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Bigjoos 29th July 2011 23:54

And there is your first mistake, why are you renaming those 2 files, the install script does that for you and places them into the correct locations if the instruction of chmod is followed, Make your mind up you either use the install script or you do it manually, you certaintly dont make it up as you go along and if you read the install instructions no where does it tell you the steps you have just described above which is a mix of using the install script and manually doing it ?? what do you expect man, so try again and follow the instructions carefully.

dada83 3rd August 2011 16:35

hi all
PHP Code:

 *   Licence Info: GPL
 *   Copyright (C) 2010 BTDev Installer v.1
 *   A bittorrent tracker source based on
 *   Project Leaders: Mindless,putyn.
/* Compare php version for date/time stuff etc! */
if (version_compare(PHP_VERSION"5.1.0RC1"">="))
$TBDEV['time_adjust'] =  0;
$TBDEV['time_offset'] = '0'
$TBDEV['time_use_relative'] = 1;
$TBDEV['time_use_relative_format'] = '{--}, h:i A';
$TBDEV['time_joined'] = 'j-F y';
$TBDEV['time_short'] = 'jS F Y - h:i A';
$TBDEV['time_long'] = 'M j Y, h:i A';
$TBDEV['time_tiny'] = '';
$TBDEV['time_date'] = '';
// DB setup
$TBDEV['mysql_host'] = '';
$TBDEV['mysql_user'] = '';
$TBDEV['mysql_pass'] = '';
$TBDEV['mysql_db']   = '';
// Cookie setup
$TBDEV['cookie_prefix']  = ''// This allows you to have multiple trackers, eg for demos, testing etc.
$TBDEV['cookie_path']    = '';   // ATTENTION: You should never need this unless the above applies eg: /tbdev
$TBDEV['cookie_domain']  = ''// set to eg: or is subdomain set to:
$TBDEV['site_online'] = 1;
$TBDEV['tracker_post_key'] = 'lsdflksfda4545frwe35@kk';
$TBDEV['max_torrent_size'] = 1000000;
$TBDEV['announce_interval'] = 60 30;
$TBDEV['signup_timeout'] = 86400 3;
$TBDEV['autoclean_interval'] = 900;
$TBDEV['autoslowclean_interval'] = 28800;
$TBDEV['autoslowclean_interval2'] = 57600;
$TBDEV['optimizedb_interval'] = 172800;
$TBDEV['minvotes'] = 1;
$TBDEV['max_dead_torrent_time'] = 3600;
$TBDEV['language'] = 'en';
$TBDEV['user_ratios'] = 1;
$TBDEV['bot_id'] = 2;
$TBDEV['coins'] = false;
$TBDEV['forums_online'] = 1;
$TBDEV['forums_autoshout_on'] = 1;
$TBDEV['forums_seedbonus_on'] = 1;
$TBDEV['maxsublength'] = 100
//latest posts limit
$TBDEV['latest_posts_limit'] = 5//query limit for latest forum posts on index
/** settings **/
$TBDEV['reports']      = 1;// 1/0 on/off
$TBDEV['karma']        = 1;// 1/0 on/off
$TBDEV['textbbcode']   = 1;// 1/0 on/off
$TBDEV['max_slots'] = 1// 1=On 0=Off
$TBDEV['user_slots'] = 20;
$TBDEV['p_user_slots'] = 30;
$TBDEV['user_ratio1_slots'] = 2;
$TBDEV['user_ratio2_slots'] = 3;
$TBDEV['user_ratio3_slots'] = 5;
$TBDEV['user_ratio4_slots'] = 10;
// Max users on site
$TBDEV['maxusers'] = 5000// LoL Who we kiddin' here?
$TBDEV['invites'] = 3500// LoL Who we kiddin' here?
$TBDEV['openreg'] = true//==true=open, false = closed
$TBDEV['failedlogins'] = 99// Maximum failed logins before ip ban
$TBDEV['flood_time'] = 900//comment/forum/pm flood limit
$TBDEV['readpost_expiry'] = 14*86400// 14 days
$TBDEV['expires']['latestuser'] = 0// 0 = infinite
/** define dirs **/
$TBDEV["cache"] = ROOT_DIR.'cache';
$TBDEV['dictbreaker'] = ROOT_DIR.'dictbreaker';
$TBDEV['torrent_dir'] = ROOT_DIR.'torrents'# must be writable for httpd user   
$TBDEV['bucket_dir'] = ROOT_DIR .'bitbucket'# must be writable for httpd user 
$TBDEV['flood_file'] = INCL_DIR.'settings'.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'limitfile.txt';
$TBDEV['nameblacklist'] = ROOT_DIR.'/cache/nameblacklist.txt';
# the first one will be displayed on the pages
$TBDEV['announce_urls'] = array();
$TBDEV['announce_urls'][] = 'http://localhost';
//$TBDEV['announce_urls'][] = "https://yoursite/announce.php";
//$TBDEV['announce_urls'] = "http://localhost:2710/announce";
//$TBDEV['announce_urls'] = "";
if ($_SERVER["HTTP_HOST"] == "")
$TBDEV['baseurl'] = "" $_SERVER["HTTP_HOST"];
$host = getenv( 'SERVER_NAME' );
$script = getenv( 'SCRIPT_NAME' );
$script = str_replace( "\\", "/", $script );

  if( $host AND $script )
    $script = str_replace( '/index.php', '', $script );

