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zenja7777 30th August 2008 19:01


Originally Posted by sahintan33 (Post 3841)
TS special edition work free site ??? do you know free hosting?

TS special edition work works on a paid hosting:relax:

Slatkis 30th August 2008 22:32


what is wrong when I download torrent I have DOWN:0.00KB

sahintan33 31st August 2008 12:31


Originally Posted by zenja7777 (Post 3844)
TS special edition work works on a paid hosting:relax:

hımm ok thanks zanja

ArturK 31st August 2008 12:44

no it wont work

madmann78 31st August 2008 15:33

Thanks for the CODE .. :)

johnsmith24 1st September 2008 17:55

An Yes it does Work on free hosting i use Bytehost an everything works fine for me....

I do have one problem i can not get my forums to show when i create a forum i can not see it on the forum index page.... Can Someone help me please Thank you.....

Ashur 2nd September 2008 21:31

you need to enable it through tracker settings

johnsmith24 2nd September 2008 22:54

Ok i got the forums to work i was not thinking like a dumb A$$.. But i am having a bigger problem now that i cant fix i have search the forums an every thing... When i download my torrent to seed it it is giving me this error

Tracker Status---> Tracker sending invalid data

jernej1 4th September 2008 22:16

Not working.

An error has occured!


Script Error! (SE-I). TS SE is not installed correctly. Please contact us to fix this issue.
Write me this on all sides expert for index.php


zenja7777 5th September 2008 00:06


Originally Posted by jernej1 (Post 3943)
Not working.

An error has occured!


Script Error! (SE-I). TS SE is not installed correctly. Please contact us to fix this issue.
Write me this on all sides expert for index.php


The hosting should support a script ssi:sleep:

mhmd_1983 5th September 2008 02:48

Hi ,

First many thanks to mrdecoder

Now, i don't know what's wrong with TS , it show all user as not connectable even seedbox with utorrent !!

I've a port forward correctly and disabled dl/ul prevention from tracker setting, but still i can't connect to any peer !!

has anyone faced this before and how to fix it ?

Ashur 8th September 2008 15:50

Use port larger than 50000
also allow encrypted packs

GaBoNtZ 9th September 2008 06:56

"What's going on?" is not working
the "What's going on?" is not working starting from v.5.0
the "Most users ever online was" part is not working.
anyone could fix this?

Krypto 9th September 2008 08:16

From what I remember you need to alter the cache/onlinestats.php file and just change the value of most online to zero then it will start working.

GaBoNtZ 9th September 2008 16:39


Originally Posted by Krypto (Post 4077)
From what I remember you need to alter the cache/onlinestats.php file and just change the value of most online to zero then it will start working.

well, i'we done that right after i posted here and worked but i didn't have time to write again because i had to go to work :P

ty anyway.

!! SOLVED !!

mhmd_1983 10th September 2008 05:07

Krypto ,have you fixed the search cloud issue , I can't get it to display all words !!

Krypto 10th September 2008 08:11


Originally Posted by mhmd_1983 (Post 4100)
Krypto ,have you fixed the search cloud issue , I can't get it to display all words !!

I've not managed to get that part working yet, if I do I will post it here.

zenja7777 10th September 2008 14:58

Feedback does not consider statistics
Good afternoon at me a problem such the user distributes and the rating and feedback does not consider statistics too not correctly, Help with what there can be a business?:sos::wallbash::wallbash::wallbash:

skygate 10th September 2008 21:17

TS SE v5.1 - integrating with mybb v1.4.1
For those of you using TS SE v5.1 - you will notice that it has an integrated forums.

This is great ... because we have a seamless way of 'sharing' the members of the tracker with the forum community ... we can also access the forum stats ... report the tracker stats in the member's forum profiles , etc, etc ... all good stuff ...

... so why do you want to remove the built-in forums? is the question you probably asking ...

... simple answer is because they are 'crap' ... there is very little management and not well suited for a large forums community ... and most importantly ... no upgrade path ...

... a stand alone 'forums' integrated with the database and header / footer of main site would be just enough to allow the ability to run VERY large communities ... something the current system is most likely not best suited to do ...

... ok enough of the 'sales' talk ...

.. the question is has anyone done any work on this ?

.. the previous version of TS SE which had an integrated mybb was 3.xx I believe ... this was good and its a pity the developer of TS SE v5.1 decided to 'rip' the code from mybb and provide what I consider a really bad 'hack' - to claim their 'own' ... instead of just leaving the mybb intact so that it can be easily upgraded and maintained ..

