Bravo List

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-   -   TBDevRU 3.2 (

franky2008 28th January 2010 18:28

can anyone help me to put the theme of this source on my tracker ?

ElemenT^ 30th January 2010 14:07

i have the problem

Parse error: syntax error, unexpected $end in C:\xampp\htdocs\index.php on line 341

tunetu 30th January 2010 17:05

I get the same error :|


Parse error: syntax error, unexpected $end in D:\Programe\xampp\htdocs\index.php on line 341
At that line its just a ?>

Can someone help ?! Thx.

Jack747 30th January 2010 18:07

I have a problem. I have the file with the username and password included, but they don't work. And I have also found the username and password in the config.php file but neither this one works. Any help? :sos:

Kovee 31st January 2010 21:43

I tested this version, but i have problem.
(i tesdted on localhost with xampp)

the problem is - signup-takesignup.php


Warning: mail() [function.mail]: Failed to connect to mailserver at "localhost" port 25, verify your "SMTP" and "smtp_port" setting in php.ini or use ini_set() in \htdocs\takesignup.php on line 150

Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at \htdocs\takesignup.php:150) in \htdocs\include\bittorrent.php on line 486

Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at \htdocs\takesignup.php:150) in \htdocs\include\bittorrent.php on line 487

Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at \htdocs\takesignup.php:150) in \takesignup.php on line 185

xDev 31st January 2010 21:46

i would take the email off so members can just log on site with out having to wait for a email from site

Kovee 31st January 2010 21:50

Nothing. Sorry for admins!


Originally Posted by Zuby (Post 18935)
in include/config.php set

$use_captcha = "0";

That's great, but

I can not click on the register

raptalitu 3rd February 2010 15:01

Flatbakan please post your work here if you still have it :D

Zuby 4th February 2010 12:47


Just installed this source. It works great. But I have a small problem.  When I'm downloading a torrent, I'm not getting a .torrent but an unkown  file called TorrentName (1)
Anybody got a clue?

who knows to fix this ? it's sending only on IE, on other browsers works fine.

ajax 5th February 2010 11:00

[TBDev] Warning: set_time_limit()
Hy all! Now i use: TBDev RU 3.2 :secret:

I have an error on my index page, not always but ~ 10 times on 100 times refresh index.php,my error:
PHP Code:

Warning:  set_time_limit() has been disabled for security reasons  in /home/********/public_html/****/include/cleanup.php on line 8 

So,i try enable/disable this 'set_time_limit' with '1/0' but nothing change! :sorry:

Zuby 5th February 2010 17:47


Originally Posted by ajax (Post 20511)
Hy all! Now i use: TBDev RU 3.2 :secret:

I have an error on my index page, not always but ~ 10 times on 100 times refresh index.php,my error:
PHP Code:

Warning:  set_time_limit() has been  disabled for security reasons  in  /home/********/public_html/****/include/cleanup.php on line 8 

So,i try enable/disable this 'set_time_limit' with '1/0' but nothing change! :sorry:

check your php.ini configuration, if u are using webhost contact staff for enable set_time_limit .. i think this is the fix

underx 5th February 2010 20:59

I got

Parse error: syntax error, unexpected $end in C:\xampp\htdocs\tbdevru\index.php on line 341
in that line there is only ?>

here is my index.php:
PHP Code:



$a = @mysql_fetch_assoc(@mysql_query("SELECT id,username FROM users WHERE status='confirmed' ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 1")) or die(mysql_error());
if (
$latestuser "<a href=userdetails.php?id=" $a["id"] . ">" $a["username"] . "</a>";
$latestuser $a['username'];

$registered number_format(get_row_count("users"));
$torrents number_format(get_row_count("torrents"));

$r mysql_query("SELECT value_u FROM avps WHERE arg='seeders'") or sqlerr(__FILE____LINE__);
$a mysql_fetch_row($r);
$seeders $a[0];
$r mysql_query("SELECT value_u FROM avps WHERE arg='leechers'") or sqlerr(__FILE____LINE__);
$a mysql_fetch_row($r);
$leechers $a[0];
if (
$leechers == 0)
$ratio 0;
$ratio round($seeders $leechers 100);
$peers number_format($seeders $leechers);
$seeders number_format($seeders);
$leechers number_format($leechers);