    $TBDEV['baseurl'] = "http://{$host}{$script}";
// Email for sender/return path.
$TBDEV['site_email'] = '';
$TBDEV['site_name'] = 'Boudhaa U232';
$TBDEV['language'] = 'en';
$TBDEV['msg_alert'] = 1// saves a query when off
$TBDEV['report_alert'] = 1// saves a query when off
$TBDEV['staffmsg_alert'] = 1// saves a query when off
$TBDEV['uploadapp_alert'] = 1// saves a query when off
$TBDEV['sql_error_log'] = ROOT_DIR.'logs'.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'sql_err_'.date('M_D_Y').'.log';
$TBDEV['pic_base_url'] = "./pic/";
$TBDEV['stylesheet'] = "7";
//set this to size of user avatars
$TBDEV['av_img_height'] = 100;
$TBDEV['av_img_width'] = 100;
//set this to size of user signatures
$TBDEV['sig_img_height'] = 100;
$TBDEV['sig_img_width'] = 500;
$TBDEV['bucket_dir'] = ROOT_DIR '/bitbucket'# must be writable for httpd user  
$TBDEV['allowed_ext'] = array('image/gif''image/png''image/jpeg');
$TBDEV['bucket_maxsize'] = 500*1024#max size set to 500kb
//last 24 users online
$TBDEV['last24cache'] = CACHE_DIR.'last24/'.date('dmy').'.txt';
$TBDEV['last24record'] = CACHE_DIR.'last24record.txt';
$TBDEV['happyhour'] = CACHE_DIR.'happyhour'.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'happyhour.txt';
$TBDEV['crazy_title'] ="w00t It's Crazyhour!";
$TBDEV['crazy_message'] ="All torrents are FREE and upload stats are TRIPLED!";

// Set this to the line break character sequence of your system
//$TBDEV['linebreak'] = "\r\n"; // not used at present.
define ('UC_USER'0);
define ('UC_POWER_USER'1);
define ('UC_VIP'2);
define ('UC_UPLOADER'3);
define ('UC_MODERATOR'4);
define ('UC_SYSOP'6);
//Do not modify -- versioning system
//This will help identify code for support issues at
define ('TBVERSION','TBDev_2009_svn');

well this is my config .php of a u232 simple install on localhost with appserv
so my problem is that i could never connect!! i've install with no problem, create my username no problem!!! but i write my i d my password click on the pic and on the cross[x] and back to the same page again and again...
so i look in to the forum and emptied my cookie cache and no way!!!
could you help me please

Bigjoos 4th August 2011 11:23

No need for your file, this one is down to cookie_domain more and likely, some servers need your domain some need it left blank so do the opposite of how you have set now and it will work fine. If its not that then you more and likely have a problem IE no gd installed or your not posting a captcha answer, if it is indeed server setup related refer to your error logs in that case.

dada83 4th August 2011 23:35

thanks for your reply bigjoos
In fact i've looked in my appserver config and there was a problem with php6 so i've taken the appserver with php5 and no problem
this source( u232) look very smart so i'm gonna test the v2 version ( because i've tried to integrate some of your mods in simple version and that doesn't work)
see you on BV

Bigjoos 5th August 2011 07:56

Yeah latest or last AppServ has php6 - use 2.5.10.

stuger 5th August 2011 23:33

Hi ! This was a nice mod. Thanks. But i still have a small problem. I cant use transmission as a seeder since it cant connect to tracker. But utorrent is working well. I use transmission on a synology nas. Ány tips for me ?

martzy 7th August 2011 19:26

Dumb me.

Bigjoos 15th August 2011 14:02

Need to be more specific on Transmission im afraid, first of all you fail to mention what version of the code your running, you dont mention if your using SSL, and only say you cant connect, well there has to be a log somewhere or something no right so i would expect you to maybe dig a little more and provide me with enough information to maybe answer your question.

dada83 15th August 2011 18:41

u232 v2
hello all,
after testing the simple one, i've decided to put the v2 one on a domain!
so i bought a 1and 1 domain and install the v2 version no problem , i'm enough good to do that:nosepick:
and here we are the same problem as many "Memcache Extension not loaded."
the problem is that i don't understand what i've got to do!! have i got to install memcache on the domain? or on my pc????
i know that is sa stupid question but i really don't know

Bigjoos 16th August 2011 00:08

The memcache server should be installed and running on the webserver the codes going on whether that be Windows or Linux.

dada83 16th August 2011 01:01

thanks for your answers
my domain is:
1&1 Dual Essentiel linux
could you explain how to find memcache( to install it)
and how to install it( ftp... mysql...)

Bigjoos 16th August 2011 09:55

Thats something i cant explain because its nothing to do with the source code other than its the main requirement that needs to be on the server, every os flavour is a different procedure, Your going to have to search for an install guide for your flavour IE Cent os, Debian, Unbuntu, Windows.. howtoforge have the best guides usually so just use google like all us guys do and see how you get on.

And thats just the first few that came back from google so you now know what you have to do.

enoeda 23rd August 2011 01:12

how to change templates
in the non-memcached version, how do you change templates?

sorry for dumbness...

Bigjoos 26th August 2011 18:51

Doing the rounds lately looking at who's using U-232 source, so we have a few on the support forum and the frequent here, Btdev, the usual places and they use V2, Imagine our surprise to see these ignorant lying scumbags have done. The assholes name is iseeyoucopy, now that name fits just because what they done.

Me and my friends involved in this project work tirelessly on code all the time and do the work, 3-4 years and more we have invested in this and we despise this pathetic childish carry on, we send out our source code with headers credited all at Tbdev and we specify url for our site and support so when people browse the view source they see who's behind the project and that is what we rely on.. now this asshole has decided he has made U-232 V2 , this is unbelievable because the Muppet is just that.... a simpleton that struggles with basic coding and the have the audacity and nerve to do this to us

This is how we send the code out :


 *  Licence Info: GPL
 *  Copyright (C) 2010 U-232 v.2
 *  A bittorrent tracker source based on
 *  Project Leaders: Mindless,putyn,kidvision.

These fuckers do this :


Go yourself and view source code on my site then go to these scumbags and do the same and see our source code.... stolen and pure disrespect shown, they are dreamers that think they could build a source code and went out there way to edit what they took from my SVN or SMF forum and that is sad, the truth is scary they cant do basic coding lol, i wont tolerate it so be warned you will be banned and will get no support nor friend ship from us :sad:

Thats right iseeyoucopy i will expose your stunt and i have banned you from my forum and Btdev will be next, step on the wrong toes and see it backfire right in your face, Your a sad excuse for a skin and just as well you live hundreds of miles away from me.

martzy 26th August 2011 18:58

btdev is down so i can't find svn address, user, pass.
Could someone help me with u232 V2 memcached?