.. the structure of TS SE v5.1 is different to the 3.xx series ... so its not simply a matter of using same code to 'put-back' the mybb forum into TS SE v5.1 ...

.. if anyone had already started on this and has code ... this would be welcomed ...

... I want to complete this ... and at this stage .. before starting from the beginning ... would like to ask id others have done this already and would like to share?

... if not ... then we just have to take it slowly .. and write the code ;)


cobrabm 11th September 2008 01:03

this source is not complete decoded
this source is not complete decoded i m have a big problem all my websites is hacked index.htm look here

FAT 11th September 2008 08:53

Hi there..
Im am running v 3.1 for one year now and i was searching for a long time for something like this :)
Is it possible to uprade without lossing users?
is this version really nulled so i can use it without problems?


Ashur 12th September 2008 17:19


Originally Posted by FAT (Post 4118)
Hi there..
Im am running v 3.1 for one year now and i was searching for a long time for something like this :)
Is it possible to uprade without lossing users?
is this version really nulled so i can use it without problems?


I did it but it's not that easy, i had to modify table structures of torrents and users tables to make it working also somehow many users had no names so i went fast edit each one so name shows up again!!! so it's possible but you might face some difficulties and I'm not willing to write up a tutorial because I think there are other methods that worked better than mine

however be warned if you upgrade you'll some functions as you gain other functions
the most important function is SCRAPE which allow users to Queue Seed torrents in 4.3 and 5.1 didn't work for me at all
also you'll lose all MyBB forums posts unless you spend some time and try to recover that!!!
Also mybb forums is way better than ts_forums on 4.3 and 5.1!!!
also some of the torrents might not function properly too and will give invalid data scrape error

what you gain is, a better working Bonus system not limited to 1000 points, cleaner and wider look (which you can do anyways on 3.1 if you mess with style.css)
better leech cheat detecting systems, able to add extra usergroups, and more

to tell you the truth stay with 3.1 and forget about switching to 4.3 or 5.1
the only reason i switched some sites to 4.3 was for the multi-language support as you can dump different languages on the site which was requested by the owner of the site
also 3.1 works way faster and require less resources!!!

mrdecoder 14th September 2008 13:19

ts 5.1

Originally Posted by cobrabm (Post 4113)
this source is not complete decoded i m have a big problem all my websites is hacked index.htm look here

hi i think you downloaded a wrong one
the file you can do this with is locked by myself

md5 hash is changed
so if its hacked then im sure you did not download it from here
or you have one of the old versions and not the fixed one

pleases send me a pm with a lil bit more info and ill see what i can do for you

greets from mrdecoder

franzzco 17th September 2008 19:36

Hello, I download the file of the first post but gives me this error when trying to upload a torrent
Site error: the file H:\AppServ\www\ts51f2\include\benc.php requires the ionCube PHP Loader ioncube_loader_win_4.4.dll to be installed by the site administrator.

I get off to another page also version 5.1 and benq.php (decoded) is that sends me this error on page

"What the hell did you upload? This is not a bencoded file!"

What can I do?.

Sorry, I watched the post but did not find it.


Krypto 17th September 2008 20:02

The easiest way would be to install ioncube then it will work.

I've never been able to get the decoded benc.php file to work.

franzzco 17th September 2008 20:07

Thank you, and install it at local levels. If my server on the Internet does not have the ioncube not going to work?.

spike 18th September 2008 14:10


Piggy 19th September 2008 16:49

Thank you and thank you and f**k you..
I'm looking down this long list of forum posts and seeing several issues;

Some people with no appreciation for the fact that it's FREE
Complaints that it's not working properly - it's FREE people - do some work and figure some of it out.
TS SE inherently has bugs - it's a fact. I've heard nothing but complaints from people who have paid for this.

For example: The search cloud doesn't work properly, users showing as unconnectable (this can also be causes by your hosting company, particularly on free and VPS hosts), stats being inaccurate and so on.

A big thank you for decoding this, mrdecoder. My partner's biggest beef with this was that he couldn't look at the code and make changes if he wanted to. It's suppose to be a template - yet it's a template you can't edit? WTF..

My honest opinion, having listening to what my other half has had to say, is to stay away from TS SE - use TBDev, or BtiT/XBti, Torrent Trader - anything but this. It's a nightmare to administer at the best of times, it's so fussy and picky. It's worse than a hormonal teenager.