$dt gmtime() - 180;
$dt sqlesc(get_date_time($dt));
$res mysql_query("SELECT id, username, class FROM users WHERE last_access >= $dt ORDER BY username") or print(mysql_error());

while (
$arr mysql_fetch_assoc($res))
$donator $arr["donated"] > 0;
  if (
$activeusers .= "<nobr>";
  if (
$activeusers .= "<a href=userdetails.php?id=" $arr["id"] . " title=" get_user_class_name($arr["class"]) . "><b>" get_user_class_color($arr["class"], $arr["username"]) . "</b></a>&nbsp;";
$activeusers .= "<b>" get_user_class_color($arr["class"], $arr["username"]) . "</b>";
  if (
$activeusers .= "<img src=\"{$pic_base_url}star.gif\" alt='Donated $$arr[donated]'></nobr>";
if (!
$activeusers "There have been no active users in the last 15 minutes :'(";


"<table width=737 class=main border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0><tr><td class=embedded>");

if (

if (
$CURUSER['donor'] == "yes")
$medaldon "<img src=\"pic/star.gif\" alt=\"Donor\" title=\"Donor\">";
if (
$CURUSER['warned'] == "yes")
$warn "<img src=\"pic/warned.gif\" alt=\"Warned\" title=\"User warned\">";



$datum[hours] = sprintf("%02.0f"$datum[hours]);

$datum[minutes] = sprintf("%02.0f"$datum[minutes]);

$uped mksize($CURUSER['uploaded']);

$downed mksize($CURUSER['downloaded']);

if (
$CURUSER["downloaded"] > 0)


$ratio $CURUSER['uploaded'] / $CURUSER['downloaded'];

$ratio number_format($ratio3);

$color get_ratio_color($ratio);

if (

$ratio "<font color=$color>$ratio</font>";



if (
$CURUSER["uploaded"] > 0)

$ratio "Inf.";


$ratio "---";

if (
$CURUSER['donor'] == "yes")

$medaldon "<img src=pic/star.gif alt=donor title=donor>";

if (
$CURUSER['warned'] == "yes")

$warn "<img src=pic/warned.gif alt=warned title=warned>";

//// check active torrents ///////////////////////

$res2 mysql_query("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM peers WHERE userid=" $CURUSER["id"] . " AND seeder='yes'") or print(mysql_error());

$row mysql_fetch_row($res2);

$activeseed $row[0];

$res2 mysql_query("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM peers WHERE userid=" $CURUSER["id"] . " AND seeder='no'") or print(mysql_error());

$row mysql_fetch_row($res2);

$activeleech $row[0];

//// end

<!-- //////// start the statusbar ///////////// -->


<table align="center" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" border="0" style="width:90%">
<td class="tablea"><table align="center" style="width:879" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0">
<td class="bottom" align="left"><span style="text-decoration: none;" class="smallfont"><b>Greetings:&nbsp; <a href="userdetails.php?id=<?=$CURUSER['id']?>"><?=get_user_class_color($CURUSER['class'], $CURUSER['username'])?></a></b><?=$medaldon?><?=$warn?><? if ($CURUSER["class"] > UC_MODERATOR) { ?>&nbsp;[<a href="staffpanel.php">Staff Panel</a>]<? }?>&nbsp;[<a href="friends.php">Friends</a>]&nbsp;[<a href="my.php">Profile</a>]&nbsp;[<a onClick="return confirm('Are you sure you want to logout?')" href="logout.php">Logout</a>]<br/>

<font color=1900D1>Ratio:</font> <?=$ratio?>&nbsp;&nbsp;<font color=green>Uploaded:</font> <font color=black><?=$uped?></font>&nbsp;&nbsp;<font color=darkred>Downloaded:</font> <font color=black><?=$downed?></font>&nbsp;&nbsp;<font color=1900D1>Active Torrents:&nbsp;</font></span> <img alt="Torrents seeding" title="Torrents seeding" src="pic/arrowup.gif">&nbsp;<font color=black><span class="smallfont"><?=$activeseed?></span></font>&nbsp;&nbsp;<img alt="Torrents leeching" title="Torrents leeching" src="pic/arrowdown.gif">&nbsp;<font color=black><span class="smallfont"><?=$activeleech?></span></font></td>
$res mysql_query("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM messages WHERE receiver=" $CURUSER["id"] . " AND location IN ('in', 'both')") or print(mysql_error());
$arr mysql_fetch_row($res);
$messages $arr[0];
$res mysql_query("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM messages WHERE receiver=" $CURUSER["id"] . " AND location IN ('in', 'both') AND unread='yes'") or print(mysql_error());
$arr mysql_fetch_row($res);
$unread $arr[0];
$res mysql_query("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM messages WHERE sender=" $CURUSER["id"] . " AND location IN ('out', 'both')") or print(mysql_error());
$arr mysql_fetch_row($res);
$outmessages $arr[0];