Bigjoos 26th August 2011 19:07

Use my support forum - the url is on first post, thats where its all controlled, Btdev is secondary to my setup.

martzy 26th August 2011 19:20


An Error Has Occurred!
Your account is still awaiting admin approval.
Could you please activate my account?


CL_Utility 27th August 2011 07:22

Hey Bigjoos
That is a real sad turn of events man, i am not running a tracker but i like fiddling with source code and at on point i had installer 09 memcached v1 as what i was fiddling with and i must say that it is a great source with great work and it is put together by people who were always happy to help.
for someone to remove the credits is just downright disgusting and i sincerely hope they have some major dramas, as any self respecting person will refuse to help them once they see credits removed. i mean you still leave Tbdev credits in, long after there is any real remnants of tbdev but that is how credit works, u give credit to those who deserve it and anyone who contributed in anyway deserves some credit.

these excuses for people need flogging with a whippy stick!

FTWR 2nd September 2011 23:14

It's a good source, but too complicate!! I like "Classic" mod, something like TBSource!!

Bigjoos 3rd September 2011 03:01

Only as complicated as you make it, and standard is not got major work done really just modded, secured, themed.. the new V3 using Mysqli and .tpl also exploring Memcached as well as Memcache thats complicated :-P

lloot 4th September 2011 12:01

im trying to install v2 i did chmod to 0777 but still get error to chmod to 0777 thx

x360zone 4th September 2011 13:20

how are you trying to cmod through ftp sftp or main cpanel

lloot 4th September 2011 13:54


Originally Posted by x360zone (Post 29857)
how are you trying to cmod through ftp sftp or main cpanel


x360zone 4th September 2011 15:07

i can have a look for you if needed ill send my msn

xDev 6th September 2011 19:03

if you told all on how to install this and do not say go to first post lol you have sad in the theads to install in dif ways as for your config announce you are saying rename it then your saying do not rename it which is it and you should do a proper install note as ive looked at the one you done it says dif you what your saying in theads:muscle:

Bigjoos 7th September 2011 00:39

Look i told you already under your other guise i have no wish to tell anyone nothing
if you cant work it out its not for you, your not advanced enough so please go away.

Joe 7th September 2011 01:03

I have installed this on many sever Developer and never had any trouble .
I also made a few themes for the source so if you understand php and willing to learn then you will not have any trouble !

Other then that go away please your taken up space for others to learn :D

System 10th September 2011 15:49

Erorr staffpanel
Does anyone have any idea how I can set its access to staffpanel if we added classes in addition to U-232 source

KrackerMan 10th September 2011 16:21


Originally Posted by System (Post 29939)
Does anyone have any idea how I can set its access to staffpanel if we added classes in addition to U-232 source

Make there user class after 4 and then add there name to the config file

System 10th September 2011 18:04


Originally Posted by KrackerMan (Post 29941)
Make there user class after 4 and then add there name to the config file


//==User class defines
define ('UC_USER', 0);
define ('UC_POWER_USER', 1);
define ('UC_VIP', 2);
define ('UC_UPLOADER', 3);
define ('UC_MODERATOR', 4);
define ('UC_ADMINISTRATOR', 5);
define ('UC_SYSOP', 6);
define ('UC_SL', 7);
define ('UC_TECH', 8);
define ('UC_CODER', 9);
define ('UC_MIN', 0); // minimum class
define ('UC_MAX', 9); // maximum class
define ('UC_STAFF', 4); // start of staff classes

So I do not go

System 10th September 2011 18:12


Originally Posted by Developer (Post 29945)
what a mess how do you think this will work you fraggle

PHP Code:

 *   Licence Info: GPL
 *   Copyright (C) 2010 Installer09 v.2
 *   A bittorrent tracker source based on
 *   Project Leaders: Mindless,putyn,kidvision.
error_reporting(E_ALL); //== turn off = 0 when live
$INSTALLER09['char_set']='UTF-8';//also to be used site wide in meta tags
if (ini_get('default_charset') != $INSTALLER09['char_set']){
/* Compare php version for date/time stuff etc! */
if (version_compare(PHP_VERSION"5.1.0RC1"">="))
$INSTALLER09['time_adjust'] =  0;
$INSTALLER09['time_offset'] = '0'
$INSTALLER09['time_use_relative'] = 1;
$INSTALLER09['time_use_relative_format'] = '{--}, h:i A';
$INSTALLER09['time_joined'] = 'j-F y';
$INSTALLER09['time_short'] = 'jS F Y - h:i A';
$INSTALLER09['time_long'] = 'M j Y, h:i A';
$INSTALLER09['time_tiny'] = '';
$INSTALLER09['time_date'] = '';
//== DB setup
$INSTALLER09['mysql_host'] = 'localhost';
$INSTALLER09['mysql_user'] = 'System';
$INSTALLER09['mysql_pass'] = '123456';
$INSTALLER09['mysql_db']   = 'bazadedate';
//== Cookie setup
$INSTALLER09['cookie_prefix']  = ''// This allows you to have multiple trackers, eg for demos, testing etc.
$INSTALLER09['cookie_path']    = '';   // ATTENTION: You should never need this unless the above applies eg: /tbdev
$INSTALLER09['cookie_domain']  = ''// set to eg: or is subdomain set to:
$INSTALLER09['domain'] = '';
$INSTALLER09['site_online'] = 1;
$INSTALLER09['tracker_post_key'] = 'lsdflksfda4545frwe35@kk';
$INSTALLER09['max_torrent_size'] = 3*1024*1024;
$INSTALLER09['announce_interval'] = 60 30;
$INSTALLER09['signup_timeout'] = 86400 3;
$INSTALLER09['autoclean_interval'] = 900;
$INSTALLER09['autoslowclean_interval'] = 28800;
$INSTALLER09['autoslowclean_interval2'] = 57600;
$INSTALLER09['lotteryclean_interval'] = 259200;
$INSTALLER09['autobackup_interval'] = 86400;
$INSTALLER09['optimizedb_interval'] = 172800;
$INSTALLER09['docleanup'] = 1;
$INSTALLER09['doslowcleanup'] = 1;
$INSTALLER09['doslowleanup2'] = 1;
$INSTALLER09['lotterycleanup'] = 0;
$INSTALLER09['optimizedb'] = 1;
$INSTALLER09['dobackup'] = 1;
$INSTALLER09['minvotes'] = 1;
$INSTALLER09['max_dead_torrent_time'] = 3600;
$INSTALLER09['language'] = 'en';
$INSTALLER09['user_ratios'] = 1;
$INSTALLER09['bot_id'] = 2;
$INSTALLER09['forums_online'] = 1;
$INSTALLER09['autoshout_on'] = 1;
$INSTALLER09['seedbonus_on'] = 1;
$INSTALLER09['maxsublength'] = 100;
$INSTALLER09['votesrequired'] = 15;
//== Memcache expires
$INSTALLER09['expires']['latestuser'] = 0// 0 = infinite  
$INSTALLER09['expires']['MyPeers_'] = 120// 60 = 60 seconds 
$INSTALLER09['expires']['unread'] = 86400// 86400 = 1 day 
$INSTALLER09['expires']['alerts'] = 0;  // 0 = infinite
$INSTALLER09['expires']['user_cache'] = 900;  // 900 = 15 min
$INSTALLER09['expires']['forum_posts'] = 0;  // 900 = 15 min
$INSTALLER09['expires']['torrent_comments'] = 900;  // 900 = 15 min
$INSTALLER09['expires']['latestposts'] = 0;  // 900 = 15 min
$INSTALLER09['expires']['top5_torrents'] = 0// 0 = infinite
$INSTALLER09['expires']['last5_torrents'] = 0// 0 = infinite 
$INSTALLER09['expires']['iphistory'] = 900;  // 900 = 15 min
$INSTALLER09['expires']['newpoll'] = 0;  // 900 = 15 min
$INSTALLER09['expires']['curuser'] = 900;  // 900 = 15 min
$INSTALLER09['expires']['genrelist'] = 30*86400// 30x86400 = 30 days
$INSTALLER09['expires']['poll_data'] = 0// 300 = 5 min
$INSTALLER09['expires']['torrent_data'] = 900// 900 = 15 min
$INSTALLER09['expires']['user_flag'] = 86400*28// 900 = 15 min
$INSTALLER09['expires']['shit_list'] = 900// 900 = 15 min
$INSTALLER09['expires']['port_data'] = 900// 900 = 15 min
$INSTALLER09['expires']['user_peers'] = 900// 900 = 15 min
$INSTALLER09['expires']['user_friends'] = 900// 900 = 15 min
$INSTALLER09['expires']['user_hash'] = 900// 900 = 15 min
$INSTALLER09['expires']['user_blocks'] = 900// 900 = 15 min
$INSTALLER09['expires']['hnr_data'] = 300// 900 = 15 min
$INSTALLER09['expires']['snatch_data'] = 300// 900 = 15 min
$INSTALLER09['expires']['user_snatches_data'] = 300// 900 = 15 min
$INSTALLER09['expires']['staff_snatches_data'] = 300// 900 = 15 min
$INSTALLER09['expires']['user_snatches_complete'] = 300// 900 = 15 min
$INSTALLER09['expires']['completed_torrents'] = 300// 300 = 5 min
$INSTALLER09['expires']['activeusers'] = 60// 60 = 1 minutes
$INSTALLER09['expires']['last24'] = 3600// 3600 = 1 hours
$INSTALLER09['expires']['activeircusers'] = 300// 900 = 15 min
$INSTALLER09['expires']['birthdayusers'] = 43200//== 43200 = 12 hours
$INSTALLER09['expires']['news_users'] = 3600// 3600 = 1 hours
$INSTALLER09['expires']['user_invitees'] = 900// 900 = 15 min
$INSTALLER09['expires']['ip_data'] = 900// 900 = 15 min
$INSTALLER09['expires']['latesttorrents'] = 0;  // 0 = infinite
$INSTALLER09['expires']['invited_by'] = 900// 900 = 15 min
$INSTALLER09['expires']['user_torrents'] = 900// 900 = 15 min
$INSTALLER09['expires']['user_seedleech'] = 900// 900 = 15 min
$INSTALLER09['expires']['radio'] = 0// 0 = infinite 
