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Optix 2nd October 2011 20:54

It's in english by default ;)

cooly 2nd October 2011 23:41


Originally Posted by Optix (Post 30405)
Thanks cooly, it's done !

SVN rev30 : Blocks in sidebar are collapsible now and the browser remembers which blocks are closed by using localStorage (HTML5). :ok:

That's spot on m8 nice one :)

DAKz 3rd October 2011 02:15

wow amazing
14 revisions in 24 hours, unreal.

Optix 3rd October 2011 08:33

I've been very busy this weekend :whistle:

Bump: Revision 33 :
- Added 2 more tests (CURL & GD2) in install.php
- Fixed routing issue in backend
- Fixed "unknown function format_date()" by calling Date helper

cooly 7th October 2011 00:58


Originally Posted by DAKz (Post 30428)
14 revisions in 24 hours, unreal.

Agreed fast work. Wish I knew OOP but that's for another day ;)

daffy 7th October 2011 03:38

1 Attachment(s)
2 secs to install
still some english to translate, what do i change if this is in a sub directory for images to show.....
i have few errors but i believe its because i need to install some apache mods for it

Optix 7th October 2011 09:55

@daffy :
You need to set two variables (app_host_*) with your current hostname. It is set to localhost by default in /apps/frontend/config/app.yml

These variables allows you to parallelize downloads across hostnames and load the website as fastest as you can, because your browser will fetch HTML and images from 3 domains, so 3x faster. You can check that ZenTracker scores the "A" grade on GTMetrix (PageSpeed).

You can set it to your current domain or on different subdomains for reach the same DocumentRoot.

Don't forget to clean the cache after editing :) (delete /cache/ contents).

@cooly : this week i've made a lot of refactoring to reduce code lines with the same features.
Every view file will have only objects and no more arrays which are not flexible at all :)
I will upgraded the Symfony framework : the new version (1.4.14) has many improvements about performances from the cache manager :D
So this time, no bug fix, no features, but a very efficient code for the developers :)

daffy 7th October 2011 13:07

thanks bud, just had to change

host_uploads: localhost
host_cdn: localhost


host_uploads: mydomain/zen/web
host_cdn: mydomain/zen/web

and clear my cache.
and all is well upto now, i still need to ad some mod to apache for this, it was late lastnight and i was to high to mess with apache lol

alot admim panel dont work

Optix 11th October 2011 01:07


Originally Posted by daffy (Post 30494)
alot admim panel dont work

Check :
- DocumentRoot set to /web/ (very important)
- AllowOverride (httpd.conf or apache2.conf) on "All"

Optix 11th October 2011 01:14

UPDATE : Revision 34
Hi guys !:drink:

So many days have left without news, but a lot of work has been done ! :muscle:

First, I want to thank every member who support me and telling me how cool and awesome job I do in this platform. :ok:

- New user profile layout : uploads are displayed like as an iOS device and the ratio of the member is showed

- Registrations : they are handle by sfForm, so it validates alone the form and unicity of information (less code in "Membre" module)

- Registrations : 2 variables allows you to open/close registrations and the needing of a mail confirmation (into "app.yml" config file)

- Registrations : two versions of mail are sent (HTML & text) with differents templates. The text's one has been deleted and to render it, we're taking now the HTML version with a strip_tags(). The template consider the right host now.

- Members : less code in the login process

- Members : IP checking is done once per session and not once each page viewed

- Members : usernames & avatars are given from the model which anonymize these datas when the user isn't auth (less code in templates)

- Sharing module : less code avoiding arrays for the profit of objects (more flexible)

- Sharing module : on index, the module loads only 900 chars from the description, enought from the system to fetch the cover inside it. Less memory footprint and better Memcache hitrate

- Sharing module (cover scanner) : it returns a better result when no image with a good ratio is found (ratio used by movies cover)

- Sharing module : on index, stars are taking in consideration the number of completed, comments and votes, to report a more accurate indicator of an upload popularity

- Sidebar : categories are fetching the right count of uploads (only torrents where fetched, not megaupload)

- Sidebar : with the benefit of i18n, using the right culture's syntax for formatting numbers and currencies

- Sidebar : every member connected are displayed, even they haven't an avatar

- CSS : some look&feel improvements on buttons

- Demo in production : guests can view uploads without registration to try the browsing experience of ZT

WARNING : Users who run ZT in production : set an exception on ".yml" files (these are config files !) to avoid the reset of these files. :fire:

For updating, it's a simple command : svn update

Details :

Enjoy :) :ok:

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