if (
"<td class='bottom' align='right'>");
"<span style=\"text-decoration: none;\"  class=smallfont><a href=inbox.php><a href=inbox.php><img height=16px style=border:none alt=sentbox title=sentbox src=pic/pn_inboxnew.gif>$inboxpic</a> $messages ($unread New)</span>");
if (
"<span style=\"text-decoration: none;\" class=smallfont>&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href=inbox.php?out=1><img height=16px style=border:none alt=sentbox title=sentbox src=pic/pn_sentbox.gif></a> $outmessages</span>");
"<span style=\"text-decoration: none;\" class=smallfont>&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href=inbox.php?out=1><img height=16px style=border:none alt=sentbox title=sentbox src=pic/pn_sentbox.gif></a> 0</span>");
"<td class='bottom' align='right'>");
"<span style=\"text-decoration: none;\" class=smallfont><a href=inbox.php><img height=16px style=border:none alt=inbox title=inbox src=pic/pn_inbox.gif></a> 0</span>");
if (
"<span style=\"text-decoration: none;\" class=smallfont>&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href=inbox.php?out=1><img height=16px style=border:none alt=sentbox title=sentbox src=pic/pn_sentbox.gif></a> $outmessages</span>");
"<span style=\"text-decoration: none;\" class=smallfont>&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href=inbox.php?out=1><img height=16px style=border:none alt=sentbox title=sentbox src=pic/pn_sentbox.gif></a> 0</span>");
"&nbsp;<a href=friends.php><img style=border:none alt=Buddylist title=Buddylist src=pic/buddylist.gif></a>");
"&nbsp;<a href=getrss.php><img style=border:none alt=RSS title=RSS src=pic/rss.gif></a>");


<? } else {?>

<table width=889 border=1 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0><tr><td align=center>
<table align=left width=46% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=5><tr><td style="border:none" align=left>
<table class=main border=1 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=5>

print("<h2>Recent news");

if (
get_user_class() >= UC_ADMINISTRATOR)
" - <font class=small><a  class=altlink href=news.php><b>[News page]</b></a></font>");
$res mysql_query("SELECT * FROM news WHERE ADDDATE(added, INTERVAL 45 DAY) > NOW() ORDER BY added DESC LIMIT 3") or sqlerr(__FILE____LINE__);

if (
mysql_num_rows($res) > 0)
{    print(
"<table width=100% border=1 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=2><tr>\n");
$array mysql_fetch_assoc($res))
"<div class=\"accordion\"><h3>" gmdate("Y-m-d",strtotime($array['added'])) . "</h3>" "<p>" format_comment($array['body']));
    if (
get_user_class() >= UC_ADMINISTRATOR)
" <font size=\"-2\"><a class=altlink href=news.php?action=edit&newsid=" $array['id'] . "&returnto=" urlencode($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']) . "><img style='border: none' alt='Edit' title='Edit news' src='pic/pen.gif'/></a></font>");
" <font size=\"-2\"><a class=altlink href=news.php?action=delete&newsid=" $array['id'] . "&returnto=" urlencode($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']) . "><img style='border: none' alt='Delete' title='Delete' src='pic/delete.gif'/></a></font>");