Again, thank you to everyone who has taken the time to help the project along. To those of you who are here to whine about it not working, grow up, put some research and effort in, and you might fall lucky. If you want support, you could always pay for it............


mhmd_1983 19th September 2008 19:14


Originally Posted by Piggy (Post 4293)
I'm looking down this long list of forum posts and seeing several issues;

Some people with no appreciation for the fact that it's FREE
Complaints that it's not working properly - it's FREE people - do some work and figure some of it out.
TS SE inherently has bugs - it's a fact. I've heard nothing but complaints from people who have paid for this.

with all the respect to your opinion piggy , but some people can't do php or even html !! it's a fact u can't ignore also a forum is a place to ask and have answers, help others

I know some people doesn't even deserve to be a member in a forum not a webmaster with their own sites , but u and i and everyone here enjoy solving problems for other people , i'm sure mrdecoder also luv that

so don't get angry because of that as long as there's some people just like u ;)

xuzo 20th September 2008 22:39

After having a look through the code, let me just say that I feel very, very sorry for the people that actually pays for this. Sure it got some nice functions and stuff, but it's just so bad coded/implemented, and the overall script it's so bloated with unnecessary stuff and duplicated code. It's just not worth it. After seeing the changelog for 5.3, I sincerly hope he has done whats written there, for in the past xam has clearly has no idea what optimization/improving is.

Thanks for decoding, so we all can know the truth about xam's so called "optimized" and "good" script(s). This is not the trackerscript for someone that wants a LARGE tracker.
Your are probably better off with a clean tbdev version or the new tracker code Gazelle (not very fund of this either, but the code should be better over time).

I think I will stay with my own tracker frontend in the near future also. :matrix:

I hate ranting.

theway 21st September 2008 00:06


Originally Posted by GaBoNtZ (Post 3326)
extract and upload the folder "ioncube" in the wwwroot or if you have the tracker installed in a subfolder, put it there.

hi i still can't uplode i put the ioncube fold in my web directli just like this Index of /ioncube
but i still can't uplode please can you help me.
and thank you mrdecoder
sorry for my bad ENG


Originally Posted by GaBoNtZ (Post 3326)
extract and upload the folder "ioncube" in the wwwroot or if you have the tracker installed in a subfolder, put it there.

where well i put the ioncube in my site
please help i can't uplode a torrent

Krypto 21st September 2008 16:04

EG. If your using apache2triad you need to add this to your php.ini file, which is located in the windows directory, add to to the other zend items.

This also assumes that you have the ioncube foilder in your htdocs directory.

zend_extension_ts = C:\apache2triad\htdocs\ioncube\ioncube_loader_win_ 5.1.dll

theway 21st September 2008 19:21

Hi allso im jusing a server to have my web in is web hostning anyway, i know where my php.ini are but i cant reach it and it's in /hsphere/local/config/httpd/php5/php.ini and i can't accecc it so I don't know what to do right now is there no other way to fix this problem please help. sorry for my bad ENG

dusco 24th September 2008 01:09

Hey guy's love this script but i got a problem with seeding... When I uploaded a torrent file to test I get http error 406 in utorrent any ideas?


underx 25th September 2008 18:28

please how to remove pincode ??


Originally Posted by Krypto (Post 3627)
When you first install the tracker it only creates the Pin Code for the Trackers Settings and not the Staff Panel, do the below:-

Staff Menu / Tracker Settings


Enter your new pincode (For settings panel)
Re-enter your new pincode (For settings panel)
Enter your new pincode (For staff panel)
Re-enter your new pincode (For staff panel)

I did the same thing (I set a new pincode for staff panel) but when I try to access I got "Invalid Pincode"

lilian 26th September 2008 11:09

Help my plizzz users and uploaders can not upload images in uploads.php
sory a i im bad english

theway 27th September 2008 00:54

TS SE v5.1 Nulled by mrdecoder uploder
i hade the same problem and i thought that the problem was in the script but i hade it all wrong and i found out that the problem was in my server so if you want to make work so i think that you have to chang your server and reg in anthor one look and see mine if you wont to :: Welcome to hop you make it work. by the way i do want a others ts templates for my script do you guys know where i can find it.
and by the way thankyou mrdecoder your are the best :hi:
sorry for my bad eng

Fastlane 2nd October 2008 04:24

Well I tried this puppy out
With some small work finally got It running smooth :)

Some Small errors that reading didn't get me fixed

Thanks Mrdecoder

empereur 3rd October 2008 14:12

requires the ionCube PHP
Site error: the file C:\xampp\htdocs\nouveau\include\benc.php requires the ionCube PHP Loader ioncube_loader_win_5.2.dll to be installed by the site administrator.

empereur 4th October 2008 13:48

ts 5.1 language French ????
I search the language French thank you ts 5.1

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