$INSTALLER09['expires']['total_funds'] = 0// 0 = infinite
$INSTALLER09['expires']['latest_news'] = 0// 0 = infinite
$INSTALLER09['expires']['site_stats'] = 300// 300 = 5 min
$INSTALLER09['expires']['share_ratio'] = 900// 900 = 15 min
$INSTALLER09['expires']['checked_by'] = 0// 0 = infinite 
$INSTALLER09['expires']['latest_news_tpl'] = 0// 0 = infinite
$INSTALLER09['expires']['latesttorrents_tpl'] = 0;  // 0 = infinite
$INSTALLER09['expires']['latestposts_tpl'] = 0;  // 0 = infinite
//== Latest posts limit
$INSTALLER09['latest_posts_limit'] = 5//query limit for latest forum posts on index
//latest torrents limit
$INSTALLER09['latest_torrents_limit'] = 5;
/** Settings **/
$INSTALLER09['reports']      = 1;// 1/0 on/off
$INSTALLER09['karma']        = 1;// 1/0 on/off
$INSTALLER09['textbbcode']   = 1;// 1/0 on/off
//== Max users on site
$INSTALLER09['maxusers'] = 5000// LoL Who we kiddin' here?
$INSTALLER09['invites'] = 3500// LoL Who we kiddin' here?
$INSTALLER09['openreg'] = true//==true=open, false = closed
$INSTALLER09['openreg_invites'] = true//==true=open, false = closed
$INSTALLER09['failedlogins'] = 5// Maximum failed logins before ip ban
$INSTALLER09['flood_time'] = 900//comment/forum/pm flood limit
$INSTALLER09['readpost_expiry'] = 14*86400// 14 days
$INSTALLER09['language'] = 'en';
/** define dirs **/
$INSTALLER09['cache'] = ROOT_DIR.'cache';
$INSTALLER09['backup_dir'] = INCL_DIR.'backup';
$INSTALLER09['dictbreaker'] = ROOT_DIR.'dictbreaker';
$INSTALLER09['torrent_dir'] = ROOT_DIR.'torrents'# must be writable for httpd user   
$INSTALLER09['bucket_dir'] = ROOT_DIR .'bitbucket'# must be writable for httpd user 
$INSTALLER09['flood_file'] = INCL_DIR.'settings'.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'limitfile.txt';
$INSTALLER09['nameblacklist'] = ROOT_DIR.'cache'.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'nameblacklist.txt';
# the first one will be displayed on the pages
$INSTALLER09['announce_urls'] = array();
$INSTALLER09['announce_urls'][] = 'http://localhost/announce.php';
$INSTALLER09['announce_urls'][] = 'http://localhost/announce.php_https';
if (
$_SERVER["HTTP_HOST"] == "")
$INSTALLER09['baseurl'] = 'http'.(isset($_SERVER['HTTPS']) && (bool)$_SERVER['HTTPS'] == true 's':'').'://'$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'];
//==Auto confirm no email
//== 0 and false = email off
define ('EMAIL_CONFIRM',1);
$INSTALLER09['send_email'] = true;
//== Email for sender/return path.
$INSTALLER09['site_email'] = '';
$INSTALLER09['site_name'] = 'Ufo-22';
$INSTALLER09['xhtml_strict'] = 0;          // enable for all users
$INSTALLER09['xhtml_strict'] = 'Username'// enable for one user
$INSTALLER09['msg_alert'] = 1// saves a query when off
$INSTALLER09['report_alert'] = 1// saves a query when off
$INSTALLER09['staffmsg_alert'] = 1// saves a query when off
$INSTALLER09['uploadapp_alert'] = 1// saves a query when off
$INSTALLER09['sql_error_log'] = ROOT_DIR.'logs'.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'sql_err_'.date('M_D_Y').'.log';
$INSTALLER09['pic_base_url'] = "./pic/";
$INSTALLER09['stylesheet'] = "1";
//== set this to size of user avatars
$INSTALLER09['av_img_height'] = 100;
$INSTALLER09['av_img_width'] = 100;
//== set this to size of user signatures
$INSTALLER09['sig_img_height'] = 100;
$INSTALLER09['sig_img_width'] = 500;
$INSTALLER09['bucket_dir'] = ROOT_DIR '/bitbucket'# must be writable for httpd user  
$INSTALLER09['allowed_ext'] = array('image/gif''image/png''image/jpeg');
$INSTALLER09['bucket_maxsize'] = 2048*2048#max size set to 500kb
$INSTALLER09['happyhour'] = CACHE_DIR.'happyhour'.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'happyhour.txt';
$INSTALLER09['crazy_title'] ="w00t It's Crazyhour!";
$INSTALLER09['crazy_message'] ="All torrents are FREE and upload stats are TRIPLED!";
//==User class defines
define ('UC_USER'0);
define ('UC_POWER_USER'1);
define ('UC_VIP'2);
define ('UC_UPLOADER'3);
define ('UC_MODERATOR'4);
define ('UC_SYSOP'6);
define ('UC_SL'7);
define ('UC_TECH'8);
define ('UC_CODER'9);
define ('UC_MIN'0);   // minimum class
define ('UC_MAX'9);   // maximum class
define ('UC_STAFF'4); // start of staff classes
//==View source code
$INSTALLER09['staff_viewcode_on'] = false;
//==Class check by pdq
$INSTALLER09['site']['owner'] = 1;
//== Salt - change this
$INSTALLER09['site']['salt2'] = 'jgutyshjsajk';
//= Change staff pin daily or weekly
$INSTALLER09['staff']['staff_pin'] = 'uFg40y3Iufqo99'// should be mix of u/l case and min 12 chars length
//== Staff forum ID for autopost
$INSTALLER09['staff']['forumid'] = 2// this forum ID should exist and be a staff forum
//==Important security settings below
//==Add all your Staff ids
$INSTALLER09['allowed_staff']['id'] = array(1,2);
//== Add ALL staff names before you promote them
$INSTALLER09['staff']['allowed'] = array( 'System'    => 1,
'Admin'     => 2);
define ('TBVERSION','U-232_V2');