<table align=right width=40% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0><tr><td align=right>
<div id=stats><font class=small><div style="text-align: justify;"><table width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=7><tr><td style="border:none" align=center>
<table class=main style="border:none" cellspacing=0 cellpadding=5>
<?if (isset($peers)) {?>
get_row_count("peers""WHERE seeder='yes'");
$warned_users number_format(get_row_count("users""WHERE warned = 'yes'"));
$leechers get_row_count("peers""WHERE seeder='no'");
$unverified number_format(get_row_count("users""WHERE status='pending'"));
$uploaders number_format(get_row_count("users""WHERE class=".UC_UPLOADER));
$golds number_format(get_row_count("users""WHERE class=".UC_GOLD));
<tr><td class=rowhead>Registered Users</td><td align=right><?=$registered?></td></tr>
<tr><td class=rowhead>Warned Users</td><td align=right><?=$warned_users?></td></tr>
<tr><td class=rowhead>Unconfirmed users</td></td><td align=right><?=$unverified?></td></tr>
<tr><td class=rowhead><font color=gold>Gold</font></td><td align=right><?=$golds?></td></tr>
<tr><td class=rowhead>Upploaders</td><td align=right><?=$uploaders?></td></tr>
<? ?>
<td width=\"52%\" align=center style="border:none">
<table class=main border=10 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=5><tr><td class=rowhead>Torrents</td><td align=right><?=$torrents?></td></tr>
<tr><td class=rowhead><font color=green>Seeders</font></td><td align=right><?=$seeders?></td></tr>
<tr><td class=rowhead><font color=red>Leechers</font></td><td align=right><?=$leechers?></td></tr>
<tr><td class=rowhead>Total downloaded</td><td align=right><?=mksize($totaldownloaded)?></td></tr>
<tr><td class=rowhead>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Total uploaded</td><td align=right><?=mksize($totaluploaded)?></td></tr>
</td></tr></table><form method='get' action=browse.php>
&nbsp;&nbsp; <input type='ext' name='search' size='51' onfocus="if(this.value=='Click here if you want to search...') this.value='';" onblur="if(this.value=='') this.value='Click here if you want to search...';" value="Click here if you want to search..." style="color:#888888; font-style: italic;"/>
<input type='submit' value='Search'/></form>

<table width=889 border=1 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=10><tr><td align=Left>
<b>Newest torrents</b>
mysql_query("SELECT,, categories.point_class, tags_settings.word_color AS color, tags_settings.word_size AS size FROM categories LEFT JOIN tags_settings ON categories.point_class = ORDER BY id");

$tags mysql_fetch_assoc($tag_list))

$tag .= "<span onclick=\"getTagDetails('" .$tags["id"]. "', '" .$tags["name"]. "');\"
                style='cursor: pointer;" 
.($tags["color"] ? "color: " .$tags["color"]. ";" "") . 
$tags["size"] ? "font-size: " .$tags["size"]. "0%;" ""). "
.$tags["name"]. "

<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript" src="js/ajax.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">

    function getTagDetails(tId, tName)
         var ajax = new tbdev_ajax();
        ajax.onShow ('');
         var varsString = "";
         ajax.requestFile = "getTagDetails.php";
         ajax.setVar("tagId", tId);
         ajax.setVar("tagName", tName);
         ajax.method = 'POST';
         ajax.element = 'tagDetails';
<div id="loading-layer"></div>

.= "<div id='tagDetails'>Choose a category.</div><hr size=\"1\" noshade color=\"#D4D4D4\">";
$content .= $tag;

get_user_class() >= UC_ADMINISTRATOR)
$content .= "<hr size=\"1\" noshade color=\"#D4D4D4\"><center><a href='tags_admin.php'><font size=1.5>Adjust parameters</font></a></center>"
    print (

<?if ($online_on == "1") { ?>
<table width=889 border=1 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=10><tr><td align=Left>
<div class="news-head folded clickable"><b>Users online</b></font></div><div class="news-body">
<font class=small>
<center><font class=small>Welcome to our newest member, <b><?=$latestuser?></b>!</font></center>
<font class=small><font color=#0F6CEE>SysOP</font> | <font color=#009900>Admin</font> | <font color=#cc0000>Moderator</font> | <font color=gold>Gold</font> | <font color=orange>Uploaders</font> | <font color=#ff99ff>VIP</font> | Users</font></font>

<table width=889 border=1 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=10><tr><td align=Left>

echo "<marquee onmouseover=this.stop() onmouseout=this.start() scrollAmount=1.8 direction=up width='100%' height='100'>";

