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Bigjoos 27th October 2008 14:28

Ok design boy what ever you say - I would pay to see what you could produce... that means the source code not the design .. LoL - Your an expert coder like most off course that knows what there talking about - You know the saying if you dont like it you know what to do eh !!

Fynnon 27th October 2008 14:35

I like general view, i like it has lots of mods i would want if i`d run a tracker, the important thing is its functionality and seems to be ok so far only the subdomain support should be implemented (if it`s not done already)

the gives the feeling its unfinished but knowing this is still a BETA product its know poeople less artistic skilled will ask you for Premade Themes, the others will just do it themselves

i respect your work and think it will be great source when you`ll finish it ~ :ok:

PS You don`t have to be sorrow after criticism...everybody is entitled to have a sincere point of view

djlee 27th October 2008 22:38


Originally Posted by ANDiTKO (Post 5950)
wow.This script is a big mess.Its hard to navigate and the design is terrible.I still prefer the original TBDev ;-)

only to those who havent worked with the source long enough ... ive looked at many sources both tracker a non tracker and a lot at first look like there a mess. function files everywhere, bad coding structure ect .. however once you get used to its design it just looks like any other source code .. plus the more messier a source code looks at first .. usually the more optimisation has been a key factor in its development (unless a complete n00b has coded it of course and then its just a mess full stop lol)

shuirulai 29th October 2008 05:38

thanks.i just need this.

Morbidawn 29th October 2008 18:42

It`s a problem with Advance Account Manager
It doesent work for me it says nothing here :-s :sorry:

wMan 29th October 2008 19:01

what doesnt maybe add a pic here :sun:

peoncoder 29th October 2008 20:02

I was looking for a source code that has seeding time integrated into the code.

This one seems to have that.

But something is missing in userdetails.php.

When doing select mysql query for the "snatched stuff" row, there is this in that query for the seeding time:
"UNIX_TIMESTAMP(sn.seedtime) AS s_t, sn.seedtime,..."

But the data is never used anywhere in the page.

In staff panel when displaying links for the pages, $BASEURL is never used so if you are using Sub-Dir, the link will not point to the right URL.

On the line around 290 I replaced this

PHP Code:

<tr align="center">
<td align="left">
<a href="/<?php echo rawurlencode($arr['file_name']); ?>.php"  title="<?php echo safechar($arr['page_name']); ?>"><?php echo safechar($arr['page_name']); ?></a><font class="small"><?php echo safechar($arr['description']); ?></font>

with this:

PHP Code:

<tr align="center">
<td align="left">
<a href="<?php echo $filename?>"  title="<?php echo safechar($arr['page_name']); ?>"><?php echo safechar($arr['page_name']); ?></a><font class="small"><?php echo safechar($arr['description']); ?></font>

Bigjoos 30th October 2008 12:22


Originally Posted by peoncoder (Post 6048)
I was looking for a source code that has seeding time integrated into the code.

This one seems to have that.

But something is missing in userdetails.php.

When doing select mysql query for the "snatched stuff" row, there is this in that query for the seeding time:
"UNIX_TIMESTAMP(sn.seedtime) AS s_t, sn.seedtime,..."

But the data is never used anywhere in the page.

I suggest you look closer peoncoder - you'll find seedtime and leechtime are both dispalyed on the staff snatchlist. And for sub-dir support well thats a user preference to install to sub-dir - the code is commented out on bittorrent.php and im leaving that to the user to decide - personally i would never install to sub-dir .. - I may do the edits for final version so its compatible on both but its not a priority i'll apply that to final release.

Grom 2nd November 2008 05:48

I have a problem.
I correct data in my announce
I try seeding torent in my utorrent 1/6 or utorrent 1.7 or my webseed torrent flux in site seeders leechers 0-0
Not show seeder...
this error in my client
In using this torrent you are bound by the 'Cyber Drugarcine' Confidentiality Agreement By Law

Krypto 2nd November 2008 12:07

Is the Client Banned? Check the part in the Admin Section, just to be sure.

Bigjoos 2nd November 2008 14:00

Sounds to me like your missing the announce interval define on bittorrent.php - if your not getting an error in client - copy the define of announce.php and add beside the other config variables on bittorrent.php.

Grom 2nd November 2008 15:32

hm...i this error in my client
error: rejected by tracker - torrent not registered with this tracker

Krypto 2nd November 2008 18:59

Add this at the the top of bittorrent.php if you dont have it next to the other config variables

PHP Code:

$h date("H");
         if (
$h >= 01 && $h <= 06//When to save some load.
$announce_interval 60 60//60 min update in announce - Night
$announce_interval 60 30// 30 min update in announce - Day 

Grom 2nd November 2008 20:08

2 Attachment(s)
i put code and not working in my clinet this error
error: rejected by tracker - torrent not registered with this tracker

please me help

My files announce and bittorrent..can me help...correct code and i try in my site

Krypto 3rd November 2008 01:41

1 Attachment(s)
Try this.

Grom 3rd November 2008 08:39

1 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by Krypto (Post 6191)
Try this.


error: rejected by tracker - torrent not registered with this tracker
now this error

greet announce fixed working now

1)how disable captcha pin login page and
2)i this error

Fatal error: Call to undefined function format_comment() in /hermes/bosweb/web156/b1560/d5.edinedina/drugari/themes/default/stdhead.php on line 466

Bigjoos 4th November 2008 11:32

format_comment ?
im suspecting that your undefined error is due to the file your accessing and getting that error on not having at the top

PHP Code:


stuger 4th November 2008 12:40

Where can i remove menu items ? long time ago it was in bittorrent.php i think, but cant find it now....