Bigjoos 10th September 2011 18:27

Edit staffpanel.php and add the new class to the allowed classes array.

I advise you to keep your big mouth shut Developer...

System 10th September 2011 18:54


Originally Posted by Bigjoos (Post 29948)
Edit staffpanel.php and add the new class to the allowed classes array.

I advise you to keep your big mouth shut Developer...

PHP Code:

 *   Licence Info: GPL
 *   Copyright (C) 2010 Installer09 v.2
 *   A bittorrent tracker source based on
 *   Project Leaders: Mindless,putyn,kidvision.
* Staff panel for the TBDEV source code                          *
* -------------------------------------------------------------- *
* An easy to config staff panel for different staff classes,     *
* with different options for each class, like add, edit, delete  *
* the pages and to log the actions.                              *
* -------------------------------------------------------------- *
*                                 *
* @Conversion: Bigjoos for TBDEV.NET 09                          *
* @copyright: Alex2005                                           *
* @package: Staff Panel                                          *
* @category: Staff Tools                                         *
* @version: v2 30/06/2010                                     *
* @license: GNU General Public License                           *
//==Class checker by pdq
$lang array_mergeload_language('global') );

$staff_classes = array(
UC_MODERATOR         => array('add' => false,     'edit' => false,     'delete' => false,       'log' => true),
UC_ADMINISTRATOR     => array('add' => false,     'edit' => false,     'delete' => false,       'log' => true),
UC_SYSOP             => array('add' => true,     'edit' => true,     'delete' => true,        'log' => false)
UC_SL                  => array('add' => true,     'edit' => true,     'delete' => true,
UC_TECH              => array('add' => true,     'edit' => true,     'delete' => true,
UC_CODER             => array('add' => true,     'edit' => true,     'delete' => true,        'log' => false)

    if (!isset(
$staff_classes[$CURUSER['class']]) || !$CURUSER)
stderr('Error''Access Denied!');
* Staff classes config
* UC_XYZ  : integer -> the name of the defined class
* Options for a selected class
** add    : boolean -> enable/disable page adding
** edit   : boolean -> enable/disable page editing
** delete : boolean -> enable/disable page deletion
** log    : boolean -> enable/disable the loging of the actions
* @ result $staff_classes array();
* @ new $staff_tools array add in following format : 'delacct'         => 'delacct',

$action = (isset($_GET['action']) ? $_GET['action'] : (isset($_POST['action']) ? $_POST['action'] : NULL));
$id = (isset($_GET['id']) ? (int)$_GET['id'] : (isset($_POST['id']) ? (int)$_POST['id'] : NULL));
$class_color = (function_exists('get_user_class_color') ? true false);

$tool = (isset($_GET['tool']) ? $_GET['tool'] : (isset($_POST['tool']) ? $_POST['tool'] : NULL));
$tool = isset($_GET['tool']) ? $_GET['tool'] : '';
$staff_tools = array('bans'            => 'bans'
'adduser'         => 'adduser'
'stats'           => 'stats'
'delacct'         => 'delacct'
'testip'          => 'testip'
'usersearch'      => 'usersearch'
'mysql_overview'  => 'mysql_overview'
'mysql_stats'     => 'mysql_stats',
'shistory'     => 'shistory'
'categories'      => 'categories'
'docleanup'       => 'docleanup',
'log'             => 'log',
'news'            => 'news',
'freeleech'       => 'freeleech',
'freeusers'       => 'freeusers',
'donations'     => 'donations',
'slotmanage'     => 'slotmanage',
'failedlogins'     => 'failedlogins',
'cheaters'     => 'cheaters',
'inviteadd'     => 'inviteadd',
'flush'     => 'flush',
'themes'          => 'themes',
'editlog'          => 'editlog',
'reset'          => 'reset',
'iphistory'          => 'iphistory',
'ipsearch'          => 'ipsearch',
'ipcheck'          => 'ipcheck',
'inactive'          => 'inactive',
'snatched_torrents'    => 'snatched_torrents',
'events'          => 'events',
'bonusmanage'          => 'bonusmanage',
'floodlimit'          => 'floodlimit',
'stats_extra'     => 'stats_extra',
'polls_manager' => 'polls_manager',
'findnotconnectable'     => 'findnotconnectable',
'namechanger'     => 'namechanger',
'backup'     => 'backup',
'pmview' => 'pmview',
'reports' => 'reports',
'nameblacklist'   => 'nameblacklist',
'system_view'   => 'system_view',
'datareset'   => 'datareset',
'grouppm'   => 'grouppm',
'load'   => 'load',
'allagents'   => 'allagents',
'massbonus'   => 'massbonus',
'sysoplog'   => 'sysoplog',
'query_editor'   => 'query_editor',
'forum_manage'   => 'forum_manage',  
'forum_config'   => 'forum_config',  
'over_forums'   => 'over_forums',  
'member_post_history'   => 'member_post_history'
'groupmessage'   => 'groupmessage',
'comment_overview'   => 'comment_overview',
'mega_search'   => 'mega_search',
'shit_list'   => 'shit_list',
'acpmanage'   => 'acpmanage',
'rules'   => 'rules',
'cheat'   => 'cheat',
'warn'   => 'warn',
'leechwarn'   => 'leechwarn',
'hnrwarn'   => 'hnrwarn',
'bookings'   => 'bookings',
'cleanup_manager'   => 'cleanup_manager',
'view_peers'   => 'view_peers',
'uploader_info'   => 'uploader_info',                    
'block.settings'   => 'block.settings'
    if (
in_array($tool$staff_tools) and file_exists(ADMIN_DIR.$staff_tools[$tool].'.php')) {
    if (
$action == 'delete' && is_valid_id($id) && $staff_classes[$CURUSER['class']]['delete'])
$sure = ((isset($_GET['sure']) ? $_GET['sure'] : '') == 'yes');

$res sql_query('SELECT av_class'.(!$sure || $staff_classes[$CURUSER['class']]['log'] ? ', page_name' '').' FROM staffpanel WHERE id = '.sqlesc($id)) or sqlerr(__FILE____LINE__);
$arr mysql_fetch_assoc($res);
      if (
$CURUSER['class'] < $arr['av_class'])
stderr('Error''You are not allowed to delete this page.');
      if (!
stderr('Sanity check''Are you sure you want to delete this page: "'.htmlspecialchars($arr['page_name']).'"? Click <a href="'.$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'?action='.$action.'&id='.$id.'&sure=yes">here</a> to delete it or <a href="'.$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'">here</a> to go back.');

sql_query('DELETE FROM staffpanel WHERE id = '.sqlesc($id)) or sqlerr(__FILE____LINE__);
      if (
        if (
write_log('Page "'.$arr['page_name'].'"('.($class_color '<font color="#'.get_user_class_color($arr['av_class']).'">' '').get_user_class_name($arr['av_class']).($class_color '</font>' '').') was deleted from the staff panel by <a href="/userdetails.php?id='.$CURUSER['id'].'">'.$CURUSER['username'].'</a>('.($class_color '<font color="#'.get_user_class_color($CURUSER['class']).'">' '').get_user_class_name($CURUSER['class']).($class_color '</font>' '').')');
header('Location: '.$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']);
stderr('Error''There was a database error, please retry.');
    else if ((
$action == 'add' && $staff_classes[$CURUSER['class']]['add']) || ($action == 'edit' && is_valid_id($id) && $staff_classes[$CURUSER['class']]['edit']))
$names = array('page_name''file_name''description''av_class');