<p><font class=small>None of the files shown here are actually hosted on this server. The links are provided solely by this site's users. These BitTorrent files are meant for the distribution of backup files. By downloading the BitTorrent file, you are claiming that you own the original file. The administrator of this site ( <font color=#cc0000>Yourname here</font> ) holds NO RESPONSIBILITY if these files are misused in any way and cannot be held responsible for what its users post, or any other actions of its users. For controversial reasons, if you are affiliated with any government, ANTI-Piracy group or any other related group, or were formally a worker of one you CANNOT download any of these BitTorrent files. You may not use this site to distribute or download any material when you do not have the legal rights to do so. It is your own responsibility to adhere to these terms.</font></p>



// Variables for Start Time
$mtime microtime(); // Get Current Time
$mtime explode (" "$mtime); // Split Seconds and Microseconds  
$mtime $mtime[1] + $mtime[0];  // Create a single value for start time
$tstart $mtime// Start time

// Variables for Start Time
$mtime microtime();
$mtime explode (" "$mtime);
$mtime $mtime[1] + $mtime[0];
$tend $mtime// End time
$totaltime = ($tend $tstart);
printf ("Executed in %f seconds!"$totaltime);

Kovee 6th February 2010 14:26

After I registered one after you have registered, the file is empty takesignup to give whiteness.
Takesignup someone attach their own files which is good?

Muikku 7th February 2010 15:23

I can't singup or login in TBDevRU 3.2 at all ! How i can login in tracker or how i can create new admin for my self???
If i singup ihave this
Signup failed!

Registration impossible!

And login nick and password not work!
Please help me i want test that source :D

sirusuk 9th February 2010 07:57


Originally Posted by Muikku (Post 20590)
I can't singup or login in TBDevRU 3.2 at all ! How i can login in tracker or how i can create new admin for my self???
If i singup ihave this
Signup failed!

Registration impossible!

And login nick and password not work!
Please help me i want test that source :D

i have simular problem cant login with admin & 123456 OR admin & BVLIST
i can register a new account and im myphpadmin change the class

but can not log in at all any help please :wallbash:

Login failed!
Username or password incorrect

chanserv 9th February 2010 23:26

I get also the same problem as others :

Parse error: syntax error, unexpected $end in C:\xampp\htdocs\tbdevru\index.php on line 341
please if somone can help or post a working index.php

underx 10th February 2010 18:18

given admin login and pass don't work !!
when I tried to register a new account It says :

Signup failed!
Registration impossible!

and I got those errors :

Deprecated: Function ereg() is deprecated in C:\xampp\htdocs\tbdevru\include\bittorrent.php on line 301

Deprecated: Function ereg() is deprecated in C:\xampp\htdocs\tbdevru\include\bittorrent.php on line 309

Deprecated: Function ereg() is deprecated in C:\xampp\htdocs\tbdevru\include\bittorrent.php on line 313

Deprecated: Function ereg() is deprecated in C:\xampp\htdocs\tbdevru\include\bittorrent.php on line 319

Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at C:\xampp\htdocs\tbdevru\include\bittorrent.php:301) in C:\xampp\htdocs\tbdevru\include\bittorrent.php on line 399

please how the fix this ?

ajax 14th February 2010 19:33

Failure: Invalid peer_id (21 --...)

I have an error in my bittorent client,when i upload a torrent and download it for seed.
I use: TBDev RU 3.2



ramzes 15th February 2010 20:53

perhaps by uTorrent versions 2.0?

ajax 17th February 2010 03:45

The problem resolved long ago! :muscle:

Who put my post here? :smack:

It's a TBDev error,not only for TBDev RU 3.2!
Every day someone cries that go torrents, all the movement here? "At least it would be announced .. :sad:

simalingur 17th February 2010 11:32

How can I remove this or just move it?

Im installing new themes and this is in my way.


Phogo 18th February 2010 14:50

There is cross site scripting available on this source in the following files:


The POST variable test has been set to [img]JaVaScRiPt:alert(517721760607)[/img]

then again in redir xxs by uri

This XSS variant usually appears when a PHP script is using one of following variables without filtering them:

ajax 27th February 2010 08:20

What is the blocked bittorrent client list? :unknown:
Or no blocked clients? :shock:

extremervd 25th June 2010 13:24


Signup failed!