Bigjoos 4th November 2008 13:01

You can find the menu in themes/default/stdhead.php also themes/large/stdhead.php.

dgran98 5th November 2008 16:34

so does this source support any themes ( phpnuke torrentstrike etc ) or do we make our own? I'll make my own anyways but I hate looking at white until i get it done ;)

Bigjoos 5th November 2008 17:19

i ported btit klima theme - and about 10 torrentstrike themes as well - you add your sql then add the theme to the themes folder and ensure that the stylesheet is added to include/cache/stylesheet.php exact same format as default and large

Grom 7th November 2008 18:58

1 Attachment(s)
UPDATE users online in index.php
find code
PHP Code:

<table align="center" border="1" width="760">
h2><center>User&#39;s Online</center></h2> 

afterr add code
PHP Code:

<center><b><font color=#0000FF>User</font> |<font color=#FFFFFF>Power User</font> | <font color=#FFFF00>VIP</font> |  <font color=#408080>Uploader</font> |<font color=#FF00FF>Moderator</font> |  <font color=#FF0000>Adminstrator</font> | <img src=\"images/vlasnici.gif\"> <font color=#00FF00>SySop</font> |<font color=#00FFFF>Coder</font></center> 

info:edit color in my code #408080 in online users to colors your class

Colors your class find in folder include files user_functions.php


Fooker 7th November 2008 22:46

adding user classes
could anyone plz tell me how i can add my own user classes like Owner ?

Slatkis 7th November 2008 22:54

Can somebody post SQL install.sql beacuse tjis sql not works

Grom 8th November 2008 01:11


Originally Posted by Fooker (Post 6410)
could anyone plz tell me how i can add my own user classes like Owner ?

go to phpmyadmin sql users and find nick and set class 7

Krypto 8th November 2008 01:53


Originally Posted by Fooker (Post 6410)
could anyone plz tell me how i can add my own user classes like Owner ?

Open include/user_functions.php and add your classes to these functions:-

function get_user_class_name($class)
function get_user_class_color($class)
function get_user_class_image($class)

kp380lv 8th November 2008 19:39

How can i normal remade theme if default has gray field! lol

Code good but.. Theme sucks

I hate that..


I made new theme for this source;)

krelac 9th November 2008 03:29

It`s possible to move users account and torrents from btitraker to this version.

djlee 9th November 2008 03:38

its possible to move users from anything to anywhere .. if your looking for a automated script then i dont think there is one.. but basically you export the current database of users .. then you compare the btit fields with the tbdev ones. if btit has gender but tbdev doesnt then you kno you cant send that field over to tbdev .. if btit has a field called sex and tbdev has gender then you may be able to do just send the data to the new field.

krelac 9th November 2008 18:24


Originally Posted by Krypto (Post 6420)
Open include/user_functions.php and add your classes to these functions:-

function get_user_class_name($class)
function get_user_class_color($class)
function get_user_class_image($class)

Thanx,but how to add new class in the database.

I alredy find ansver.

underx 12th November 2008 20:53

external torrents are allowed or not ?
if not how can I add external torrent to tracker ?

Bigjoos 13th November 2008 17:10

I built it with external torrents from the start but removed it due to the seeds dropping off after cleanup - however any external had an icon on browse which once pressed scrapped and refreshed proper seed count - I had it work with the site passkey system - it recorded on stats and was fine when downloading from mininova ect showed like 10'000 seeds as listed on mininova - check out the avps entries im sure i left the external entry there - i'll post how you add this mod later.

kristaps 13th November 2008 18:12

u have any updated version ?
i think the version available to download in the first post is not the latest...

Bigjoos 13th November 2008 19:00

updates ?
Yes i have - But the code is in Beta stage - Most updates are posted on Tbdev in the Tbdev installer section - Your on your own till its a stable release ! - The updates are easly applied and i cant see why any one would struggle with it - If your are struggling that code aint for you.

ScenePirate 21st November 2008 19:41

Excellent source
but maybe you can let me know what is going wrong... I looked into the source under the hood but it is a tad bit over my head I commented out the places for sub-dir install but still there are php errors also there is no way to modify the cats in the admin panel :(

Grom 22nd November 2008 22:47

1 Attachment(s)
file missed in scripts ipsearch.php
put ipsearch.php in attachment script or put in your root site

empereur 24th November 2008 12:08

I think that update would be nice with all the corrections made above

Bigjoos 24th November 2008 14:33

I'll be updating the Beta installer on Tbdev this week with all patches and fixes applied.

ScenePirate 4th December 2008 14:59

well.. it's "past" this week... and no updated" any "status"?

Bigjoos 5th December 2008 15:42


Originally Posted by ScenePirate (Post 7210)
well.. it's "past" this week... and no updated" any "status"?

Well im " busy " - i do this in my free time - it will be updated when im ready. Any half decent coder wouldnt need it updated anyway. Post like yours just proves to me what your all about.

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