     if (
$action == 'edit')
$res sql_query('SELECT '.implode(', '$names).' FROM staffpanel WHERE id = '.sqlesc($id)) or sqlerr(__FILE____LINE__);
$arr mysql_fetch_assoc($res);
     foreach (
$names as $name)
$name htmlspecialchars((isset($_POST[$name]) ? $_POST[$name] : ($action == 'edit' $arr[$name] : '')));
     if (
$action == 'edit' && $CURUSER['class'] < $av_class)
stderr('Error''You are not allowed to edit this page.');
     if (
$errors = array();
        if (empty(
$errors[] = 'The page name cannot be empty.';
        if (empty(
$errors[] = 'The filename cannot be empty.';
        if (empty(
$errors[] = 'The description cannot be empty.';
        if (!isset(
$errors[] = 'The selected class is not a valid staff class.';
        if (!
is_file($file_name.'.php') && !empty($file_name) && !preg_match('/.php/'$file_name))
$errors[] = 'Inexistent php file.';
        if (
strlen($page_name) < && !empty($page_name))
$errors[] = 'The page name is too short (min 4 chars).';
        if (
strlen($page_name) > 80)
$errors[] = 'The page name is too long (max 30 chars).';
        if (
strlen($file_name) > 80)
$errors[] = 'The filename is too long (max 30 chars).';
        if (
strlen($description) > 100)
$errors[] = 'The description is too long (max 100 chars).';
        if (empty(
            if (
$action == 'add')
$res sql_query("INSERT INTO staffpanel (page_name, file_name, description, av_class, added_by, added) ".
"VALUES (".implode(", "array_map("sqlesc", array($page_name$file_name$description, (int)$av_class, (int)$CURUSER['id'], time()))).")");
                if (!
                    if (
mysql_errno() == 1062)
$errors[] = "This filename is already submited.";
$errors[] = "There was a database error, please retry.";
$res sql_query("UPDATE staffpanel SET page_name = ".sqlesc($page_name).", file_name = ".sqlesc($file_name).", description = ".sqlesc($description).", av_class = ".sqlesc((int)$av_class)." WHERE id = ".sqlesc($id)) or sqlerr(__FILE____LINE__);
                if (!
$errors[] = "There was a database error, please retry.";
            if (empty(
                if (
write_log('Page "'.$page_name.'"('.($class_color '<font color="#'.get_user_class_color($av_class).'">' '').get_user_class_name($av_class).($class_color '</font>' '').') in the staff panel was '.($action == 'add' 'added' 'edited').' by <a href="/userdetails.php?id='.$CURUSER['id'].'">'.$CURUSER['username'].'</a>('.($class_color '<font color="#'.get_user_class_color($CURUSER['class']).'">' '').get_user_class_name($CURUSER['class']).($class_color '</font>' '').')');
header('Location: '.$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']);

$HTMLOUT .= begin_main_frame();
    if (!empty(
$HTMLOUT .= stdmsg('There '.(count($errors)>1?'are':'is').' '.count($errors).' error'.(count($errors)>1?'s':'').' in the form.''<b>'.implode(''$errors).'</b>');
$HTMLOUT .="";

$HTMLOUT .="<form method='post' action='{$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']}'>
    <input type='hidden' name='action' value='
{$action}' />";
    if (
$action == 'edit')
$HTMLOUT .="<input type='hidden' name='id' value='{$id}' />";
$HTMLOUT .="<table cellpadding='5' width='100%' align='center'>
    <tr class='colhead'>
    <td colspan='2'>
.($action == 'edit' 'Edit "'.$page_name.'"' 'Add a new').' page'."</td>
    <td class='rowhead' width='1%'>Page name</td><td align='left'><input type='text' size='50' name='page_name' value='
{$page_name}' /></td>
    <td class='rowhead'>Filename</td><td align='left'><input type='text' size='50' name='file_name' value='
{$file_name}' /><b></b></td>
    <td class='rowhead'>Description</td><td align='left'><input type='text' size='50' name='description' value='
{$description}' /></td>
    <td class='rowhead'><span style='white-space: nowrap;'>Available for</span></td>
    <td align='left'>
    <select name='av_class'>"
     foreach (
$staff_classes as $class => $value)
     if (
$CURUSER['class'] < $class)
$HTMLOUT .= '<option'.($class_color' style="background-color:#'.get_user_class_color($class).';"' '').' value="'.$class.'"'.($class == $av_class ' selected="selected"' '').'>'.get_user_class_name($class).'</option>';
$HTMLOUT .="</select>
     <table class='main'>
     <td align='center'></td>
     <td style='border:none;' align='center'><input type='submit' value='Submit' /></td>
     <td style='border:none;'>
     <form method='post' action='
{$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']}'><input type='submit' value='Cancel' /></form>
$HTMLOUT .= end_main_frame(); 
stdhead('Staff Panel :: '.($action == 'edit' 'Edit "'.$page_name.'"' 'Add a new').' page') . $HTMLOUT stdfoot();
$HTMLOUT .= begin_main_frame();
$HTMLOUT .="<h1 align='center'>Welcome {$CURUSER['username']} to the Staff Panel!</h1>";

      if (
$HTMLOUT .= stdmsg('Options''<a href="staffpanel.php?action=add" title="Add a new page">Add a new page</a>');
$HTMLOUT .="";
$res sql_query('SELECT staffpanel.*, users.username '.
'FROM staffpanel '.
'LEFT JOIN users ON = staffpanel.added_by '.
'WHERE av_class <= '.sqlesc($CURUSER['class']).' '.
'ORDER BY av_class DESC, page_name ASC') or sqlerr(__FILE____LINE__);
    if (
mysql_num_rows($res) > 0)
$db_classes $unique_classes $mysql_data = array();
    while (
$arr mysql_fetch_assoc($res))
$mysql_data[] = $arr;
        foreach (
$mysql_data as $key => $value)
$db_classes[$value['av_class']][] = $value['av_class'];
        foreach (
$mysql_data as $key => $arr)
$end_table = (count($db_classes[$arr['av_class']]) == $i true false);

            if (!
in_array($arr['av_class'], $unique_classes))
$unique_classes[] = $arr['av_class'];