  Registration impossible!

WTFWTF please help

xpl0ziv 27th June 2010 09:57

How to fix Registration inpossible.

After you uploaded TbDevRU in your hosting and also imported the database in your mysql , go to the table users and delet the admin username.

After that go to your domain name hit sign up and create a username , the script will automaticaly recognize you as the sys op of that tracker, after that everything will work just greate.

well not everything , could anyone tell me what is the problem and how do i fix it ?

I have created a .torrent with my utorrent client and after i did the update tracker option i got this error :

Failure : Invalid passkey (0-) .
What in the moon dose this mean and how exactly can i fix it?

Muikku 27th June 2010 13:52


Originally Posted by Flatbakan (Post 21116)

When you think that was ready to relase??

wMan 27th June 2010 17:02

whate page on index and on sign up car`nt it when click the do it to
well i think ive said it white screen on the index and signup there car`nt make a acc lol this code is not doing the do :muscle:

Subzero 30th June 2010 01:46


Originally Posted by falcon (Post 23787)
well i think ive said it white screen on the index and signup there car`nt make a acc lol this code is not doing the do :muscle:

Falcon.....First of all let me say if your so good at php ect that you can criticize other people all the time then you fix it but we all know you wont just proves my take my advise shut it grab a coffee and stop being a troll because you are really starting to get my back up with all your hate posts! :lol:

To all others this code runs fine on my local host but i shall install it again and have another gander at it :)

DND 26th August 2010 10:06

i think it is a great release ..
it needs some work but it is great

vedroboy 29th August 2010 00:43

i can not click on the sing up butten and the admin login is with false password.
admin with 123456 are incorrect
admin with BVLIST are incorrect

how to fix the error with the sign up button

chanclas 29th August 2010 03:16


Originally Posted by vedroboy (Post 24210)
i can not click on the sing up butten and the admin login is with false password.
admin with 123456 are incorrect
admin with BVLIST are incorrect

how to fix the error with the sign up button

Register a new user, and then in phpmyadmin change user level to Sysop.

vedroboy 29th August 2010 10:20


Originally Posted by chanclas (Post 24211)
Register a new user, and then in phpmyadmin change user level to Sysop.

LOL, i have write in the message before, is not possible to register a new user, the Sign Up button is deactive

igorios 29th August 2010 18:44

vrati capchu i onda ces moci da uradis registraciju ako ne onda moras iz signup da izbrises query za pozivanje capche

vedroboy 29th August 2010 21:11


Originally Posted by igorios (Post 24222)
vrati capchu i onda ces moci da uradis registraciju ako ne onda moras iz signup da izbrises query za pozivanje capche

Thank you verry much

After the returning the captcha i have a new problem. I register and i can click on sign up but i get the next error

Signup failed!

Registration impossible!

Anyone know how to fix this?

franky2008 3rd September 2010 23:13

me to
You can change email of acount admin ( in phpmyadmin) the recover your password . to me it worked

Why this error ?

I'm using TbDev Ru 3.2.

And also i can't register a new account ...


Signup failed!

Registration impossible!

Federal 7th September 2010 21:52

Flatbakan. What is status at your project ? Give us picture or something. :D

Wolf 9th September 2010 02:46

PLS Help
Help PLS

Warning:  stdfoot(themes/TBDev/foot.php) [function.stdfoot]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/content/include/bittorrent.php on line 445

Fatal error:  stdfoot() [function.require]: Failed opening required 'themes/TBDev/foot.php' (include_path='.:/usr/local/lib/php') in /home/content/include/bittorrent.php on line 445

line 445 require_once("themes/$ss_uri/foot.php");

oglvlad 10th November 2010 05:59

please heelp
it write Sysop Account successfully activated!and then it gives me error.... :(


Warning:  Missing argument 2 for stdmsg(), called in /home/a7315824/public_html/ok.php on line 21 and defined in /home/a7315824/public_html/include/global.php on line 51

Ripparinn 5th April 2011 05:29


I've just signed up as SysOp, and now when someone other than the first user sign up they have an error.


Signup failed!

Registration impossible!

How the heeeell can i fix this stuff ? :S

bolzen 15th April 2011 21:49

i had these error too and i canīt relogin "Username or password incorrect":unknown:

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