moderálatlan megnyilvánulásért 2. figyelmeztetés![/b][/color]\',\'shoutbox\',\'shoutbox\')" value="modor 2">
            <img src="" onclick="javascript: SmileIT(\'[color=red][b]Moderálatlan megnyilvánulásért 3. figyelmeztetés!  Jutalmad: 2 hét WARN és üzenőfal tíltás![/b][/color]\',\'shoutbox\',\'shoutbox\')" value="modor 3">
            <img src="" onclick="javascript: SmileIT(\'[color=red][b]Az üzenőfal nem kunyerálásra van! 1. figyelmeztetés![/b][/color]\',\'shoutbox\',\'shoutbox\')" value="modor 1">
            <img src="" onclick="javascript: SmileIT(\'[color=red][b]Az üzenőfal nem kunyerálásra van! Olvass szabályzatot! 2. figyelmeztetés![/b][/color]\',\'shoutbox\',\'shoutbox\')" value="modor 1">
            <img src="" onclick="javascript: SmileIT(\'[color=red][b]Még mindig nem kunyerálásra van a fal! Szabályzat többszöri megszegéséért a jutalmad: 1 hét WARN! [/b][/color]\',\'shoutbox\',\'shoutbox\')" value="modor 1">
            <img src="" onclick="javascript: SmileIT(\'[color=red][b]Rossz helyen kértél! A kéréshez ott a kérések menü! 1. figyelmeztetés![/b][/color]\',\'shoutbox\',\'shoutbox\')" value="modor 1">
            <img src="" onclick="javascript: SmileIT(\'[color=red][b]Rossz helyen kértél! A kéréshez ott a kérések menü! 2. figyelmeztetés![/b][/color]\',\'shoutbox\',\'shoutbox\')" value="modor 1">
            <img src="" onclick="javascript: SmileIT(\'[color=red][b]Utoljára kértél rossz helyen! Jutalmad:  1 hét WARN![/b][/color]\',\'shoutbox\',\'shoutbox\')" value="modor 1">
            <img src="" onclick="javascript: SmileIT(\'[color=red][b]Etikátlan megnyilvánulásért 3 hét WARN[/b][/color]\',\'shoutbox\',\'shoutbox\')" value="modor 1">
            <img src="http://localhost/gomb/temaoff.gif" onclick="javascript: SmileIT(\'[color=red][b]Megkérek mindenkit, hogy a TÉMÁT azonnal fejezze be! Köszönöm![/b][/color]\',\'shoutbox\',\'shoutbox\')" value="modor 1">
            <img src="http://rlocalhost/gomb/ipbann.gif" onclick="javascript: SmileIT(\'[color=red][b]Folyamatos kihágásaid miatt TÍLTALAK az oldalról! [/b][/color]\',\'shoutbox\',\'shoutbox\')" value="modor 1"></center>
<center> <img src="http://localhost/gomb/kerdes.gif" title="Kvíz kérdés!" onclick="javascript: SmileIT(\'[kerdes] [/kerdes]\',\'shoutbox\',\'shoutbox\')" value="kérdés">
 <img src="http://localhost/gomb/megfejtes.gif" title="Helyes megfejtők!" onclick="javascript: SmileIT(\'[valasz] [/valasz]\',\'shoutbox\',\'shoutbox\')" value="modor 1">
  <img src="http://localhost/gomb/nyertes.gif" title="Végeredmény!" onclick="javascript: SmileIT(\'[nyertes] [/nyertes]\',\'shoutbox\',\'shoutbox\')" value="modor 1"></center>

<a href="#" onclick="\''
.$BASEURL.'/shoutbox/shoutbox.php?popupshoutbox=yes\',\'shoutbox\',\'toolbar=no, scrollbars=yes, resizable=no, width=880, height=400, top=250, left=250\'); return false;"><b>'.$lang->index['showlast'].'</b></a> - <a href="#" onclick="\''.$BASEURL.'/shoutbox/shoutbox.php?show_shoutbox_commands=yes\',\'shoutbox\',\'toolbar=no, scrollbars=yes, resizable=no, width=900, height=300, top=250, left=250\'); return false;"><b>Üzenőfali Parancsok </b></a><hr /></span>' '').'
            <span id="errorarea" align="left" class="smalltext" style="display: block;"></span>
            <span id="shoutbox_frame"></span>
<script type="text/javascript" src="./shoutbox/shoutbox.js?v='
<!-- end shoutbox -->'
// END Plugin: Shoutbox

gomb.rar upload ftp the root

Muikku 24th March 2011 22:18

where i can change that writing system in under shoutbox ??And can you do that gomb pic in enghlis??

Marco 24th March 2011 22:25

i don't know why but it's not shown anything for me

i use ts 5.6 Nightcrawler version

I made some modificiations and work now for me too
but i miss some pictures:) maybe you put here those too:)

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