$HTMLOUT .="<table cellpadding='5' width='100%' align='center'". (!isset($staff_classes[$arr['av_class']]) ? 'style="background-color:#000000;"' '').">
      <td colspan='4' align='center'>
.($class_color '<font color="#'.get_user_class_color($arr['av_class']).'">' '').get_user_class_name($arr['av_class']).' Panel'.($class_color '</font>' '')."</h2>
      <tr align='center'>
      <td class='colhead' align='left' width='100%'>Page name</td>
      <td class='colhead'><span style='white-space: nowrap;'>Added by</span></td>
      <td class='colhead'><span style='white-space: nowrap;'>Date added</span></td>"
      if (
$staff_classes[$CURUSER['class']]['edit'] || $staff_classes[$CURUSER['class']]['delete'])
$HTMLOUT .="<td class='colhead'>Links</td>";
$HTMLOUT .="</tr>";
$HTMLOUT .="<tr align='center'>
            <td align='left'>
      <a href='"
.htmlspecialchars($arr['file_name'])."' title='".htmlspecialchars($arr['page_name'])."'>
.htmlspecialchars($arr['page_name'])."</a><font class='small'>".htmlspecialchars($arr['description'])."</font>
          <a href='userdetails.php?id="
      <span style='white-space: nowrap;'>"
.get_date($arr['added'], 'LONG',0,1)."</span>
            if (
$staff_classes[$CURUSER['class']]['edit'] || $staff_classes[$CURUSER['class']]['delete'])
$HTMLOUT .="<td>
      <span style='white-space: nowrap;'>"
            if (
$HTMLOUT .="<b>[</b><a href='staffpanel.php?action=edit&id=".(int)$arr['id']."' title='Edit'>E</a><b>]</b>";
          if (
$HTMLOUT .="<b>[</b><a href='staffpanel.php?action=delete&id=".(int)$arr['id']."' title='Delete'>D</a><b>]</b>";
$HTMLOUT .="</span>
$HTMLOUT .="</tr>";
            if (
$HTMLOUT .="</table>";
$HTMLOUT .= stdmsg('Sorry''Nothing found.');
$HTMLOUT .= end_main_frame(); 
stdhead("Staff Panel") . $HTMLOUT stdfoot();

Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_STRING, expecting ')' in C:\xampp\htdocs\staffpanel.php on line 41

line 41 UC_SL => array('add' => true, 'edit' => true, 'delete' => true,

Bigjoos 10th September 2011 19:00

PHP Code:

$staff_classes= array(
UC_MODERATOR         => array('add' => false,     'edit' => false,     'delete' => false,     'log' => true),
UC_ADMINISTRATOR     => array('add' => false,     'edit' => false,     'delete' => false,     'log' => true),
UC_SYSOP             => array('add' => true,     'edit' => true,     'delete' => true,        'log' => false),
UC_SL                  => array('add' => true,     'edit' => true,     'delete' => true'log' => false),
UC_TECH              => array('add' => true,     'edit' => true,     'delete' => true,        'log' => false),
UC_CODER             => array('add' => true,     'edit' => true,     'delete' => true,        'log' => false)

Pay attention when editing stuff and replicate exactly what is there already, you had 4 odd syntax errors there

System 10th September 2011 19:07


Originally Posted by Bigjoos (Post 29950)
PHP Code:

$staff_classes= array(
UC_MODERATOR         => array('add' => false,     'edit' => false,     'delete' => false,     'log' => true),
UC_ADMINISTRATOR     => array('add' => false,     'edit' => false,     'delete' => false,     'log' => true),
UC_SYSOP             => array('add' => true,     'edit' => true,     'delete' => true,        'log' => false),
UC_SL                  => array('add' => true,     'edit' => true,     'delete' => true'log' => false),
UC_TECH              => array('add' => true,     'edit' => true,     'delete' => true,        'log' => false),
UC_CODER             => array('add' => true,     'edit' => true,     'delete' => true,        'log' => false)

Pay attention when editing stuff and replicate exactly what is there already, you had 4 odd syntax errors there

a good job thanks! DHT is another thing ..... can put this source?

and if so ... tell me steps?:drink:

Bigjoos 10th September 2011 19:09

DHT no - its set up as a private tracker, DHT is not a good idea unless your a public tracker.

System 10th September 2011 19:12


Originally Posted by Bigjoos (Post 29952)
DHT no - its set up as a private tracker, DHT is not a good idea unless your a public tracker.

Well I want to make the private but to make a separate page and for it

Beta version ...... have more themes can be taken from that and put on that?
I love this source!

Bigjoos 10th September 2011 19:32

Sign up on my forum and you get access to all modifications and themes available, link is on first post.

cooly 12th September 2011 22:37

Nice one :) another thing u could do to it to get a better template system is to add smarty template and it would be really simple since most of the code is in $HTMLOUT

for example in index.php at start...


require_once ROOT_DIR.'/smarty/smarty.class.php';
$index = new Smarty;
//$index->debugging = true; //optional
//$index->caching = true;  //optional
//$index->cache_lifetime = 120;//optional

Then at the end...


$index->assign("content",stdhead('Home') . $HTMLOUT . stdfoot($stdfoot),true);

and define your template path in the smarty class just a thought :)

Bigjoos 13th September 2011 03:59

Unique .tpl system is being built for V3, the functions use memcache, V3 uses Mysqli as well, still a long way to go but thats whats happening right now.

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